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One less Ateez reaction? I’m sad! 🥺 but looking forward to Kingdom!

Nina Sera

Ateez came out Saturday, it’s just the way the odd number days played out.

Laura 💙

omg i love &team's drop the dance!




Umm.... question?, are the boyz part of lore or am I just confused


I think they’re part of lore but this month (January) is 4Riety Month where they’re only doing variety from 4 most requested groups (ZB1, Ateez, BoyNextDoor and &Team) and like beloved birthdays(?) Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong


Shauni is right - like we explained at the beginning of the month, we focused on four groups to catch up with during January. :)

Elizabeth Seravello

will we get to learn the beloved of the month is for FEB this week??

Maribeth Bristol-McCord

Sad to not see ATEEZ anymore. Hopefully won't wait too much longer. I've been dying to see y'all react to the Unit Songs and more of their variety shows. BUT, I'm excited for Kingdom, Not Me, My Personal Weathroom, Adam's Attic lol. And everything else this week, thank y'all so much for everything! I smile wider and happier listening to y'alls wise words. ♡♡♡♡


Oh will we get any more ateez later?

S u n f l o w e r

Aah que emoción ❤️ tendré contenido de mis Bnd, &team, not me y scoy ❤️




yayyy I’m glad to see zb1 back in, subbed to ur patreon for them because I love seeing y’all relatable reactions to them (and bl ofc)


You guys should react to ATEEZ Stressor Things!

Crystal World

you guys should watch singles inferno s4


I couldn't find tbz in the suggestions box :(


omg thank you for reminding me! since it was closed post their BotM, i just completely spaced on adding it - it's there now, though!


It's totally okay <3 ty!! Love your content🤍


since they said it was the last f ateez for variety catch up,, how lonf will it be till they react to more ateez content?