Hello! We hope you are feeling great today! We're super happy to let you know that the short video of the month is ready! We remind you, and we strongly ask, not to share the video by other means, so that more people can join our Patreon and thus improve our quality and speed! :) Hope you like it! Have a nice day 😋❤️❤️ You can access it at this link: https://mega.nz/folder/1M9BCZiY#zagjsSFovMaYpxU-TT83KQ
Showing 301 - 350 of 22051
"Shower Thoughts" Page 16! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ue5lzm7js9jlp7r/Page%2016_en.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/etfg4e9k4rc3q51/Page%2016_es.png?dl=0
"Shower Thoughts" Page 22! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b16u1b8ors4ypgo/Page%2022_en.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7i38lrfafgikbom/Page%2022_es.png?dl=0
Comic2 new page! Page 27! https://www.dropbox.com/s/46dsizgrs03gjw9/FB%20page%2027.jpg?dl=0
"Family Memories" Page 19! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nvrlkwhpxecaf7r/Page%2019_en.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8n7q1jmi1zanbiq/Page%2019_es.png?dl=0 Page 20 (WIP)! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cmpybsb5a4cjt4h/Page%2020_en.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wjwmfs8tiuueek6/Page%2020_es.png?dl=0
"Family Memories" Page 11! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1c1csuurywouy0v/Page%2011_en.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qdqvncvlcnkdvfx/Page%2011_es.png?dl=0 Page 12 (WIP)! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qq2rqiwytg0t2tq/Page%2012_en.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyp7hj5a8d34pow/Page%2012_es.png?dl=0
"Shower Thoughts" (Extra pages)! Page 21! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zg0k2hh2kzs0d59/Page%2021_en.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4odjk3mizusqv17/Page%2021_es.png?dl=0
Comic2 new page! Page 32! https://www.dropbox.com/s/zw2e36jm10kcrm5/FB%20page%2032.jpg?dl=0
"'Comic2' - Side pages" There I'll be publishing some extra pages about what is happening on other side of the story! https://www.dropbox.com/s/zu7vp9jegdx2ih4/FB%20page%20A6_EN.png?dl=0
Here is the February Exclusive link as well Feb mega.nz/folder/0moF1baB#KjiFB1qMlsPqk7Jgm3xaLw
if not I can send you an invite link
Okay I'll just say that I did a double page this week mostly because Im going to do a lot of text next pages so you don't have to wait a lot for more and more text! Comic2 new page! Page 48! https://www.dropbox.com/s/3e7z3fk8yleu9dm/FB%20page%2048.jpg?dl=0
Alternative link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ccv6odmgpbiix0414rgrc/h?rlkey=wiuc60hictcmatjpzhga16czo&dl=0
Heya! I just wanted to let you know that I released a new update to By Your Hands recently. It adds part 2 of Kamil's Day 5 to the game. I hope you consider becoming a patron again!
Hello! 😘💖 We hope you're doing well! :) The Pin-ups of this month are ready for Aubergine Tiers! This week, the characters available for you are Prince Zuko, Viperion, Robin, and Tadashi :) Please, Enjoy! https://mega.nz/folder/wUtS2IiA#UTsr1ALOS1hU9kWACgETXQ We want to apologize to all of you. We will make a post about it, but we have also to say it here. We have had a really difficult month with one of us seriously ill and the other having to take care of him, that is why we are so late with this month, but please be patient, we will deliver everything that corresponds to the month of October (The Dash x Alejandro Animated Video, 2 sets of Illustrations as a couple, and the 8 sets of Pin-ups Illustrations) in the remainder of the month and at the beginning of November. Again, we sincerely apologize, we hate being late as much as you might feel!🥺😭😭
"Family Memories" Page 12! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qq2rqiwytg0t2tq/Page%2012_en.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyp7hj5a8d34pow/Page%2012_es.png?dl=0 Page 13 (WIP)! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/csz1tjtnwj5uzvh/Page%2013_en.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ta4pwpuknyp4o7/Page%2013_es.png?dl=0
Hello guys: Sorry for late this reward: TFL - Mobile Version for the April reward folder *** Please check your April rewards Folder~! *** Reward for 5,10 and 15$ Patrons supporting during April. 2 files: .apk (476mb) .jks Thanks for your support! ❤️
Comic2 new page! Page 29! https://www.dropbox.com/s/fxtu45f4resvnp3/FB%20page%2029.jpg?dl=0
Hello there! If you're seeing this message this means you're eligible to download and play Just Friends build [] However, due to leaks, the current builds are now password-protected. Before I give you the password, I have a few things to ask: - If you see anyone asking on Patreon for a password, tell them to ask me directly. - If you see anyone asking for Passwords outside Patroen, do not give it to them, please. To play the current build all they need to do is help the project with 6USD (which I lose around 3 both for Patreon and Paypal). Tell them to support the game instead or to go to the free itch.io website and download the public release there for free. Thank you so much for understanding. Here's the current build link and it's password: Build: Download Link: https://mega.nz/folder/GJtXXRQQ#SzcDkvbTjtHAN8M8S8tybA Password: 067035/alloynonsupporttwisterAlforeBzLV7VncmCA732EE67621B111585juneridB85CBB2B1B There are no spaces, so be careful with that. Thank you so much for your support! In case you can't unlock the file, remember to try to install winrar or winzip, if there's still a problem, there's a slight change your windows system is the problem, in that case try to unpack the file on a laptop or other system. Note: There's a cheat-sheet in the link for you to download, it's updated up to build
Comic2 new page! Page 40! https://www.dropbox.com/s/jy9cy0boglq95yt/FB%20page%2040.jpg?dl=0
Comic2 new page! Page 29! https://www.dropbox.com/s/j22jssstf9p9fyq/FB%20page%2030.jpg?dl=0
Comic2 new page! Page 28! https://www.dropbox.com/s/0k2fxd6u2pe4qbn/FB%20page%2028.jpg?dl=0
Comic2 new page! Page 26! https://www.dropbox.com/s/gzu7jxfrjfy7j2s/FB%20page%2026.jpg?dl=0
"Risky Business." Page 12! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qhzc0d7lsyftvkb/Page%2012.jpg?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7eoqnifllndw3js/Page%2012_es.jpg?dl=0
Hello :D! The new base reward is here: SKETCHB00K! 2018 https://mega.nz/folder/gUBXxarS#evT0G-T03SP1RfKhjeH6KA Since BWP 1 and 2 are no longer available, this is the new welcome reward for all patrons :) Thank you for the support! ❤️
"Risky Business." Page 10! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3hioifb3bedrye8/Page%2010.jpg?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8bqf36hjpa6r6ra/Page%2010_es.jpg?dl=0
"A bonding trip." Page 9! ENGLISH: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i9mmr6iehqogacf/Page%209%20en.png?dl=0 Español: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ldkv9sl43ivxox/Page%209%20es.png?dl=0
"A bonding trip." Page 7! And the winner of the poll is...! ENGLISH: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b69m8ynd2epyc6g/Page%207%20en.png?dl=0 Español: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d8jq4johhivk5bm/Page%207%20es.png?dl=0
TFL Ver 4.9 ⚔️ April Reward ⚔️ GoogleDrive Temporal Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RfrQ-4mTIEhAJIiNNPALEKNIURERmKfC?usp=sharing For some reason I'm having trouble connecting to Mega Cloud, so I temporarily upload the game file to Googledrive ❤️️ Thank you very much for your patience. Update details: Episode 1 includes a new intro for Marduk (you will need to delete your save files if you want to watch episodes 1,2,3 and 4 again. Episode 5 is longer now, includes sexual scenes with Grimm wolf and a continuation of the story, I hope you like this update :)
Hello guys! Sharing the new March rewards folder 📁: https://mega.nz/folder/8dRmQCzA#2d63azw-meEaYxEwaLJhFw The first reward is the request: Commander Ulysses Feral and I will be uploading all the images as I finish the requests! Also the game update will be in this folder, with new content and illustrations ⚔️ Have a great start to the week!
Comic2 new page! Page 41! https://www.dropbox.com/s/q6zwcu5gikc2wql/FB%20page%2041.jpg?dl=0
"Midnight hookup." While he was already preparing to sleep, our boy received a message. Apparently an interesting profile that was interested in a threesome. Although at first he wasn't attracted to the idea... the fantasy of being able to have fun with a mature and experienced ass made him give in.~ V1: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gb7ccgjg7bjoezzdb573a/A-bonding-trip-extra-4_v1EN.png?rlkey=fuat2l1jhe9eolw5setwl35c1&dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/73gf0ke0dnkz6lqn20chw/A-bonding-trip-extra-4_v1ES.png?rlkey=5tiu5ts3b86rsevz0p0a13qc1&dl=0 V2 & 3: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gzomx4kor4xwt0vp03h7a/A-bonding-trip-extra-4_v2.png?rlkey=0aek454lh2chxye6fpfjvzuiv&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7umpka6xljtp07sr2s7k7/A-bonding-trip-extra-4_v3.png?rlkey=8mr3nh9413uah66sa8oncwiyg&dl=0
"Family Memories" Page 21! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bplpkzxyckb97xjaecum0/Page-21_en.png?rlkey=f3ih9ixwhiyh71fuoboo05otw&dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a19xj8pdm76dig9ynien5/Page-21_es.png?rlkey=ohas889acw5155qyf4lfr7fy2&dl=0 Page 22 (WIP)! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r5y34xl0nlc28r7idhbzp/Page-22_en.png?rlkey=l4qmef9x7h3si84t2d8zu1zsk&dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/v60ilnmewk39a973lmj0b/Page-22_es.png?rlkey=j032n43zgi1t6xd1459mb525s&dl=0
Comic2 new page! Page 76! https://www.dropbox.com/s/byfaiptzzdubj8q/FB%20page%2076.jpg?dl=0
Comic2 new page! Page 24! https://www.dropbox.com/s/kzljs80dnci9zrf/FB%20page%2024.jpg?dl=0
sure wut is https://discord.gg/4ec6hsaj
Hello guys, sorry for not having shared the Mega cloud links before, the page went down and I still can't open my account. I had to ask a friend to open my account and send me the links to now share them, I hope the page works again in my region soon. The game was shared on Googledrive in a message previous to this one. I am waiting to Mega cloud for upload the game in this folder. MEGA Link - Reward 5$ Pledge https://mega.nz/folder/4AIRCIwQ#57MK7nXicdvftf_vFX8SBw Includes extra images and soon the game in this folder too ⚔️ Thanks for your patience and for your support guys!
"Family Memories" Page 13! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/csz1tjtnwj5uzvh/Page%2013_en.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ta4pwpuknyp4o7/Page%2013_es.png?dl=0 Page 14 (WIP)! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tl4vvcjidb6hyil/Page%2014_en.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/moiijcbzkfwl672/Page%2014_es.png?dl=0
Page 30*!
"A bonding trip." Page 6! ENGLISH: https://www.dropbox.com/s/twm8m64pyw2xzgx/Page%206%20en.png?dl=0 Español: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qmo6v8jrtinzlhy/Page%206%20es.png?dl=0
Comic2 new page! Page 31! https://www.dropbox.com/s/tpylhoqvqxbnz1l/FB%20page%2031.jpg?dl=0
Hello guys!: I share the February folder 🎉 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/ZdQD0A6J#XToIiHDS2MvXxBZmGtzH_Q 5$ Reward content: Extra illustrations - Exclusive images for reward of this month Rokka Yam and Tony Tiger Merch Designs (High Res Files) - Some postals of Marduk, Grimm and Maki! Game Update - Work In progress, I will upload this weekend the update, really sorry guys ><; Thank you very much for the support this February ❤️ I hope to be able to share the game update with you as quickly as possible. ⚔️ -Thy
"Family Memories" Page 16! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cmwk5cpvuki8v7v/Page%2016_en.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1b066tbv85wjoo4/Page%2016_es.png?dl=0 Page 17 (WIP)! EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a4u1yqc3poz3okz/Page%2017_en.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v85ae2m8wp4o126/Page%2017_es.png?dl=0
Hey there! Thank you very much for becoming my patreon! It means a lot to me your support! ^^ I just wanted to say that the folders link has been updated, so please take a look! Hope you will like the stuff that I do! Since you joined the Bronce Deer tier, here is a link where the current Comic it's saved, and I'll be posting weekly a new page: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tyzn9xxgm5fgzgr/AAB8TgrYL3CjcFgCTir3kDqha?dl=0 And for related pics, the is the other link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jfkssqqfl4rfnzd/AABbRj6irFh6OpUnN8T3sURta?dl=0 Hope you enjoy it!
"Little Revenge." It looks like Allan was a little rough with Dylan... Now it's Mike's turn to punish Allan to teach him to treat his brother better! And Dylan is willing to help him.~ (this is in case you have any problems with the first link!) VEN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v5a2tqxbnr6dval/AllanxDylanxMike_v1EN.png?dl=0 ES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3aueniml9e9f22u/AllanxDylanxMike_v1ES.png?dl=0 V2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dr8twze91h4x3qy/AllanxDylanxMike_v2.png?dl=0 V3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/01s9m2vau23jwqm/AllanxDylanxMike_v3.png?dl=0
"Bet." After losing a bet with Walter, Frank had to honor his bet. Although apparently his son arrived at the worst moment... Or did he arrive at the right time? :3c Español: Luego de perder apostando con Walter, Frank tuvo que cumplir con su apuesta. Aunque al parecer su hijo llegó en el peor momento... ¿O acaso llegó en el momento correcto? :3c V1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8tlki2qm56dovra/AbondingtripExtrapart_v1EN.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/8tlki2qm56dovra/AbondingtripExtrapart_v1EN.png?dl=0 V2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hch0iz5qgzu87j3/AbondingtripExtrapart_v2EN.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/7gkdyxanyzp3mfz/AbondingtripExtrapart_v2ES.png?dl=0 V3 and 4: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7gkdyxanyzp3mfz/AbondingtripExtrapart_v2ES.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ianece0cdce7t5b/AbondingtripExtrapart_v3.png?dl=0
Hello Raheem! Here you have the link with the new version of the game :) mega.nz/folder/FQQnSRwZ#D39-3BU2bpjhG-DUdikPCg Includes a Save Slot with advanced scenes from episode 4. If you haven't played the episode 4 before, I recommend you starting it from the beginning. The new version includes episode 4, 4.5. Once the episode has finished, the start of episode 5 will be unlocked. I hope you like it, have a great day :)
Hello guys! it's update time so here goes the new build for you! Thanks you very much for your support! you're awesome!!! House of Beef V 1.64 PC Version https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aojwdb9M1Oytit1GL4MrVL34M489nw?e=dfsOH7 House of Beef V 1.64 MAC Version https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aojwdb9M1Oytit1JYriHvhBobRixXA?e=4dKUqy House of Beef V 1.64 Android Version https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aojwdb9M1Oytit1KKd3eCnL6WkV4EQ?e=F8Yw3L
"Bet (3)" Apparently someone is enjoying the show~ Frank had never seen his son do something like that! Definitely the son has the same skills as his father.~ V1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mlpqh4bt34mqabn/Abondingtrip_extra3_v1EN.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/8xp5pb7rswob0nh/Abondingtrip_extra3_v1ES.png?dl=0 V2 & 3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pax1v2dn8axhe5o/Abondingtrip_extra3_v2.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/8d11ul9fmqb18ih/Abondingtrip_extra3_v3.png?dl=0
(Ignore this if you're able to access the may link.) I'm sending this out to the few that are having errors, This one should work. May 2024 Exclusive Link: dropbox.com/scl/fo/i2nkqnuvhx4qdjv1dm0lf/AFAsQHtwXqqX5mtPSkO_feI?rlkey=zp2nivu9mtnp99iyk1p3haki4&st=6dm6phgl&dl=0 Password: FKMmYX7LF!3spk
Showing 301 - 350 of 22051