Hello! Thank you for supporting me in December 2020! These are monthly extra-extra private Tier 2-5 videos available by message. Since I didn’t do anything in November, I had to use characters from the very earlier projects. 1. Akeno magic pumping full body DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UlvCckg6KILIA0h9w5_Y5lElEYNSVbTV/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/uDomXTKY#Eg3ApSzVBpBAkB858nakNg0lq4xo8WsRstAMGVNlEEM Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/s2jX/QLWXU6xZ1 Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/akeno-himejima-38091794 2. Yuzuki butt growing in motion DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K3F_lQkFFZmltIFZoSNnNLJW8ym8XKA3/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/qO5gTbJB#V5WwdXzCUVKPtZorCPWgQ6ekPGNU6m7jxlOUD3vdA6E Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/t9jn/nt2DcYXHb Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/yuzuki-yukari-be-37295147 3. Bulma hourglass giant inflation (pop) DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x1v3WpJYwtmLY-rPtJ850-KSHyBspQsD/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/vf4ymZDa#aXWZ33gidIs1pQXgojyw7WVRwTiqOqsEpKcXN58kp1s Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/FjFp/mitkwcFFe Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/bulma-and-36894503 --- Spare versions (720p) Akeno - https://drive.google.com/file/d/18eGmX9K-085nTWcXxyiW5CnAubTrgruP/view?usp=sharing Yuzuki - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LiCKHGGpK1CviDXEZkq9gdmRQOGp36eM/view?usp=sharing Bulma - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G23O7TZyarC9HbpTW7HH4l5zE9xakvM6/view?usp=sharing * Some videos has nudity ** If all links are not available - this is temporary, check back later *** This is an automatic messages sending to current patrons list, so you no need to answer on this (only if there are troubles or questions) And happy New Year!
Showing 401 - 450 of 22050
Hello! Thank you for supporting me in January 2021! These are monthly extra-extra private Tier 2-5 videos available by message. 1. Ruby full body (pop) DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I3P3LSIOX81tynrMVB2FAX8W7PJyJ37H/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/DHwjWQZK#QifmYDcW2PaimDt0PL3cS9aIvjHDvCY8R3CQuzfMIxc Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/BUgA/JAWqYNYgP Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/ruby-rose-milky-44886012 2. Darkness slime trap DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/19yhD7KgD37W1r4QRRlNsGbvbCE69L6zn/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/PX4H2KZJ#Rjglxj2Ah1qMq_u-sd9zpR0DWc8Wy3WC27Y6ct6OsOk Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/vurV/adow51DNc Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/darkness-body-45428919 3. Tsunade butt pumping DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VwnwL8KoR07sdnrjsgp2awK4FBv1ZUM5/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/bT4zSCCY#RlkXIBTbHrwve4iIkC8Zx-1Dxfq2DOYoS0ysgz5ROuU Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/mzEE/mFu2XmdCk Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/milky-tsunade-36497958 --- Spare versions (720p) Ruby - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D3GqXkhBHRH5yKeeTqudBApSbW1r_Pf9/view?usp=sharing Darkness - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EW26i-0rtJ8onO_IkFs37AhUDL3Uh_ZR/view?usp=sharing Tsunade - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C0eOkmq-Xq351lSSXpb7Xok7-6-oaKHd/view?usp=sharing * All videos has nudity ** If all links are not available - this is temporary, check back later *** This is an automatic messages sending to current patrons list, so you no need to answer on this (only if there are troubles or questions)
Hello! Thank you for supporting me in August 2020! These are monthly extra-extra private Tier 2-5 videos available only by message (for the July 2020 projects). 1. Jessica's lewd belly inflation DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qiz7uNz8TDqLf1a8Uimx7wvmAU3hCntT/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/zap3yT6K#pLdGPeUc0dC0l7_QzuHGIk4weiveG9rfAK71uKK9u2w Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/37Qs/55srKz7zE Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/38923256 2. Remilia body tea swelling (pop) DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GUfzGoJLKrxlnqGdfj6StLN0Y1Mk7qtd/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/nf4CRCTR#mfznOtkZTuake9xM-4-XcCOTMyqD3vKZO945s7V6qpM Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/yikN/jkeCPUe8i Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/39487640 3. Raven and Starfire breast expansion DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FtZ0WKsstnDqDGSIsV3by009G6XgIYY_/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/3OoGzSST#9jm_fvnsey_nJpMBo3oZK-c4xhMnQzLjTUxF5T4O-Xw Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/4AjL/31aPrj22B Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/39927500 * All videos has nudity ** If all links are not available - this is temporary, check back later *** This is an automatic messages sending to patrons list, so you no need to answer on this (only if there are troubles or questions) A little more info for August 2020 https://www.patreon.com/posts/41068440
Hello! Thank you for supporting me in October 2022! These are monthly extra-extra Tier 2-5 videos. * Random new characters are used, based on the people advice. (this time it is video set mostly of breasts due to partial mistake of projects planning) 1. Solution Epsilon size up potion (hourglass shape expansion) DL https://mega.nz/file/CDwFQCya#cU38mttk-SbxHZR5Fj9zlXiC2s2Qi-w0ev6LcdpXxow Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/ug2istes0957pi9/410.Solution_EpsilonOctober2022.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/1rFiDpNPP1ZScHEIv5XkYdQ Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/LjH4/Me4sEKkJ7 2. Surtr milky ice cream (breasts expansion, milk) DL https://mega.nz/file/ObJXCDIY#7v9HlS7Zxuz5kzLviR4yJqp96wS-XioSsmkV5Dr_wIE Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/een92yf00n1ttxl/411.SurtrOctober2022.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/1UIKr2fvskV7eEfUHW8MuCg Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/ucGT/Jr8infEMi 3. Aina Ardebit h-pump (breasts inflation, pop) DL https://mega.nz/file/KawRjRbK#QgZRcHuzRRU3VYvQikBWUfN4MjKQl8xeFfKOAj-hkYI Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/jozwig81pde7fst/412.AinaArdebitOctober2022.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/10m7vDhYQYaF1sITLrmwdWw Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/ANk9/5VqAJQ684 * Some videos has nudity ** This is an automatic messages sending to current patrons list, so you no need to answer on this (only if there are troubles or questions)
Hello! Thank you for supporting me in September 2020! These are monthly extra-extra private Tier 2-5 videos available by message (for the August 2020 projects). Note: usual HD versions of the videos are currently available. New full HD will be added after about ~ 12 hours. Just check these links again a bit later - they will be updated with larger screen video versions (I didn't have the opportunity to save this right now, although my day is almost over) 1. Yukari hourglass inflation DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AJRXdVRaVcSMCyZQ1qbCJFTeLgSH2Xpi/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/uexyxRbR#A_JoTwUFpKgFmWOX9swbklYnd8DIH1J4DOKmHtsV1uY Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/4og6/2cyLvvBpb Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/40275137 2. Rachnera belly-butt slimy swelling DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pUykBSQo8K5rtKHwki1LJLb22Z429n54/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/KX4ExDIT#ozlFynrpOMZ2r9glAjMmzSUxl0bHJziOa6dLakrpdz8 Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5VDh/2gCFfgrPx Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/40492300 3. DVa breasts pump up DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FGO_BcJhSGXJeU__YpocuQPTw4ldk8FO/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/KD4SATjR#hgyWvotlS9jYsTgscccBZo6PKgGUGFI3FMo1uU_lAw0 Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/MbXW/2R7JmXQuY Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/40706873 * All videos has nudity ** If all links are not available - this is temporary, check back later *** This is an automatic messages sending to patrons list, so you no need to answer on this (only if there are troubles or questions)
Hello! Thank you for supporting me in October 2020! These are monthly extra-extra private Tier 2-5 videos available by message (for the September 2020 projects). 1. Meiko butt inflation DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f1rxhA_p77yRbqHvBmJdCpsHcm7CHoR0/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/mPIgABSA#slZsWe57VdTXGDTBXFtUoGt_ieBcDmi3LudICGG8luE Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/EiHG/29Hnx5Rzd Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/meiko-shiraki-41203171 2. Selvaria belly inflation DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/15PvYvd5if1f0-KigQrRwl4XWOtprzfsO/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/vLBCGThI#TgIsGV7wBim-Aa8CuLJeaLa4lcbpgAFmHW9cvUbjp_U Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/54Wk/3h19dZPjk Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/selvaria-bles-41530223 3. Morrigan breasts expansion DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S1DlyOLvdfyBcbi7vf1R45_t5gnbESF4/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/baI2zZqA#ENxV0kC4JKB3bzVgNAdqHRP5Q4aYjRAPnBa613sgVkw Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/2D57/2PqEnkscz Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/morrigan-and-42048292 --- Spare versions (720p) Meiko https://drive.google.com/file/d/1blH-9cAmqCtf77gdmohvZAEIfmUe16zy/view?usp=sharing Selvaria https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fPhS8PabI4ZDzdqpHpbMqE-DBJIs_3GM/view?usp=sharing Morrigan https://drive.google.com/file/d/1piEjxUwmohVyzYCP18LnHMOCIcqqYoKz/view?usp=sharing * Some videos has nudity ** If all links are not available - this is temporary, check back later *** This is an automatic message sending to current patrons list, so you no need to answer on this (only if there are troubles or questions)
Hello! Thank you for supporting me in September 2022! These are monthly extra-extra Tier 2-5 videos. * Now random new characters are used, based on the people advice. 1. Mercy milky witchcraft (breasts expansion) DL https://mega.nz/file/6O5QwKrR#qvXG9UKDy8mim4Dq5JED2PvnVzZwlgFeOBWi-U2TRc8 Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/15zaoglglstx1k1/405._MercySeptember2022.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/1tiNPDQskT5Yt33J1QUDkwA Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/UaKE/pZjbNFLqV 2. Bismarck air pump attack (breasts and butt inflation) DL https://mega.nz/file/qbhhkYBZ#kZd9L19TAGWH5RFG7TRnx8xkZbml8seeFnpXmu-G2J0 Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/mo8clnkzh7g5su6/406._BismarckSeptember2022.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/1m2M97UPvAYXjv_Y8gjTIeQ Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/C8A8/FqfTte6Vm 3. Rem blue metamorphosis (body inflation, blueberry) DL https://mega.nz/file/jbojmbLB#EQR9zta7y1OaCSuV_5pHNw-Rs3EoUsgMRhKgOu_uEts Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/8enfr3xic9lns4x/407._RemSeptember2022.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/1alvsDyxTEjrTZkhKKb3c7g Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/UGLj/mz3okdcWf * Some videos has nudity ** This is an automatic messages sending to current patrons list, so you no need to answer on this (only if there are troubles or questions)
Hello! Thank you for supporting me in August 2022! These are monthly extra-extra Tier 2-5 videos. * Now random new characters are used, based on the people advice. 1. Marnie dynamax growth (breasts and butt expansion) DL https://mega.nz/file/KGwzxCTL#xeKUdhCvjGmWlgX2gPHTCKqEQNTXkmDg2KAGYjWsckw Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/7db1q9pzsv6njdr/400._MarnieAugust2022.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/1fxeCYXfhsw5m7yzup4uhSQ Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/zuTY/7NEybZtVA 2. Akane Owari hot tub (belly inflation) DL https://mega.nz/file/3b4nQKaK#pjB0vBPYLZDH80G1PbvKcnc9M15tLDyxKcnr7F6TNEU Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/0c89xd26o82lhw9/401._AkaneAugust2022.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/1HDfrhROYGkl49rnu0Z026Q Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/CiRL/vzpq3aXvP 3. Ramlethal overfilling slime (body inflation, pop) DL https://mega.nz/file/DCZGWSxL#tu4DpklN9cINLuHlXLX1MIgVJxgJMI2YWiqNX0CwMIA Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/yutx2o357ef97oa/402._RamlethalAugust2022.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/1-QTr4VYjji9X6atujFuftw Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/cSi4/rHidiA3LF * Some videos has nudity ** If all links are not available - this is temporary, check back later *** This is an automatic messages sending to current patrons list, so you no need to answer on this (only if there are troubles or questions)
Hello! Thank you for supporting me in November 2020! These are monthly extra-extra private Tier 2-5 videos available by message (for October 2020 projects). 1. Ginny Sexpansion (belly, butt) DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K063tY5vPqI4rwZVFgQIDvqDaGxADIEQ/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/mOgUFCzb#d-xv9TrQgr0t_galkgFxVjXwyQY4s09fBsw6CiRiTDo Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5wSN/rKdskV2m2 Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/ginny-milking-42566507 2. Samus butt inflation (really, only butt left for her!) DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C1Jr-dhbIhT2lIuIFsbUZk9UgxpECsaj/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/3GwQXCLS#2tHohmy0dVBfFbd17GjV5fGzMEQuQwGyQLozUMmPVMM Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/36fw/WmGC4bcbN Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/samus-aran-blimp-43001901 3. Nora breast expnasion DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zkR8fBBj7vK2pqhjCq1HAWrJYlyWNC-A/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/PC4CxAAK#70uXPIEUB2rT35GC-wyLxvJCHStt9yBm8MXRSnmquX8 Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/3ayd/3pwSCPYzv Main post https://www.patreon.com/posts/nora-valkyrie-43371859 PS: I received comments to re-save an extra video of Samus's suit inflation with no transparent effect. I did it and for now it is available here. Although this is not a new video, and is quite simple, but still may be interesting DL https://drive.google.com/file/d/13df3wC-VnJEpsz8hn9c3L7RqNeqrjTF1/view?usp=sharing Spare link 1 https://mega.nz/file/DKw0nQyY#lJEk0z_GZsIB2N-VuuKUMbggHBxbbI-j7KEuQpi-5Lo Spare link 2 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/SWoG/2xrgUABqR --- Spare versions (720p) Ginny - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1POLtQTAM_BNpcjQBJXFZgCpwNfs1SiAh/view?usp=sharing Samus - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZbwfDgYKEjw8Q6HDBMAglz9o5Yhx8ngM/view?usp=sharing Samus suit - https://drive.google.com/file/d/17t7QdXueCoBhNMVfOLTWb_7rLTpxokwf/view?usp=sharing Nora - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ENFpGwQDrbHZhWCd0gUbOzqgDPvzwI99/view?usp=sharing * Some videos has nudity ** If all links are not available - this is temporary, check back later *** This is an automatic messages sending to current patrons list, so you no need to answer on this (only if there are troubles or questions)
Hello! Thank you for supporting me in July 2022! These are monthly extra-extra Tier 2-5 videos. * Now random new characters are used, based on the people advice. All about liquid this time 1. Blaze for living hose (breasts and butt inflation) DL https://mega.nz/file/OLZQjIjR#OFaPxtxmlHaKW-2iC7IhP9JQXMswkhJLASaYDWwrIdw Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/4wmtfj90y69gkow/0395._BlazeJuly2022.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/1cdMq_b_k7ox25HN6ZO__dA Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/pG6n/ysKp3xSxk 2. Pecorine endless juice (belly and breasts inflation) DL https://mega.nz/file/TLhTFA6T#SlCyBhevcni66OJBvmJ38qGwnwCoWHiWy2TrLgrSDY0 Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/p4ifft9p0q1my8k/0396._PecorineJuly2022.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/1Q8IfkelxJXEcqnIBjy7X5Q Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/GfF8/U4hUbKwLu 3. Jean Bart to limits (body inflation, pop) DL https://mega.nz/file/CaRCiTzb#r6MskVMIBuYEdelRyh-twIwLurrRNuEr8oFaW5BM9qo Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/kzqp1u4mv3b5vi1/0397._JeanJuly2022.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/14Yjd9ne1horwaSL3sj4Rtw Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5aZq/rfFPHFPQT ============== Additional + Penny update (breasts and butt expansion) DL https://mega.nz/file/mGJ1xJKI#YoYxh4MFBfoDH5PCklt_wm3Lak1DAs_GAEKAgKDODgs Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/zs1me7zl0r7nk46/0392._Penny_Update.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/1pY6e7gTDnNa99NVwDdJJrA Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/iDKL/nBJ499cZW + Omaru ballooning (body inflation) DL https://mega.nz/file/nDpgyCaY#Z7y3wsC0qgeO2W8B5qm8N_IdvxEvSC4AYQN3z5-AUnY Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/f7r56m2o3yyz5iw/OmaruP.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://terabox.com/s/14eYO2ydHC0ALksjPsHjkyw Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/UpL1/EAB7fpuRj * Some videos has nudity ** If all links are not available - this is temporary, check back later *** This is an automatic messages sending to current patrons list, so you no need to answer on this (only if there are troubles or questions)
T2 Hello ~ Thank you for your support last month. google 2024 12JPG https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PFR5zxDkFY9nubj95hNV7XJlNWsLIGAz/view?usp=sharing
Hello! Just a quick heads up following the post we've created. We're not shutting down our Patreon, or anything like that. We'll just put our attention towards what's important, and we'll come back strongly mid-April with a BUNCH of content for all of you! Best Regards, Suzuki
Hello There! You're either a current patreon, or a former patreon of ours! I'm reaching out because we need your help! The first leak of our models has happened, and would greatly appreciate if any of you could help us find out who this guy is! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/948717970849415229/948943313686396998/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/948717970849415229/948943243570212935/unknown.png
Hey Guys! We do apologize for the recent insecurities regarding the future of TGN! Don't worry! We will continue providing mods for Asetto! However, due to recent troubles we have decided to restructure Patreon. The new changes, more specifically the removal of Paid/Early Access To Mods have been removed. In the future, you will find these Mods on our Patreon Only Servers, that as of now - Will only be available to Tier 3 and above. Massive amounts of hours have been put into these new cars, and therefore we are only putting them out for Tier 3 For the rest of September. Some of the cars will be available in the future for Tier 2, but we hope you will consider staying with us! Best Regards, TGN
⚡️ CSP 0.2.5 Preview 1 is Out! ⚡️ 🏁 Rally Mode and More! We've been hard at work, focusing on enhancing the rally experience in Assetto Corsa. Here's what's new: 🆕 Rally Copilot App New advanced Rally Copilot app. It displays upcoming turns on the HUD, renders them in 3D space, and provides customizable voice guidance. The app generates pace notes automatically using AI spline and track relief data, with an editor for manual adjustments. Share your notes or download those created by others. It features an English voice and includes tools for creating custom voices. If your car has a co-driver model, the app will animate it using new Lua API capabilities. ✅ Rally Stage Mode A single-stage race in our new Rally Stage Mode. Start timing after a countdown and park at the starting line. This mode includes custom sector timekeeping, penalties, and a car restoration mechanism. Customize the appearance of starting gates through an in-game tool. 🔄 New Dynamic Reset App Master challenging corners with the Dynamic Reset app. Set start and end points, track your time and delta, and save sections for future practice. Master tricky corners in one simple solution. ✨ Other Highlights Alongside these rally features and new apps, we've added several improvements and fixes: Surfaces FX: Adds off-road physics and rally tyres. Triple Tweaks Module: Better matching of uneven sides and custom camera behavior. Chaser Camera Module: Allows different scripts for secondary cameras. Online Replays: Now active by default. Grass FX: New wind logic for a more realistic look. Handbrake Sync: Online synchronization for handbrake state. Walking Out Mode: Gamepad camera controls and various fixes. Android Auto: Now includes a web browser and fixes for the YouTube app. 🔧 Notable Fixes We've made numerous fixes to enhance stability: Pause Menu Layout: Fixed layout issues. Turbo Switches: Resolved hotkey combination issues. Surfaces FX: No longer disrupts AI behavior. Odometer Loading: Functional again, with total distance tracking. System Keybindings: Proper support for advanced combinations. IME Integration: Fixed for better support of input methods. Visual Improvements: Shading tweaks and better TAA & SSLR effects with LCS. AI Behavior: Improved tire selection in wet conditions. Deforming Walls: Visual part functional again. ❗ Thank You for Your Support! Check out the new features and improvements, and keep an eye out for more exciting updates in the future! https://www.patreon.com/posts/rally-mode-and-108881891?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
In addition, we would love for you to check our newest post with some more details on the new era we're entering! https://www.patreon.com/posts/tgn-network-71697479
If you are interested in my mod, you can join as a member.
Black friday week! Use code: BLACKFRIDAY for 50% off!! Get access to 100+ drag cars for assetto and some BeamNG cars!! Utilizar codigo: BLACKFRIDAY para 50% de descuento!
January Content 01Lovely The New Classmate- Kasumi 85p https://mega.nz/file/eBlhxaoA#SgMWJM-AZFG17Jm4gBCPcG8QZ9lfTsVYvHUUaNHql0I
January Posts: 01Busty Helena Cosplay 53p https://mega.nz/file/eEk0CASQ#UWBYkxQgVfZNgGUknNb5_VB0QcMHFSZTaiYnlbl0ntY
❗💕NEW AUDIO RELEASE💕❗ Hey everyone! I hope your Monday is going well so far; I know Mondays can be quite hectic as it's the beginning of the work/school week for many of you, so I've got a little something to brighten up your day even more or brighten it up in general, just in time for the weekend, and it's new audio! Actually, my longest audio to date at a whopping 2-hours long! My new Angelic Succubus series is finally out, and with a whopping 2-hour long introduction, this audio *movie* is sure to take you to a whole other world of pleasure~ ❗ Here's a little summary of it, a little something to give you a peek into what to expect in it~ Summary: Your caring girlfriend, who you have been in a relationship with for a while now, has finally decided to invite you over to her house to spill the beans and reveal to you a major secret she's been hiding for you all this time. However, at first, you assume that she's breaking up with you, but what she tells you is far crazier than you could ever imagine... She is the product of her demonic father, who captured her angel mother and bred her. The angel escaped her captor, fled to the heavens, and was welcomed in by her cohorts. Her pregnancy was long debated, but as the powerful evaluated her unborn child, they were able to determine more angelic aether was present inside of her than devilish miasma, so she was allowed to remain in the angelic realms until the council of high angels decided it was a good idea to have the now fully matured Angelic Succubus descend from the higher realms down into the human realm and incarnate as a human child, so she being a higher dimensional equivalent of the collective human consciousness could eventually use her dualistic powers to assist mankind in further balancing them so they could further evolve. The child was born sweet and angelic, growing into adulthood. But it was puberty that revealed the demonic side of her. She was still lovely and angelic but craved the fluids of the human male, a gift of her father. Though her soul strengthens through the consumption of human seed as a regular succubus does and is somewhat necessary at times for her to sustain herself and keep her devilish side at bay, she is still quite reluctant to indulge too much as she can get very ravenous at points during consumption, even if that side of her does end up "calming down" for the meantime after the fact, but on top of this, whoever she feeds from do not suffer the loss of their life force. On the contrary, they grew stronger and healthier, and miraculously, their souls were positively affected, though her "Anghellic" aura can be highly potent and at times be very overwhelming, though she finally feels confident enough for the very first time to show off her true spiritual aspects, something she has not shown to anyone, not even her own parents, what comes after is a literal ocean wave of pure, anghellic, orgasmic, mind-numbing bliss as she soon makes you orgasm and cum in ways not naturally humanly possible~ 💕🍆💦💦💦 Here's the link to my new audio: https://www.patreon.com/posts/118115361 And for those of you who can't listen to the full audio, don't worry. I will post an extended preview to the Hub, X, and my new YouTube channel! In case you missed the original PSA regarding my return to YT (At least for now), here's the link!: https://www.youtube.com/@TheSultryKittyAudios That said, I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day and a wonderful upcoming week! Until the next PSA; also if you don't wanna receive any future PSAs from me, no hard feelings, please LMK and I'll remove you from my list, otherwise I'll be back in your DMs again very soon, love you all!~ 💕
❗💕NEW AUDIO RELEASE💕❗ Hey everyone! I hope your hump day is going well so far; I've got a little something to brighten up your day even more or brighten it up in general, and it's new audio! Here's a little summary of it, a little something to give you a peek into what to expect in it~ Summary: You're feeling extremely horny, but you’re all alone. So, as usual, you decide to relieve yourself by watching the latest scene of your favorite porn star. Just then, your doorbell rings, and you become transfixed as you open the door. The porn star you’ve been crushing hard on for so long, is standing right in front of you with that gorgeous smile on her face! She calms you down and explains how she has been able to track you online over the past year and is seeking some sort of deeper connection with you for being her most loyal fan. It doesn’t take long before you end up losing your virginity and confessing your love.~ 💕 Here's the link to my new audio: https://www.patreon.com/posts/117783968 And for those of you who can't listen to the full audio, don't worry. I will post an extended preview to the Hub, X, and my new YouTube channel! In case you missed the original PSA regarding my return to YT (At least for now), here's the link!: https://www.youtube.com/@TheSultryKittyAudios That said, it's almost time for the debut of my Angelic Succubus Series! Should voicing, editing, etc go as planned, it should be here tomorrow! But another thing to expect tonight is the release of my Hot Milf Boss audio (I haven't done a boss-themed audio in a while, so it's a cool thing to come back to) So yeah, tons of hot stuff to look forward to! Anyway, I'll be back in your DMS soon with another PSA very soon, until then!~ 💕
So yeah, like, I'm back on YouTube, umm, subscribe, please? 🙏 That is all, until tonight's new Patreon upload, see you all then! 💕 https://youtube.com/channel/UCDfH5StSRcwXE6hwrQCqWIA
❗💕NEW AUDIO RELEASE💕❗ Hey everyone! I hope your Friday is going well so far; I've got a little something to brighten up your day even more or brighten it up in general, just in time for the weekend, and it's new audio! Here's a little summary of it, a little something to give you a peek into what to expect in it~ Summary: You're just leaving a relationship, but your hot new boss is here to cheer you up. She's offering you a promotion and your own new office. You'll finally be able to work in peace, but your boss has some crucial tasks she needs to take care of first.~ Here's the link to my new audio: https://www.patreon.com/posts/117919256 And for those of you who can't listen to the full audio, don't worry. I will post an extended preview to the Hub, X, and my new YouTube channel! In case you missed the original PSA regarding my return to YT (At least for now), here's the link!: https://www.youtube.com/@TheSultryKittyAudios That said, it's almost time for the debut of my Angelic Succubus Series! As an update for that, I'm currently in the process of voicing it as I make this PSA; it will be well over an hour long and will be my next audio after this one; it should be ready for tomorrow or if things do work out, later today even!~ That said, I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day and a wonderful upcoming weekend! Until the next PSA; also if you don't wanna receive any future PSAs from me, no hard feelings, please LMK and I'll remove you from my list, otherwise I'll be back in your DMs again very soon, love you all!~ 💕
Happy Holidays to all of you; I hope your Christmas has been a safe and happy one; I know this audio is coming out late, and my apologies... it's been a pretty busy day, and I fell asleep before uploading this, and it was like 1 a.m. afterward when I woke up again, but anyway, I hope you all enjoy this Christmas special and the return of OG Miyuki!~ 💕💕 Here's a little summary of what's in the audio~ =3 Summary: It's Christmas time once again, and your naughty neko girlfriend (me) has decided to give you a very merry Christmas surprise this year by instead of giving you a gift this year, I become your gift! Who doesn't love icing-covered cookies, especially during the holidays? Well, this naughty catgirl's cookies definitely need a THICK icing coating, and who better to give me that than you?~ =3 Full Audio: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-f4m-your-118698347 Other than this Christmas special, I have two other NSFW audios and one or two SFW audios that are yet to come before the end of the year, including my Dragon Milf audio to finish off the Year of the Dragon right before the new year, and considering next year is the year of the Snake, I have some pretty big plans regarding my ongoing Lamia series, but I won't spoil too much~ =3 That being said, I hope you all have a fantastic holiday and rest of your week, and I'll be back in your arms very soon when my next audio releases either tomorrow or Friday; until then, see ya!~ 💕
Hi there 😊 First of all, we’re contacting you to say a big thank you for your previous support. It has allowed me and my team to create not only more visual novels, but also provide a lot of people with hours of fun and entertainment. A few months ago, we released our fourth visual novel, “Thief of Hearts”, and we’ll be unveiling our second episode next weekend! You can get Episode 1 for as little as $5. Check it out here: https://www.oppaiman.com/app/Thief_of_Hearts_Episode_1/?utm_source=mrdotsgames&utm_campaign=Thief_of_Hearts_Episode_1 Anyway, I sincerely hope you are well, and you’re still supporting developers in this industry, no matter who it is. All the best, Mr. Dots and The Team.
Hellooo! It's reward time :) https://mega.nz/file/umgVnKBR#qqiFOvmJkbjiOMrzTNpmtS1db2yDNYdbU3P0NY-xOC8 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uGwLeamFIRh7JBz6TrOwTZEScoesAAEn/view?usp=drive_link You can find prints and stickers here: https://shop.moso.moe/tofuubear Also don't forget the exclusive 15% discount code: IMPATRON for my T-shirt shop: inkultshop.com Thank you very much for your support! Have a nice day!
Dear Al ex(Alexmoe_88_88@yahoo.co.jp) https://mega.nz/folder/42J2Nsya key:6Ks_3jJaOeSIPPejasTS いつもご支援誠にありがとうございます。 今月からセキュリティ強化のため、実験的に動画URLを判別用のアドレスを追加したものに変更しました。(アクセス方法に変更はありません) 動作確認済みではありますが、万が一URLにアクセスできないなどの問題があればご連絡ください。 Thank you so much for always supporting me! To strengthen security, we have changed the video URL to one with an additional address for identification on an experimental basis starting this month. (There is no change in the access method.) Although we have already confirmed that it works, please contact us if you have any problems accessing the URLs.
ลิงก์ผลงานปี 2023 นะครับ
ลิงค์รวมผลงานปีก่อนๆนะครับ 🎉สามารถดาวน์โหลดผลงานปี 2023 ได้ที่ลิงค์ด้านล่างนะครับ 🎉 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gBpJlWqD1hM3kLN_YYjAOVGeB5XVuukX?usp=sharing 🎉โหลดผลงานปี 2022 ได้ที่ลิงค์ด้านล่างนะครับ 🎉 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1E0VAehrxYJuVFtvr4y0cA5yg-ocH8QY3?usp=sharing 🎉โหลดผลงานปี 2021 ได้ที่ลิงค์ด้านล่างนะครับ 🎉 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14mmCATLasYnY5xrWhFai7neH2OiZXuAX?usp=sharing
Thank you for supporting me. work 2023 สามารถดูผลงานในปี 2023 ได้ในลิงค์ drive.google.com/drive/folders/1msAOrgCBJ_x5GhJWTuG45HoBj9ATKlqW?usp=sharing
Thank you so much for your support 🙏
https://bit.ly/3UZ7nJq password : mackarel https://tinyurl.com/kpyts9hj password : armburst
https://bit.ly/4bvfNys password : lownoiser https://tinyurl.com/33kex87z password : toutlemonde
Dear 太郎 田中(babababakxasas8xou@gmail.com) https://mega.nz/folder/7aSjagAT key:4Kala_a9K3aiIaheSHa1Sm 実験的に動画URLを判別用のアドレスを追加したものに変更しました。(アクセス方法に変更はありません) 動作確認済みではありますが、万が一URLにアクセスできないなどの問題があればご連絡ください。 The video URL was changed to one with an additional address for identification on an experimental basis. (No change in access method.) We have already confirmed that it works, but if you have any problems accessing the URL, please let us know.
Google Drive link for active Tier 2 and above Patrons [October 2023 - Second Half] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Y4pS5aky_rhjQH2MjuamGeVej3RtNZVE?usp=sharing Thank you for your support! -Kyu
Google Drive link for active Tier 2 and above Patrons [August 2023 - Second Half] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KghdBnnZfnFFVeuHMuTEgmygTSON-tpi?usp=drive_link Thank you for your support! -Kyu
Hi past and present supporter of my Patreon! If you are getting this message, you are probably eligible for "free" profile pic drawing! Please read the post for more detail. https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-form-107651258 Thanks! -Kyu
Google Drive link for active Tier 2R and above Patrons [September 2023 - Second Half - NSFW] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1a1U0q1q5vFaJ-py28NJbXVFTNZSCnBDT?usp=sharing Thank you for your support! -Kyu
Google Drive link for active Tier 2R and above Patrons [September 2023 - First Half - NSFW] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jM4r8F870am8Yy-zBkE6Ld3RPqa1j3CD?usp=sharing Thank you for your support! -Kyu
Google Drive link for active Tier 2 and above Patrons [September 2023 - Second Half] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qYkGABwoJqUNqEjuZnANPUkMT7cVyRSy?usp=sharing Thank you for your support! -Kyu
Hello :) Since you are a Tier 4 pledger I am direct messaging you to make sure you see my most recent update post since it regards your tier of choice. https://www.patreon.com/posts/65409061
Google Drive link for active Tier 2 and above Patrons [October 2023 - First Half] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XpO5zdA5n0FRxp-spszjvdjgmoDmYsYz?usp=sharing Thank you for your support! -Kyu
Google Drive link for active Tier 2 and above Patrons [September 2023 - First Half] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ETAte43mGBbN2_BCcgtks8EhJr43iuiG?usp=drive_link Thank you for your support! -Kyu
(NSFW) Google Drive link for active Tier 2R and above Patrons [October 2023 - Second Half] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TfThZ5JcW1rLbkTjog2qKMaPmh1x_-i9?usp=sharing Thank you for your support! -Kyu
Here is the link to the compensation google form if you are interested https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVm6cWFR1_5VCNHyLXRxT26UqPg1cJo8vKFJg2zbPNkoZdrQ/viewform?usp=sf_link Thanks again -Kyu
リワードのリンクが機能しない場合は私にメッセージを下さい If the reward link does not work, please message me
I am sending out the link via the message function as we have recently received a report that the link does not work. 最近リンクが機能しないという報告が上がってきていますのでメッセージ機能にてリンクを配信いたします。 https://mega.nz/folder/ZvtzEYjT#DsNI6Ex7q7boCH9kZtvIIQ
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