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Hey guys, sorry this is a day late, Ben was sick (man cold) and I'm prepping for a youth camp I was asked to help with (i. do. not. camp.), but woah!! We are on a 90's action roll!! This was high-intensity craziness the whole time and Nick Cage doing what he does, except with that dddrraawwwlll haha ;) Hope you enjoy!

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[Full Reaction] Con Air (1997)


Andrew Ramos

Man cold 😆 Between that comment and the I do not camp comment we don't even need to watch the reaction to be entertained 😂

Zane From Canada

The 90's produced a superb amount of good, entertaining, action films: Great casts, great stories, great tender moments. The central focus wasn't just on the action. Glad you enjoyed this one, hummingbird. 👍😁

Bill Maurer

"Put the bunny back in the box,"


This was cheesy, popcorny 90s fun. :D


It's been reported that, during labor, the pain is so great that a woman can almost imagine what a man feels like when he has a cold. Just sayin'.


Yes, Cameron killed the redneck with a punch (palm strike). I think it was the slow motion thunderclap which made you think he had been shot.

Robert da Spruce

Feel better Ben. And good luck with the camping Cassie! I’m sure you’ll be fine! 😉 Really looking forward to watching your reaction tonight!


I’m gonna show you God does exist…this was a really silly, fun action movie that I watched many times back in the 90s; it’s actually considered part of Nicolas Cage’s unofficial action trilogy: The Rock, Con Air, Face/Off…which means there’s only one left on the list for you to react to 😀 coincidentally my fave of the three is Face/Off

Uncle Phoenix

Earnestly hoping and expecting that Ben gets better soon; and praying for a great summer for us all. (Heart Emoji)

David Freese

I'm so glad to hear of all the wonderful things your dad has done for you in your life. Lucky to have such a great family and how everyone loves each other as much as you all do. Not all men ( including myself) have the patience to do what he does for all of you. Finally hold on to him for as long as you can, I miss my dad so much and it's been 30 years since his death and wish he was around still. Movie wise I'll come back and edit this for my thoughts on the reaction. Thank you Cassie and rest of the Popcorn family. Movie reaction edit: I liked the reaction only 2 things I'd like to say is yes it's stupid fun but I can understand why someone watching would not like that Garland Green just walked away and 2nd Monica Potter (Nick Cages wife) is a cousin to Jason &Julia Roberts. Congratulations on the continued success and keep trying to do a variety of movies.

Celeste McAllister

For a mom camping out can be like home in the woods,we do it out of love♡..Cyrus the Virus that's a good name for a bad guy.


He’s got the whole world in his hands 🎶🤪

Richard Maurer

Thought you'd like this one, Cassie.


Con Air with such a great cast was a great summer flick (before Summer was dominated by superhero flicks) Nic Cage is a really great actor, one of my favourites. He has such a quirky style which has made him meme worthy! In the 90s he really did hit his stride with action movies, but in the 80s had a lot of different roles and was difficult to pigeonhole. PIG ( his best movie IMHO), Snake Eyes and Face Off are all excellent movies As for John Malvocih he plays another kinda bad guy in Rounders. Since you both love playing in casino, I think you'll really enjoy rounders and its riding high ( top 100! ) in the popcorn requests chart.

Mike LL

Well, that was a reaction. I am now highly anticipating a reaction to Nicholas freaking Cage and Cassie's favorite space gunslinger, Pedro Pascal together in THE UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT (2022).

Robin Craft

Some guys have needed epidurals to get over their man colds. Terrible pain indeed. 🙇

Uncle Phoenix

I am so surprised how much of my opinion of this movie is based on the fact that Nothing happened to that little girl. I would absolutely hate this movie if anything had happened to her. Anyways loved the reaction, I’m sure I loved it too when it first came out.

Odd Thomas

I think Romancing the Stone is more Cassie's jam, so I hope she watches that one too

Zane From Canada

I watched along with the Extended Version of the film. Most of the additional scenes were a little extra action and whatnot. Some good ones, though with extra character development: -Baby-O saving Cameron during a prison riot. -The cons hearing about Cameron and the story of Wallace Wilson and black-cherry jello. -Guard Bishop telling Cameron about her ex husband and cat.

Just Plain Bob

I echo Cassie’s horror at Buscemi’s character seemingly going free at the end of the film. I watched this movie in the theater and was horrified to observe exactly the reaction among many of the other moviegoers that Cassie described: people cheering the freedom of a serial killer. Murdering multiple people for their own gratification isn’t something they can be “cured” of and, even if if it was, what about the punitive aspect of the justice system? If someone commits murder, repeatedly, there ought to be a price to be paid. A happy ending, to me, would have involved his character’s demise. It really, really bothered me when I first saw the movie and it still sticks in my craw now (obviously). PS: I grew up in the South and have lived here all my life. I married a girl from Alabama. I’m very familiar with the southern drawl/twang, and Nic Cage’s accent in this film is among the very worst I’ve ever heard. Those gripes aside, I did enjoy the movie and, of course, Cassie’s delightful reaction to it.

Wesley White

I will definitely be watching this when I get home tonight from work! I meant to watch your reaction to Point Break, but I was too tired, work killed me! At least I was able to catch your YT edit of Overboard yesterday during my break, good talking to ya lol! Sorry Ben's sick, hope he gets better! You don't camp? C'mon what's the matter with ya, camping is fun lol! This was another of my favorite action movies I loved watching growing up as a kid, such a classic, John Malkovich steals the show with his performance, can't wait to watch this! On a side note, this movie was what made me a fan of Lynyrd Skynyrd, (they sing Sweet Home Alabama in this movie) I love their music! I'll leave you my commentary on this and Point Break tonight, that's a promise! Have a great Monday, much love and support, and stay classy Cassie🥰😁😉👍🌹

Brian Lowery

It’s. A. Movie. That’s why the audience was cheering. It was an ironic ending. I laughed especially hard because I live in Vegas.

Just Plain Bob

Good to know you could read their minds. I was stuck with having to base my opinion on observable behavior.


So excited for this! One of my guilty pleasure movies.

Just Plain Bob

I was there. You weren’t. As for empathy, I reserve mine for people that don’t cheer for serial killers. That’s irony, since serial killers lack empathy. You might want to familiarize yourself with the meaning of the term “irony.” That could prevent you from misusing it again in the future.

Marvin dishman


Brian Lowery

Situational Irony: something happens that is very different from what was expected. I’ve taught English for 20 years, so I am familiar with the concept and forms of irony. Yes, you were there. However, your proximity to their cheering didn’t seem to keep you from gaining a less than cursory understanding about why they did it. Also, you’re confusing empathy with sympathy.

Tim Raths

John Malkovich is the best character in Rounders imo. I hope she watches that someday.

Just Plain Bob

No I’m not. Empathy is the ability to place yourself in someone else’s shoes, to imagine what they must be feeling. I said precisely what I meant. As for “situational irony”, what was it that made Buscemi’s character’s freedom ironic, situational or otherwise? I get it, language is hard. But you’d think a supposed English teacher would at least be vaguely familiar with the proper use of the language. Keep trying, with a lot of work and a little help you’ll get there eventually. Maybe.

Joshua Stormont

Glad your helping with the camp. Hope you will learn to like camp like that.

Michael Lynch

If you hit the nose at an upward angle with enough force you can shove the nose bone into the brain which kills the person. See Cassie you learn something new every day. How to kill someone.

Uncle Phoenix

“The 13th Warrior” is a movie adapted from a Michael Crichton novel about a 10th-century Muslim (Antonio Banderas) who travels with a group of Vikings to their settlement. It is narrated as a scientific commentary on an old manuscript and was inspired by two sources. The first three chapters retell Ahmad ibn Fadlan's personal account of his journey north and his experiences in encountering the Rus', a Varangian tribe, whilst the remainder is based upon the story of Beowulf, culminating in battles with the 'mist-monsters', or ‘wendol’. It was directed by John McTiernan who also directed "The Hunt For Red October" and "Die Hard".


Hey Cassie, did you know that Nic Cages friend on the plane with Diabetes is also Forrest Gumps best friend Buba.

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

Cassie, So LeeAnne Rimes sang "How Can I Love Without You" I met her when she came to the Casino I worked at about 9 years ago. I saw this movie in the theater when it came out my friends and I loved it. Your Dad has excellent taste in movies. You will love Romancing The Stone. My older sisters favorite movie.

Stick Figure Studios

Been a long time since I've seen this and I always forget about the bizarre scene with Buscemi and the little girl (about whom I think a good argument could be made that she doesn't even exist, that she's just in his head). Anyway, a big, dumb, loud, exciting rollercoaster ride with a great cast and some spectacular action. Like TRUE LIES, it goes on too long and has one action scene too many (we really didn't need that final motorcycle chase; after a while it stops being thrilling and just becomes exhausting), but it's fun. I'm certain you will enjoy ROMANCING THE STONE more (it's just a much better movie). So glad you decided to watch that as well.


Steve Buscemi is the complete opposite of most of the characters he plays. He was actually an NYC firefighter before becoming an actor. But apparently money, fame, and comfort didn't seem to prevent him from jumping back into a fireman's suit when 9/11 happened and rejoining his old unit working 12 hour shifts in trying to rescue as many people as they could. A true mensch.

Jacob Colson

Another great Cusack/Samuel L Jackson flick is 1408!

Stick Figure Studios

I think a good argument can be made that that little girl doesn't even exist, that she's just in Garland's head.

'Pappy' Johnston

Loved the reaction. I KNEW she'd like this movie. Cassie, if you wanna' see John Malkovich playing an EQUALY good, "GOOD GUY' to his 'BAD GUY' performance in this movie, you need to watch an EQUALY good movie.....'Red'. It ALSO happens to star Bruce Willis AND Morgan Freeman! 👍🏻🙂 SIDE NOTE: I think the accent is to help sell the 'Southern-Gentlemen' aspect. This movie holds a special place in my heart, as my oldest Son is a Federal Officer and has done the whole "REALLY-BAD-GUY PRISONER-TRANSPORT" thing in real life quite a few times., (...he's kind of a Bad-A$$ although I don't know where he gets it! Must be from my Ex Wife, his Mother, Satin! LOL), ANYWAY, he always points out the real stuff vs B.S. stuff portrayed in the movie every time he was around when I tried to watch it! I'd be like....."SHUUUUUTTTT IT! I'M TRYIN' TO WATCH THE MOVIE!!!" And before you know it we'd BOTH be laughin' our butts off. LOL

Brian McGovern

I have seen the movie twice and did not really care for it. I was certain the first time I saw it, there was a scene that clearly showed the little girl survived. The second time, the little girl's fate was left ambiguous. I do not like the idea of having even a fictitious serial killer out on the loose, especially since he really did nothing at all to redeem himself.


Con Air is one of those shut your mind off and enjoy action movies. Of the three Nicholas Cage 90's action movies I think this is the weakness, but I still like the movie.

Richard Maurer

Well, she liked Con Air well enough. Not going to say I told you so - because I didn't. I thought she might like it, but I wouldn't have been surprised if she didn't. But we can put Con Air in the column of films people said Cassie wouldn't like (not you, at least I don't think you said she wouldn't like it) but it turns out she did. Movies like this and 300 just make me more determined to push for movies outside of Cassie's comfort zone.


Garland Green being free at the end for us (mostly men) is just a funny throwaway joke. Nothing more. We see this an over the top unrealistic action movie not to be taken seriously on any level. Just buckets of fun. Cassie knows this, but doesn't quite have that gear and still applies some true events drama feelings to this. But it makes a very entertaining reaction. Shame she didn't recognize Ving Rhames (Luther from MI) though.


you should watch 'being john malkovich' very strange but a very good movie that plays with metaphysics in an interesting way.

Superbowl champions

honestly your celebrity lookalike is monica potter.

Steve Holton

This film helped inspire The Lonely Island’s “Cool Guys Don’t Look At Explosions” https://youtu.be/Sqz5dbs5zmo

Rick Williams

Well that was fun. It was fun watching how much this movie fired you up, Cassie. It was one hell of a ride. Great reaction, Cassie. What's next? Another rollercoaster of a movie I hope.

Keith Jones

I think you nailed it, "doesn't quite have that gear" sums it up perfectly, but it is also what makes her so much fun to watch a movie with!


Bubba, Forest Gumps buddy


A plane lands on the strip, cops every where, explosions yet people never stopped gambling

Robert da Spruce

Very touching intro about your Dad. And quite the fun reaction! I think it’s official. You’re an action movie junkie! You really get into them! You’re pulse goes through roof! 😀 Yeah, the movie is over the top. But in a good way! Classic 90’s action movie! A little off topic. I don’t know if you’ve seen it. But I remember Monica Potter (Tricia Poe) from a 2001 rom-com called Head Over Heels starring her and Freddie Prinze Jr. Probably not something for the channel. But I know you like Rom-Coms. So maybe something to watch in your free time if your interested.

Kevin C

Okay…Everyone…let me try to blow your mind with a little mind-cannon. Steve Buscemi’s character here in Con Air (serial killer Garland Green) is the exact same guy he plays in The Big Lebowski (Theodore Donald Kerbatsos). Hear me out. Green gets to play in Vegas as everyone thinks he’s dead, and no one will assume the meek-looking guy is a serial killer. But when his luck runs out, he goes to Los Angeles, where deep thinking, shallow-minded people like him are plentiful. He finds friends in two self-involved men who were never going to ask about his own background, and joins a bowling league…a communal activity where he can meet potential new targets. After all, every time he bowls, he’s wearing a different shirt with a different name…none of them being his own. Trophies, perhaps? When he dies, his “friends” know little about him…least of which, where he was from…or that he escaped from that plane that crashed in Las Vegas years earlier…


Wow, Bob sounds like a really fun person that I'd like to get to know!

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, I wasn't surprised she liked it overall either. I always thought/said she would. If anything I'm surprised she didn't like it more than she did (she seems a bit uncomfortable several times when the film was wanting the audience to laugh at certain absurdly extreme "edgy" touches and she just looked concerned). My point was always just that a) I know she'll like ROMANCING THE STONE more and b) I think RTS is a much better movie as I've been recommending it for a long time, so I admit I was disappointed by the results of the poll, but I'm happy for those who really wanted Cassie to see this one as they got their wish. I am glad that she is watching RTS after all. So, hopefully everyone is pleased with this outcome. As for me, I'll continue to try to push for good movies on this channel (be they American or international, old classics or new surprises, popular hits or underseen/underappreciated gems, outside Cassie's comfort zone or well within it, etc). I have a pretty eclectic taste and I've always been in favor of a wide variety of great cinema for Cassie to experience/enjoy/learn from... I suspect I always will.

Wesley White

[sigh] This reaction was priceless, loved every minute of it! Like I said before, John Malkovich just steals the show with his performance as a villain, you just love to hate him! Gosh I miss the 90's, a simpler time when action movies were just pure entertainment! Cheesy, but the right amount! Growing up as a kid back then, I always loved explosions, guns blazing, sword fighting choreography, etc. Always got my adrenaline pumped lol! This movie is in my Top 100 favorite movies of all time! I'm glad you enjoyed this movie Cassie, really warms my heart that you can apprectiate movies like this! If you want to watch another slightly cheesy, but awesome action movie, I recommend a classic Arnold Schwarzenegger film, titled Commando, made in the 80's however, it's awesome, I'm sure you'll enjoy it! Take care, have a great week, good luck next week, much love and support, and as always.... stay classy Cassie🥰😁😉👍🌹

Gilbert Gonzalez

Loved this reaction, this movie was a childhood classic of mine growing up lol I lost it at Cassie’s reaction when Garland Greene said he drove through 3 states wearing a girl’s head as a hat 😂😂😂 This movie is somewhat considered apart of a sort of trilogy of 1997 Nicolas cage movies because all 3 feature Nicolas Cage being thrown through the air with something exploding behind him towards the end of the movie 😂 there was The Rock, Con Air (both of which you have now watched lol) and the third being Face/Off. That would be a great next Nicolas Cage watch!

Richard Maurer

For my part I rarely, if ever, tell any reactor they will love or hate something. The reason I don't do that is we really don't know for sure that she will love or hate something (as movies like this and 300 have shown), but more importantly it puts expectations on movies without letting Cassie decide for herself. I've noticed in my personal life when people recommend movies to me or to friends/family and insist that you will love or hate a movie it tends to actually have the opposite effect, making you think "that film wasn't as great/horrible as they said it would be". When I recommend a film I usually say things like "I really liked (movie x)" or "(movie x) didn't really work for me" so as to let them decide for themselves if the movie is great or horrible. I think we've all seen enough instances were Cassie liked or didn't like movies people insisted she'd hate or love to that you can't really be sure that you know her taste well enough to make those claims with 100% certainly, and worse might actually be giving her unrealistic expectations about a movies quality, or lack thereof.

Terry Yelmene

...and THAT's why this movie is perfect for Father's Day - for Casey!

Stick Figure Studios

That's cool. Personally, I have no problem myself telling someone that I think they will like or not like something just based on a knack I have of knowing people's individual tastes. It's a skill I developed over 16 years working in (and ultimately managing) an independent video store in my 20s and being asked constantly by customers to help recommend a movie. The regular ones who always came in and told me what they thought about a film afterwards helped me develop a sense of their own taste. Obviously I don't *always* know with 100% certainty and everytime I do recommend/caution against anything, I realize I could be wrong, but I'd say I'm right about 90% of the time and that's enough for me to be pretty confident in my own ability to predict a person's reaction. I've been right almost everytime so far with Cassie (though, as you mention, there have been a few surprises), but I've also always had the philosophy that you shouldn't let other people paint your picture for you, that you should see a film for yourself and make up your own mind (I always concluded my interactions with the customers at the video store with that caveat). Of course I could be wrong and I have been... just rarely. I also don't think it creates a false or unfair expectation for someone... or at least it doesn't do that for me when someone tells me that they think I'll like/dislike something and I trust Cassie is able to think for herself and go into every movie with an open mind... that's one of the reasons I love her channel so much. :-)

Philip Alan

"Ohhhhh, they're gonna kill him so hard!" haha

Philip Alan

And HOW DID YOU NOT recognize Luther Stickell from the Mission Impossible movies??!! AHHHHHHHHH!! I guess he looked a tad different in his youngin' days.

Richard Maurer

Well, I wasn't implying that Cassie can't think for herself, but telling a person they'll love or hate a film plants a seed. While you may believe it's not affecting you it's still in back of your mind, subconsciously coloring your opinion of the film. Especially when you have multiple people telling you that, as Cassie is subjected to every poll. In my personal life I've noticed better reactions to films when I didn't oversell their merits (or lack thereof). The truth is love and hate are both very strong words, and I think from the many reactions of Cassie's I've watched she tends to say she liked rather than loved. And frankly I'd be rather suspicious if she gave every film she liked the same level of enthusiasm she gave to LotR, for example. As for hate, I don't remember her ever saying she hated a film, although that is probably be due to her being such a nice person and not wanting hurt the feeling of the fans of films she outright hated. I have to admit I'd get a kick out of hearing Cassie say "I HATED this film, who recommended this piece of garbage?", even if were a film I liked. I really think when most people say you'll love or hate a film what they're really saying is "I LOVED/HATED this movie, therefore you will too, in order to validate my opinion".

Stick Figure Studios

I don't know that having a seed planted is necessarily a bad thing. For me, what hurts a cinematic experience is going in with faulty expectations, not going in with *any* expectations. I actually try to know some things about a film before I see it (minus major spoilers of course) because it helps me have a better idea of what I'm in store for and to be more open to what the film is actually trying to be rather than simply what I want it to be. Even Cassie often knows a little bit about movies before she watches them. Plus, she has family and friends who also know her tastes and help prepare her for movies that she will probably either like or dislike (BTW I also don't typically use the terms "love" or "hate" in my comments preferring to go with the less extreme "like" or "dislike"), but everybody's different. So I hear what you're saying and that's totally fine. You go with what works for you, my friend. I just operate a little differently based on my own not inconsiderable experience... and that experience tells me that Cassie is going to *love* ROMANCING THE STONE. ;-)

Robert da Spruce

Well, I think it’s a cute rom-com. And I think Cassie would enjoy it. I wouldn’t have recommended it otherwise. Just not sure if it would be that popular for the channel. Knowing Cassie, she’s probably already seen it. So the whole thing is moot! 😀

Richard Maurer

I hear you, and mostly agree. I just wish other people would cut back on the hyperbole. For me the constant "you'll LOVE!" and "you'll HATE!" gets a bit irritating.

Mike Lemon

"Just not sure if it would be that popular" That is the fast track to burn out (and channel death). That is why I think it is so important to have a movie like Head Over Heels (and it's not on her watched list) or a serious courtroom drama like Indictment: The McMartin Trial or something "childish" like Disney's Robin Hood. If you only go for "popular" you are going to be stuck with the same type (or feel) of movie over and over.


I believe you are both right to an extent ... Some people don't mind hearing about a movie beforehand while others prefer to know as little as possible. It really depends on the person.

Robert da Spruce

You won’t get any argument out of me. Ultimately, it’s up to Cassie to decide what movies she reacts to. All we can do is keep suggesting good movies.

Larry Darrell

“This is the Boneyard, this is the Hangar, this is our Plane.” “What’s That?” “That’s a Rock.” “Okay.” Cassie trying not to Laugh. My Favorite Moment. It’s OK to Laugh, Cassie. :-) It’s also OK to Feel as well. Use your Heart to fully experience the film and All the Emotions it has to offer. This is why Action Movies can get more Tears out of me than a lot of serious dramas. I just know not to take anything TO My Heart and Hold it there. Especially from a film like Con Air or The Fifth Element. Loved this Reaction. Thank You.

John Cranberry

I will save this one for my Saturday night movie. I hope Cassie doesn't take the film too seriously.

Larry Darrell

On Second Thought… Unless, it’s something Positive, like Cameron Poe’s Goodness and the whole relationship between Him, Baby-O and Sally Bishop. That’s what keeps me coming back. And Poe’s Friendship with Larkin… And the Family Reunion with Trisha Yearwood singing over it. This Film’s got A Lot of Great things to hold on to.

Adam Doyle

Dare we suggest Face/Off ....

John P Tucker

I love action movies, but I never cared for this movie.

Richard Maurer

I like this one, in a jigsaw is really grown-up Kevin from Home Alone sorta way.


Incredibly over the top, but it's definitely a fun one

Henry Graham

Having seen Malkovich in a couple of villainous roles, Cassie should 100% watch Being John Malkovich for a change of pace. And then she can follow it up with another great Nicolas Cage film in the quasi-sequel Adaptation, so it's win-win!

John Cranberry

OMG, I really enjoyed watching this movie again after almost 5 years. It still holds up so well and I am glad Cassie loved it also. Perfect cast and awesome execution. 😘

Jorge De La Torriente

Hey Cassie, you and Carly should see John Malkovich in the movie "SECRETARIAT". He had a great and significant role in it.

Christopher B.

90's popcorn action movies were just made different, and Con Air is a perfect example of it. I can't explain why, but at the time we in the audience fully bought into that one single scene of the little girl alive and happy after Garland left her as, "yeah sure he's good now, why not." Crazy times.


Cassie I cannot believe you didn't realize that Diamond Dog was also Luther from Mission Impossible, I was sure you'd look at him and be like "oh my gosh, THAT'S LUTHER!"

Dean Holt

Little late watching this reaction, it is one of the reasons we love seeing your reactions to these types of movies as you do get right into it and tend to take them very seriously 😂😂. But as you kept saying the people are correct in saying don’t take it to serious as it’s just an over the top action film. And one of the reasons I like it is because of all ott villains and some of the one lines they come out with. The way I always looked at Garland Green (Buscemi’s character) getting away in the end was that Buscemi tens to die in quite a few movies he’s in so him getting away and surviving is a bit of a win and you just have to remember it’s not real it’s just a film 😂