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Well this was more than we were bargaining for! A heart punch for our matinee... So many familiar faces, sorry if we were being annoying, we couldn't stop placing people. Is it weird how much this disaster 90's movie made me evaluate life choices? Started off Disaster Days with a bang!

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[Full Reaction] Deep Impact (1998)



So 2 guys who discovered the comet just suddenly died from 2 different car accidents????........ok..... and the Astronauts had 5 nukes and they only use ONE NUKE AT FIRST.....ok I am done lol

christopher b swanson

hell yeah................setting up to watch now..............

Mike LL

I have always loved Deep Impact. It was always more emotional than I expected from the special effects laden popcorn extravaganza I thought it would be. Don’t we all wish Morgan Freeman, with his quiet calm, were our President?

Eric J Watkins

Hitting play now, and happy to have this to watch with you. Is there a reason that your reaction video is only at 360 and not HD? Not a big deal, but you're both a little fuzzier than usual.

William Bryan

Please tell me I'm not the only one who wishes a comet would actually hit earth. That's what it's gonna friggin take for humanity to realize what's actually important.

Jerrod Acree

One of if not the best disaster film. Classic! Iconic!

William Bryan

It was so weird to see how the movie industry did things in the late 90s. So often there very similar movies released within about two months apart. In '97 it was Dante's Peak and Volcano, '98 was Deep Impact and Armageddon, '99 was Deep Blue Sea and Lake Placid. Saw all six in theaters


I can't stand Tea Leoni, and haven't watched this movie in years but for some reason, I've got it on 4k disc so I guess it's time for a rewatch.


Thought you might like this one. It has a great emotional core helped by a beautiful James Horner soundtrack.

Michael Larsen

So you want a comet to hit earth so we can realize our families are important, then you want almost 8 billion people to die. Okay, rational.


yea she's a drag, for sure. Even in Bad Boys. Just didnt like her. And I cant believe David Duchovny was married to her for a while. I just could never understand lol

christopher b swanson

now that I'm done rewatching, it strikes me that this is a better movie than Armageddon from the same year, and on a funny note, I was 26 when I saw this in theaters, but now at 51 that lottery age sounds shitty lololol


Helen Hunt, lol; for years it was said that Leelee Sobieski looked similar to her; Leelee doesn’t do movies anymore though


Dad Joke over Coffee, Toast and my son’s Honey Nut Cheerios: “So, this movie had a ‘Deep Impact’ on you and Carly?” :p Can’t wait!

David Crabtree

It's not on the same level as Armageddon for me (I adore that film) but I've always really enjoyed this movie. Looking forward to watching this tonight after work!

Michael Enos

Hugs ladies.. a good reaction. Anyone got a kleenex?

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Holy shit, how have I never seen this? I guess I've never really been into disaster movies because they always seemed so ridiculous. Movies like 2012 and The Day After Tomorrow, I'll admit are really entertaining, but totally implausible. This one was actually really good though, terrifyingly possible, but also full of very human moments. Good job patrons and Popcorns, this was a great movie pick, definitely going to rewatch too 👍

Raven Dark

It's been a long time since I've seen this before now, and the volume was kind of screwy on the copy I have, so I couldn't catch some of the dialogue, which means I could be wrong about this. But about the two guys who discovered the comet. One was the scientist who was killed in the car crash. The other was the kid, Beiderman. The guy who was killed labeled the footage of the comet as "Wolf-Biederman" so when the one guy was killed, the authorities thought there were two scientists who discovered the comet. They thought both scientists were in the vehicle when it crashed. One car crash, when the car hit an oncoming truck. The movie made a point of showing us that when the scientist's car crashed, it exploded and burned up so much that people wouldn't have been able to tell there weren't two people in the car. This is why they thought the kid, the other person who discovered the comet, was dead. They thought the kid, Biederman, was a second scientist who died with the first because his name was on the disk. The kid explained this in that gymnasium scene. About the nukes, I believe there were 7 or 8, and the plan was to use four at first or something (maybe in case it didn't work and they have to do it a second time?), only things went wrong and they didn't have time to plant more than one nuke before the heat of the sun and the accident with two of the astronauts forced them to abandon the attempt to plant more. They only used one at first because they didn't have a choice. Again, if I've gotten this all screwed up in my head, or if I misunderstood what you were getting at, my apologies.


Not really a happy ending , more about the triumph of the human spirit.

Robin Craft

This isn't the only film that Morgan Freeman's character is the President right? I can't think of the other one.. Anyway he's on my Mount Rushmore of Hollywood voices along with Sam Elliot, James Earl Jones and Alan Rickman (RIP).


That's the plot of the next Fast & Furious film.

Robin Craft

The character she has played that I disliked was the neurotic wife in "Spanglish".

Terry Yelmene

Robert Duval does what he does... saves the world!

Celeste McAllister

Elijah Wood with the big blue eyes,makes me wonder if Middle earth begins where DI leaves off,this was not what I was expecting so box of tissues emotional,where Armageddon failed Deep Impact succeeded..OK guy's next disastrous movie!


I was trying to point out that fact that it's poor writing ans 2ed of all 8 NUKES?? they should have use that 4 I mean sure it will have been a short movie but COME ON!!!

Brian McGovern

Oohwaa. Carly did NOT do all the things, at least we did not see her do them. They should film a special insert shot of her doing all the things and drop it in for the YT edit.

Mike LL

Robin Craft: Freeman is the US President in the third of the "Has Fallen" movie series with Gerald Butler. ANGEL HAS FALLEN (2019) is the one where he is President. Celeste McAllister: now, now, no politics. 😛 I could say that President Tom Beck, I think, would do a better job than President Thomas Whitmore from INDEPENDENCE DAY.

Robert da Spruce

I think you definitely need to watch Armageddon as well. Same premise. Asteroid/comet on collision course with Earth. Both movies released in the same year. But that’s where the similarities end. I think it’d be interesting to see which you guys like more.

Bill Maurer

Robert Duval is just believable in any movie he is in. Cowboy, Astronaut, Fighter Pilot ... you name it. He can play it

Odd Thomas

I think if they'd smushed the two movies together - Deep Impact and Armageddon - you'd have a great movie. One has the emotion, the other has the action. I love Armageddon but it's one of the most over-edited films ever made. For every normal cut, they throw in eight.

Odd Thomas

Great Robert Duvall movie I don't think you've seen yet: Falling Down (with Michael Douglas). Its themes were prescient in 1993 - even more so now.

Eric J Watkins

Whoops, yeah sorry. I didn't realize that's how "the YouTube" worked, haha. Old guy here, lol.

Eric J Watkins

I couldn't wait to see who scored it in the credits. What an amazing composer and such a huge loss to the industry.


Right now I preferred this to Armageddon too having just rewatched, but maybe a part of it is cos I've seen Arma so many many times this was refreshing.


When Cassie cries my chances of tearing up increase at an exponential rate haha

David Freese

Robert, don't quote me on this, I remember that she has seen Armageddon already B4 the channel but I might be remembering wrong. Edit: Just checked and Cassie has seen it but Carly hasn't so maybe a rewatch later in the future

Stick Figure Studios

I've always liked this one. While most disaster films are just excuses to indulge in eye-popping spectacle, cheesy dialogue and fun but slightly distasteful games of "who's going to die next?" this one actually attempted to deal seriously with its premise, tell an emotional story and pose profound questions. This is the disaster genre raised the level of art and compared to the similarly-plotted (and admittedly more popular but also far less intelligent) ARMAGEDDON, this looks (as Roger Ebert aptly put it) "like it belongs on the AFI list."

Stick Figure Studios

I like the way Roger Ebert put it in his review of ARMAGEDDON saying that compared to that, DEEP IMPACT "looks like it belongs on the AFI list."

Stick Figure Studios

It's amazing what you can take away from the experience when you actually pay attention to the movie you're watching.

Odd Thomas

I was 18 when this came out and I enjoyed it, mostly for the 'disaster/space' elements. Watching it now, in my 40s, it hits SO much harder. I was a mess practically five minutes in.

Mike LL

Instantly one of my top 10 favorite reactions on the channel. Thank you Cassie and thank you Carly. This is one I will re watch again and again.


Talk about constellations? Watch "The Sure Thing". 80s rom com. Stone cold classic.

Michael J

This one 2020 I think it is Armageddon and Independence Day. All cheese to academy, but are AWSOKE!!!!!! And heartfelt to

Armchair Rizzard

I actually really love Deep Impact. Its one of the best disaster movies, which can often be utterly ridiculous.

Ricardo Alanis

This movie gets me more as time goes by especially toward the end. Such a great movie.

Robert da Spruce

I believe he’s quite the tango dancer as well! I think he actually lives in Argentina. Could be wrong about that last part though


wow! 😲 so awesome, I must watch!


I’m a huge crier so it’s nice to sort of have someone cry along with me 😂

Tim Raths

She’s mentioned it on here but she said she doesn’t remember much about it.

Jon Johns

Lol, Eric, the early birds get worms... I just started this, what, 12 hours after you, and it's 1080p at least. Love your enthusiasm, though!! I also must endure low quality when I am impatient to watch 😂

Jon Johns

Leviathan, and the Abyss... 1989... Tombstone and Wyatt Earp were almost a year apart, but pretty close...

Jon Johns

We should add an event to the "PopCon" event in Las Vegas... (When you hit 1 Mil subs) -- a trip to an observatory with Carly!

William Bryan

Am I the only one who knows that the mom of LeeLee Sobieski is the mom on the original Pet Semetary?

Philip Alan

I love "Thunder Days"! It's my favorite movie! :) haha!

Mike Lemon

I'm sure that LeeLee Sobieski and her mom know that. Well, they would know it if it were true. Denise Crosby (Tasha Yar) was the mom and LeeLee's mom is Elizabeth Sobieski.

Matt Mabry

I kept wondering when you would both yell, out FRODO!!! Leo needed a Samwise with him as well. Armageddon will tug at your heart strings as well. Let say there is an Arwen moment to be had.

Celeste McAllister

Will a comet or an asteroid strike the Earth and send survivors back to the stone age?..Alas no such luck,not this year.😂

Celeste McAllister

Like cutting up a frog in science class,you understand the biology but,now you're stuck with a dead frog..

Rick Williams

Great movie. I have always loved this movie. Powerful. Makes you think about what's really important. This movie hit you ladies hard. As I knew it would. Great performances in the movie. Great Reaction Ladies.

Philip Alan

Not the only one. But it wasn't until this moment, that I remembered which movie I knew her from (one of them at least).

Timothy Burrows

I knew mom Cassie was really going to struggle with the last 15 minutes or so.

Robert da Spruce

Whew! That was a lot more emotional than I remember. Maybe because I was younger when I first watched it. You see things a lot differently as an adult. Definitely prefer this movie to Armageddon. Which is a fun popcorn movie. But this one is better IMO. Who’s idea was disaster week anyways? 😂 Oh, I almost forgot. Since you guys like Tea Leoni and Nicholas Cage in recent films. I would like to suggest the romantic comedy Family Man (2000) starring both.



Super Powered Design (Jim)

OMG. I cried so hard with you guys on this one! This movie and Armageddon came out (pretty much) at the same time, and everyone loves Armageddon better, but this movie was SO MUCH BETTER! I has an argument with someone today, and this reaction made me feel like "life is to short" to hold a grudge, so I apologized. Thank you for making a difference in my life.


Your reactions definitely made that movie. Great stuff ladies.


I do too. Armageddon has too much Michael Bay in it. Deep Impact does the concept, and especially the science a lot better. It's too bad from what I remember that Armageddon killed it by a mile at the box office.


Armageddon - Comet hits earth for guys. / Deep Impact - Comet hits earth for women.

Shawn Kildal

Reactions like this are the reason I'm a long time Patreon subscriber here. Thank you!

Shawn Kildal

I don't think Cassie recognized the dad of the teenage boy in this movie. It was Richard Schiff who plays Toby Ziegler on The West Wing.

William Bryan

You ever stand in the middle of a baseball field during a thunderstorm raise your hands in the air and yell out "hit me you son of a bitch!!" and then it not happen? That's pretty much how I'd be during the asteroid lol

Rick Williams

Yes. This one was more realistic. You could see yourself in this one. Got me thinking how would I handle it.

Mike Lemon

@Stick- I didn't know someone making maille ("chain mail") was made into a movie. (the joke is "The Ring Lord" sells cut rings to make maille with) I wonder if I am mentioned for my contributions to the craft?

Russell Teo

Way better movie than over the top Armageddon which was released in same year

Em McG (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:06:05 Thanks for watching this, it was always one of my picks. I'm glad you liked it and that it had an effect on both of you. I appreciate how the astronauts are portrayed here. It makes up just a little for the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster a decade before which left a gaping wound... so to speak, in the psyche of a people. Also yes, saving humanity is worth it. That means going into space, learning more about space and the dangers that come from there. We live on one planet, we ought to know what the neighborhood is like. We need to be more comfortable out there. And also to have the perspective of looking back to see how fragile and alone is our tiny blue marble in the emptiness of space... a pale blue dot caught as if a mote shining in a beam of sunlight...
2023-06-22 23:22:27 Thanks for watching this, it was always one of my picks. I'm glad you liked it and that it had an effect on both of you. I appreciate how the astronauts are portrayed here. It makes up just a little for the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster a decade before which left a gaping wound... so to speak, in the psyche of a people. Also yes, saving humanity is worth it. That means going into space, learning more about space and the dangers that come from there. We live on one planet, we ought to know what the neighborhood is like. We need to be more comfortable out there. And also to have the perspective of looking back to see how fragile and alone is our tiny blue marble in the emptiness of space... a pale blue dot caught as if a mote shining in a beam of sunlight...

Thanks for watching this, it was always one of my picks. I'm glad you liked it and that it had an effect on both of you. I appreciate how the astronauts are portrayed here. It makes up just a little for the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster a decade before which left a gaping wound... so to speak, in the psyche of a people. Also yes, saving humanity is worth it. That means going into space, learning more about space and the dangers that come from there. We live on one planet, we ought to know what the neighborhood is like. We need to be more comfortable out there. And also to have the perspective of looking back to see how fragile and alone is our tiny blue marble in the emptiness of space... a pale blue dot caught as if a mote shining in a beam of sunlight...


I can imagine what it says about the leaders of a nation whose citizens wish for a comet to come wipe everything clean. When I say leaders I'm talking about 3 million people who claim to be in charge.

William Bryan

Humanity is doomed and doesn't matter which nation/society/civilization in which time period it is. Every nation that has come up has eventually failed. The earth itself was better off before mankind ever came to be. The life of humans is not a blessing, nor a curse. It's random and death is the only way out. Bring on the apocalypse via a comet, super flu, nuclear war, whatever.


About to watch. I waited an extra day to get the DVD rather than watch it streaming. I wanted to own it anyway, and DVD is cheaper than buying the movie streaming. 105 comments in barely 2 days. Must be a great reaction! Here. I. Go.........

Roger Wayne Alms

Deep Impact is one of my top ten movies of all time. I've watched it so many times that I would not have watched it again for a long time. But sharing this with you both was wonderful. I know you will love Dante's Peak. I think my only copy of Dante's Peak is VHS, so I will have to get a digital one before you air it. Thank you so much for sharing this experience with us. I really enjoy these movies much more after taking Geology courses 2 years ago. Have a great rest of June and I thought you reactions were spot on.


When this movie came out, it was intense and disturbing, but there was the reassurance that it could never really happen. Then Covid hit and the world shut down from a disease, something I thought was impossible in this modern age So I no longer look at movies like this with scepticism. Interesting movie trivia--there was a bit of controversey in casting Morgan Freeman as the president since some felt the public would not really accept a black man as president of the United States. But ten years later, we elected one for real. Sometimes Hollywood gets the jump on the future.

Larry Darrell

Thought it was pretty clear they used 4 Nukes in the initial blast. Multiple Nukes were seen being loaded and armed before going to surface. “Loading First Nuke Now.” Usage of the Plural… nukes, moles, “each one carries a 5 thousand kiloton warhead” numbered locations… Hole 3, Hole 4 “Houston, All Moles are at depth. Nukes hot and ready.” Seems reasonable that the original plan was for 4 Nukes. That’s why there were 4 Backups. “The two scientists who found the comet were killed in a car crash while racing from their observatory to alert the world.” We only ever saw One Car Crash. The President says, “a car crash.” Singular. Sticks right. It’s Amazing what happens when you actually pay attention.

Larry Darrell

DeepStar Six also 1989. The Relic and Mimic… 1997. Mission to Mars and Red Planet… 2000.

Larry Darrell

She has definitely said, “I still do not know if I have seen Armageddon or not.” If you “do not know” if you have seen Armageddon or not, then you have not seen Armageddon. She should watch it. Deep Impact is certainly the Better Movie, but that does not make Armageddon a bad movie. It’s A Lot of Fun… and still bring the Tissues.

Michael Gilbrook

Actually, this kind of event has happened to Earth before several times, most recently 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs were rendered extinct. This could happen just like the film depicted. We would probably see an object this big several years before it impacted, but that's still not much time to put together a deflection mission. NASA just tried its first ever asteroid deflection during the DART mission just recently, so we are starting to learn what it will take! https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-confirms-dart-mission-impact-changed-asteroid-s-motion-in-space


Roger Ebert gave Deep Impact 2.5/4 stars, but in his review of Armageddon summed up the two movies perfectly: "'Deep Impact,' which, compared with 'Armageddon,' belongs on the American Film Institute list."


Having "trouble" seeing Morgan Freeman as the president (If he can play God why shouldn't he be president?) is one of those "our kids are never going to believe that this was a thing" things. I hope.

Larry Darrell

This film was right up your Alley. Glad to have been able to enjoy it with ya’ll. Thank You. This was a Real Treat. By the way… keep the Tissue Box filled. ;-) Deep Impact was directed by, One of the many underrated Female Producers and Directors of Film and TV, Mimi Leder. She directed the terrific film Pay it Forward (2000), which I believe you have seen. If you’ve never watched the series, ER (1994 - 2009) 15 Seasons, then I Highly Recommend it. Not for the channel obviously, but just to see an Amazing Series that ran for 15 years with terrific, believable characters and realistic stories. Also the series made a Star out of George Clooney. Mimi Leder was a producer and director on the first couple seasons. She was also the producer and director on another Awesome show, HBO’s The Leftovers, for all 3 Seasons. This is more doable for the channel, with only 28 episodes, if you are looking for a series to consider. And It appears Mimi Leder is working on the Apple series, The Morning Show, with Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon. I haven’t seen this yet, but have heard good things.

Shawn Kildal

@Cody, Cassie actually did recognize him almost immediately when she did her reaction to The Lost World. For whatever reason, she didn't on this movie though.

Mike Lemon

@Kevin - It wasn't a thing, the thing was, some people THOUGHT the public wouldn't accept it- those people are the bigots. There have been black movie and TV Presidents since at least the '70s (and I'm seeing, maybe the 1930s). Hell, Tiny Lister was the President just one year earlier in The Fifth Element- nobody cared.

David Freese

Why is it about race nowadays??? When this movie came out not one person I knew said it couldn't happen and we were all white and conservative. I just don't understand why it's such a problem.

Larry Darrell

Ever since this film, Morgan Freeman has been my Favorite President. I would have elected him then, and I would still elect him Today. https://youtu.be/fcLj2CVC1VU


If you're entering into the Disaster Movie genre, why not continue with the two movies that started them all, Airport (1970) and The Poseidon Adventure (1972).


Wolff died in the car crash. Biederman (Frodo) was the one who first saw the comet. Wolff named the comet Wolff Biederman because he wanted the kid to receive credit for discovering the comet. The authorities believed Wolff and Biederman both died in the crash because comets are usually named after the scientists that discovered them. This was all very clearly explained in the movie... Same goes for the nukes. They make it very clear they use multiple nukes in an attempt to steer the comet away from its collision course. It really wasn't that difficult to follow.


"Family and being able to survive" So, social issues you mean...


Ah, I thought I recognised some 'Aliens' esque music in there.

Anthony Perez

this was a great reaction to a good movie I had not seen in a while....and FYI...not as a disaster movie but you really need to watch TENDER MERCIES with Robert Duvall...a quiet unpretentious movie that was unappreciated. A young Duvall is awesome.

Richard Maurer

Yeah, I don't understand why people let themselves get so angry about stuff like that - live and let live. That's what you meant, right?

William Bryan

Yeah pretty much. People that are obsessed with WOKE, LGBT, etc have no grip on reality.

Richard Maurer

For some reason the studios thought the best thing to do was race to copy other studios projects and try to get them out first. Of course it still goes on today, just not quite as blatant. like as soon as Marvel became successful everyone started putting out superhero films.

William Bryan

Well they obviously did something right because a lot of people saw all six in theaters, myself included lol

Richard Maurer

This is one of the few disaster movies that wasn't just a amusement park ride of a movie. I actually cared when many of the characters died as they felt more real than most disaster movie characters, who are usually just stereotypes that you're either supposed to feel glad or sad about dying.

Richard Maurer

I can see that, at least until they choose rom-coms. Then their taste goes right out the window.

Doc Savage

Ugh.. So good! Love these.


I'm sure this has already been recommended in the comments but y'all should definitely check out Mimi Leder's other film "The Peacemaker" with George Clooney and Nicole Kidman. A great underrated action thriller with stolen nukes and Clooney being a macho military guy saving the day.


It was fun revisiting this one! It was better than I remember actually. Except for the one major plot hole which is, why the heck didn't the crew blow up the bigger asteroid the first chance they got when they found out the original attempt didn't change the trajectory? They were just sitting on 4 extra nukes the whole time and never thought to be like "hey, maybe we can try again" until the world was minutes away from ELE? If they blew up the big one earlier they could have saved millions of more people by organizing massive transportation to already set up camps on mountains to avoid the waves from the first blast. Yeah the crew would have died but they would have done it in a heartbeat if they knew it would literally save the world and their loved ones at home. Just makes zero sense. But nevertheless, it was still a fun one and would love to see a reaction to Armageddon which is even better. Its funnier, better action, and more emotional and better ending.

David Anderson

Wow, revisiting this movie, it is excellent. The writing is what really stood out to me. It has a somewhat ethereal, spiritual tone to it. The writing on disaster movies is often poor, and this is definitely an exception. The pacing and balanced statements of the President's speeches are almost biblical, and full of biblical references ("the waters receded" is from the story of Noah's Flood, for example). I looked up the writer and he ended up going off into a sort of Jewish spiritualist direction, which wasn't surprising given all those references. Anyways, great film and reaction.

Richard Rolen

They couldn't do it earlier. The huge vent that they flew into to get the nukes inside the big chunk didn't open up until they were closer to the sun. Also, they couldn't blow the nukes without getting the launch codes, which they couldn't do until they were close enough to contact NASA on the low-band radio.