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This episode as a stand alone was SO GOOD - I love Yuriko's character, the unique perspective of the "outsider looking in" on Natsume's Middle School years, and the relationship that blooms between her and Natsume makes me instantly build a new ship and want it to get some revisiting down the road! Right!? This episode was so different for Natsume, but in the best way!

LINK TO PIP REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/gzgQUYiu6c7hEcpKnaPchw? 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - NATSUME YUUJINCHOU Season 4: Episode 5 Reaction! TO YOU, FROM BYGONE DAYS!?

LINK TO PIP REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/gzgQUYiu6c7hEcpKnaPchw? **BYGONE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This episode as a stand alone was SO GOOD - I love Yuriko's character, the unique perspective of the "outsider looking in" on Natsume's Middle School years, and the relationship that blooms between her and Natsume makes me instantly build a new ship and want it to get some revisiting down the road! Right!? This episode was so different for Natsume, but in the best way! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #natsumeyuujinchou #natsumebookoffriends #natsume #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction & discussion! Any time we have a baby!Natsume episode (or maybe I should say pre-Fujiwara!Natsume?) – my heart hurts, always such a tough watch. 😔 How much it was that everything was ‘against him’ – people and yokai and himself - even if sometimes this was not exactly what was happening but how he remembers/perceives it. The discussion at the end around memory and how easily it is distorted – key aspect of this show, I feel as well. Seeing Yuriko defend him was so sweet (especially seeing her stand up for him in front of others!) and also expressing that directly to him. This was so needed – more of that, please! Yuriko is lovely. 🥰 Specifically though I wanted to talk about the yokai + Natsume in this episode as a triad. Suneko – clinging to people for safety – the way people unknowingly take advantage of Natsume’s abilities. Kurokama – a guardian who existed in order to take on suffering on behalf of people – the way Natsume has no choice but to take action, ‘suffers’ in his encounters with yokai and protects people. And then Natsume directly saying in the scene with the window: ‘I’ll take the blame.’ 😔 As I’ve said before, I always love yokai being representations of different aspects of Natsume’s experience – but this one is one of my favourites! Cannot wait for next week and another double-parter! 💙


I am SO excited for the two-parter this coming week! It’s been one of my favorites so far in the season! Thank you for the comment and kind words! Baby Natsume is so precious…but yeah, I agree in this case it’s not only Pre-Fujiwara Natsume, but seeing how sad and disassociated he was is really heartbreaking! Yes, everyone ‘against him’ it seemed - but man, thankfully Yuriko was a beacon of light for him in that moment! I like that idea of how we remember things looking back as well and how it can vary depending on perspective. Yuriko was so lovely! I really hope that we get to see her in the future! And that is a great note about the yokai and Natsume in this episode - I’ll have to bring that up in the future! Thanks again - now…onto the Book of Boyfriends! 😛