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Hey everyone!

Okay, so this may be a long post, but as you may know - I am a hyper-organized person and I've tried to work ahead to prepare for any setbacks on the channel (because life happens)!

On Sunday, January 5th, my area had a MAJOR ice storm come through, with myself and about 40,000 people left without power. I'm in a very rural area, so as of Tuesday afternoon, there are still about 10,000 - myself included - without power or internet.

They are hoping worst case scenario, my power is restored by the weekend. Luckily, I have a gas stove so my house is warm enough. I'm VERY lucky in that regard.

However, even with the power restored, a telephone line carrying my Internet was taken down during the storm. There is no estimate on when it will be fixed, so even when the power comes back on, I may not have Internet at my house for some time.

Now, to combat this, when I get power, I can ask some reliable patrons in the past (Ed, you know who you are, haha) if they can hopefully get me files of the shows I'm watching to record reactions. And I will work when the weather clears to get a hot spot so I can at least edit videos and then hopefully, I can take those edited reactions to my place or work (that has stellar internet) to upload them. I have some preparation to do and I have ideas, so that should be fine. I will be, if anything, doing all I can to get you reactions on time.

THAT being said, with the exception of Link Click for next Sunday and JanuYaoi/RWTW's entries, everything for this week is ready to go. Next week looks like it hopefully will all be ready for the most part, too, with those exceptions.

The Apothecary Diaries Season 2, JanuYaoi, and anything past next week - I will be working my hardest to try and get to you. But this is a very precarious time for me. It's unprecedented. I've never missed a recording in 4 years of this channel being on time. So, as you can imagine, my anxiety is at an all-time high but I am working to be calm. We can only do what we can.

Please know your support on the channel right now is very appreciated and may help me secure some resources to help get through this and future incidents. I will do my best to get everything out on time, but if there are delays, I will try to mitigate and keep them at a low.

My days usually consist of:

6 am wake up, 8 am work at job until 5 pm, recording and editing 7-11 pm on weeknights and on weekends it's usually all day trying to get 2-3 shows recorded/edited while doing other tasks (well, and cleaning my house, seeing friends/family). So, to say the least, this has been a change of pace the last few days not being able to record and edit - which isn't a bad thing, but I know how behind it will make me on the channel and I want to do the best for you all (and watch/read these series)!

Anyway, I wanted to be transparent and let you all know that I will work hard to keep things on time, but if I'm delayed, there is reason for it and please keep your support and comments coming - it motivates me more than anything!

Stay Warm and Safe,

<3 RB



Been there with hurricanes. Stay safe and hopefully power will be back for everyone soon.


"Ice Storm" my floridian brain cannot even parse that phrase.


Please stay safe! My thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone affected.

L Freya

Thanks for the update and stay safe! I've seen other creators go for weeks and weeks or months without giving an update to what's going on, and yours is not only really fast, but so much more thorough as well (knew your schedule was loaded, now confirmed)! Truly the best, even in the worst of times! Hope you can make the most out of it, and maybe even enjoy a little down time or at least get that grass wasn't really greener on the other side feeling out of oneself that sometimes builds up! haha. Hope to see you say your power is back soon and things are back to normal! It'll get there eventually, let us know if there's anything we can do! Keep at bugging those power companies every couple days!


Please stay safe! And I hope everything will turn for better for you soon ❤️

Anime Annie

Stay warm and safe too! I hope you get your power back soon. Take this time to look after yourself (and not just be a ball-thrower for Huckleberry 😂) and try not to stress out. I know telling you not to worry too much about getting reactions likely won't help with your anxiety and the need to plan ahead, but this setback is completely understandable and unfortunately out of your hands. I'm sure everyone is more than willing to wait until you are able to do the reactions and get them uploaded.

Alexandra Q

I’m glad to hear you’re safe, but please don’t worry so much about the channel and focus on that 🙏🥺 Even if a few reactions are missed, the most important part is that you stay safe and not putting horrible pressure on yourself ❤️ I’m sending you my best and all the good vibes I have to spare alongside my prayers. Hopefully everything will be solved fast! I know a little about the pains of living in a rural area, as I myself do, so I know things can be slow.


Thank you for the kind words and support! I am hoping that after all this snow and junk is through, things will get restored - glad (but also sad) that there is relatability!


Yeah, it's much scarier than a snow storm, because the ice is heavy, so it weighs down on power lines and tree limbs and then snaps them both. I have so many limbs down around me - luckily none have hit my home, which is good. But our linemen have been out tirelessly the last few days trying to restore power! Thank you for the comment!


Thank you so much for the comment and kind words! That means a lot to me - and the thoughts and prayers are appreciated!


Thank you for not only understanding, but for the kind words! I know if I was a patron or viewer, I would want to know what's up in a situation like this. Hopefully, I can stay on track, but I'd rather be transparent then to leave people hanging. Honestly, you all supporting and commenting as usual keeps me motivated and I know that the crews out here are working around the clock, so I have faith...it will just take time. :3 <3 Thank you so much for the comment!


Thank you! Luckily, I've been able to stay warm and my dogs are completely unaffected - Huckleberry HAS been more snuggly these last few days - probably since I've legit had more time to throw him his ball! And thank you! I think the fact that there really isn't ANYTHING I can do about it at the moment has oddly enough eased some anxiety. It's made me definitely excited to get back to it, but made me relax and take a seat for a moment. Thank you for the kind words and support!


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! It's really appreciated, any of the kind words and thoughts/prayers - I know folks are working hard and it will just take time. Things are definitely slow going in a rural area, but I am lucky, all things considered! <3


Please stay safe and healthy. I can't send you a file, but I wish I could do something for you. But I'm relieved at least you have two lovely dogs to distract your worries. Please take care of yourself.


I'm picturing Romania Black sitting next to a gas stove for warmth, writing her anime reactions with ink and quill on parchment. Hope things get turned on soon, I know how nasty those storms can get.


Why did I have the same vision? 😅 all jokes aside I hope she is well!


Wish you and your familiy safety and recover of the infrastruture soon. Thank you so much for sharing your situation with us in this difficult time. Please prioritize your personal life.


Thank you so much! It's okay - I have a patron that's sending me files, so I am taken care of, but I really appreciate that! Luckily, I have my dogs and heat and my health, so I am lucky! Thank you and take care of yourself as well!


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I really appreciate everyone's consideration and support - it means a lot! I'll do my best! :D


AHAHAHAH -- now, you've given me an idea on filming the February update! ;) But thank you -- after three days, I got my power back on, luckily. The Internet is still down, but I have a system right now and it's working okay! I appreciate it!! :3


Thank you! Yes, after three days, I got power back! The Internet is down, but I'm lucky and thankful and have a system in place to work and adapt so that's good - but yes, I may have to record the February update sitting by the stove hahaha!