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Ooohh, I've heard a lot of buzz about this BL manga and decided to check this one-shot volume out and I was NOT disappointed! This was so sweet and I love this pair so much already! I hope you enjoy this little "Januyaoi" bonus!

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Queen and the Tailor: Yaoi Manga Reaction!

**TAILORED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Ooohh, I've heard a lot of buzz about this BL manga and decided to check this one-shot volume out and I was NOT disappointed! This was so sweet and I love this pair so much already! I hope you enjoy this little "Januyaoi" bonus! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #yaoimangareaction #romaniablack #QueenandtheTailor Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Be Happy

This was a wonderful surprise.. thanks for maintaining your schedule despite the hardship and I hope the situation gets better and better I loved this cute one shot when I read it the 1st time. In hindsight it’s cutesy and not complicated but it retained nonetheless a deep subtle current about the difficulty of coming out to the family, what’s the consequence, how they are going to react to such news etc … even if here it’s really lightly underlined !! Also I loved how almost everyone went in thinking Testuya is going to be the Sème, and them the Mangaka flipped the script and done a plot twist of the genre, with the frail blushy partner being the Sème and the calm dark and handsome tall partner being the Uke.. I just loved it. Honestly age Gap doesn’t bother me as long as the younger one is in their mid twenties because as you said, it’s a consentant adult whose brained is fully developed I also loved that each one of the helped the other reveal themselves more and get to be a better version of themselves. Again thanks for the reaction it was a wonderful Januyaoi treat 💖

Anime Annie

I do believe this is set in the same universe as several other Beriko's works. Shida in glasses is so good 😍 But I do love both main characters' designs. Also adore the dynamics between Shida and Oumi. As to Oumi being the "queen" I believe it's a play on words because the name "Oumi" has the same pronunciation as that of a hereditary title. Also challenges your preconceived notions with the "queen" character being the seme. Glad I wasn't the only one getting YuuMori's Sherlock vibes with Shida having his hair up 🥰 Though with his more mature air I have to say he makes me think of Mycroft if he had longer hair like his little brother (and the moment I thought that, every time Shida spoke all I could hear was Yasumoto Hiroki's voice saying his lines 😆) Shida is just too smooth 🥰 Love me a confident bottom who goes for what he wants. Especially against such a precious puppy dog of a top 😆 The only thing that surpasses a black hair/blonde hair ship for me is a black hair/white hair ship 😆 Completely agree on the waking up to someone looking like that and they made me breakfast...as soon as the grogginess left me I'd have visible heart eyes 🤣 As much as the removing of the glasses is very hot, I also appreciate it from a realistic stand-point. Kissing with glasses on can be so awkward and difficult 😂 I adore that Oumi was so focused in his work mode that Shida tying that bow didn't disturb him. But his partner does one little cough and he immediately pulls out of work mode and goes into "caring partner mode" 🥺 It's made all the better because Shida notices and understands what a big deal it is. Family drama just gotta come in and hit us 😢 But gotta love communication, and Shida confronting Oumi's sister on why she behaved the way she did. Shida and Oumi are just too cute together 🥰 There is a thing about Asian men and women aging rapidly once they hit a certain age. I believe it's typically around their 40s or 50s that they do so Shida is a little young and may just have a mature-looking face. I think for age gaps, because so many of my family have age gaps I'm okay with them provided they're both adults. Like my brother is 8 years younger than my sister-in-law, Mum and her partner have an age gap of about 16 years, and my eldest aunt is 19 years younger than her husband (he was closer in age to my Granda than to my aunt which did 'cause some tensions when they were first dating apparently). It can definitely make a difference dating someone younger/older than you, especially such a big age gap, but I've only dated someone the same age as me once and any others they've been 2-6 years older than me. I feel like that is a much more acceptable gap that can be bridged.


Loved the reaction and discussion! Another excellent Januyaoi entry! 🥰 I’m surprised this hasn’t been published in print in English, as I definitely saw a French version before in a store. Love Tetsuya! Especially with the glasses?! Stunning. In some panels in the beginning he looked like Togane to me 😆 – though much more relaxed. And Tetsuya is absolutely a smooth operator. I’d read this before ages ago, so this was a fun re-read and they were very sweet together. The sister-side-plot angst I found completely unnecessary but oh well. It did I guess lead to my favourite little panel in this – with Tetsuya sitting at his table all forlorn with the bunny on the other seat (and of course his robe falling off the shoulder beautifully). I hadn’t seen the little Twitter extra before, that was very cute. 🥰 Looking forward to the next entry! ❤️


Ahhhh, thank you for the comment and kind words! I have a system at least to adapt and work with the Internet "down," so that's a good thing! This short was so cute! I love the mangaka's art style - she really has a way of drawing characters that reminds me of Zariya Rambu, whom I love as well! And yessssssssI LOVE the idea of the tall, dark, and handsome one being the uke and flipping the script, but you know he was so chill in the story, I'm not surprised he was down to be the bottom in the relationship. Tetsuya I could see being very demanding! And yeah, the older I get, the more I see the pendulum swing where "older" individuals are not as weird to think of in a relationship with me...I still draw the line if a person is either closer to my parents' age than me, or if I was getting a driver's license when you were in diapers, but there is that maturity factor where once you're in your mid-twenties, you've fully matured (hopefully - COUGHCOUGHBINGHE) and are capable of being in that mature a relationship! Thank you for the comment and kind words! It was nice to get out a "shorter" installment for Januyaoi this year, as this year packed some PUNCHES!


Thank you so much for the comment and kind words! Honestly, I would love an English copy of this; hopefully it joins the ranks of other publications in English of BL/yaoi in the future as we seem to get more and more of them. Tetsuya with the glasses looks so good! I can so see the Togane connection! But yes, a very smooth operator! I love Beriko's style of drawing characters and expression! I agree; the sister side plot was completely not needed, but it was fine! And yes, anytime mangaka have that robe-falling-off-shoulder moment of vulnerability for their characters? Swoon and hook, line, and sinker for me! Hahaha! Thank you for the kindness and yes...there are some LONG entries this year for Januyaoi!


It would make sense if it were the same universe as Beriko's other entries; I just love her style! It's very distinct, like Zariya Rambu, and I appreciate that. Oumi as the "queen" makes sense with the title and translation, but I just love their dynamic! Shida giving the Sherlock vibes, too, just MUCH more chill! :P I could see Mycroft, too, though! He's so smooth -- and I definitely got Adam-if-he-was-chill vibes with Shida to A-much-more-riled-up Tadashi with Oumi. :P The black hair and white hair ship - we DO love to see that! Heart Eyes for someone cooking for us for the win! Haha! And yes, as a glasses-wearer, they DO get in the way a lot! I love how Oumi's workaholic presence is contrasted with Shida (who definitely is a workaholic too, but less anxious)' s presence. Of course, what would a BL be without family drama, but I'm glad that the communication came through and it was resolved! That's interesting about the aging thing - I definitely know some people that just INSTANTLY go to looking 50+ for the rest of their days and it's so crazy. That's really interesting about your mother and her partner having that 16-year gap - where I'm at now, 16 years would make a partner 20 and that's...still too young for me hahaha! I don't know mentally for me if I could date someone close to my parents' age, but I think once you're adults it's not that bad and is totally acceptable. At least one partner for me needs to be that "mature" mid-twenties range at least, but that's just me! Thank you for the comment and kind words! I'm so glad y'all enjoyed this reaction!