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Deluxe Volume 3 continues to just be a tour de force, as Wolfwood is literally fighting for his life...to save "Spikey!" Who has meanwhile been taken by his brother and being guarded by an unhinged Legato...and more Stampede characters are coming out of the woodwork!

This volume was just an emotional roller coaster...and the ART! Nightow does NOT disappoint!

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


TRIGUN MAXIMUM: Manga Volume 8 Reaction & Discussion! SILENT RUIN?!

**NOT SILENT HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Deluxe Volume 3 continues to just be a tour de force, as Wolfwood is literally fighting for his life...to save "Spikey!" Who has meanwhile been taken by his brother and being guarded by an unhinged Legato...and more Stampede characters are coming out of the woodwork! This volume was just an emotional roller coaster...and the ART! Nightow does NOT disappoint! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #trigun #trigunmaximum #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction & discussion! This volume went full on and we have another Rule of 8 success! 🥰 I adore how much every single Knives vs Vash scene is An Event – any fight or spat or conversation, demands full attention. ‘Seven months later’?! I had the same reaction. Also, everyone in this volume has had no sleep at all. Cry baby!Livioooooo panels continue to be the most important for me 😭 – love the way he is drawn like he is all skull, as though disassociating entirely, when he fights. This is such an interesting experience overall (can’t stop saying this! 😂) – it is essentially the 4th version of the same work, so there are expectations of what may happen and when, and it keeps catching us out! I worked myself up about Wolfwood in this volume, as well! 😂 Wolfwood leaving is very in character, he ‘doesn’t want to get involved’ but mostly he just wants to protect himself from the pain, he is very avoidant in TM but maybe more prone to deflecting in Stampede (on my rewatch I want to see whether the way he fights reflects this at all or not). Maylene only appears in a few pages, but really enjoy her character: “How does the world look when you are able to decide your own destiny?” What a line. Cannot wait for next week! ❤️


This volummmmeeeeee - Rule of 8! Rule of 8! Yes! And "AN EVENT" is truly the way to describe every Knives and Vash moment in this manga! It really does demand our attention! I feel the "seven months later" is like the Epilogue of Season 1 of Stampede, right? But yes, this volume does not sleep...and it won't let anyone in it as well! :P Livioooooo....it's so wild how Nightow draws him and that's such an interesting observation with the skull and how it represents him disassociating! And YES, the way that Trigun has so many adaptations and they all find a way to be unique but still tell a similar story? LOVE. Honestly, love. I also like that note about deflection vs. avoidance in Maximum vs. Stampede with Wolfwood - the 98 anime seems to make him more "confrontational" in comparison - it will be interesting to see in Stargaze how his character develops. And yes, Maylene and that line! Ahhhhh....I'm REALLY sad that Volume 9 is the cut off before we have to go on hiatus until literally the end of April. Dark Horse is CRUEL hahaha! But I will be excited for when it comes back! :) Thank you for the comment and kind words!