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Y'all, if you asked me what was on my Natsume Yuujinchou BINGO card, a backstory episode for Nanase was NOT on there, I can tell you that!

And yet, the similarities between Nanase's younger self and Natsume, amid the differences, and her encounter with a mysterious stranger and desire to seek out Reiko -- this episode was AMAZING! Rule of 8 has not let us down!

LINK TO PIP REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/WufXMmUGEgyGfi3rBSu9fs?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - NATSUME YUUJINCHOU Season 4: Episode 8 Reaction! WHEN I WAS DECEIVED?!

LINK TO PIP REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/WufXMmUGEgyGfi3rBSu9fs? **DECEPTIVE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Y'all, if you asked me what was on my Natsume Yuujinchou BINGO card, a backstory episode for Nanase was NOT on there, I can tell you that! And yet, the similarities between Nanase's younger self and Natsume, amid the differences, and her encounter with a mysterious stranger and desire to seek out Reiko -- this episode was AMAZING! Rule of 8 has not let us down! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #natsume #natsumeyuujinchou #natsumebookoffriends #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction and discussion! Another Rule of 8 success! 🥰 The “jamboree” really tickled me, as well as the cycle of birth and death of the ships in the discussion. 😂 Adore this episode! Good to see them expanding more on how exorcists operate and are “taught” – Nanase going through her internal conflict was really interesting to watch. Wanting to know yokai, knowing that, if she got to know them, she would not be able to ‘do her job’ as well and would pity them. Today’s Psycho-Pass connection: Mikage’s dub VA is the same as Kogami. So I really enjoyed this episode with a PP layer of Mikage essentially ‘taking form’ from what his master was doing and later ‘accepting his role’ in the cycle of things. Taking on that burden of darkness... - no one can convince me this wasn’t deliberate casting in the dub! 😂 I loved the relationship between Mikage and Kotengu, too; their final scene was very touching – knowing Mikage could feel Kotengu near by the whole time. 🥰 And this whole drama unfolded where we the audience know the depth of that relationship and Natsume does not. Love that! Looking forward to next week! 💙


Thank you for the comment and kind words! The Rule of 8 was another success!! And yeah, ships were built and sunk ALL in one episode! XD What a week! This episode was so much fun and getting focus on Nanase was very welcome! I love that we’re seeing the exorcists - at least Nanase, but also with Natori as well so far - go through the motions with their feelings about yokai as Natsume has as well! OH, Kogami and Mikage’s VA has a type, eh?! I love it! That’s so good! Thank you for that information! I loved how the episode centered around his character and connection to Nanase as well. And it all coming back to Natsume’s involvement? LOVE! This season has been SO good so far! And we have some whoppers of episodes yet to come!