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My friends, there's been some steady progress!

The bricks are finished, and I also added a bit of moss and small weeds based off the reference images. The mortar was once again done with acrylic wood putty applied with a pointy brush and blended with water. This is the most time-consuming method for the effect, but also the most controllable with the most authentic results. If you're doing a large brick building, it's definitely not worth it! The moss is from AK, and I used the weird offcuts on the acetate foil's edges.

The metal shack has the base colors applied. I had to leave the oil paint speckling to dry overnight before proceeding further today. The base colors are sprayed with a combination of Tamiya Hull Red and Flat Yellow, and then adjusted with brushed acrylic washes, namely Deep Orange from AK and a couple of the light rust tones from the Lifecolor set.

The worn zinc is a mixture of Light Blue and Flat White from Tamiya, and my favorite part of this shack is definitely the left side with the worn off-white patch of paint, and two dark sprayed circles - again, based on the reference images!

Today I'll work on it further with pin washes, more selective rust, etc. And we'll be finally ready to paint the wood!  




The rust is nice... But the facade is out of this world... 🤟💪😮


The moss is really good looking.