Bricks and rust (Patreon)
My friends, there's been some steady progress!
The bricks are finished, and I also added a bit of moss and small weeds based off the reference images. The mortar was once again done with acrylic wood putty applied with a pointy brush and blended with water. This is the most time-consuming method for the effect, but also the most controllable with the most authentic results. If you're doing a large brick building, it's definitely not worth it! The moss is from AK, and I used the weird offcuts on the acetate foil's edges.
The metal shack has the base colors applied. I had to leave the oil paint speckling to dry overnight before proceeding further today. The base colors are sprayed with a combination of Tamiya Hull Red and Flat Yellow, and then adjusted with brushed acrylic washes, namely Deep Orange from AK and a couple of the light rust tones from the Lifecolor set.
The worn zinc is a mixture of Light Blue and Flat White from Tamiya, and my favorite part of this shack is definitely the left side with the worn off-white patch of paint, and two dark sprayed circles - again, based on the reference images!
Today I'll work on it further with pin washes, more selective rust, etc. And we'll be finally ready to paint the wood!