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I flew off towards the senate building, anger clouding my thoughts. Pushing me towards making a suboptimal decision.

What I should do is sit down with Ocean, Night, Neptune, Artemis, and a dozen other people whose advice and counsel I trusted. Hammer out a plan, figure out the best levers to push and pull with. Get the optimal plan of attack, figure out other things I could offer to sweeten the deal. Try to work out the emperor’s bottom line, and wring every last concession out of him.

That was the calm, rational part of me, who was not currently in control. That wasn’t carrying two kids, practically babies.

I’d lived in Remus for practically two decades. I’d been putting up with this second-class citizen nonsense the entire time. Practically since the day I first left my house, I’d gotten smacked in the face by it.


And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

I was so tired of it all, and so angry. I finally had a chance to do something about it, and the tight lid I kept on all that anger was loose, and my rage was bubbling over.

No more. No weeks of discussion. No endless meetings to work out details. No intelligence reports dug up by Ocean. No stacks of scrolls about each senator, and what they liked and disliked, and how receptive they’d be to the proposal. No coalition building.

What difference would it make? The only thing I could think of was figuring out the emperor’s bottom line, and exactly how much we could wring out of him. If I just went directly, now, I might end up paying a little more than I intended to. I might not get every last possible concession, I might not be able to get every coin possible. I might leave some things on the table.

Things that I could always come back later to sort out. Not only was Emperor Augustus not the only game in town, but he’d need me again in, oh, 250 years or so.

It’d be a little scary if he remained emperor the entire time though… maybe it’d be better to work with his heir? Although…

I shook my head. I was getting into politics, and I desperately wanted to avoid the type of treacherous, complicated politics that I was currently thinking over.

At the same time, I’d been trained as a Ranger. Whenever possible, we tried to have a plan of attack for a problem. I did have something of a plan. Go to Augustus, meet with him, make my pitch, see what he said. If he said yes, great. If he said no, I’d try again another day, from another angle.

I’d listened to enough boring stories from dad about how the Senate worked to think my plan was vaguely normal. Meet, chat, pitch, then walk away and talk again later.

Seemed like a solid plan. A bit flimsy, but how much more could it need?

It only took about ten minutes at my flying speed to get from the slums to the senate. Not nearly enough time to cool off, but flying?

Ah, flying in the warm setting sun was the best. A warm breeze, beautiful clouds, it was enough for me to regain a bit of control over myself. The kids were quiet, seemingly enjoying the novelty. The shock of the last few minutes, their lives being turned upside down, hadn’t hit them yet.

I made myself a promise. If it looked like things were going terribly. If it looked like Augustus wouldn’t agree to what I was asking for. I’d apologize, walk away, and talk with everyone under the sun and moons to get a better plan of action, then try again. It’d be my way or the highway.

I quickly dropped the two kids off at home. Mom was around. I only stopped briefly.

“Claudia and Secondus.” I quickly named them, and bless mom, she seemed to grasp what was going on in an instant. Me showing up in tears with two kids, also in tears?

Mom had a huge heart.

“Of course.” She said. “Let’s have dinner? Autumn swung by! It would be nice to eat all together.”

I shook my head, then paused a moment.

“I can’t stay for dinner, but I do want to talk with Autumn.”

A few moments later, Autumn and I were in a room.

“Hey, you looked pretty mad this morning. I brought you some mangos to cheer you up!” Autumn gestured to her offering, and a small smile cracked through my foul mood.

“Ah, thanks. Hey, I’ve got a negotiation I need to head to. Wanna come?”

“Sure!” Autumn was practically jumping up and down with excitement. “Where? And what? Give me the details.”

I hesitated a moment, then mentally berated myself. She needed to know.

I’d had the question for ages. How did I make large-scale changes to society?

The answer was - I couldn’t. Not alone. I needed the support of thousands, tens of thousands of people, all on the same page. All working towards the same goal, in the same place. A strong network of communication and support, along with hundreds of other things that I frankly had no idea about because my social skills were terrible. I actively worked on them, but something of the scale I was thinking about?

Entirely out of my hands.

Now, I could try to hire people to help out, but there was a difference between a true believer, and someone trying to make a living. There was also the issue of time, and resistance to the question.

I had a shortcut though. Emperor Augustus had everything needed to make large, sweeping changes.

“Trading my Immortality skills to the emperor, in exchange for an abolition of slavery and equal rights for women.”

Autumn’s eyes were practically bulging out of her head by the end of it, and she was shaking her head.

“No. No no no nope. I’m not going to that. Just telling you ‘no’ got me four levels. Like, yeah, I’d negotiate better than you. A wet noodle would negotiate better than you. But if I come along, there’s no WAY it’s not taken as a huge insult, and that hurts you waaaaaaaaay more than it can help you.”

I opened my mouth, then closed it.

I hated to say it, but Autumn knew so much more than me about this stuff. If she said it was a bad idea? It was probably a bad idea.

It’d be like Kallisto arguing with me about medicine. I knew my stuff by the time I was 16, I had to trust that Autumn knew the same.

“Plus, this is more politics than merchanting. I’d be out of my depths, and I know it.” Autumn firmly added in.

“Right. Give me all the advice you can anyways.” I asked her.

Autumn gave me a look.

Blasted teenagers.

“Give me the most useful advice you can.”

“Rule 8. Everything is give and take.” Autumn promptly rattled off. “Rule 5. Never accept the first offer. Rule 7. Haggling increases profits, but if you haggle too long, you can cause the entire deal to fall through.”

She thought a bit more.

“There are some political rules, but mostly the rules are about money. You’re basically bartering, with high stakes. I’d say remember Rule 3 - not everything can be bought with money - but you’re already there. At the same time, Rule 3 also says that not everything is for sale. If something’s impossible? Don’t push it, back off, and consider if you need a concession for backing off.” Autumn said. “But sometimes, it’s better not to ask for a concession if you asked for something really impossible, it makes you look unreasonable.”

That made a tortured sort of sense. I made mental notes.

“Any last words of wisdom?”

Autumn looked thoughtful.

“Rule 21. The longer the negotiations, the worse it’ll be.” She finally settled on. “That rule’s from the merchant’s point of view though. I’m not sure if you’re a customer, a merchant, or what. Like, politics, not sales, so hard to say if it applies. If it’s going terribly, just walk away for another day. But only if it’s a disaster.”

“Alright, thanks beanpole!” I grinned, feeling fortified.

“No worries! This means you’ll be letting me sell your Immortality, right?”

“Sure. Find me someone with a million rods, and we’ll talk.”

Autumn went pale, and staggered back. She tried to sit down, and missed the low sofa entirely, landing hard on her butt.

“A million rods.” She whispered, getting a far-off look in her eyes.

Well, shoot. I broke my apprentice.

Ah well, she’d recover… eventually. I didn’t know what the proper treatment for ‘severe overwhelming greed’ was, but I figured time would fix it.

I’d check in later.

I left, going through the house.

“Dinner?” Mom asked, and I shook my head.

“Meeting.” I said, intending to take off.

“BRRRRRRPT!” A family shriek interrupted my leaving. I considered just going anyways, but no.

That’d be too mean to poor Auri, who didn’t deserve it. Plus, I was in desperate need of some Auri-therapy.

“Auri! How’s it going!”

“Brrrrpt! BRRRRPT! Brrrrrrpt…” Auri wailed at me, letting me know how HARSH Plato was. She needed to THINK! He made her fix her mistakes! It was silly! She didn’t need to know multiplication! What was with this philosophy thing!? It was soooo boring! She could be burning things!


“Young lady. Our lessons are not yet over.” Plato’s voice came from a few rooms down.

“It’s good for you.”


“Listen, I’ll let you in on a secret.”


“The more you know, the better skills you get.”


“Which means you get to burn bigger, better, and more.”


“YEAH! I promise! It’s how my skills are so good! Here, have a drink.” I grabbed one of the now omni-present amphoras of fruit juice, and offered it to Auri, who greedily drank.


With a fierce warcry, a motivated Auri blitzed back to where Plato was.

I grinned. That was just what my poor head needed to clear somewhat. I left the house, blasting back off into the sky.

Augustus wanted [The Stars Never Fade]. He would probably be ok with a bit of back-and-forth. I was also meeting him with a counter-offer soon after, so it wasn’t like I’d let him cool his heels for ages.

I was nowhere near as calm and composed as I could be, in spite of the Auri-therapy, but I had reined in my anger enough that I didn’t barge in through the Senate windows, screaming demands. Instead, my rational side harnessed my anger, and like a particularly showy [Gladiator] throwing around red flags to distract and redirect an enraged dinosaur, it was simply redirecting me towards courses of action more likely to succeed.

The guards saluted as I landed and approached the doors. Being a recognized Sentinel, being a member of the established government, had its perks and privileges.

But I only had those perks and privileges. I didn’t have-

I mentally slapped myself to focus.

Unfortunately, inside the halls of the Senate, everyone thought they were demigods, and that all hallways should be cleared for them. Somehow made the traffic even worse than a normal street, in spite of having half the people.

I felt a minor flush of embarrassment, as I realized slowing down might’ve saved me from an incredibly embarrassing situation.

It was late. The sun was setting.

What if Augustus wasn’t there? Barging in would’ve gone terribly.

I didn’t let that slow my stride as I twisted and weaved through the hallways, ignoring one [Scribe] who mistook me for a guard and tried to get me to run an errand for him.

I suppose if I didn’t like the direction the negotiations were going, that I could use the late hour as an excuse to bail. I added it to my plan.

I did pause for a moment at the doors of the Senate proper though, a full squad of Praetorian guards protecting the entrance.

Regardless of our level differences, regardless of my Sentinel status, if I tried to barge straight in they’d do what they could to stop me. It’d be a hopeless fight, but there was no need. Not when there were easier ways.

“Sentinel Dawn for Emperor Augustus.” I stiffly reported, and the guards made way for me.




Joshua Case

Oh god that was great. Go Elaine! Too short though😭😭😭

joss sim

I think I won't like what's coming. It already feels like Elaine will get cheated out of her house...

Blayne Allsen

I don't think Elaine would get cheated out of her house. If I remember correctly, isn't it owned by her dad using the money she gave him from being a sentinel, since she can't buy it herself?


Thank you!


how can he fool Elaine?? She knows what she wants, and she knows what the emperor wants. The problem is how it will play out and how much he wants to give Elaine right now. If he doesn't offer what she wants, she just leaves the room.

AntiClimax she her

While I don't think Elaine can or will be cheated out of her literal house, perhaps it was meant metaphorically?


Night bought the house for Elaine's parents as an apology for the Jaclyn incident. They own it.

joss sim

It was indeed a metaphor -_-", I meant that she is going to argue with someone supposedly out of her league as far as negociations are concerned, and without the people who could give her the best advice. So loopholes and fine print are fair.

Erik R

It feels weird how in battle, and generally outside of Remus, Elaine is this composed battle hardened supersoldier.. And as soon as she sees a human on the horizon, she crumples all the composure and rationality into a ball and yeets it out the window so hard it breaks the sound barrier.


I got four levels just telling you no.

Erik R

Bet Autumn would get another 20 levels if only they sat down for an hour and drafted a proposal on a scroll..

Torbjørn Nilsen

I hope Night comes and punches her hard in the face.


I always wondered about the sexism in the empire, Classes and leveling make this kinda attitude really hard. The oppressed are made to work harder and are consistently in danger so should level much faster, then take a combat class and suddenly the abuser can have a huge problem and also it means rebels/ revolutionaries are a lot more dangerous I take inspiration from “the wandering inn” where there is a phenomena called counter levelling. Those on the losing side are in more danger so tend to pick up a ton of levels really fast, which makes long sieges/ campaigns really dangerous. Imagine a beaten wife picking up 200 levels in “Gender Champion” or some other class and you have a real recipe for revolution.


While normally that might be the case, her counter offer is so ridiculous by Remus standards that Augustus is unlikely to accept it. He'll try to change her mind, tempt her with other things or try to offer small changes. As long as Elaine remains firm in her demands, the negotiations will be put on hold and she can get some more people to help her for the next round. Night, Ocean, etc. Also, by then the Emperor will know what she wants, can feel out the political climate and figure out how much he's willing to give her.


First of all, you need to be at level 128 to change your class to something else. Most adults in Remus are stuck between 140-180. So class changes just aren't possible for them. Then there's the problem of switching over to an unrelated class. Elaine jumped from [Student] to [Dark Healer] and as a result it was always weaker than [Light of Hope]. Switching from a level 128 [Housewife] to a [Warrior] class, with absolutely zero combat achievements will give you nothing but a garbage class. You'd have to reset to level 8 and then painstakingly level a combat class while grinding achievements. This takes a lot of time, effort and risk. You'd have to have insane dedication to reroll your class as an adult. Is it possible? Sure, especially if you can get your hands on [Learning] and [Training]. But a woman in an abusive relationship simply won't have the resolve to pull something like that off, otherwise they probably wouldn't have ended up in that situation in the first place. At best, the abused wife will eventually snap and murder her husband. She's definitely not going to become an [Archmage] and get revenge. That's just not realistic.


Originally I had the entire thing in one chapter, but it got WAY too large, and I wouldn't be able to make my writing goals for the week. Sorry!


to be fair Elaine faced less discrimination than the vast majority than the male population of Remus and had more support than virtually everyone


But what did she have to do to make it that way? She had to run away, join the rangers, prove herself, and work 10x harder than the average male. It took work. Effort that males never had to put forth.


And yes, I said make it that way, because it certainly didn't just happen to be that way.

Joshua Case

Hey Selkie, don't go apologising! This is my favourite serial next to Wandering Inn, and seeing how far you've come since the beginning (I read RR pretty early, only subbed here in the last few months), has been incredible. I always say to my favourite authors, write how much you think is right, not how much us readers need xD


im not saying she is incompetent or anything but, the rangers taking her was plot armor with the oath, it just a terrible match for the job and she became a sentinel right after accademy, she didn't prove herself, she got elevated, the only form of sexism she ever encounter was sone petty stereotipical low level dude with no power compared to her, the only instance where it was credible was at the beginning and it was her parents negotiating her marriage, she got spoonfed her position and her training wasn't any harder than the other rangers, she performed once in charge but that doesn't change the ridiculous support she received from everyone, shocking that in a sexist society basically everyone supported her


Plus, we're not in a war situation. Slavery and inequality is institutional. Everything works together. So, the oppressed actually don't come into more danger than the oppressors. They're made to work in harsher conditions, true, but they don't get to become powerful from it. Soldiers are citizens. They're the ones repressing rebellions.


I don't get how you can see her parents sending her to a beating husband in the making, and not see how serious it was. She would've spent her whole life miserable and possibly died. Yes, she received much support. Incredible support, even. But that's partly because she was friend with Artemis, and mostly because she had all this incredible knowledge about medicine in her head, enough to revolutionise the whole healer profession. And she had the ambition to go with it. She received much support, but wouldn't she have received just as much as a male?

Haridya Iyengar

I feel abolition of slavery will be too hard cause the economy sustains itself on it but, equal women's rights might work. Also I hope Elaine considers starting orphanage for children facing similar situations.


If Elaine stealing a dragon wasn't enough for him to do it, do you think he'll do it now?? And if we're going to tell you the truth, that's Elaine's problem. Night could help her, but he couldn't punish her. And if this somehow creates a bad mood for the Sentinels, the Night must remind the Emperor that he was the one who started this and that he is negotiating with the "Healer Elaine", after all to make the Immortal Emperor not be on the list of duties of a Sentinel. And the Emperor has no right to disturb the Sentinels or the Sentinel Dawn.


What about the fact that Night may very much not appreciate having an immortal emperor? Any deal won't be worth much if Night just assassinates him shortly afterward. There's also the fact that although she can just fly away if things go south, her family cannot. Or that the emperor could just grab her right now and make her disappear, since not many know she's even at this meeting. Or that the emperor could just ignore everything they agree to after she makes him young, since he probably thinks he could find a different solution with an extra 250 years to do so. She absolutely needs the Sentinels backing her to enforce this deal.


1 classes seem to be very tailored and versatile so I could see an abused woman rising up and gaining a specialist class? Think Spartacus but level 500 woman When personal power is based on levels, sure it may be 1 in a million to get the right circumstances but it only takes 1 abused housewife disappearing into the jungle and coming out riding a t-Rex for things to get dicey. Leveling systems are tailor made to give these kind of chances.


but wouldn't she have received just as much support as a male? that's exactly my point

AntiClimax she her

She wouldn't have needed a much support as a man, but would likely have gotten more -- less people questioning her, more people just believing she's competent rather than having to prove it to each new person in each new situation. As a woman she needed male backing, either explicitly or via her ranger/sentinel badge for anyone to take her seriously.

AntiClimax she her (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-26 01:05:44 > it only takes 1 ... Coming out riding a t-Rex For Hunting to be called. When the system (not the System) is against you, it is difficult to get ahead. The only reason Artemis got away with anything was being too valuable to the rangers and being *mostly* discreet. They had her on a leash.
2022-03-14 18:03:58 > it only takes 1 ... Coming out riding a t-Rex For Hunting to be called. When the system (not the System) is against you, it is difficult to get ahead. The only reason Artemis got away with anything was being too valuable to the rangers and being *mostly* discreet. They had her on a leash.

> it only takes 1 ... Coming out riding a t-Rex For Hunting to be called. When the system (not the System) is against you, it is difficult to get ahead. The only reason Artemis got away with anything was being too valuable to the rangers and being *mostly* discreet. They had her on a leash.


Autumn can still gain more levels. The problem is, what Elaine wants is something political. And Elaine is willing to drop 1 million rods for it. But Elaine doesn't need all that money. Elaine can, for example, win some laws that improve the treatment of women, taking away from the patriarch the right to life of women in her family and allowing women to have possessions. As for the slaves, I think Elaine can at least improve their treatment of them, among other things. And ask for some amount of money. 50,000 would be a great deal, and at that point, Elaine can ask Autumn to negotiate.


Elaine literally flew into the Senate with her radiant wings, walked through the front door, and announced before entering. Elaine's mother knows her daughter is gone, Autumn knows where Elaine went. Do you think Night has no way of finding out?? Night just sent out 5 sentinels because Acquisition missed a meeting. If the Emperor gets his hands on a Sentinel, Nightwish will pay a visit to the Emperor's quarters to remind him that there's a reason Night is the strongest in Remus. And don't forget the third class of the Night.


Negotiation Night better than Grinch Night.


That's why there's the one legion that handles internal matters, Ranger teams and when all else fails, Destruction, Hunting and Night. It's been mentioned many times that there is small rebellions all the time and they are dealt with. So those fringe cases of women rising up as revolutionaries and amassing a following probably exist. Artemis told Elaine once that if she hadn't joined the Rangers, she would have likely ended up leading an uprising one day. Any fruitful attempt to overcome sexism in Remus would have to be a long-term project. And would have to be done peacefully to avoid retaliation. You'd need to find like-minded individuals and organize a network. Those few senators who share your beliefs of egalitarianism or have powerful wifes controlling them. People like Artemis who have combat prowess and levels. Artisans who might be willing to teach girls. Then you'd need a lot of money to open schools, hire teachers and educate young girls and boys. Boys too, because it allows you to influence their views before society can. By teaching girls to be literate and giving them the knowledge and skills required to take [Artisan] and [Mage] classes, you are raising a generation of them to become successful and powerful. Get them to join the network and help more girls to do the same. Changes will be slow and gradual, but eventually you will have enough people, money and power to force greater changes and demand more legal rights. A protest of [Housewifes] is easily dispersed by a couple guards. But a large group of level 200+ combat classers? Not so easily ignored. Especially if they are just peaceful enough to not be a threat requiring Sentinel intervention. Organizing all of that, acquiring the funds and doing all the networking effectively would require many dedicated individuals. Or a single [Leader] with a traveling-based 2nd class, flying mage or speedster, who can quickly travel around Remus and has numerous social skills to leverage. Having a Sentinel healer who can leverage an immortality skill against the newly-crowned Emperor would also help.


Doesn't change the fact that she was more privileged growing up and later on than a large number of boys and men. Not every male in Remus is automatically handed everything on a silver platter. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a larger proportion of male slaves than female ones. Just like we have more men in prison and among the homeless. Men are on average less agreeable than women and it's the outliers that are most likely to end up in such roles.

Erik R

What I meant was.. Sometimes she's resourceful af.. To the point of eating bugs. And now she's in such a rush, making rash decisions in a field she knows she sucks at, instead of sitting down for a moment and writing down her list of demands with the help of Autumn or at least someone. It's not like Augustus will abolish slavery and declare equal rights the same night.. Speaking of Night.. Elaine could ask him to come along with her.. Him just standing on the side, all broody and shit would decrease the probability of her getting scammed by at least 900%


There's also the fact that slavery is the blanket answer to anything except the most heinous crimes. Murder someone in the streets? Pay the fine or become a slave. Can't pay your debts? Become a slave. Rape, arson, theft, public urination? Slavery. They don't have prisons, so abolishing slavery would require a complete revamp of the justice system.


Women are more social than men, men are expected to manage by themselves and entering less xan be seen as weakness. On one side there is a safety net, on the other side many are left behind but the ones that manage the best can soar through the skies. All around it's awful.


realistically she has been underleveled for all positions she had till now, on top of that healers usually require a long study and internship period under a senior healer, even if she was a boy she would have to prove competence for her claims, she had a really unusual class for her position as well, is it strang to questioning the random 15 yo low-level healer that claims to be a ranger? is it strange to question the 18 yo moderately high lvl that claims to be a Sentinel? Her past life is not public knowledge and even if it was you cant expect every person she met to know beforehand she broke the 4th wall and has unique knowledge The story claim sexism because that's the point Selkie wants to make but its the most poorly implemented aspect of the novel, its terribly done and it would have been better left out or alternatively make it consistent with the claim


errr. So, when the stakes are really high (massive social change, extreme value commodity) is the time to intentionally do a terrible job of it? Holy crap the MC is a moron. Hire a negotiator. Get advice. Get training in negotiating even. No, no, can't do that; it wouldn't be stupid enough! ffs.


Someone fighting for their life since they were a teenager while being neuro atypical is a mess, news at 5 :P

Melting Sky

Egh, she is a mess regardless of where she ends up, at least when it comes to dealing with other people. I mean look at what happened with the dwarves. It's just the way she is. In Remus things are just a bit more personal and she has had time enough away that she has become resensitized to the ubiquitous misogyny and slavery her society runs on. It will come down to the Emperor's personal outlook but right off the bat, I don't think the abolishing slavery thing has a snowball's chance in Hell. Women's rights are a crapshoot. At face value, it won't cost Remus that much to implement it, but at the same time even if the law changes, it isn't going to do much to change the underlying culture. It will help the fringe cases like herself and Artemis since it will give them legal ground to stand on, but for the average housewife, it will mean little. It is however a very good start and I think the fact it won't collapse their entire society like her slavery request would, makes it far more likely to happen. Even if the Emperor personally doesn't agree with it, it is a consolation he might be willing to grant after the fallout from the demand to end slavery.

Melting Sky

I agree she is making bad choices here, but disagree that it's out of character for her. She is highly impulsive, emotional and VERY bad with people. This is exactly the sort of thing she has problems with normally.

Melting Sky

Women do rise up and buck the system. We are reading the story of one of them right now, but they are the exception, not the rule. The System does little to stem inequality since it tends to serve as a multiplier to what is already there rather than providing something from nothing.

Melting Sky

No, the reason she excelled and was elevated as a Ranger is that the Rangers as an organization were in dire need of a change in tactics and Julius had been keeping an eye out for a way to get healers incorporated into the standard Ranger team. She was a very lucky find in that she was an incredibly talented healer with off-world knowledge who was in a desperate enough situation that she would consider joining their organization. Good healers are in high demand and are generally wealthy enough that they wouldn't touch the idea of signing on with an organization like the Rangers. She became a Sentinel the same way Acquisition did which is that she was somebody at the top of her field from the civilian world with a skill set that could not be found within the Ranger organization. Even as a child she was on par with the best healers in Remus due to her off-world knowledge and Oath.

Matthew Brubacher

It's almost like she's a real person with real emotions who is basically a teenager that may or may not react emotionally to emotional situations.

AntiClimax she her

Beware the ides of March! Does Augustus have more to worry about than Elaine? :P

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


If the Emperor is smart and possesses even the barest of political acumen all he needs to do is implement 'Laws' to remove slavery and give women rights, then drag his feet/not really enforce it beyond the bare minimum. Elaine is going into this so half-cocked that I would be amazed if the Emperor doesn't spin her head around so much with political double-speak and other shenanigans that she comes out of the meeting thinking she's got what she wanted only for Night or someone to inform her she just got duped.


Being a woman in Remus is like being a black person in the1800s. Sure, individually you have just the same potential as a white man. There's nothing physical stopping you from achieving greatness. Hell, once in a blue moon you'd find a black doctor at the end of the 19th century, much like you'd find Elaine or Artemis reaching their current position. But. You have no money. You aren't allowed to open a bank account. Elaine's a fucking SENTINEL and her paycheck goes to her dad. You receive no training for any kind of prestigious job. You aren't allowed to go to school. You won't be trained to fight. Elaine's early opportunities came because her Dad is a great dude who also doesn't like how women are treated. You have no personal freedoms. You aren't allowed to travel alone. Women can't leave town without their husband escorting them. Just like runaway slaves, husbands WILL hire hunters to track down and drag back their wives by force. Even free black men in the 1800s were still in constant threat of being found by slave hunters and dragged back to be sold somewhere again regardless of what their paperwork says. The only reason Elaine was saved was because she'd become a Ranger. Even as a Sentinel, ship captains still wouldn't let her ride their boats without a man escorting her until she flexed either her authority or her wallet. Elaine got lucky, over and over and over again. A one in a trillion chance. She happened to be godtouched in a way that gave her a significant advantage over other people in her chosen class. Her father happened to be a great man that didn't like current society. Her parents happened to be friends with Artemis, an extremely powerful Mage and Ranger that helped her get started. She happened to be married off while a Ranger team was still near town. That Ranger team happened to have Artemis on it. Artemis's boss happened to be Julius, a man who was trying to make drastic changes to the Rangers and was looking for young healers willing to risk a dangerous job instead of becoming obscenely wealthy in town.


Depends on what kind of Emperor he is, if he is so stuck in tradition or is still going through political issue after having become emperor then I can see it being hard for Elaine, however there is also a lot of benefit in allowing women a greater deal of independence.

Matthias Schauer (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 02:28:27 tbh that doesn't need to be intentional and would even be a bad idea on his part considering he'd want to get topped up every quarter millenium and would thus want to be in Elaine's good books. This kind of large-scale reform will have tons of opponents from the word go, even with the full support of the emperor, since it touches the wealth and livelihood of pretty much every wealthy individual, so getting that kind of legal change translated into change on the ground with this top-down strategy is already going to be difficult at best and lead to full-blown civil war at worst.
2022-03-15 00:59:01 tbh that doesn't need to be intentional and would even be a bad idea on his part considering he'd want to get topped up every quarter millenium and would thus want to be in Elaine's good books. This kind of large-scale reform will have tons of opponents from the word go, even with the full support of the emperor, since it touches the wealth and livelihood of pretty much every wealthy individual, so getting that kind of legal change translated into change on the ground with this top-down strategy is already going to be difficult at best and lead to full-blown civil war at worst.

tbh that doesn't need to be intentional and would even be a bad idea on his part considering he'd want to get topped up every quarter millenium and would thus want to be in Elaine's good books. This kind of large-scale reform will have tons of opponents from the word go, even with the full support of the emperor, since it touches the wealth and livelihood of pretty much every wealthy individual, so getting that kind of legal change translated into change on the ground with this top-down strategy is already going to be difficult at best and lead to full-blown civil war at worst.

Stuart Thwaites

I agree with a Mathias, Augustus wouldn't try to get out of an agreement with the 1 person who might supply him with youth. It's more likely he'll drop the idea of abolishing slavery (it's too much of a financial base) and agree to implement women's rights in stages. Say, start off with making Elaine a citizen (he was gonna do it anyway) and maybe other 'notable' women and spread the news saying ' look a woman has earned citizen status, maybe you can too' and then over the next 10, 20, 30 years he makes it more and more common.

Stuart Thwaites

Also, slightly off topic. While typing this I realized that when everyone was debating whether Elaine would accept Night's offer to be vamped. No one (including me) mentioned how slow vamps level. 5000years and only now reaching 512? That's not just slow, that's glacial.


I had a bad thought about halfway through reading this chapter. The abusive husband last chapter at the very least owned his daughter. I doubt that the mother had the legal authority to give either of her children away. Wouldn't she and Elaine be guilty of kidnapping if the husband wants his children back?

war doggle

Keep in mind the husband lives in the slums and Elaine can meet the Emperor without an appointment. He might try something but it will most likely end with him being sold into slavery being the best out come he could hope for.

Nathan Parker

typo fwiw -- “Listen, I’ll let you [missing words] a secret.”


This reminds me again that the adventurer guild is pretty much the only place a woman can go to in order to make some coins with a combat class and mostly dodge the system. Sure, the Rangers might take you, but only at level 180 for the academy or maybe 160 for joining a team on it's round. And either of those have an absurd mortality rate. We only ever get Elaine shitting on adventurers, but if she had ever ended up on the streets, the guild could have been a somewhat safe haven for her. Wouldn't be surprised if quite a few girls end up there, if they chose a combat class over a Thief class. But since Selkie doesn't like adventurers we'll likely never see successful ones in this story.


I mentioned it. It's garbage tier immortality. Even the curse alone is pretty bad, but the leveling rate is pure trash.


There's actually a good argument to be made, that with the existential threat of the Formorians gone, women don't have to be forced into baby making for the survival of humanity. They aren't losing soldiers by the thousands anymore, in fact they have too many who turn to banditry. This is the perfect time to emancipate women, lower the birthrates a bit and produce more skilled workers through educational reforms.

Keith Rice

As a man? Well, no one would have been looking to forcing male-Elaine to marry (henceforth Melaine). Melaine's father would accept that he wanted to become a healer, and probably apprenticed him with the other healer. The other healer would be happy to have a 'genius apprentice'. Melaine would have still charged into the burning building, and still gained levels off that, but would have been seen as courageous and noble. Most likely at that point the army would have come around and pitched 'come to the walls and heal.' With no reason to refuse, and the prospect of saving lives, Melaine probably heads to the walls, and quickly gains ~200 levels there in healer class. Is possibly offered a Celestial class up, but also probably dual classes healer with second class for even more potential - possibly wood to provide and bottle healing potions across Remus. At this point timelines have diverged too far - without a healing Sentinal is Night successful? Do the walls fall? Etc. But yeah, it'd be pretty damn easy when everyone is proud of how much Melaine accomplishes and is happy to offer him more opportunities.

Keith Rice

Why would Night mind an immortal emperor? He tends to favor political stability.

Keith Rice

By the laws, Elaine purchased the kids from him. Probably overpaid too. The fact that she asked the mother is because SHE has morals. Not because the legal system acknowledges those morals.

AntiClimax she her

He does favor stability, so I don't know if he would have a problem with it -- unless he has prior experience with an immortal ruler of humans?


if you believe so, I think its virtually impossible to have more opportunity gifted than Elaine did, she payed back the expectations but she has been spoonfed things since she left home and on a different note, you are assuming only woman can be unhappy with arranged marriage

AntiClimax she her

Elaine, as a woman had limited options. She could A. Get married to an abuser B. Run away and brave the wilderness, to try to join the rangers and/or try to make her own way in a world where she can't legally practice medicine or own a home without a man. C. Become a slave. She chose B and lucked out. She managed to meet up with Artemis's ranger team and convince them that she was "something special" with her otherworldly knowledge. Everything else followed from that, because Julius saw an opportunity for the rangers and himself -- and she did have the knowledge and drive and developed the skills to take advantage of it. Melaine on the other hand would have had a world of possibilities. Apprenticeship, opening his own healing business, joining the army. He wouldn't have needed Julius to support him, because with his skills and knowledge the society would have lifted him up. Even if he wanted to run away from an arranged marriage, no one would have hired bounty hunters to bring him back, but as a man he has way less to fear from marriage than any woman so there's less reason for him to run, and less reason for his parents to push him into a marriage early.


my point was, Elaine didn't face the same amount of discrimination the average man on Remus would, not there is no discrimination or that male Ealine would have a different life, male Ealine would have to prove to know how to heal as female Elaine did, would have faced doubt so to age as female Elaine did and maybe wouldn't have everyone he met gifting him position and power because they believe him to be able to stand the expectations hard to know since it would be a different story but that's not what im comparing, Im comparing the average boy to Elaine, she has never been held back from achiving something do to her sex and have been trusted with power she didn't deserve repeatedly since the moment she met with the rangers


real doesn't necessarily mean flaming incompetence (well, for most of us. You do you.). Real mistakes should have causes (other than plot); like lack of info, lack of time, lack of options. In fact, I'd argue that equating the two is simply lazy. Do folks make mistakes? sure. Do young folks make horrible mistakes? sure. Sticking to the stupid this hard, w/ plenty of time and awareness that it's stupid, is just grating AF. The level of idiocy to willingly, knowingly, and unnecessarily go into negotiations like this is pretty off-putting. She's screwing the causes she cares about, and knows it. WTH.

Chris Oltyan

If we assume Mercantile law is somewhat reminiscent of the nepoleonic code since Consideration (in this case money thrown to father) was taken for property (children) than acceptance of consideration constitutes a contract between parties. As no warranty was offered, on accepting consideration the deal would be considered final, particularly if the money was spent.