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February Print Theme Poll

  • Stripped Cosplay 120
  • Professional Lewds 275
  • Sexy Selfies 223
  • 2021-01-06
  • 618 votes
{'title': 'February Print Theme Poll ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Stripped Cosplay ', 'votes': 120}, {'text': 'Professional Lewds', 'votes': 275}, {'text': 'Sexy Selfies', 'votes': 223}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 6, 17, 4, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 618}


okay everyone i need your help deciding what the theme for Februarys prints should be! I have it narrowed down to the 3  following options

1) Stripping Cosplay photos all done in the 5x7 format so the match the pervious ones i did. (Iceman, Johnny Storm, Hawkman, Gambit, Nightwing)

2) Sexy professional photos I've done with Shuan that I havn't posted before from various shoots (definitely sexier than the example I've posted below but Im on the treadmill posting this right now and this is the one that was on my phone)

3) Self shot lewd photos and sexy selfies that Ive taken during the quarantine (think about the bed shoots, or the chair shots, or the shower ones)

I uploaded an attachment to give you an example but just keep in mind that none of these would actually be the shots used!




All of the above 😍

Jay Mackle

You naked is always ok

David Pasteelnick

Stripped Cosplay would be my second choice, but the Pro shots is what I voted for.

Dan Jeffrey

February is becoming my favourite month

Derick Stephensen

I voted, even though I'm not at the tier where I receive them in the hopes that they'll make it to the feed. :)

David Scalea

Definitely happy with whichever you choose. They’re all great choices 😉


All the above :)

Rob Browatzke

Anything is great but I’m feeling the stripped cosplay

David Harrison

If you want to bring OnlyFan level of content, that’s cool. But definitely keep your cosplay. I think that’s why we all came here and stayed.

Thomas Gerard

As a anime and comic con junky your Cosplay caught my eye first then after I saw who was under the cosplay I fell hard. So anny and all.

John Langley

The simple truth is you are an amazing model and have truly taken care of yourself. I love all of your images I've seen and look forward to every new one that you release. Found you with cosplay first but love them all.