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This was definitely not what we pictured in our heads! It had some sweet moments, but also some heavier stuff we weren’t expecting. There’s one scene that had us cheering though... and the character growth was so good. Not at all what we thought going in, but it definitely left an impression!! Enjoy!

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[Full Reaction] An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)


Brian McGovern

Been YEARS since I saw this but I bet I know the scene you cheered at. Pretty sure it is safe to say it was a long time coming?

David Collins

This movie defined the way I say may o naise.

bgb1975 (Brian)

Ahh.....Pensacola Florida OCS.....fond memories.... "Only two things come from Oklahoma...." The first time I saw this movie, I was actually going through the 13-week program. I remember it was one of our first "leaves" where we could get off the base for a night. I rented a hotel room, a VCR, and watched the movie. OCS class 06-99 (the last few months of 1998). Going through a program like that burns itself into your brain. Years and years later (around 2017 or so) I found my old drill instructor on social media and sent him and his family a note and a gift (some Chicago-style deep dish pizzas), along with some old pictures that I had from that time, and I was thrilled to get a package and a note back that Christmas.

Clarence Newman

Yo Adrian! You did it! 🙌🤸‍♀️🫶 I'm about to watch this and, needless to say, "I'm fully joy!" (That's from "GI Jane", Cassie. Another cuddly little movie about basic training.) Actually, I'm a little nervous going in, because I badgered Cassie to watch it and her notes above are a bit ambiguous when it comes to her enjoyment (or otherwise) of the movie. I tried to warn her the other day ("It's not just romance, it's a rollercoaster"), but I think the ice cream suit on the thumbnail lulled her into a false sense of serenity. I blame myself. I'm going to watch it now. If they end up hating it and I get an on-camera "Clarence, how could you?!" afterwards, I'm doing a Brooks from Shawshank. 🤞

Brent Petty

Sgt Foley has nothing on Sgt Hartman from Full Metal Jacket. I actually had a hard time taking Foley seriously when comparing the two in my mind. The difference between an actor being a drill sergeant and a drill sergeant being an actor, I suppose.

Dean Holt

Not my thing so I’ll just be watching the YT edit on this one. But glad you’ve watched it as I’m sure you enjoyed watching. Also happy for the people that keep requesting it as I know it’s been mentioned quite a bit over the last few months.

Keith Brown

I know this one had some tough spots to get to the happy ending. Cassie and Carly I know you're more into those Richard Gere/Julia Roberts rom/coms !

Dan M

Well, Pretty Woman this is not. I’ve always liked this movie, but it’s never been on my “must watch” list. Not Richard Gere’s best performance, IMO, but still convincing. I’ve always liked Louis Gosset Jr. as an actor (he’ll always be Fiddler to me…from the TV mini series Roots). It’s been awhile since I’ve seen this movie, so it will be nice to revisit it with my favorite cinema sisters.

Dan M

Very happy for you that Cassie and Carly are finally watching this movie, Clarence. I get what you mean…Cassie’s comments in the post are a little vague and it’s hard to discern whether or not they truly enjoyed the film. It’ll be a few days before I get to watch their reaction, but it sounds like by now you’ve watched it. I hope you were as satisfied with their reaction as I was when Cassie finally watched Mr. Holland’s Opus, which was my Officer and a Gentleman since I joined PiB.

thomas king

My Mother's favorite movie


Perhaps it's time to stop watching these movies blind (especially the R rated ones). In all my 59 years, I can't recall any movie that I've watched that I didn't know the basic story line. The trailer almost always tells you the story (except the big twists), so take advantage of it. At the very least, it'll save you a few hours you can't get back.

Carol Rocha

DRAGONFLY- one of the BEST Kevin Costner films! 🎥. Been trying to get it on the watch list. You would love it. It’s a beautiful movie! 🍿

Carol Rocha

Thank goodness!! That Carly watched Mr Holland’s Opus!!!! Thanks for the info!! I’m waiting patiently to see that one. One of my all-time favorites!! Just a beautiful film. And yes, I think Carly will dig it!! 😊

Mojo One Thousand

You can find a stern but more affable Louis Gossett Jr character in a action/drama movie about a boarding school called "Toy Soldiers". It has some very familiar faces, such as the most loyal of hobbits and a precocious ensign. He did win a supporting actor oscar for this perfomance, and unfortunately we did lose him almost 12 month ago.

Clarence Newman

Good idea, Ivan. When they were talking in the intro about looking forward to a light, funny romance movie, I knew it was gonna turn ugly.

Clarence Newman

OK, I've just finished the reaction, and as I have more than a little culpability in their watching this one, I have some thoughts to offload. In fact, I'm off on a ramble, so you might want to do some scrolling: First of all, I think this was a really good reaction. I come here to watch one (occasionally two) people who are nothing like me experience films that I love. I don't expect them to view movies the same way I do and that is what holds my attention. If all I wanted was an endorsement of my own opinions, I'd go find a guy reactor who most closely resembles my tastes and attitudes. I don't want to do that. This was authentic and engaging, and as with many, many of Cassie's reactions, I've come out of it reminded of why I stick around. Having said that, I did harp on about this film until they watched it, so I feel there are some points to clarify: 1) I agree with crazyivan's comment below about not going into movies completely blind. Avoiding spoilers is one thing, but every single movie, whether it's a DVD or on a streaming service, has a short summary about the content which will give you an idea of what you're getting into. It's how most of us decide what new movies we're going to watch. A big part of C & C's difficulty with this film is that they thought it was some kind of rom-com, and went into the film expecting just that. What it delivered instead was an engrossing but difficult watch where even a legendary, all-time happy ending didn't seem to make up for it. Not going in to movies quite so blind in future might fix that. 2) Like a lot of people here, I recommend movies to Cassie that I think she will enjoy. That doesn't mean safe little Hallmark flicks that don't stretch her emotions an inch in any direction. She has said on many occasions that some of her favourite reactions on the channel have been to tough and gritty content (war movies, Cinderella Man, Rain Man), so we try and stimulate her with stuff that stretches but doesn't harm. As far as I'm concerned, Officer and a Gentleman epitomizes that - just as long as you don't go into it expecting a rom-com. 3) I hold my hands up to the error of suggesting that Carly watch it too. I don't see Officer as a particularly dark or "icky" (her word) movie, but I should've realised she might see it that way. Sorry, Carly. I really thought the payoff at the end would make up for being dragged over bumpy ground to get there. Often those stories are the most rewarding. 4) I've realised that there's a very special pressure involved in the ladies watching a movie you might have played a significant part in them watching. I was squirming like a gremlin in a microwave for the first 20 minutes because it's a tougher watch than I remember, and even tougher when Cassie and Carly look like they're watching a gremlin in a microwave. I love an emotional response, but Carly's "This is....making me feel ill" and "I hate all of this" is not exactly what I'm aiming for. When their faces finally lit up during the first assault course scene (20 minutes in), I was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. 5) Their reaction revealed things to me that had never really occurred before - or at least were never an issue. I didn't even consider the sex scene, but it was the characterization they most enlightened me on. Seeing the film through their eyes, it's very apparent that Mayo is not a nice guy in this movie (from start to finish), and as Sid apparently has a girl back home, it was hard for them to root for him either. I could see them struggling to like one or other of them, but just when they seemed to be getting there, something would happen to change their mind. It's a movie about flawed people trying to escape their crappy lives, and the results are often starkly human. 6) My opinion of the film hasn't changed. I've watched it many, many times over the years and I'll doubtless watch it many times more before I die. While I would naturally have rather seen them bouncing up and down on the bed afterwards because they were so uplifted by the experience (Eddie the Eagle and the Rockys provided the ideal result for me), I am here for authentic reactions by Cassie and her sister and this was another good one. I'll be interested to check out the YT edit to see if a shorter version comes across in the same way. So finally, thank you, Cassie and Carly, for watching one of my all-time favourite films when you didn't even have to. I hope you appreciate the depth and presentation of the story, and that a bit of distance will give it a more comfortable perspective. Carly will never trust me again, of course, but I take the long walk to her nope list knowing that my intentions were good. If Cassie ever picks another of my films (The Champ is my Pick-a-Flick), I will make sure to drop a loud disclaimer that it's far from being a rom-com so would probably not be Carly safe.


Louis Gossett Jr best movie? Enemy Mine. Great with Dennis Quaid who also did a great movie called Inner Space. I feel a poll coming on. Body Beautiful Inner Space Honey I Shrunk the kids Freaky Friday The Incredible Shrinking Man Attack of the 50 Foot woman Big 13 Going on 30 Downsizing Fantastic Voyage Multiplicity Shallow Hal Mods.. do your thing. P.S Richard Gere is currently on TV on the show The Agency... another brit spy show like black doves and slow horses. It's pretty good! It's been ages since I watched this. Loved the song "up where we belong " though. 1982 was probably is a good contender the best year ever for movies.


TLDR: Sorry about that fam. Richard Geres gerbil wants a word.

Mike Gallagher

**spoilers ahead** As far as the reaction goes I thought it was great. They responded to the dark parts and the happy parts. I thought the fairytale ending would hit harder with them, but it is what it is. As far as the film goes I think the dark and gritty parts were par for the course in the 70's/early 80s so the audience was used to that. The iconic happy ending was a surprise to audiences at the time and I think rewatching the dark parts knowing the happy ending is coming makes them more palatable. Another thing I've always thought was that the makers of Top Gun decided to redo this film and make it glitzier and more fun. Naval Aviator, traumatic past with a parent, non-committal love story, death of a friend, graduation, and triumph. Top Gun is more surface level and fun, while this film delves deeper into the characters. Not throwing shade at Top Gun b/c I love both films. Some trivia. Gere and the director weren't sold on the ending, but filmed it anyway. While rehearsing/shooting the director heard sniffling and turned around to see the extras crying watching. He knew they were on to something.

Night King01

Apparently richard gere and debra winger absolutely hated each other when filming this movie. I guess luckily it never shows

Night King01

Fun fact, R. Lee Ermey was initially considered for the role of gunnery seargent emil foley but the director cast Louis Gosset Jr. Ermey ended up coaching Gosset Jr anyway and a lot of his insults were used again by Ermey when he was cast in Full Metal Jacket as Gunnery Seargent Hartman as they were Ermeys creations.

Just Plain Bob

Cassie, you’ve seen both Top Gun movies; how could you be surprised that there are pilots in the Navy? Love David Keith in this and never felt he got his just due for his performance. PS: That moment when the sisters feared that Zach and Paula might be half siblings!😂 PPS: I was always under the impression that Sid didn’t love the fiancé back home but that he’d only become engaged out of a sense of duty to his deceased brother. He pointedly NEVER says whether he loved her. It’s also obvious that he’s religious and there’s an old admonition in the Bible that a brother is responsible for his deceased sibling’s spouse. It’s all about familial obligation. Everything he did, agreeing to marry his dead brother’s girl and joining up to become a Navy pilot, was out of a sense of duty. Only at the end did he try to do what he thought would make him happy.

Clay F

While you strongly suggested the film (multiple times), take solace that she was already considering reacting to this movie before you pushed the movie. Plus, the movie finished 2nd in the post-1970 November poll with 387 patrons voting for it. You alone do not carry the burden but instead is a shared burden. You alone, even with how you championed the movie, would likely not have been enough to persuade her to react to the movie. But admire your taking accountability. I think the movie was a success. I agree that a reactor imo should at least know the genre. Here, is romance/drama, not romance/comedy. Knowing that would NOT have prepared them for the darkness necessarily, but would at least given them a step in the right direction. Did they know going in that the movie was not a comedy?

Dan M

Carol, Cassie has already watched and reacted to Mr. Holland’s Opus on the channel. It was back in March of last year. It was the winner of the March Madness tournament that she held. Mr. Holland’s Opus was paired with UConn, who won the tournament, so that was the movie she watched. Unfortunately, Carly wasn’t able to join Cassie for that reaction. But I 100% agree that it’s a beautiful film, and it is also one of my all time favorite movies.

Clay F

I turned 19 when this movie was released. I remember it being part of the pop culture. A box office success as the 3rd-highest-grossing film of 1982 (E.T. was No. 1). I have nostalgia for the movie and a big fan of Debra Winger. Both my ex-wife and my daughter love the final scene. I rate the movie high personally (for my personal tastes) because of stuff like the Richard Gere acting and me being captivated by Debra Winger (nominated for Best Actress Oscar). The Debra Winger character (Paula) has a fascinating and somewhat unique mix of sexy, tough, cute, vulnerable, empathetic, real, and emotionally connecting. Didn't seem like the typical Puget Sound Deb. A good fit for Mayo. Debra Winger is good in Urban Cowboy (1980), which takes place (Pasadena, Texas) where I worked. I like how the movie gives his background -- dad, mom suicide, childhood, seedy stuff -- that is part of his story -- he is not just some bland character. Gives a good starting point for his arc. I will say that the suicide hanging has always been too much for me and knocked the movie down a notch for me personally, though may be realistic and appropriate drama. Sid DOR when he had 2 weeks remaining. I guess Sid thought he could provide better for his family (and be more happy) as a JCPenney floor manager in Oklahoma than as a Navy airman.

Clay F

He did win Best Supporting Actor Oscar and I found comforting some of his underlying kindness, but I generally agree with you.

Mark White

Oh Clarence, you really don’t need to be hard on yourself. I agree with Clay, Cassie was always going to watch this. In fact I’m surprised it was a PPOTM as I thought Cassie had already indicated she was going to watch it at some point as it came close in a poll somewhere. So I haven’t watched this yet, just the outro! I will watch the tube edit. But I have seen this movie many times and I’ve always liked it. Now this might be a dangerous generalisation! But I think this is a sort of Rom-com for guys! Ok, more a Rom-drama. But I really like how the character’s have good arch’s and the acting is good, as is the script. The movie has its dark moments and can be quite gritty, but it’s what makes it a more believable romance. For me it reflects the fact that the course to genuine love can be rocky and difficult as can be growing up and maturing to become a man who is going to take responsibility and take care of others around you. I also agree with some comments that it’s not always a great idea to go in completely blind. Let me ask you this? If Cassie had gone in to this knowing it was a gritty Rom/Drama, do you think she would have enjoyed it more?? But when you add Carly to watching this, I think some context would have been good. I mean look what happened with Zodiac!! In my humble, personal opinion with Carly watching movies like this, there is another option. Cassie could let Carly know in advance what the movie is called, then Carly can go away and take a quick look at the genre and roughly what to expect, Carly can keep it to herself, therefore Cassie can still go in blind if that is what she likes to do. Everyone is a winner. My Wife who is super sensitive to many types of movies uses a website called “Does the dog die” it allows you to check out a movie for any potentially “difficult” scenes which may offend, without spoiling the movie. This might be something Carly may want to check out in the future if she has any concerns. P.s my mum absolutely adores this movie!!

Art of Free Speech

Oh my goodness... where to start. I guess I'm going to write this because, as Clarence Newman pointed out above, we enjoy these reactions to help us see a movie we love (or not) through new eyes, so I'm hoping maybe Cassie reads this and can see this movie through my eyes, and understand why I believe it's one of the best movies ever made. I watched this movie for the first time in my Freshman year of college, and I was a bit of a cocky kid who had no idea what he wanted out of life. I wasn't as bad as Zach, but I definitely had my rough spots (still do). Seeing a man like Zach, who was dealt a pretty bad hand in life, go through OCS, and seeing the changes in him, and what he learned from it made me, as a kid, want to become a better man, much like Zach did. A few years out of college, I joined the Army to become an officer and combat chopper pilot. Going through WOCS (warrant officer candidate school) was, in many ways, like what was portrayed in this movie. It was hard, but we did a lot of the same things. We did the dunk tank. We did the altitude chamber. One of the things which kind of surprised me was , at Fort Rucker, as new flight candidates, we were actually given a class on the local girls. It was estimated back then that 50% of single pilots going through flight school would leave engaged or married. Local girls wanting to marry themselves an A-vi-a-tor is a real thing. Most of all, though, I absolutely came out of Army flight school a better man... a more responsible man, and both a more humble and more confident man, and those are the things I see in Zach Mayo as he goes through this. Watching this movie, to me, was so much about triumph over adverse conditions. It's kind of a military version of "Rocky" if you will... I'm just kind of sad Cassie and Carly didn't quite get that out of it.


Debra Winger was the IT girl in the early 1980s. Urban Cowboy with John Travolta is a good movie with a country music backdrop.

D. T. Nelson

This is why everyone had a problem with this movie being in the RomCom poll a few months back. Not a RomCom. It's not even a RomDram. It's a heavy drama with a little romance thrown in. If you are looking for feel good movies that both of you would like: Hidalgo French Kiss Quigley Down Under (a good choice for your Australia poll) The Goodbye Girl Bottle Shock City Slickers Six Days, Seven Nights RED The Hundred Foot Journey All very different movies, some are RomCom, others just feel good movies in Action, Adventure, or Drama categories.

David Patterson

"I'm going to the back seat of my car with the woman I love, and I won't be back for 10 MINUTES"

Gábor Árki

I don't think trailers are a good idea. There are a lot that tend to spoil things, create false expectations, or simply expose too much. Checking the genre (drama/romance) and rating (R), or the short plot summary on IMDB or TMDB should have probably been enough indication that it is likely not a light movie and may not be for Carly to join in.

Clay F

French Kiss gets mixed reviews but I've always liked French Kiss -- watched it several times. The problem is that French Kiss unavailable to stream due to complicated ownership issues.

Clay F

I don't recall anyone having a problem with the movie being in the poll. This movie was not in a RomCom poll, but in the post-1970 November poll. No requirement that the poll candidates be a comedy. 387 patrons voted for the movie. The Google page for the movie list the genre as Romance/Drama, which makes sense. The movie, while having dark parts, is definitely a romance and was completely appropriate for the poll. The movie has many tender moments, and then concludes with the romantic final scene. This is only anecdotal, but my ex-wife, daughter, and female friends love the movie as a romance film.

Clarence Newman

I do think she would have enjoyed the movie more if she had known upfront that it was a rom/drama (with some trauma thrown in) as opposed to a rom....light? (which is what she said she was hoping for in the intro). Carly was very definitely expecting that. I'm not sure why because there were several comments correcting the fact that Cassie called it a straight "romance" on the UpcoRing post. She even dropped a like on one of them. Would she have enjoyed it more had she watched it on her own? Maybe, but I think the timing may have been wrong too. She's watched some really tough movies recently (tougher than this) and I think she was hoping for this to be a fun cleanser. We learn for next time.


Top Gun = Naval Aviators

Chris Thom

Bet she would like Six Days, Seven Nights. Some good heroic Harrison Ford. And she might have heard about Anne Heche in the news but not know who she is. Could be fun.


I don't think trailers are a good idea either. They tend to contain spoilers. It can be a fun ride when they think a movie is this, and its actually that. Cassie thought Scream was a comedy. I think she thought it was like "Scary Movie"

Chris Thom

Sounds like they got caught between doing a 70's movie and an 80's one. Sometimes movies caught between shifts of culture and trends can be interesting in that way.


Yeah, Debra Winger was really popular. I've had a crush on her since I was a kid.


Went to Pensacola after Great Lakes in 1999. I was only there for three months but it was nice.

Cole Jennett

She was probably too young to remember Anne Heche play Marly/Vicky on another world like I do. Was such a surprise seeing her make it into some big movies for a time. It’s a really difficult watch but I hope to see a reaction to Return to Paradise one day. Really good movie.

Rick Williams

Great Movie. It has been a long time since I've seen this movie. It was fun revisiting this movie and watching others experience it for the first time. It is not a fun romantic comedy. It is a serious movie about life. Great reaction Cassie & Carly.

Shehab Dawoud

If you want to see Richard Gere in a totally different role from anything you've seen him in, check out 'Internal Affairs (1990). One of my favorites!

Thomas Thompson

This is a question for both the sisters are there films that were hard for you to watch later on reflecting on them you came to really appreciate or is your initial reaction kind of just what you stick with? Not meant as a criticism. I’m just curious sometimes I find films that are really tough to watch later on. I really appreciate, but that’s me. Maybe not everybody.

Chris Thom

Partly agree with that. But there's also something fun about seeing someone watch a movie with zero prejudice or expectation about what they're going to watch.

Art of Free Speech

Re: Sid finally doing what made him happy, I feel like so many people miss the depth of the emotion in this movie. Sid finally acts for his own happiness, and is monstrously betrayed. Men absolutely have been known to take Sid's way out. I also don't see a lot of people picking up on Zach's motivations--that his entire life people left him. Nobody was ever there for the guy, so OF COURSE he's going to try to push Paula away. OF COURSE he's going to come across as a dick... but in the end, OCS and his love for Paula change him, and do so in a really special way. It just felt like both Carly and Cassie missed at how triumphant a moment it was for Zach to decide to love someone.


I would definitely not categorize this movie as a Rom Com or even a Ron Drom. I put it in the Drama category. I love Zack's character arc and the man he became at the end of the movie when you remember him in the opening scene showing his backstory. I like that he didn't want to end up like his father and wanted to be someone. He learned how to care about his friends and when he told Foley that he'd never forget him and he never would've made it without Foley, you can see Foley get emotional seeing how far he'd come. Besides... how many women have had their men rent that dress white uniform for costume parties so they could be carried just Zack carried Paula.


Someone listed Hidalgo. That one has a special place because it's Viggo Mortenson on a horse. The fact that he bought the horse he rode in LOTR and the horse he rode in Hidalgo makes me adore him even more. I know he trained "Brego" to bend down so he could climb on his back in The Two Towers, so it wouldn't surprise me if he did some training with "Hidalgo"

Larry Darrell

Or have an unbiased confidant to help steer her in the right direction that she wants to go in. Someone to help organize polls so that only the right films appear in the right genre poll. Someone to say to her, “hey, this film is a Drama… not a rom-com.”


It's a romance from a man's perspective, written and directed by men. If they didn't like it, it's all their fault.


Particularly as such big Disney fans - where broken homes abound: Lion King (murdered father), Bambi (murdered mother), Dumbo (mother in prison, father absent), Frozen/Tarzan (parents killed in accidents - the latter left for animals to raise), and I'm trying to remember - are there any step mothers who aren't 'wicked' or 'evil'?

Larry Darrell

This was a Tough, but Uplifting Human Drama… not a Rom-Com. The more I think about it, I’m not so sure it should be classified as a Romance. The final scene is what puts it in the romance genre, but that scene is really just a bonus. Everything else before is the characters’ personal dramas. Cassie said she saw a scene from this movie on Tick Tock recently and realized she had to see this movie. I’ll bet money it was the final scene that she saw. That scene and the song, “Up Where We Belong,” has forever misrepresented the main focus of this movie. It’s everything that came before that scene, which makes it so impactful.


some men also think any movie with a hooker in it is a love story :P

René Ferland

Return to Paradise (1998) ? I saw that one, I liked it too, very unusual subject. And I also saw Six Days, Seven Nights, perfect romantic comedy for Cassie/Carly.

Zane From Canada


Zane From Canada

I think you and Carly would love Richard Gere in the film First Knight (1995)

Eddie Perkins

I liked this a lot more when I saw it at the theater when it came out. But it still holds up. Carly almost turned this into a Joe Dirt movie."Well, I didn't know she was my sister when I kissed her." If you know, you know. I still think Debra Winger was better in Urban Cowboy.


ugh. Did not enjoy myself. Didn’t like anyone in this film.


Most of these movies are several years old...at the very least. I don't think you can accurately call them spoilers if the movie was released in the 20th century (or are 10+ years old).

Nick Ireland

Some of these comments..eek! Lots of emotions from grown men who have paid a woman to watch a movie. Nobody died.


Hello All

Gábor Árki

It's not a spoiler only if you have seen the movie. Or the source material if there is any. MOVIE SPOILERS AHEAD But the T2 trailer spoiled that Arnold is the hero and protector, and you may recall how surprised they both were about this development during their reaction. The TWO TOWERS trailer spoiled that Gandalf is alive and will return. The CAST AWAY trailer spoiled that Hanks’ character successfully escapes the island. And there are many more examples like that, which would significantly detract from the reaction. And we are here for watching those reactions, not imagining what they could have been when they watched the trailers. Just think about how great the reaction to the reveal could have been if Cassie didn't know Ford's character is the villain in WHAT LIES BENEATH, which someone spoiled for her in a comment, and to many of us who have also read it but haven't seen the movie yet. And apparently, this was given away in the trailers too.

Mojo One Thousand

Strangely "Iron Eagle" is a movie I think about when Louis Gossett Jr is mentioned, even though I have never seen it in its entirety. I always saw the trailer on VHS, and it was on TV a bit when I was a kid but never got the opportunity to watch it completely, so I wouldn't be against it. However, I went with "Toy Soldiers" as I have seen it, so it has some nostalgia about it, and there are comparatively more actors that are familiar to the channel. I only mentioned a couple, but I did have several others lined up... as there is also a curmudgeonly wood wittler, a bumbling museum curator, a smart-alec henchman, the definitive "Gunny", and a "Baby" daddy in there as well.


Think i'll wait til YT edit if this went down like a lead ballon going by the comments.

Clarence Newman

I wouldn't say that, Gray. It's just that they went in expecting a nice little foot massage and got an atomic wedgie instead. It's still a great reaction.


Well pretty woman is another Richard here movie!

Julian Corbett

There are a couple of truly heartfelt moments in this film where you see a bit "behind the curtain" of Mayos life. The first is obvious when he yells at Hartman "I've got nowhere else to go" because he has nothing, this is his last hope. The next is him trying to make sense of his friends "unaliving", asking him "why didn't you talk to me?" It's the first time he let anyone inside the hard shell he'd created to survive his life, but even then, his friend didn't come and talk to him about his gfs 'betrayal' and the depression it had created. The last of all, is the scene where he's finally graduated and all the other cadets have freinds and family gathered to congratulate them, and the camera focuses on him being so proud of his achievement, yet there is no-one to say "well done". He's succeeded, but there is no-one to celebrate with him.

Larry Darrell

I love both, but if I I had to choose one, I probably would go with Toy Soldiers. It was a favorite of mine growing up. I was in my later teens by the time I actually saw Iron Eagle. Wished I had seen it earlier.


I found every single character unlikeable. I think the movie is generally ugly to look at. I do not like the music, that one theme played on like cheap synth over and over...

Chris Thom

Do you think the advertising for it misrepresented the movie on purpose? I haven't seen it yet, but the comments make it sound a lot different than I was expecting. Probably because the shots they show from it on TV or docs is always the ending scene.


I first saw this movie when I was 10. You'll be shocked to learn that I didn't like it. And I don't really like Richard Gere - which is not to say that I haven't liked films he's done or performances he's given. I was really interested in watching this again though and I'm glad I did. This is a very mature and adult movie - the kind that isn't as popular these days. I certainly have a greater appreciation for it now, and I enjoyed the PiB sister's reaction. I know Lou won an Oscar for this role and I'm glad he did. A great cast all around.

Jason Dolan

My guess is they know David Keith as Hillary Duff’s father in RAISE YOUR VOICE

Jason Dolan

My father was an officer in the Air Force mid-60s to late 80s and my brother was an enlisted man in the Navy in the 80s and I think that generation of men are hard to relate to for modern audiences - my dad was born the year of Pearl Harbor and grew up in the 50s and my brother’s dad was the same. But both my dad and brothers basic training stories shared a lot in common and I remember just not wanting to be abused when my time came to potentially enlist in the mid-90s but seeing the Gulf War, it was pretty obvious I’d have to go to war if I took that path. Regarding the men in this movie, a lot of them had fathers who were in world war 2 and the Korean War. It was hard life for them and this movie just shows a lot of realities people never think about and I think seeing this kind of movie helps massage your empathy muscles.

Jason Dolan

Debra Winger was 26 probably playing like 21 and her character’s mom was probably 18 when she had her. It is hard watching these movies because Debra Winger looks mid-30s by today’s standards but when we stopped smoking everywhere in doors in the late 90s people started looking younger longer. The actress playing Winger’s mom was 40.

Jason Dolan

Terms of Endearment would be a nice pallet cleanser for this movie

Jason Dolan

My conclusion to this reaction is that Carly should know when she is watching a Rated R movie.

pat on

why does it take so long for the dropbox link to work?

Keith Jones

" the payoff at the end would make up for being dragged over bumpy ground to get there. Often those stories are the most rewarding." That sums up this movie perfectly, and It may just be me, but I love that kind of movie. Great observation

John Cranberry

I think we have broken Cassie. She used to cry at the drop of a hat and I got nothing from her. This movie has several emotional moments, Mayo saying "Don't you do it", Segar over the wall, the suicide and the best ending in movie history. Where are my tears Cassie!!!! I demand my money back. 🤣🤣🤣😘

Above Average Dave

The reactions to this movie confirm my long-held belief that Cassie and Carly grew up in a Norman Rockwell painting. More's the pitty that the rest of us didn't.

Johnny Bullis

Not sure if anyone mentioned it already but Richard Gere and Debra Winger actually did not get along on the set of this movie.. so it was very interesting to see how they had to act in love... always struck me funny about this movie.

Lana Gorgeous

I saw this movie when it first came out. My Uncle took me to see it. He was a college professor and I was about to enter ROTC at the college to become an Officer my self. An Army officer. I was already prior service 3 years as an enlisted soldier and I wanted to become an Officer. I absolutely loved this movie and I did cry when Sid died and I cheered 3 times, when they were taking their oath of office at graduation, when Sgt Foley received the silver dollar and placed it in a different pocket just so he could remember Zach and of course at the end when Zach went to get Paula and they lived happily after. When I received my commission as an army officer I remembered this movie and my uncle was in the audience cheering me on. ❤. Oh by the way, a new officer gives a silver dollar to the first enlisted person who salutes them is a long honored tradition. Interestingly enough the silver dollar isn't usually worth just 1 dollar. I gave my sergeant "who was the battalion Sgt Major at the program" a Susan B Anthony silver dollar and it cost $25.00 at the time . This is the tradition of the silver dollar "https://firstsalute.com/pages/the-tradition?srsltid=AfmBOop4UDpexZYHozLREg_KSN0gekg9UviKNo13sHLV1gLu3YXNpYva" oh last point who represented women I guess was true representation of "some women and men" by the way who entered the program not in the best physical condition. I was a college athlete and was engaged in physical activity since I was 12 and also already a veteran of the Army, and I had run a marathon by then so the physical aspects of the military was never hard for me and I was a whiz on obstacle courses and was Air Assault qualified by then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyhDy_Qk4tM. However there was another girl who graduated from Officer Basic School with me, who by the way already had her Airborne School Wings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwOMDQAmRtQ who was dropped from Air Assault School on the very first day, and that day is the obstacle course. But then again a lot of guys failed that obstacle course as well, while I thought it was rather easy and a lot of fun. I guess gymnastics and climbing monkey bars and tree houses as a child paid dividends LMAO 🤸🏃‍♀🤼‍♀🏋‍♀😂 Oh and also in the last few years women have graduated from Ranger School, so girls can be tough and not need someone to pull then over a simple obstacle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvxqxylAyE0; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-CjrohhVJw&t=16s

Odd Thomas

Richard Gere's best movie is The Mothman Prophecies imo

John Drake

Yes! When I imagine them growing up, I imagine the opening scene to Little House on the Prarie. Carly being the little girl who falls running down the hill

Above Average Dave

I have read that this happens much more often than we may know. One notable example was "It's a Wonderful Life" where Jimmy Stewart thought Donna Reed was a "lightweight" and wrong for the part and carried some of that animosity on set. You'd never know from their performance. The seem like the happiest couple ever, and far from being a lightweight, Donna Reed embodied the love and belief that holds George Bailey together in that film and went on to win an Oscar a few years later in "From Here to Eternity." Of course, Stewart at the time was suffering from PTSD from his time as a B-24 Squadron Leader with the 8th Air Force in Europe during WWII. In fact, his mental and emotional state was so rough, he wasn't sure he even wanted to act anymore. It took Frank Capra and John Barrymore (Mr. Potter, who was a friend of Stewart and a revered Shakespearian actor, as well as a veteran of the silent pictures) to talk Stewart into doing this one movie to see if he could get his sound stage legs back.

Ryan Towell

I was in the Navy and worked jets. They have a huge airwing division. This was filmed near where I was stationed. I was stationed at Whidbey and most of this film was filmed at Port Townsend, Wa. used to go there often


The Battleship New Jersey (BB-62) and Battleship Missouri (BB-63) are both briefly visible in the background when Gere gets on his bike. Both vessels are currently museum ships, with New Jersey anchored on the Delaware River at Camden New Jersey and Missouri of course is anchored near the sunken battleship Arizona at Pearl Harbor, HI. Anyone who has any interest in naval history would do well to visit one of these ships. I’m fortunate to be near New Jersey and have visited the ship. It’s quite an experience. Nothing like them will ever be built again.


Synths were all over movies from the 1980s. That’s just how music was back then! 😄


They do have very good chemistry here, despite that. And evidently they made up some time ago: https://fandomwire.com/richard-geres-brickwall-co-star-held-grudge-years/


Despite playing one of the physically weaker officer candidates in the movie, Lisa Eilbacher (Casey Seeger) did all of her own stunts and was quite athletic in real life. She also appears opposite Eddie Murphy in the first Beverly Hills Cop movie. Paula’s mother is played by Grace Zabriskie who frequently worked with recently deceased director David Lynch, appearing in several of his movies and most famously in the “Twin Peaks” series as the mother of Laura Palmer. And of course by now Cassie and Carly, you have read all of the comments about Naval Aviators/airplanes in the Navy/Top Gun. Canada once operated its own naval aircraft carriers (3 total), the last one of which was decommissioned in 1970.


I think it’s a bad synth though. In the same year as Blade Runner this doesn’t cut it. Or Risky Business the next year… I’ll even take the anachronistic Lady Hawke score over this. It’s also soooo repetitive. Overused.


Grace Zabriskie also played Nic Cage’s mom in Gone in 60 Seconds

John A

I have always loved this movie. It was a love story, but set in a tough reality that many are living in. It was well written, filmed and the acting was great. Louis Gossett Jr. won Best Actor in a Supporting Role that year, well deserved. "Up Where We Belong" won Best Music, Original Song also. great song. I had forgotten about the flashbacks in the beginning, it has been a while since my last watch of it. Glad you watched it, so I can also revisit it.


This was great. I rarely watch romantic comedies but decided to make an exception for this movie. Pleased to discover it isn't a romantic comedy.