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Gene Hackman Poll

  • The Quick and the Dead 164
  • Enemy of the State 319
  • Heist (2001) 17
  • Mississippi Burning (1988) 208
  • The French Connection (1971) 303
  • Prime Cut (1972) 2
  • The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) 130
  • Bonnie and Clyde (1972) 31
  • The Conversation (1974) 52
  • Absolute Power (1997) 32
  • 2025-03-04
  • —2025-03-05
  • 1258 votes
{'title': 'Gene Hackman Poll ', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Quick and the Dead', 'votes': 164}, {'text': 'Enemy of the State', 'votes': 319}, {'text': 'Heist (2001)', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Mississippi Burning (1988)', 'votes': 208}, {'text': 'The French Connection (1971)', 'votes': 303}, {'text': 'Prime Cut (1972)', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)', 'votes': 130}, {'text': 'Bonnie and Clyde (1972)', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'The Conversation (1974)', 'votes': 52}, {'text': 'Absolute Power (1997)', 'votes': 32}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 5, 14, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 4, 1, 10, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1258}


Gene Hackman, I was so sad to hear about his passing. It has been great though to reflect on his amazing career and realize he has been one of my very favorites on the channel-I have already watched Superman 1 and 2, The Replacements, The Firm, No Way Out, Crimson Tide, Hoosiers (pre channel), Young Frankenstein, Unforgiven, Runaway Jury. Then when researching for this poll it was exciting to learn there seems to be so many more great films of his. A true icon in films and seemed to be beloved by all those who worked with him! Here’s to you Gene!


Matt Rose

Cassie: PRIME CUT would violate some of your rules. Just fair warning.

Rosario Cicero

The Conversation pretty please


Oh, mississippi burning.Now that was a movie


I loooove the Royal Tenenbaums, and it's my favorite Gene Hackman performance, with The Birdcage 2nd (strange that The Birdcage is not on the list, although maybe you've seen it.) The RT's has: comedy, romance, drama, heartbreak, all with a bit of whimsy. Gene was spectacular in it. I consider it a perfect movie. It captures the late '70's/early '80's vibe perfectly. It's Wes Anderson's best movie with The Grande Budapest Hotel being 2nd, actually maybe Moonrise Kingdom is 2nd. While a lot of Gene's roles were spicy, he pretty much crushed in comedies and has impeccable timing and delivery. Apparently, he was cracking up Mike Nichols (the director) so much they had to throw a towel over him to prevent him from distracting the actors. Absolute Power is great, Another Clint Eastwood directed film. You would think The Heist would be great (we all like a good heist movie) and it's a David Mamet story, who also directed, but sadly it's surprisingly dull. (The first 15 minutes of Mamet's Glenngary Glennross is so riveting, I actually stopped the movie, rewound it, and watched it again. I've never done that for a film. The cast for GG is loaded with Oscar winners and has one of Jack Lemon's best performances. It was originally written as a play.) It's nice that you would pay tribute to Gene's memory. Hopefully, you'll watch a few films on the poll:)

Bill Maurer

Mississippi Burning Great movie and great performances by Hackman and DeFoe

brooke atkins

Cassie where’s the birdcage? Or have you seen it.

Neil Varma

French connection

keoma songs

Would have voted for NARROW MARGIN

Matt Rose

yep, that got my vote. I wouldn't be mad if THE ROYAL TENANBAUMS won, though. Also, a double feature of THE CONVERSATION followed by ENEMY OF THE STATE would be awesome.

Kronsenborgins RL

Behind Enemy Lines is a great one too!


The French Connection (1971). All of these movies are fantastic, but it would be almost criminal not to watch the one for which Gene Hackman was lauded, by the Academy and fans alike.

Jason Henderson

One of the greatest actors of our generation! 🙏🏻 god bless you gene! You will be missed!🥹

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

He was such a master actor, everything he did could never be done better. That said his role in Royal Tenenbaums is obviously not his most iconic, but I love it, and I love him in that, it's one of his more unique roles for sure. I hope you watch most of his movies actually, he was one of the greatest ever.


All great choices, but I gotta go with Royal T. because of the kinda weird feeling I got at the end of it! Very eerie, and I know she’ll love Wes Anderson even more I feel.


Even though I think Mississippi Burning comes from an unfair perspective in the sense that it paints all Southerners as heartless racists (which is untrue), Gene Hackman’s portrayal of a former Southern resident fighting racism is too good to not vote for.

Matthew Folz

All great movies. I know it's not going to win but my vote is for The Quick and The Dead. It's a great Hackman perfomance and has a HELL of a supporting cast. Leonardo DiCaprio, Sharon Stone, Russell Crowe, Lance Henrickson, Keith David, Gary Sinise.

Matt Rose

Cassie: if ENEMY OF THE STATE ends up winning, I highly suggest you do THE CONVERSATION first and then do EOTS. There's a reason why that I'll avoid spoiling.


My vote goes to French Connection. Honorable mentions include EotS, Conversation, Mississippi Burning, Absolute Power, TRT, most definitely Birdcage(hoping you haven't yet seen it)

Chris Thom

Always forget how many movies he was in. And some GREAT ones too. RIP.

keoma songs

The original definitely has a twist that the remake was unable to match

Samuel Champ

Can I submit a write in for Bat 21? 😉


Yes. These films are tied together and enemy of the state is MUCH better if you’ve seen The Conversation. They make for a great double feature.

Seth Tunick

The Quick and the Dead...not just for him but for an amazing big name cast

Milton William Burray

Mississippi Burning is one of those 'worthy' movies that the Oscars love because it's about 'issues', but for me it's very 1 dimensional and doesn't have any of the subtlety of much better race-relations movies like In The Heat of Night

Chris Thom

His role was pretty iconic in that though. I've seen a ton of his movies but my first mental image of him is STILL the Tenenbaum patriarch.

Anthony Carlson

I voted for Mississippi Burning, but I have to say in my honest opinion, his greatest film was probably Unforgiven, which Cassie already saw.

Nerd Chronic

The Conversation is one of his more subtle performances but it’s a fantastic film. I hope you check it out some day.

Matt Rose

Some write-in suggestions: SCARECROW (with Al Pacino). THE BIRDCAGE (hilarious) HEARTBREAKERS (funny movie with Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love Hewitt. Underrated).

Michael Enos

This is gonna be a hard poll. (TWSS)

Just Plain Bob

“Enemy of the State” attempts to explore most of the same themes as the far superior “The Conversation”, just with less intelligence, worse acting (Will Smith) and poorer direction.

Chris Thom

I don't remember much about it. Just that it was pretty dark. Haven't seen it since the initial vhs release.

Milton William Burray

I think Cassie would enjoy Birdcage most of all. And as a memorial movie it's got a lot of joy and flamboyance

Story Archer

Truth - that cast was insane for how little the movie is known - plus it's a Western, one of Cassie's newly discovered guilty pleasures!

Story Archer

The cast of The Quick and the Dead alone should make it a front-runner... one of my favorite roles of his too.

Milton William Burray

Unless it's a fun genre movie I don't like it when the film tells me exactly who's entirely evil and exactly who is entirely saintly

Stick Figure Studios

Voted for THE FRENCH CONNECTION. Was never a fan of ENEMY OF THE STATE and MISSISSIPPI BURNING is a bit problematic for me.

Justin S.

Hackman himself had said that Scarecrow was his personal favorite of his films. Also, Night Moves (1975) was quite underrated and had a teenage Melanie Griffith.

Robert Baldino

Uncommon Valor is a really good one not on the poll. Maybe a good Veterans Day movie one of these days.

Devon Caitlin


Matt Rose

Per the Popcornrequests site, Cassie has NOT seen THE BIRDCAGE. Cassie: I respectfully suggest swapping out PRIME CUT (which violates a bunch of your viewing rules) with THE BIRDCAGE and resetting the poll? I kinda suspect that THE BIRDCAGE would be the runaway winner.

Matt Rose

SCARECROW is fantastic. I still need to see NIGHT MOVES, but that's coming out in a Criterion Collection blu ray this month.


Where is uncommon Valor, it was actually the first movie I watched with my dad a Vietnam vet. It's very emotional but what a cast.

Larry Darrell

I know these 2 films are not meant to be connected… but if Enemy of the State is going to win, then The Conversation should be watched first. Watching The Conversation first, adds an Extra Awesome Layer to Enemy of the State.

Matt Rose

best to just go to the Wiki. The primary Cassie rule it violates is in the 'excessive nudity' department, but it also has some pretty gruesome stuff in there that would repel her. Sissy Spacek's film debut.

Clay F

Great poll. Nice selection of poll candidates.

Justin S.

While In the Heat of the Night is more of a classic, Mississippi Burning is still a very strong film because it makes does a good of combining a entertaining crime drama with race-relations. I think it's a better film than American History X, which was good but focused too much on the brutality and it was hard to buy into the character development at times.


I agree. To be fair, most of the people in the film were horrible , but I thought they missed the opportunity to frame other residents in the same light as they framed Frances McDormand’s character.

Mojo One Thousand

"Heartbreakers", my mate were talking about that the other day and he only remembered one line that Ray Liotta says... he's in there as well, may he rest in peace as well.

Stephen Wadsworth

If French Connection wins, be aware that Gene plays a racist cop - but he tried (and failed) to make it less racist. The director wouldn't have it!


I picked Mississippi Burning. Next choice woulda been Q and the D

Mojo One Thousand

No "Birdcage" or "Heartbreakers"... just kidding. The former was on commercial TV here in honour of his passing so I watched it, haven't seen it in long time and forget he was in it. The latter I don't remember much and have only seen it once when it came out, good cast though. However, should probably watch one his more acclaimed performances and come back to these at some point for bit of fun.

Rod Reavern

PLEASE "The Quick and the Dead"! I've wanted to recommend it for over a year but I don't recall a straight-up Western poll with "TQ&TD" on it. It's arguably Gene Hackman's BEST villain role -- definitely better than Lex Luthor (which was more hammy than menacing) and better in many ways than his "Unforgiven" villain because he gets more screen time and is a genuine BA! It seems that "Enemy of the State" is winning, which is a shame because it is a Will Smith vehicle, and Gene Hackman is only a supporting character with less than 20 minutes of screen time. I don't believe it's a respectful choice to HONOUR the legendary actor's career and memory. "The French Connection" would be my second choice after "TQ&TD" and "Mississippi Burning" would be third. "Enemy of the State" is worth watching later, NOT as a tribute to Gene Hackman's tragic passing.

Mike Amandes

Don't forget about The Birdcage! :-)


I think she may be worried about that one which is a shame. I didn’t think it was anti- gay at all but I’m straight so what do I know. If anything it made me more sympathetic and introduced me to a segment of the population I might not have been involved with. And it made me laugh and identify with others I might not have identified with before. Which is a goal of art and cinema.


Maybe so. I hope she doesn't feel that way. It's so funny and really a sweet story.


You did The Firm already? That's another one I was waiting for. Ok, I know what I'm watching tonight. So happy you're finally going to watch Mississippi Burning


I’m curious why Mississippi Burning is problematic for you. From my watching it would only be problematic for Southern white racists. What was it about that movie that gave you a problem? There were some awful atrocities but the good guys won in the end. I’m not trying to be antagonistic, I’m honestly curious.


Nathan Lane didn't have any problem with it. He may be the only openly gay actor in the film.


She just watches Gene Hackman movies for the rest of the year. Almost all of them are great.

diego kontarovsky

the conversation and enemy of the state actually make a great double feature


I had to go with Quick & The Dead, I do love it but also that's the only one I've seen on this list. Maybe she's seen it already but I would have loved to have had Heartbreakers as an options. I love that movie and he was great in it. And I think Cassie would love it too.

diego kontarovsky

oh, people are saying you haven't seen the birdcage?? no poll on that one, just watch it asap. one of the greatest comedies of all time


If French Connection wins there may be some demonic bleed over from The Exorcist both directed by William Freidkin.

Shawn Kildal

Are we still doing a Courtroom Poll as well?

Delia P

My vote is Loose Cannons, though it’s not on the list.

Lord Helmet

This one was tough to pick. So many great movies on this list. I was ultimately torn between enemy of the state and Mississippi burning. Went with Mississippi burning, but both are fantastic films.

Joseph M Sica

I'm very surprised Absolute Power doesn't have more votes, but I guess that's b/c a lot of ppl haven't seen it or he's not in a lot of it. So I went w/ Enemy Of The State. Hi PIB Crew!

Shawn Kildal

Get Shorty co starring John Travolta, Rene Russo and Danny DeVito would have been a worthy candidate also.

Jason Cannon

I was sure thought (wrong) that Mississippi Burning would be a runaway success. His character in this movie . . .


Mississippi Burning or Enemy of the State both great movies

Stick Figure Studios

On a technical level the film is quite good, with great performances and effective filmmaking techniques, but the positive portrayal of the FBI and the passive depiction of the black community as well as the minimization of the effect the civil rights workers had on the outcome makes it historically problematic -- perhaps even irresponsible -- and morally dubious. https://www.civilrightsteaching.org/resource/mississippi-burning-review

René Ferland

Yes, I saw it, and I also saw the original French movie of which it is a remake.

Raj Hudek

Crimson Tide, even though it's not on the list.

Ted Whalen

Enemy of the State is a great movie. I think Get Shorty would have been a great option as well.

Andrew Taylor

One from each decade I say

Jeff Mar

You’re missing “The Birdcage” with Robin Williams… He’s not in a lot of comedies…

David Spears

French connection is great

Rick Rodriguez

Went with The Conversation to show it more deserved love, but Cassie, you should watch pretty much most of these eventually. Just stone cold classics from the legend. One of the greatest ever.

Stephen Wadsworth

Big fan of Friedkin, especially those first couple of features. Being a stickler for reality though (coming from a background as a documentary maker) he wanted the unfiltered version on screen of the real life person Gene was playing in The French Connection and poor Gene just had to suck it up!

Happy Hanukkah

So you're saying choosing a Will Smith vehicle would be a slap to the face of Gene Hackman? Ba-dum-tss.

Stan the Man

How? How is Enemy of the State beating French Connection? My god if anything, ANYTHING, highlights the social democratic chaos currently gripping the world, it is this. One of the great American films EVER losing to some fly by night Will Smith thriller wasn’t even good when it was released.


Gene Hackman has a huge catalog but Enemy Of The State is constantly overloaded.


Thank you for responding. Though I could not have put it so succinctly, I had similar problems with the film as well. But that being said I still enjoyed it. I do think it’s relevant to point out that the movie came out at a time when audiences were not as ready and/or able to point out historical inaccuracies or foibles. But I do agree with your points. Cheers.

Shawn Kildal

Be sure to read Cassie's intro comments when it comes to polls. She will usually provide a list of movies seen regarding the poll

Larry Darrell

“I just did the Firecracker 400 with Ricky Rudd, Rusty Wallace... ...Capt. Kirk and Cmdr. Spock!” +1 for Loose Cannons (1990)

Bert Towle

I'm so good at choosing one of the least popular films...

diego kontarovsky

another absolute banger comedy featuring gene hackman is heartbreakers (2001)

Ria Grix

The Conversation is a masterpiece but French Connection is iconic… hmmm, choices, choices.

Art Vandalaay

I’m hoping we choose a lead performance. Do we honestly believe a supporting role with not that much screen time is a fitting tribute to an actor of Gene Hackmans gravitas? Especially when The French Connection, The Conversation and Mississippi Burning are so good. Is Enemy of the State really the best showcase of Hackmans talent? It might be someone’s favourite film but that’s not what we’re voting for here. Scarecrow, co- starring Al Pacino is worth considering at some point too.

Happy Hanukkah

You reminded me that a couple of years ago, the version of the movie available for streaming in the U.S. ham-fistedly censored a scene in which Gene Hackman utters some racist lines.


The French Connection is one of my mom's favorite movies. I've personally never seen it. Enemy of the State is bland and boring Will Smith in one of his 10 90s everyman roles which mostly all blend together.

John Cranberry

There is only 1 correct answer!!!! The Quick and the Dead!!!!!


How is The Birdcage not here?

John Cranberry

Enemy of the State is a Will Smith movie. 😭

Paul Ark

Enemy of the State is a bit of a sequel to The Conversation, so watch The Conversation first

Jens Kristensen

So many great movies... woof! For iconic performances I had to go with "The French Connection" (William Friedkin (!)), but I almost think that Gene does a better job in the sequel. "Mississippi Burning", "The Conversation", "The Royal Tenenbaums" and of course "The Quick And The Dead"...


“Come on, Irv!” Definitely “The French Connection.” The car vs L Train scene - and the cast! Robin Moore’s The French Connection is a brilliant account of the true story about the NYPD’s most famous narcotics investigation. It’s a terrific read but the movie is one of the classic cop films of all-time. Popeye Doyle was based on real-life former Marine and New York police detective Eddie “Popeye” Egan who also appeared in the movie and served as technical adviser. Not on the list because it’s a WW2 documentary but as a former Marine, Gene Hackman also hosted a stellar production about the iconic Iwo flag raisers called “Heroes of Iwo Jima” (2001). It’s a great companion to Clint Eastwood’s WW2 films: “Letters from Iwo Jima” & “Flags of Our Fathers.”

James Moy

It's a pity BAT21 isn't on the list. Maybe not a well known film but Hackman's performance in it was a masterclass in acting.

Mark Vaderr

Disappointed that "The Birdcage" is not on here. Either way, I would've still voted for "The French Connection".

Silver Machine

The correct year for Bonnie & Clyde is 1967. An essential must-see film, along with a few others in this poll. EDIT: Enemy of the State is winning?! A schlocky Will Smith movie that rips off The Conversation — which is also in this poll!! C’mon guys. Don’t be dumb.


Enemy of the State beating Mississippi Burning is just sad. That's just an average Will Smith movie.

Richard Maurer

Lots of good movies but I’m a Raimi fan so I have to go with The Quick and the Dead.

Chris H

I saw Heist in the theater. One of the worst movies I have ever seen. I'm curious if it is still as bad as I remember it.

Dean Holt

I was hoping we would get a Hackman poll. One of my favourite films he’s been in is Bat 21 so I’m little disappointed that’s not on. But out of the ones picked I hope Enemy of the State or Mississippi Burning wins.

Jacob King

Royal Tenenbaums and Quick and the Dead in the same poll is a heartbreaking choice. Gotta question the people voting for Enemy of the State, it’s an ok movie but Hackman is barely in it and doesn’t get much to work with.

Cliff Stephenson

No Get Shorty, huh? Although I also have a soft spot for Narrow Margin.

Mattias Ljungberg

Mississippi burning is an amazing film based on real eventuellt. Something that allways makes a movie better. Plus Willem Dafoe is an outstanding actor. So Dafoe and Hackman is amagic mix.

cfb0453 (Chris)

Cassie, I would like to recommend the classic cop thriller "The French Connection". An excellent, gritty true story about the biggest drug bust in American history of the last century, it also contains one of the best car chase scenes of all time (the film-makers did it without any permission from the proper authorities). I think you will find the film very rewarding. After that, I would suggest Bonnie and Clyde, The Conversation and Mississippi Burning.

Justin S.

I think Enemy of the State is one of the best Will Smith films and Gene Hackman is great of course. His character is similar to the one he played in The Conversation. Some have even suggested it could be an older version of the character.

Stephen Wadsworth

Oh, really? Mixed feelings about that. Can understand why and if it was one scene in particular I have in mind I guess it wouldn't have affected the plot, but I guess I'm generally in favour of leaving things as they were, and letting people understand that they were of their time.

Jacob King

I’ve never seen a gay critic object to it. Obviously the conversation has moved on and there are things that would be done differently today but you could say that about most movies. Also Hackman is very funny in a movie with Robin Williams and Nathan Lane which is a demonstration of his incredible range.

Jacob King

He wasn’t out at the time. There’s an incredible Oprah interview where she’s trying to out him and Robin Williams won’t let her, he just keeps riffing until they run out of time. True hero.

Clarence Newman

Fully agree that Enemy of the State would be a poor way to honour Gene. It's a decent movie, but Will Smith is the star, with Gene as a secondary character. The French Connection and Quick and the Dead would be my choices. I think Cassie would enjoy Quick and the Dead the most.

Richard Maurer

Apparently Cassie’s team didn’t think it “violated her rules” but it’s not going to win anyway so I guess she’s “safe”.


Enemy of the State is a Will Smith movie. Hackman has a small side character, that is introduced later in the movie. And not a classic by any stretch, unlike "The French Connection" and "The Conversation". People who vote most on these must be young people who never saw any classics. "Mississippi Burning" is good too


Gene Hackman in “I Never Sang for My Father” (1970) is a hidden gem and another great father/son movie. Keep a tissue box handy.

Robin Roberts

If Enemy of the State wins you have got to watch The Conversation first. Although, it is it expressly stated that Gene plays the same character it is generally thought that it is the same person.

Eddie Perkins

I do like Enemy of the State, but I wouldn't consider it a Gene Hackman movie because he doesn't appear until later in the film. Mississippi Burning and The French Connection are his two best movies on this list.

James Melton

"The French Connection" is a great film but not sure you will enjoy it. Very gritty stuff. "The Conversation" is subtle and complicated. It shows his acting range. A really intriguing film. "Enemy of the State" is a poor choice as a tribute to Hackman. If you really want to see him in a small but good role in a much better movie try "A Bridge Too Far"


No Mamet fans, I guess.

James Melton

"The Conversation" is head and shoulders better. Most people voting haven't seen every film in the list and prefer recent big budgets over stronger but older films. It's always the case in polls.

fargoboyle .

I always enjoyed Narrow Margin with Anne Archer, a low key thriller from 1990. I've gone for Royal Tenenbaum as it's such a brilliant comedy with great performances not only by Gene but everyone else. What's interesting about Hackman's career is you will get such contrasting emotional responses between his performances especially with three of the current leading films in this poll - French Connection/Mississippi Burning and Tenenbaum. As other have said if you want to experience and enjoy Hackman then Enemy of the State is not the best way to do it Watch that independently of this poll.


I just HAD to vote for Enemy of the State. Such a great film!

Steve Grad

Mississippi Burning is a very good film but very intense. There are a couple of scenes that you might find difficult to watch do to the redneck racism that the movie is about.

Jaccob Cortes

I had to watch Mississipi burning in school. That was an experience I won't forget.

John Armbruster

I hate the channel won't get a Hoosiers reaction. One of my all time favorites

Gábor Árki

I have to admit I'm pretty disappointed to see ENEMY OF THE STATE leading this poll. It's a decent thriller, but with Gene Hackman in a supporting role and quite limited screen time, it feels like an unworthy choice to represent his legacy in a memorial poll.

Donald Fleming

Can't go wrong with 'The French Connection'. One of Gene's classic roles, although I am surprised that you didn't include 'The Poseidon Adventure' from 1972 in the poll.

Mark White

This a tough one, there are some very good movies on this list and a couple I haven’t seen. I think if you want to pick something for a pure Hackman experience, then it really should be “The French connection” But I do really like “ The Quick and the dead” great cast and Cassie would like it. It’s looking like “Enemy of the state” might win. I do like that movie, but for me it’s more of a Will smith movie. Good movie and Cassie will enjoy it but not really a Hackman movie, as his part is to small to warrant it as a choice for me.


The Royal Tenenbaums is a great, quirky movie and Hackman is awesome in it. It looks like it won't win but I'd love to see it on the channel in the future.

Blake Evans

Quick and the Dead is my favorite on this list but hope you but hope you get to watch The Birdcage (1996) also with Robin Williams. Absolute classic!

Clarence Newman

Agreed. This poll is meant to be a tribute to Gene Hackman, so the movie really ought to be one of his starring roles. I recently watched Wyatt Earp as a tribute to Gene, but he's in it so little, I'll be watching Scarecrow aswell this week.

Chris Thom

Ok French Connection pulling up after a slow start. That was my guess for what would ultimately win. Personally I want Royal Tenenbaums on the channel eventually but French Connection is a classic. Don't remember a ton about Enemy of the State other than I went to see it for my birthday that year. Only saw it that one time.

Chris Thom

Cassie and Carly have both seen it. Pretty sure they both played bball in high school.

Chris Thom

Oh that's right it's a Raimi movie. Totally forgot that but I did always think it had a lot of quirks for a Western. So that makes sense.

David Kent

This is tough as they are all worth watching. Hopefully you'll take a couple of runners up and add them into the other polls.

Clay F

She already reacted to The Poseidon Adventure' from 1972.

Clay F

She would handle it just fine. Have you seen her reaction to Selma (2014)?


The quick and the Dead, I think he was fantastic on that one but I know Enemy of the State became somewhat a a fan favorite

Clay F

**"Mississippi Burning" (1988)** Gene Hackman in a lead role. Willem Dafoe. A young pretty Frances McDormand nominated for an Oscar. **"The French Connection" (1971)** Gene Hackman in a lead role. AFI Top 100. RT=97%. Nominated for 8 Oscars, winning 5 including Best Picture and Best Actor (Gene Hackman). Enemy of the State (1998) Gene Hackman in a supporting role. RT=71%. Will Smith = Blockbuster Entertainment Award for Favorite Actor.


The "silent majority" strikes again! It is amazing how the "vocal minority" in these comments all almost agree that Enemy of the State is not the perfect movie (I worded that kindly) as a memorial to Gene, to which I have to add my agreement. There are a lot of movies I like better here, but The French Connection, the last time I saw it, seemed a little light on the story. A classic thriller, but the story needs a little more story. Edit, full disclosure: I voted for Mississippi Burning.

Chris Thom

That character/shape that is your avatar looks so freaking familiar but I can't place it and its driving me nuts. Pretty sure it's something from the 90's...? My friend growing up had it on his wall I think.

Chris Thom

I ultimately always think of him as really likeable. But I don't know if that comes from his roles in movies or if he was just a pleasant person in real life.

Clay F

Oh, yeah. Thanks. I miscounted. I edited to correct.

Mark White

Paulie strikes again! “Who am I? I’m the silent majority big mouth” 😆

Timothy Williams

In my opinion it needs to be Enemy of the State. Such a great role, character, and range of acting.

Alex Laime

We need Get Shorty!


I watch Brian on The Awards Contender. He’s gay and he loves The Birdcage.

bgb1975 (Brian)

Before: Here we go! Mississippi Burning! After: Sunuva....!

Kevin Albertina

My personal favorite would be "The Conversation." Great character study of a man in the surveillance industry, but one who is also consumed with paranoia. It's also has a great twist in the ending, plus you get to see a very young Harrison Ford play, of all the things, the heavy. Others in a great cast include John Cazale, Cindy Williams, Robert Duvall and Teri Garr. Cazale was in 5 major motion pictures and they were all nominated for Best Picture. The bad thing about "The Conversation" is that I think today's audiences would find it slow. My second choice would be "The French Connection." This is another great character, this one obsessed with getting the bad guy at all cost. Great chase scene. I will say that there are almost no bad choices here.

bgb1975 (Brian)

Enemy of the State is not really a Gene Hackman movie. It's a Will Smith movie. I've never been a fan of Will Smith. He's ok, but very overrated.


https://youtu.be/Mn9SOgVl6_s?si=nwY_-_oSUpXFlUj8 Great video about Hackman films. I’d like to see Absolute Power, but voted for The French Connection.

Dan M

If this is meant to be a tribute to Gene Hackman, then it should be The French Connection, which was probably his defining role. Mississippi Burning is also an important movie, albeit with difficult themes. But like many people here are saying, Enemy of the State would not be a fitting tribute to Gene Hackman, because it’s not his movie, and he really only has a small role in it.

Robert McEvoy

It has to be The French Connection. Oscar winner for Best Picture, Director, Adapted Screenplay and Best Actor for Gene. Only undisputed all-time classic on this poll.

Above Average Dave

I don’t know if there’s a bad movie on that list (Prime Cut would be the one I’d leave off) but there is not one bad performance by Gene Hackman. Like Harrison Ford and Kevin Costner, his career started relatively late, not taking off until he was in his 30s. but he made every role he was in his own.

Above Average Dave

Enemy of the State is nothing without Hackman. he absolutely takes over that movie in every scene he is in. It’s not just that the Will Smith character is trying to catch up with him as it unfolds, it’s that Will Smith himself seems lost in Hackman‘s brilliance. It’s an excellent example of how a supporting character can carry a movie.

Robert Jewell

A film apparently no one has ever heard of is an all time favorite in which Gene plays powerful a supporting role which I think you would love is ANOTHER WOMAN (1988).


Me too! I love it so much, it’s one of my favorite movies.

Clay F

There are no newer movies because the most recent AFI Top 100 list is 2008. https://www.afi.com/afis-100-years-100-movies-10th-anniversary-edition/ Movies from the last 35 years include: Schindler’s List (1993) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Unforgiven (1992) Saving Private Ryan (1998) The Shawshank Redemption (1994) The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Forrest Gump (1994) Titanic (1997) Goodfellas (1990) Pulp Fiction (1994) Toy Story (1995)

Patrick Fitzgerald

The French Connection please. I would also love to see you and Carly react to Bonnie and Clyde - It's a classic and nobody reacts to it! Thank You for many hours of enjoyment watching movies with you and Carly too. God Bless All!

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, MISSISSIPPI BURNING is a problematic movie. On a technical level the film is quite good, with great performances and effective filmmaking techniques, but the positive portrayal of the FBI and the passive depiction of the black community as well as the minimization of the effect the civil rights workers had on the outcome makes it historically suspect -- perhaps even irresponsible -- and morally dubious. https://www.civilrightsteaching.org/resource/mississippi-burning-review

Clarence Newman

I don't think the resistance to Enemy of the State is about quality, guys. I think most people consider it a good film. If it wins, though, Cassie needs to watch at least one of the runners-up where he's the main star. This is meant to be a specific tribute to Gene, after all.


Absolute Power is a great Clint Eastwood thriller and has an absolutely stupid level of stars in it who probably weren't as big when it was made as what they are now. Hackman plays a fantastic POTUS antagonist. Evident already this is going to be a playoff between "The French Connection" which Hackman is well known for, and the film that made his name more commercially well known to younger film fans, "Enemy of the State". As it's intended to be a tribute to one of the pillarstones of Hollywood, I would recommend watching both, to see what a more zesty and young Hackman was like in "French" compared to the closing stages of his career when he did "Enemy".


To me "Enemy of the State" is more a Will Smith movie. Cassie should watch "The French Connection" in which he won an Oscar. Just my thoughts!

Clarence Newman

Sorry Mark, but I can't let this heinous misquoting of the great Paulie Pennino slide. He actually says "UNsilent majority." Your joke worked anyway, but for those who feel I'm nitpicking...."I don't sweat you." 😏

Ian Hunter (NewbieInOttawa)

I'm of the age where I remember first seeing Gene in The Package. I think Narrow Margin was a little after that, and Loose Cannons, the latter of which I can't recall very much, which may be best, lol. RIP Gene - such a supremely skilled actor who brought so much to every role and film in which he appeared.


Looks like it won't place on this poll, but I do hope Cassie will watch " The Quick and the Dead” at some point this year. Great cast and Hackman is fantastic in it.


I've never watched The French Connection but I've seen everything else and Mississippi Burning is my pick.


I think if she watches the top 2 she'll get both his most iconic remaining leading role movie in French Connection and a great performance in a thriller I'm sure she'll love in enemy of the state

Clarence Newman

How did Prime Cut get on this poll? In all my decades here, I've never seen a film on 0% after 9 hours.

Chris Thom

Was just reading their website. Apparently they stopped doing the top 100, but they do compile a list of the ten 'best' movies every year. The lists were a special ten year thing they did for their anniversary.

nick bell

Wow. Smh

Henry Graham

Prime Cut is such a great, weird picture that could only have come from the early 70s. Michael Ritchie is one of the most underrated filmmakers from that era.

Henry Graham

The only way Enemy of the State is of any interest is as a kind of quasi-sequel to The Conversation. It's pretty embarrassing that this Will Smith vehicle is leading the poll!


He'll always be Lex Luthor criminal mastermind to me, but he was great in everything. Looking forward to watching whatever wins. Rest in peace Gene.

Chris Thom

I just know he was a well-regarded writer that was on Bill Maher's show quite a bit over the years. I thought he did 12 Angry Men but he's not that old. He wrote/directed The Verdict with Paul Newman.

Chris Thom

Keep hearing people bring that up. That's referring to the one with Jenifer Love Hewitt? Never saw it but I remember it being a pretty big hit for her. She was pretty huge there for a while.

Chris Thom

I don't know. But I heard there's nudity in it and nastiness so I'm kind of intrigued.


Popular films always win polls, older films suffer from recency bias.


The Conversation is not going to win but it truly is his best performance. Enemy of the State is easily the worst flick here unfortunately.


He's not the lead, but if you haven't seen him in The Birdcage I would recommend it! One of my comfort movies and I think you would love it.

Henry Graham

Another reactor I follow did a Hackman poll and as soon as Superman was placed on the list, the game was up. It's really lame. As Kent Brockman put it, “Democracy simply doesn't work.”

Mark White

😂 sorry! Not that I don’t trust you Clarence, but I had to double check😉 you are correct of course. I bow my head to the master! 😆

Clarence Newman

A message to all poll voters - Please keep Jada Pinkett Smith's husband's name out of your mouth!

Steve Arnold

Sadly „The Birdcage“ and „Heartbreakers“ are not on the list.

Milton William Burray

My 1st choice was Royal Tenembaums but I'm going to switch to French Connection to keep out Enemy of the State

Alex Tan

We also need Addie Counts to do a Gene Hackman poll as well.

Larry Darrell

+1 for The Package (1989)… same Director as The Fugitive (1993) and in the same wheel house.

Andrew Mote

Royal Tenenbaums >.

Larry Darrell

Also, The Conversation (1974)… written and directed by Francis Ford Coppola, 3 time Oscar nominated film, including Best Picture and Best Writing.

Jens Kristensen

Me too! He did some really good work - I always rate "To Live And Die In L.A." higher than "Lethal Weapon"...


I've watched her a few times...she's nothing special as a reactor IMO.

Chryss Guiler

Personally, one of my favorite Gene Hackman movies is Hoosiers. You ought to check it out. It's based on a real high school basketball team from Milan, Indiana in the 1950s. It's on Prime Video right now! Dennis Hopper, Barbara Hershey, and an incredible score by Jerry Goldsmith. "When basketball was the game of life...before they could dunk."


I'f you haven't seen Hoosiers, be a good candidate for the next sports movie, Cassie

Stephen Dias

Honestly, I've heard of all of those movies, but I don't think I've seen any of them. Maybe a scene here and there. "The French Connection" put him on the map (and I remember seeing a crazy car chase), so I voted for that.

Uncle Phoenix

Even though I want Cassie to see Absolute Power”, I am looking forward to seeing her reaction to any of the top 3. (FYI. Never really understood the attraction to “The Royal Tenenbaums”.)

Luke Godfrey

I voted for Enemy of the State as it’s the only one in this poll I’ve seen. Was pleasantly surprised to see it in the lead. Here’s hoping it remains so. I think Cassie would enjoy it.

Sean S

Enemy of the state is so freaking good.

Chryss Guiler

"The Poseidon Adventure" is a guilty pleasure of mine. One of those fun, but tense disaster movies from the 1970s.

Raj Hudek

Thanks for letting me know. It's hard to keep up with everything she's reacted to!!! She's the most reacting-ist reactor out there! She has a full-time reaction schedule. Love that about her. I'll definitely check it out.

Raj Hudek

Thank you for the heads up, Shawn. I figured she probably puts out that info, but I won't lie, I don't always read the full post because of how much of a hurry I'm always in. LOL.


“The Conversation” should *really* be watched before “Enemy of the State” as “Enemy of the State” is a sequel to “The Conversation” in all but name.

Jason Scott

While I respect the poll outcomes, I really hope it's a film where Hackman is a LEAD. "Enemy of the State" is a Will Smith film. I echo everyone who says "Hoosiers" should be an option, one of GH's best performances and a GREAT movie.

Stick Figure Studios

It's the worst movie up there. I suspected that a sizeable portion of its votes were coming from individuals who hadn't seen anything else on the list.

Luke Godfrey

I wouldn’t know. Haven’t seen any of the others. I still think Cassie will enjoy it though.


IMO Enemy of the State was always going to win the poll, it's popular and still shown frequently on basic cable channels. It hasn't disappeared from people's radar like many of the other films.

Clay F

Plus, a nice way to slip in The Conversation -- as a must watch before Enemy of the State.

Clay F

Hackman acting is great in that. Cassie's reaction is awesome.

Clay F

Yep, that's what I suspected. Enemy of the State benefits b/c too many patrons unfamiliar with the better movies in the poll.

Clay F

Good vote. I am thinking of changing my vote from Mississippi Burning to The French Connection.

Clay F

She's seen it. One of my favorite Hackman moves. Dennis Hopper did well.

Clay F

I am thinking of changing my vote from Mississippi Burning to The French Connection.

Clay F

+1 for Bonnie & Clyde. A big break for Hackman. He was nominated for an Oscar.


At the time of this post... The French Connection & Enemy of the State are running neck & neck. ☺️

Chris Thom

I mean Cassie's reaction to it is on YouTube and here in the archives.

Above Average Dave

Personally, I think Gene Hackman shows how a co-star can elevate a mid-movie into something much more entertaining and thought-provoking. Will Smith is bland but Hackman MAKES him better in every scene. Also, an Incredibly prescient movie warning us about the surveillance state in 1997 when the Internet was still in its dial-up nonage, broadband was a dream and flip phones were all the rage. The constant is the three-letter agencies being corrupt. Well, that and Jack Black and Jamie Kennedy working for the NSA. ADDED: Oliver Stone was originally going to produce and direct Enemy of the State, which would've been mad. I saw the submission script soon after it was sold in a big spec sale. A little more cerebral, but Tony Scott (UNSTOPPABLE) wanted to accent more of the action sequences (Shocked —Shocked, I say!). Also, it pulled Will Smith as the lead, but Clooney was set to go at one point. He basically picked THE PEACEMAKER (yawn) over this.

Chris Thom

Royal Tenenbaums is worth seeing I think. It's very quirky, but artistic and fun. Just not many movies like it if you're looking for something unique.

Wesley Allison

The Royal Tannenbaums is one of the greatest movies of all time. That being said, they're are several really good ones on this list, and even when the movies are that good, Gene Hackman's performance was.

Jennifer Medicus

I actually picked French Connection because I've wanted to see it and I'll watch it so I can watch her reaction.


I changed my vote from Mississippi Burning to The French Connection. MB isnt gonna win.


Enemies of the State is the weakest one on the list and as far as Gene ,there are at least four far better performances elsewhere.

Clarence Newman

Just finished watching Scarecrow, with Gene and Al Pacino. What a strange and unusual film. There are times when you just stare at the screen wondering what on earth they're doing (the writers as well as the actors), but the dynamic between the two is fun and the overall story holds the interest. Glad I watched it.

Seymor Butz

I prefer EOTS but the French connection is great as well.

Donald Fleming

My bad. I forgot she watched it 6 months ago. I didn't see it in the list of movies she'd already watched (list needs to be updated), but when I checked on YouTube, I saw that she did a reaction video for it.

Thomas Thompson

Enemy Of The State?! That second rate thriller starring Slappy The Cuckold!


I really hope for Cassie’s sake The French Connection can pull out the win. TFC is an absolute classic that everyone should see at least once.

Larry Darrell

Alright… Sometimes you just gotta get real and say it like it is. Most of the time on PIB, I’d say all films are treated as equals. Most of the time One film is seen as being just as good as Another. But sometimes, like in this case… it just ain’t so. This Poll was created to pay tribute to the Acting Genius that we know by the name, Gene Hackman. watching, Enemy of the State (1997), alone does not do this Poll or the memory of Gene Hackman justice. Hackman is not the star of this film, and his character is only slightly above glorified cameo status. What little time he has on screen is magnificent, no doubt, but it just isn’t enough, alone, to give the proper respect that Gene Hackman’s memory deserves. So… I would strongly recommend watching the runner-up film, The French Connection (1971) as well. 8 time Oscar nominated film, Winning 5 Oscars, including… Best Picture Best Actor in a Leading Role for Hackman Best Director Best Writing Best Film Editing The French Connection is the film that turned Gene Hackman into a Star. Special Times call for Special Measures… There is one more film that needs to be seen. We live in a time, when we have the ability to easily experience films in the best way possible. Why should we not allow ourselves to Maximize our Efforts. You only get One First Time viewing. Why not make it the best it can be. If Enemy of the State must be watched, because it wins the Poll, then… The Conversation (1974) really, really, really should be watched First. Just google the names of both films together, and you will see countless articles, threads and YouTube videos talking about how… “Enemy of the State is the unofficial sequel to The Conversation.” The Conversation, written and directed by Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather/Apocalypse Now/The Rainmaker), also by the way, was nominated for the Best Picture and Best Writing Oscars. The Conversation is a Conspiracy Thriller! We all know how much Cassie loves those, right? Special Times call for Special Measures… Please, Please, Please consider turning this Gene Hackman Poll into a Gene Hackman theme week by watching these three films… The French Connection (1971) The Conversation (1974) Enemy of the State (1997) Gene Hackman was one of the greatest actors of multiple generations. He is one of Cassie’s favorite actors. His passing deserves the Best Tribute possible. One with Maximum Effort.

Shane Myers myers

He was in a lot of great films! My favorite Western with him was the Quick and the Dead! I think that you would really like it when ever you get a chance to watch it.

Richard Maurer

Since The Quick and the Dead clearly isn’t going to win I switched to French Connection to help against EotS.


Most likely Cassie will watch the runner-up since the voting is close.

Tyler Foster

Definitely feels like Conversation should come before Enemy of the State but what are you gonna do? I suppose it will work just fine in the other order...not to mention, they technically aren't related, it's more like a homage.


I like your comment so I switched from Mississippi Burning to The French Connection. And I even said unkind things about it in the comments, lol.


Fine post Larry. As I said above, I just switched my vote to the French Connection, and even if I hadn't, your post would have convinced me!


I would have suggested Act of Valor.

Bill W


Bill W

Really? The Will Smith movie????? Sweet merciful crap!!!!

Larry Darrell

But wouldn’t it be so much cooler if The Conversation WAS watched before Enemy of the State. Why not get the MOST out of a film experience? Especially when it’s so easy to do so.


The Gene Hackman movie is “Uncommon Valor” - “Act of Valor” is definitely an enjoyable action-packed movie with real Navy Seals.

Darreld Studie

I just watched Mississippi Burning for the umpteenth time. It is such a great movie. Gene Hackman (RIP) was certainly at his best in this one.


Welcome to Moosport (2004) with Carly?


I hope Enemy of the State wins, it’s such a good film.

Aaron Ritchie

Sad The Birdcage isn’t on here :(

Stick Figure Studios

To all those voters who don't want to see ENEMY OF THE STATE win, please, consider changing your vote from THE QUICK AND THE DEAD or MISSISSIPPI BURNING or whatever other film you voted for to THE FRENCH CONNECTION as it is the only movie that has a chance of beating the Wil Smith one.

Stick Figure Studios

You might consider changing your vote to THE FRENCH CONNECTION as it is the only film that has a chance of beating the Wil Smith one.


And to all those voters who don't want to watch THE FRENCH CONNECTION, please, consider changing your vote from THE QUICK AND THE DEAD or MISSISSIPPI BURNING or whatever other film you voted for to ENEMY OF THE STATE as it is the only movie that has a chance of beating the French Connection one

Stick Figure Studios

You are free to do what you want obviously, but might you consider switching your vote to THE FRENCH CONNECTION?


[checking back] Oh please, for the love of all that’s Holy and Righteous about the world, please do not let ENEMY OF THE STATE win! A mediocre Will Smith movie that Gene Hackman is hardly in, much less giving a performance worthy of his stature.

Bill W

Everyone gives a stellar performance... Willem Dafoe, Frances McDormand, Brad Dourif... supporting cast.. Michael Rooker, R. Lee Ermey, Gailard Sartain, Stephen Tobolowski, Pruitt Taylor Vince.... Excellent cinematography and Trevor Jones score.

Bill W

I did. Now if 50 more people would do the same....

Shane Myers myers

I don't like the Unforgiven. I am very fickle when it comes to Clint Eastwood movies. There are only a few that I really love. My favorite actors to watch growing up were John Wayne, and Jimmy Stewart. I always saw Eastwood as Wayne's Rival in Westerns. I was on team Wayne. I like a lot of Westerns made since Wayne's death, but I still don't like Eastwood's Westerns. I love him in Heartbreak Ridge. I am just weird.

Recliner Man

Even though I know it's not going to win, I still voted for "The Conversation" anyway. Oh well, c'est la vie.


I’m not jelly… ‘Cause I’m Batman. 🙂

Philip G.

I ended up changing my vote to French connection because watching Enemy of the State to honor Gene Hackman is like watching the new Star Trek trilogy to honor Leonard Nimoy

Happy Hanukkah

I had originally voted for TFC with the intention of switching to MB if expedient. I can now claim to be deeply principled in my voting. :-)

Stick Figure Studios

You might consider switching your vote to THE FRENCH CONNECTION as it actually has a chance of winning.


I am not surprised, Stick. Believe me. lol. Hopefully, she will watch both if it’s close.

Stick Figure Studios

@Bill W - I actually think they're quite different. Little Bill is a more complex character than the guy he plays in QUICK AND THE DEAD who is just outright evil.


It’s like pouring a big bowl of cereal and realizing you’re out of milk. It’s like watching PGA Golf to celebrate Michael Jordan. It’s like eating imitation crab meat on a Caribbean vacation. Uhh… that’s enough I guess.

Bill W

It's just an ok action flick, but it's a Will Smith movie, not a Gene Hackman movie. Meanwhile the other entries on there are FILMS that show Hackman at his best.

Bill W

Maybe Little Bill has another layer or two, but no less evil.

Stan the Man

This is suppose to be a poll for Gene Hackman and I’m not sure I’d say Enemy of the State is a Gene Hackman film or a showcase of his great talent. It’s a Will Smith showcase, a Will smith thriller. So while it’s cool you enjoy the Will Smith movie, in honor of the late great actor this poll aims to celebrate, I wonder if you and others might perhaps consider voting for a film where Gene is the lead actor. Or at least gives a terrific, iconic performance. Something like French Connection or The Conversation. It’s like…Bonnie and Clyde is a great film. Terrific. But is it a great Gene Hackman film? Not really. He’s good in it. But to see him at his best we need to check out his best work. Movies like Enemy of the State, Bonnie and Clyde, as much as we might enjoy them, they aren’t truly iconic Gene Hackman films like others on this list.

Clarence Newman

Everybody should read these posts and then change their vote to The French Connection. Including those who voted for Enemy of the State. It's not a normal poll, it's a Gene Hackman tribute, so let's not reduce him to a supporting role in his own show!

Clay F

Last minute changed my vote from Mississippi Burning to The French Connection. Of all the movies on the list, I think Cassie would like/appreciate the most (and be the most invested in) "Mississippi Burning" (1988).


Heist didn’t get much attention but it is a brilliant script written by David Mamut. Gene Hackman’s character is so interesting. He always assumes something will go wrong and has contingency plans for everything.

Clay F

Superman (1978) won the Gene Hackman poll at Hold Down A. There were 23 choices with approval style voting. The French Connection not included because she already reacted to that. Below are how some of the entries finished -- the number of votes. Superman (1978) – 51 The Conversation – 45 The Poseidon Adventure (1972) – 45 Hoosiers – 44 Mississippi Burning – 43 The Birdcage – 40 Enemy of the State – 39 The Replacements (2000) – 37 The Quick and the Dead – 31 Bonnie & Clyde – 29 Behind Enemy Lines (2001) – 24 No Way Out – 22 Get Shorty – 19 Wyatt Earp (1994) – 7


Voting was very close, a good chance Cassie will also watch The French Connection. - Enemy of the State, 319 - The French Connection, 303


She only has 483 paying patrons. I counted 476 votes, so I'm assuming not many multiple votes from her patrons. Cassie has the same issue on her polls with multiple voting.

Milton William Burray

Yeah I appreciate French connection is a close second, however it would be good to perhaps get a Gene Hackman comedy movie if a second title is chosen to lighten the mood

Tim C

Didn't rember him in Bonnie and Clyde.

Clay F

Yeah, Clyde's older. The movie was a big break for Hackman. He was nominted for an Oscar.

Scottish Joe

I was too late for the vote but I'm happy with an Enemy of the State win, I'm sure Cassie will enjoy it..... and I havent seen it in a while either....and Gene Hackman is great in it too.... i always vote with what I think Cassie will enjoy .....


I thought the same thing. Young Frankenstein wouldve been a terrible choice too. He's only in the movie for 5 minutes.

Dean Holt

Lots of hate for Enemy of the state, with people trying to rig the vote by getting people to change to The French Connection. I personally like the film it’s a great thriller and Hackman plays a very good character in it. I see people moaning about he’s only plays a supporting role but you don’t have to be the lead actor to stand out in a movie. Just look at Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men, Sir Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of the Lambs and Michael Keaton in Beetlejuice just to name a few, all these had less than 20 minutes screen time but still made a incredible impression on the film. And that’s what Hackman does in this movie, so is really about how long he’s in the film for or do you just not like the film because of Will Smith.

Dean Holt

Ike, A great actor doesn’t need to be the lead to make a good impression on the movie just look at Silence of the Lambs & A few Good Men. So I personally don’t agree with any of the analogy’s.

Philip G.

Nobody is saying they didn't like the film . Were do that's why it's winning it's an entertaining flick . The issue is this watch is to honor Gene . And this is not his film . He doesn't even give his best performance here so your analogies of those other actors making cameos and stealing scenes is a moot point .

Dean Holt

Clarence, some of the best performances in movies have come from supporting roles with very little screen time. Just watch A Few Good Men and Silence of the lambs both Nicholson & Hopkins had less than 20 minutes time. Darth Vader had less than 45 minutes in all 3 original Star Wars films but you’d probably include that as one of James Earl Jones. Yes I’ve used a few extreme examples, as EotS wouldn’t go down as a classic movie. But I still thing it’s very good and Gene plays a great character in it that stands out and you remember him just as much as Will Smith. So I don’t really see a problem as even with people trying to rig the votes it’s still won.


Sad that The Conversation isn't getting more votes, but the top 2 are great Hackman films. Cant lost with Enemy of the State or French Connection.


Crap, I thought Mississippi Burning was going to win this

Anthony Campbell

I was pulling for Mississippi burning

Stick Figure Studios

@Phillip G. - I was saying I don't like the film. I find it incredibly mediocre (at best) given the immense talent involved and the interesting (and prescient) premise/subject matter. I'm sure Cassie will enjoy it, but the fact that it beat such an excellent, innovative and acclaimed (not to mention important) piece of filmmaking like Friedkin's bona fide classic is frustrating (in addition to the fact that it is a inferior choice to honor Hackman). Still, someone else raised that possibility of her watching both and I had no problem with that suggestion (regardless of what won). As long as THE FRENCH CONNECTION gets a reaction, I am fine with ENEMY OF THE STATE getting one too.

Chris Thom

Tonight she said she was watching The French Connection, so I'm assuming she's going to be watching both.


A lot of mediocre films are The Godfather.


Stick, I can't speak for anybody else, but in my case it is about nostalgia that did it for me. I have literally never heard of The French Connection, but I watched Enemy of the State as I was coming of age. The idea of revisiting that appeals to me and I simply don't know what I am missing with TFC. I would imagine many other people are in my shoes

Alan Jones

I missed the deadline on this one, and would have voted for The French Connection. Please consider ALSO viewing this film, as it was Hackman's breakthrough lead role, features a strong lead performance FROM HACKMAN, and includes an iconoic chase scene that set the bar for many chase scenes to follow.

Clay F

She apparently reacted to The French Connection last night, and thus the full reaction should be posted on Patreon this weekend I would think.

Clay F

I think she would like Mississippi Burning better -- but that's just a guess.

Clay F

I have nostalgia for Mississippi Burning -- released in 1988 when I was 25 -- watched it many times for the years. Gene Hackman in a lead role. Willem Dafoe. A young pretty Frances McDormand nominated for an Oscar. Compelling story. I didn't think Enemy of the State was that great. I am certain that Cassie would like Mississippi Burning better.


I'm surprised at how little love The Conversation got. Coppola rules and Hackman was unquestionably the star. And it had Robert Duvall and Harrison Ford (and Fredo from the Godfather)


It's slow paced older movie and based almost entirely on dialogue. I'd bet that most younger patreons have never even seen it


@John, my guess is that Cassie herself didn't put the poll together, I assume it was her mods and husband. EOTS is a popular film still shown a lot on cable, patrons know it so they vote for it. I'm happy TFC managed to get a close 2nd and will be watched also.

Bill W

Been trying for years to get someone to react to it.

Bill W

I voted for MB, but I initially thought Q&D would win. Changed vote to FC when Enemy started pulling ahead.

Bill W

It's a basic movie. There are better films on tbe list.