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Order in the Courtroom Poll A

  • Witness for the Prosecution (1957) 94
  • Judgement at Nuremberg (1961) 157
  • Kramer vs Kramer (1979) 210
  • The Verdict (1982) 165
  • Presumed Innocent (1990) 133
  • JFK (1991) 420
  • In the Name of the Father (1993) 123
  • The Client (1994) 310
  • 2025-03-04
  • —2025-03-08
  • 1612 votes
{'title': 'Order in the Courtroom Poll A', 'choices': [{'text': 'Witness for the Prosecution (1957)', 'votes': 94}, {'text': 'Judgement at Nuremberg (1961)', 'votes': 157}, {'text': 'Kramer vs Kramer (1979)', 'votes': 210}, {'text': 'The Verdict (1982)', 'votes': 165}, {'text': 'Presumed Innocent (1990)', 'votes': 133}, {'text': 'JFK (1991)', 'votes': 420}, {'text': 'In the Name of the Father (1993)', 'votes': 123}, {'text': 'The Client (1994)', 'votes': 310}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 8, 6, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 4, 14, 17, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1612}


Members of the jury, the time has come to render your verdict. Please examine the evidence before you and cast your vote with sound judgment and impartiality. 

Courtroom movies have been some of my favorites-Runaway Jury, 12 Angry Men, A Time to Kill, A Few Good Men, Philadelphia etc. This is only Poll A, there is also a Poll B you should go vote on-the top 2 in each will go to to a final poll at the end of the week!

Let the record show that your decision will determine the ultimate courtroom movie champion. The court is now in session.

*you can vote multiple times

*This Poll will, end on Friday 3/7



I'm in the lead, just end the poll here.


In the Name of the Father is so heart wrenching and just a good ol’ DDL movie.

Henry Graham

The Verdict features one of the greatest American actors giving one of his finest performances.

Brett Richey

In The Name of the Father and The Verdict are the only proper options.


The Cliiiiiiiiieeeennnnttttt


The Client is every bit as good as The Firm. Thanks for all you do! 🍿👏💛

Clarence Newman

JFK sucks! Until Cassie watches The Verdict, after which JFK will be brilliant!

nick bell

Impressive list. You'll love all of these.


JFK is good but not the most courtroomy, if that makes sense

Oisin Clissmann

Yes! It's much more than a courtroom Drama and I highly recommend she watch it, regardless of this poll. Sadly, because it won't win a poll it will go back onto the list of amazing movies that will most likely not get reacted to, along with other greats such as Empire of the Sun.

Shehab Dawoud

I haven’t seen JFK in a minute but is it really a courtroom movie? There is a trial but isn’t it just towards the end?

Gábor Árki

JUDGEMENT AT NUREMBERG is a movie I consider to be in the group everyone should watch. And IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER has been on my short list for a while as the one major DDL movie I have not seen yet. But I presume with such a heavy hitter as JFK, these again won't stand a chance.

Randy Schuh

Suspect with Cher and Dennis Quaid is one of the best courtroom movies I have seen. I wish it was on the list.

adam weisler

Great options, Cassie! Another one I might suggest you consider is Clint Eastwood's "Juror #2", released just last fall. Possibly the final film he will direct. It stars Nicholas Hoult, Toni Collette, J. K. Simmons and Kiefer Sutherland. The movie got a very limited theatrical release but was widely praised. I thought it was terrific! And it is TOTALLY consistent with the theme of this latest poll. In a sentence, the movie asks the following question: (and this is hardly a spoiler -- it was in every trailer, and is presented in the first five minutes of the film) "What if you were seated on a jury in a criminal case, and, as you hear the evidence, you come to believe that YOU may have committed the crime the defendant is on trial for? What would you do?"

Clarence Newman

No, but it does contain a lot of investigative journalism, which Cassie seems to like.

Mike Lemon

Shenanigans! I know it is almost unfair to the others to include Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995), but the true story of the longest trial in U.S. history deserves a spot on one of these polls.

Bill Maurer

The summary in the courtroom is what makes the movie. Wraps everything up.


I love the client but I have not seen JFK since the 90s when it came out brilliant watch 3 hours flew by

Robert Jewell

You have to see The Verdict. You got Paul Newman in his best performance and director Sidney Lumet (12 Angry Men).


And Justice For All is missing, Al Pacino at his finest


Oh no! There's way too many good ones!

Gábor Árki

Not really. I would say it's a political thriller with a certain scene taking place in a courtroom.

Brett Richey

All Oliver Stone's films have aged like milk. I actually think he's quite a bad director.

adam weisler

Completely agree. The Verdict (and Newman's performance in it) is sensational!

Matt Rose

Oh man, too many good ones on this list. I'm voting for THE VERDICT and JUDGMENT AT NUREMBERG but I'd be fine with almost any of the others passing the first round.

Shehab Dawoud

Yeah I thought so too. Seems like we're just trying anything to get as much Costner on the channel as possible.

Cliff Endicott

Please not JFK. It is 100% fabrication from start to finish - even most conspiracy believers know this story has no basis in reality. I hate to see this kind of misinformation spread more.


Witness for the Prosecution was co written by director Billy Wilder and based on a play by Agatha Christie, so has many delicious twists and turns.

Mike Lemon

Woohoo! It actually made the B poll. I never thought it would happen!


The Client is an inferior production based on a sub-par John Grisham novel. I read it, so I know. Not one of his best. Come now, there are much better movies on this list!

Chris Thom

Ahh the judge talk makes me super nervous for some reason. But my top three came pretty easy. Same for the other poll.

Chris Thom

Kind of agree but the courtroom part is pretty substantial. Even if the whole movie was more or less debunked. One of the best films about conspiracy thinking ever.


I remember watching The Client with my mom when i was 11. Pretty sure it took a week for my little butt to unclench. No idea if it holds up but I'm voting on it.

Brett Richey

JFK is going to win because of Bill Hicks. What a swizz.

Chris Thom

Really compelling movie. Oliver Stone was perfect for that. Granted he's a bit nuts...but still.

Dan M

And this is why I’m no good as a juror. I can’t make up my mind. But I put votes in for The Clinet, Presumed Innocent, and Kramer vs Kramer. JFK is good, but I personally wouldn’t classify it as a courtroom drama.

Chris Thom

Sarandon and Renfro are really charming together. That's the best part of the movie, I think. Cassie would enjoy it, I'd bet. Pure popcorn thriller flick.

Timothy Williams

Sigh. Does anybody watch old classics anymore? Witness for the Prosecution is one of the greatest classic courtroom dramas with one of the greatest twists and ending.

Matthew Tarpley

I picked Kramer Vs. Kramer. Why? Because it is completely relevant even now. What do you do when as a couple you decide to divorce but you have a small child in the mix, knowing that the child is the most important thing here. I think the who, what, where, when, why questions apply here.

Above Average Dave

WOW — Great list, Cassie. Can you watch them all? I think almost all of these were huge hits in their release year. THE VERDICT is a personal fave, although WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION will be right in Cassie's courtroom/suspense wheelhouse, too. Among my votes, I am clicking JFK if only so we can finally say, "Ask not what Cassie can do for you. Ask what you can do for Cassie!" Also, there's a scene in there with Joe Pesci that I still find absolutely terrifying (and I'm not talking about his stunt-eyebrows, which are terrifying on their own). The cast is amazing. Love him or hate him, Oliver Stone always gets great performances out of his actors. And, of course, once the JFK files are released later this spring, we will learn this is closer to a documentary than speculative fiction 😉

John Liebling

At some future point in time, I'd love to see two separate polls: A - Fred Astaire poll and B - Gene Kelly poll.

René Ferland

I agree with you. I find polls on Patreon more often frustrating than not. :-) But hey .. c'est la vie!


JUDGEMENT AT NUREMBERG should be required viewing just as a history lesson, but it’s also a landmark work of cinema and a gripping courtroom drama. Not to mention the casting - everyone is in it, basically, from Judy Garland to Montgomery Clift to a young William Shatner…you have to see it.

Blake Evans

My first 4 picks are in both polls! JFK is arguably Oliver Stone’ best and Kevin Costner is great in it. And The Client was the first “courtroom” film I remember seeing as a kid. Scares the bejesus out of me.

John Liebling

Cassie, you've watched many Audry Hepburn movies, but not one Gregory Peck, after Roman Holiday, you remarked how handsome he looks. I'd love to see a Gregroy Peck poll. He was a great leading man, throughout the 40s and 50s.

Logan Boggess

The Client won’t win this, but it is such a good movie.

John Liebling

And to top it off, even though I suggested a Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly poll, you mentioned how you grew up with the "Sound of Music". How about a Rogers and Hammerstein poll. All their musicals were the best of the best.

Eddie Perkins

I believe she would like The Client and Kramer vs Kramer the best.

Randy Schuh


Brett Richey

Jyst type in Bill Hicks JFK on YouTube. It was a part of one of his routines (of which there are sadly few).

Randy Schuh

This is a great courtroom movie. It has everything Cassie loves. Action, suspense and romance.

Story Archer

Ah, I really wish I had known you were going to do a courtroom drama poll, because I've got 'From the Hip' ('87) on my list for you... it's a very under-rated 80's courtroom drama-dy starring Judd Nelson with an incredibly chilling performance by the late, great John Hurt (R.I.P.)... highly recommended for anyone looking for an unknown gem of a movie. Another suggestion for this list would be 'Disclosure' ('94), starring Demi Moore and Michael Douglas... technically not a courtroom drama (more of a crime mystery drama), but then many of those listed aren't.

Story Archer

She has GOT to see the King and I with the iconic Yul Brenner. It's been on my list for her for a long time.

bgb1975 (Brian)

I really liked "U-Turn", but I don't think I would recommend it for Cassie or Carly.

Story Archer

I'm one of those people (apparently in the minority) who likes to push films that I know Cassie will enjoy rather than just what I like, and of the films listed, I think she would enjoy The Client or Kramer vs. Kramer the most.


I know the older movies never win these polls, but Witness for the Prosecution and Judgement at Nuremberg are both soooo soo good.

Bill Isaacs

I am incredibly disappointed that in a court movie poll, the masterpiece "To Kill A Mockingbird" is not even included. What are you all, illiterates? :)

Richard Maurer

When I encounter movies like this I go with “this happened in a different part the multiverse” and try to enjoy it from there.

Bill Isaacs

Well I'm only pulling some legs with that comment, which is meant for Cassie and Co. It has one of her favorite actors in it as the lead, and another of her favorites in what I think was his very first movie roll. I won't spoil their research by dropping names here. Release date was 1962, Cassie. I only take the trouble to roil the water in here because I am certain, given your reactions, that you would thoroughly enjoy this movie.

William Burnham

Anatomy of a Murder is the best film of a court case , of the choices The Verdict followed by Witness for the Prosecution

Clay F

I voted for 7 of the choices. I voted for all except JFK. If JFK wins, I will be skipping that reaction. While good filmmaking and good performance by Costner, too much dubious history for me. IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER The best movie on the list is "In the Name of the Father" (1993). Nominated for 7 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Actor (Daniel Day-Lewis), Best Actress (Emma Thompson), Best Director. I have nostalgia for Judgement at Nuremberg (1961).


Alas, Mike Lemon is right. Check in her Letterbx, and it has been seen. Probably way before the channel in school or something. Due for a rewatch with Carly for sure!

John Liebling

As Good as the King and I, is, and I agree I'd like to see that, Oklahoma and South Pacific are even better. And Cassie, all three are Rogers and Hammerstein musicals.

Milton William Burray

JFK is a fun movie but Oliver Stone doesn't do the true history justice

Patrick Flanagan

JFK is an amazing film and it works whether you believe or not you believe there was a conspiracy.

Rick Rodriguez

It's a masterpiece of filmmaking that encourages you to research and study history...which ironically shows how fast and loose the movie is historically. But I'll watch respectfully. These polls lately have just had too many must sees. Wealth of treasures.


I was entertained by JFK. Doesn't matter to me in the least if JFK is speculation or not, it's a fiction film.

Mark T

I completely agree with you on "JFK" and "In the Name of the Father". JFK is a good "Hollywood" film, but it's not historically accurate, it's Oliver Stone's fantasy world, and I will also skip this reaction if it wins. "In The Name of the Father" is a great film! It is based on a true story, has incredible performances, and I think Cassie would love reacting to this. Unfortunately, I don't know if enough people have seen it and are aware of it.

Clarence Newman

But pretty interesting swill. And there are so many good performances. Donald Sutherland's turn has to be one of the greatest single scene filibusters of all-time.

Milton William Burray

But there are factual errors in the movie which undermine any theory of a coverup e.g one character says the car Kennedy was riding was immediately taken away to be scrapped — anyone watching would think OMG why would they do that if not deliberatey hiding evidence? — but the reality is the car is siting in the The Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation in Dearborn and you can go and see it for yourself

Brett Richey

There's good performances but I just find the whole film too... performative... and not in a good way. I'm the same with most of Stone's films now... they just seem to irritate me.

Clay F

Yeah, good filmmaking can't cover up how much of a sham that JFK (1991) is.

Clay F

JFK (1991) shamefully and deceptively integrates fabricated images with iconic actual footage. The wild conspiracy theories in JKF (1991) are utterly ridiculous.

Milton William Burray

I voted against the top 3, because although Kramer Vs Kramer is a great film I watched it fairly recently on Hold Down A

Clay F

Joe -- think about the effect of Stone using iconic actual footage. You give the public too much credit. The majority of the general public does not differentiate between fiction/non-fiction with JFK (1991). JFK (1991) is a shame.

Jens Kristensen

"The Devil's Advocate" is a real cool movie, - maybe mostly a vehicle for Al Pacino to shine but a great cast nevertheless - Keanu Reeves, Charlize Theron, Craig T. Nielson and the danish contribution with Connie Nielsen.. :D - Maybe it's a bit rough with the theme/horror aspects - but I really think that's a lot of quality... Another Al Pacino-courtroom flick ? - "And Justice For All..."

thomas king

In the Name of the Father is another great Daniel Day Lewis movie. The Verdict and Presumed innocent are great too


Judgement at Nuremberg The Verdict In the Name of the Father I was literally dumber for having watched JFK. I know it will win but, come on, we're all better than that.

Björn Karlsson

Haha yeah, but it's not a big deal for me. I'm sure it's the same with Mike 😄😄


Agreed. JFK sucks. Witness for the Prosecution and Judgement at Nuremberg both have the fabulous Marlene Dietrich

Brent Petty

Presumed Innocent has both aspects: the mystery solving and the courtroom drama. Plus Harrison Ford, and I don't think she has ever reacted to Raul Julia.

Gábor Árki

JFK excels at one thing: showing how easily you can fall down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. The catch is, you will only realize this if you take the time to research the facts afterward. If you simply take the film at face value, you just have been fed an amalgamation of most conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination, without ever knowing how much of it was bending the truth or just straight lies.


I understand JFK is pretty much wall to wall inaccuracy but this isn't a documentary, it's a fictional movie and IMO an incredibly entertaining and well done one which is a big thing we should be thinking about when suggesting movies for her. I'm sure from all the comments on this, the full length and the YT premiere she'll see all the disclaimers about the accuracy so no one has to worry she'll come out of this experience misinformed about reality


I can't believe people are picking JFK over The Client for her. As far as which one she would like more, The client is definitely right up her alley.

Bill Isaacs

JFK was made to invite people to ask some simple questions about the assassination. I never believed the Warren report myself, and having been an expert rifleman in the army and having visited Dealey Plaza and having played with the Carcano I can tell you that there is not a chance in hell that Oswald pulled off what they said he did. I'm not saying he wasn't one of the shooters, maybe he was. But there were more than three bullets fired, there is a mountain of shenanigans played with the evidence. There was a bullet hole in the windshield at Parkland, that isn't even seriously disputed anymore. The limousine was flown out to Ohio the day after the assassination and that windshield was replaced. The limo was then flown up to Detroit and the ENTIRE INTERIOR was replaced within days of the shooting. Tamper with evidence much, SS? The inside of the limousine was washed with soap and water AT Parkland hospital BY the Secret Service, there are photos and plenty of witness testimony to that fact. It goes on and on. I recommend that you check out America's Untold Stories if you want a very entertaining and mostly useful discussion of the JFK assassination. They have a channel on YouTube and you can also find their videos at unstructured.locals.com. Ask questions.

David Kent

Presumed Innocent should be a must watch, also The Client is really good, Tommy Lee Jones is always great in dramatic roles.

Shawn Kildal

Cassie does have a reaction to Anatomy of a Murder. It maybe a Patreon exclusive though, I'm not sure

Mark T

I think the issue many people have is that Oliver Stone presents it as the truth. Many Hollywood movies "Based on a True Story" or "Based on True Events" use some creative license or artistic liberties by combining multiple real people into one character, shortening timelines, adjusting characters' ages, etc. These are things that don't change the authenticity of the story but are changed to fit into the constraints of a 2-hour movie. Oliver Stone's "JFK" is full of lies, not artistic license, but pure fabricated lies, which change the narrative and truth about what happened. Making an entertaining movie about conspiracy theories is one thing, but presenting a movie as factual knowing it is false is entirely different. And moviegoers and critics have panned it for precisely this reason. There are many other great Kevin Costner performances to watch. Everyone has their opinion, this happens to be mine for what it's worth.


Ugh, runaway leader, JFK. I've seen it and I wouldn't watch it again if my life depended on it. But at least it will give Cassie more Kevin Costner (of course, for me, he is a small part of why I hated it). There are some excellent movies in this poll, too bad.


That’s actually a really good way to put it


In my view (not shared by the Popcorn community obviously), the best movies, really excellent films, on this list are Witness for the Prosecution, In the Name of the Father, Judgement at Nuremberg. I also enjoyed The Verdict.

Chris Thom

Yeah you're probably right. But I feel like that one will inevitably end up on the channel anyways. JFK will make for an interesting conversation on the channel and chat.


I respect your opinion, I just think the fact it's a work of fiction means we're all smart enough to not need "based on a true story" or any other disclaimers to know this isn't a documentary or research paper and not to be taken as the truth. And I'd agree that if someone wasn't told it's a lot of BS before they see it they may just watch it, believe it, and then perpetuate the lie further...BUT... she HAS been given tons of disclaimers here by lots of people who don't like the movie or don't like it's inaccuracies so the one possible drawback doesn't hold any water IMO.


Maybe if the vote is close enough she’ll pick it as a runner up


While these are not at the top of my list for voting in this poll, both are really solid movies and also benefit from being recent enough that Cassie will know/enjoy many of the actors, including Tommy Lee Jones. She is unlikely to watch many Tyrone Power/Marlene Dietrich/Charles Laughton movies like Witness for the Prosecution.

Chris Thom

I remember when Letterman had Bill's wife on the show after he died. Apparently they had some type of one sided feud or something where he thought he was censored.

Clay F

In the Name of the Father is the best movie on the list. Judgment at Nuremberg is awesome.

Clay F

Yes, too bad b/c as you say there are excellent movies in this poll. I refuse to rewatch JFK (1991).


I always had a problem with him mixing actual footage with produced footage that looks almost exactly the same, as he intended. Also had a problem with them zooming in and looping the kill shot in the Zapruder film, cause that’s very real and awful to see

Clay F

The problem is JFK (1991) is presented as truth, especially with the way Stone deceptively integrates fabricated images with iconic actual footage that everyone recognizes as real. Stone should hang his head in shame.

Brett Richey

It was Bill's mum who was on I think 🤔 I remember they didn't air some of a performance where Bill pretended he was homophobic to make a point. The irony was completely lost on Letterman. He later apologised, because at the time he just panicked, not realising that Bill was just watch ahead of his time. It would be amazing to have him around now. He certainly would have had to change some of his delivery, but that's how humour is. Gen Z would cancel Bill now by judging his humour then... but that's comedy for you. He would definitely have adapted. A truly intelligent man... if a few too many 'dick jokes'.

Clay F

Bill, real hard facts that relelvant on-point evidence was altered or destroyed, or that plainly support a wild conspiracy theory? Didn't think so. The evidence (including the Zapruder film) plainly supports that Oswald pulled this off. I guess conspiracy theories don't need evidence -- instead just wild speculation. Surely you agree that the wild conspiracy theories in JFK (1991) are utterly ridiculous.

Thomas Williamson

"Absence of Malice" is courtroom-adjacent, since it deals with a lot of legal stuff, and is another Paul Newman stunner. Great watch.

Richard Rolen

It's really not wall to wall inaccuracies. A LOT of cases of "artistic license" were taken in order to present material for which, of course, no footage exists. And there's no doubt that Stone had his own agenda in creating the film. But the fact that it presents so-called conspiracy theories is by no means a drawback, as many conspiracy theories are later proven out. As a child of that era, I think that this film does point up a lot of the distrust and suspicion that we felt during that time, distrust and suspicion that any reasonable person would feel when confronted by the legacy of CIA lies that have come to light then, and since then. This article expresses it fairly well: (Cassie and Carly, it goes without saying that you should read this article AFTER watching the film...) https://www.historians.org/perspectives-article/oliver-stones-jfk-in-historical-perspective/


But in this case she's been sufficiently warned it's not the truth so what's the harm?

David Livingston

I really like "The Client" (my choice), but "JFK" is a really great movie - I haven't seen it in a while myself, but it is a really good movie!!

Clay F

I was 3 months old when JFK was assassinated. Starting as a young kid (in elementary school) up to being a young adult, I read and watched much about the JFK assassination and the investigation thereafter. I remember being enraged by the wild conspiracy theories (no evidence). Fast forward a few years later to the release of JFK (1991) (utter fiction presented as truth, or at least to mislead or without basis create doubt) -- is absolutely disgusting. Today, people seem to forget or not know how controversial it was that Stone integrated actual real iconic footage (that everyone recognized) deceptively with manufactured images. Shamefully contributing to the ridiculous unfounded conspiracy theories that persist without hard evidence but only wild speculation.


And the dream of a reaction to IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER dies again. I like JFK but it was always gonna dominate a poll.

Kent Theaker

Daniel Day-Lewis, people. I mean...come on. Seriously though, this is one of the best courtroom dramas ever, and I never fail to champion it to the unconverted.

Brett Richey

The conversation is already happening. It's not quite JFK GATE... but it's happening.


If JFK wins, I'd like to recommend the theatrical version - - especially for a first-time viewing.


Cassie should watch “Class Action” (1991), a Gene Hackman and Courtroom movie all rolled into one. Its storyline is based on the Ford Pinto legal case, the lawsuit of Grimshaw V Ford Motor Company. Cassie likes movies based on true stories.


Ugh, this one was torture, I recommended 'In the name of the father' and 'Judgment at Nuremberg' before, but now you've got 'JFK' here, so I had to go with that, a brilliant movie.

Chris Thom

Thought it would be interesting to see Cassie's opinion. When she watched 13 Days in the chat she was asking 'so they know why JFK was killed...or is it still a mystery? They actually know who did it?' Her wheels were already turning. This movie is just a mental exercise to consider why a leader may've been taken out, mixed with the general history of the moment, which many were obsessed with for a long time. There's a lot of historical information and early 60's culture in there, and popular conspiracy theories, even if the conclusions reached by the film were wrong. Plus she's said multiple times she enjoys historical movies. I think it might make for a good reaction vid. Could be wrong.

Chris Thom

She did say some months ago that she was curious about the assassination. At the very least she'll understand some of the paranoia of the moment, and the real fears of the Cold War. 13 Days was the one that piqued her interest.

Chris Thom

Ohhh that's what happened. Yeah they were talking very seriously about it. Sounded like Bill was really hurt by it.

Alex Villarreal

Whoah. Where did The Client stans come from? Brad Renfro hive over here on Patreon.

Clarence Newman

Good little drama. Newman and Sally Field are superb together, and Wilford Brimley steals his one and only scene.

Alex Laime

Love The Client. Would like to see that even if it doesn't win.

Just Plain Bob

The CIA killed Kennedy. No, wait, the mob killed Kennedy. No, wait, the CIA and the mob conspired together to kill Kennedy. No, Johnson killed Kennedy, using the mob and the CIA. No, that’s wrong, Castro ordered it done. No, the Russians. No, wait, it was Bigfoot. And Elvis. No, the truth is Kennedy never died. (See “Bubba Ho-tep” for more on that last one). The precise reason there are so many variations on theories of who killed JFK is because, when the truth is no impediment, you can speculate wildly about anything. The truth, that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK, is simultaneously boring and scary. Boring for the obvious reason that it eliminates the absurd shroud of mystery from JFK’s murder. Scary because it’s frightening to think that a solitary nutjob can murder the most important/powerful person on the planet. So people come up with grand, elaborate conspiracy theories - because they make the mundane (a murder in which the killer was immediately apprehended) more exciting and make the assassination a little less frightening (look at the massive effort required to pull this off).

Clay F

Awesome persuasive capturing of the issue. Some people just want to believe wild conspiracy theories. More tantalizing than the simple truth. Plus, “ truth is no impediment” with a conspiracy theory — no evidence needed.

Steve Colletti

I guess a lot of people have never seen PRESUMED INNOCENT,

Mark White

Wow, I didn’t know that Clay. Thank you. I’ve only seen JFK once and it was so long ago I can hardly remember it. I just don’t really have any knowledge or history on the JFK assignation, apart from movie fabrications. Your thoughts and feelings towards it, remind of how I feel about U571.

Clarence Newman

I remember that one, mostly because Greta Scaachi was massively hyped going in. It's a good thriller, and Cassie would like it because of Harrison Ford.

Richard Rolen

In 1979, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) agreed with the Warren Commission that Oswald killed Kennedy but concluded that the commission's report and the original FBI investigation were seriously flawed. The HSCA concluded that at least four shots were fired, with a "high probability" that two gunmen fired at Kennedy, and that a conspiracy was probable. The HSCA stated that the Warren Commission had "failed to investigate adequately the possibility of a conspiracy to assassinate the President". Please don't dismiss people who believe that the government lied to us as wild-eyed morons. There's plenty of evidence that they do that regularly! What Oliver Stone voiced in the JFK film DOES contain a lot of speculation, but it also calls attention to many of the gross oversights and incompetent actions of the Secret Service, FBI and CIA investigators who supported the lone-gunman theory. And anyone paying attention to ALL of the data available has to realize that for the Warren Commission's conclusions to be anywhere close to accurate would require an absolutely incredible chain of coincidences.

Jacob King

They need to get themselves over to Poll B where Sleepers needs a bump.

Jacob King

In The Name of The Father: I’m always seeing people in these comments saying they like it when Cassie cries but then when offered a devastating true story they get cold feet and pick the safe, albeit confusing and confused, option.

Steve Mercier

JFK is clearly going to win...that's cool...but, The Verdict is probably my all-time favorite Paul Newman movie. Good either way, though.

Clay F

That 1979 HSCA report has been discredited. Even committee members later distanced themselves from the findings. Their conclusions were based on disputed acoustic evidence that didn’t hold up. The Warren Commission (led by Chief Justice Earl Warren) concluded that Oswald = lone gunman. Later confirmed, for example, by The Rockefeller Commission and The Church Committee. "After conducting some 25000 interviews and running down tens of thousands of investigative leads, the FBI found that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone." Richard, do you believe the 1969 moon landing was fake or that 9/11 was an inside job? What about the Sandy Hook School shooting = fake?

Matthew Folz

This is a great pick. Not sure how many people know that movie but it is well worth seeking out.

Matthew Folz

Gotta go The Verdict and Presumed Innocent here. Two all time greats

Happy Hanukkah

Ah yes, Tom and Huck, a good wholesome buddy movie. That formula was reprised in Bully. :-P

Bill Maurer

Not sure what I am more anxious for. The reaction to "JFK" or the comments that follows.

Just Plain Bob

“JFK: Beyond the Magic Bullet” is an excellent documentary that came out twenty years ago that debunks the misinformation that had grown up around the assassination over the preceding 41 years. Of course, I’m sure conspiracy theorists have come up with new theories/“evidence” since then. Recreates the assassination in its entirety and demonstrates exactly how the assassination occurred. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GOBAFqeaKgw&rco=1

Bill Maurer

Loved it, one of Ford's best role. Scaachi was massively hyped for it, not sure what happen to her after that. Will have to check IMDB. I do hope Cassie and Carly can watch it though

cfb0453 (Chris)

Whether you buy into Oliver Stone's version of events or not, "JFK" is an important movie that should be seen by everyone. We should all question the government, all the time. It's the responsibility of every voter and tax payer to hold the government accountable, all governments. If the truth doesn't endure, than we have all lost something important. The movie was never meant to be 100% accurate, unlike the official Warren Commission Report. It was only supposed to provoke people into thinking for themselves and asking questions. Cassie, it's worth a look!

Mark T

While I agree with holding the government accountable, that was not Oliver Stone's intention in JFK. It was not to provoke people to think for themselves, to the contrary, it was politically motivated into making people think his way. He put his ideology ahead of the truth and knowingly made a movie with misleading facts and lies.

Mark T

I really enjoyed "Presumed Innocent". It was directed by Alan J. Pakula, who also directed "All the President's Men", "Sophie's Choice", and "The Pelican Brief" to name a few. It also has a terrific cast, besides Harrison Ford there's Raul Julia, Bonnie Bedelia, Brian Dennehy and Greta Scacchi. John Spencer is also in it, who was fantastic on "The West Wing" as Leo McGarry.

Mark T

Not just Daniel Day-Lewis but Emma Thompson and Pete Postlewaite are fantastic in it. All three were nominated for Oscars that year.

Mark T

I'm okay with movies about conspiracy theories, but they should be based on some plausible explanation, and stick close to the facts. Or make a movie like "Inglorious Basterds" for instance, Tarantino wasn't trying to claim it to be historically accurate, it's a dark comedy, alternate history war drama, and presented that way. Oliver Stone was trying to pull the wool over people's eyes with JFK.

Doc Larry

This is wonderful online community. My only criticism is sometimes with the polls. I can’t believe what people pick The Client over Judgment at Nuremberg . One is a classic the other is just an okay movie.

Bill W

In the Name of the Father is BRILLIANT. Nominated for Best Film and Best Director.. and Daniel Day Lewis, Emma Thompson, Pete Postlethwaite were all nominated for Oscars as well.

Bill W

I wager more people have seen The Client. People vote for what they know. But I understand..I'm often left scratching my head.

Bill W

Right? I'll have to reming myself not to read any. It's already generating heat.

Bill W

I ❤️ ITNOTF!! Possibly my favorite film of all time. Def. top 3.

John Liebling

Tooooo bad the propaganda piece JFK is going to win this poll

John Liebling

Nope on all accounts. But in PIB, all opinions are tolerated, even some which should not be. JFK is horrendous fake, and yes dangerous propaganda. It's not a film I'll ever be interested in.

John Liebling

As a retired history I agree 100%. The acting across the board from everyone is superb. And I think Cassie would get a kick out of reacting to Captain Kirk, five years before he became Captain Kirk. I also think Cassie would enjoy the two Twilight Zone episodes with William Shatner.

Patrick Flanagan

Stone very deliberately does not say "this is the truth." In fact different scenes within his own movie contradict one another at times. He is challenging the official story and offering reasons why it should be challenged. It's brilliant filmmaking regardless of how one feels about the assassination.


What happened to 12 Angry Men!


I hope it does, it’s an outstanding film.


Nothing to be anxious about. It’s a fantastic film.

Bill W

Sleepers definitely deserves a win. Let's play some "Six Degrees"!!!!


She’s already seen it, I think it’s on the channel.

Philip Alan

JFK does not suck. It won a ton of awards and nominated for a bunch of Oscars. Fantastic movie.

Philip Alan

the movie never said the car was scrapped. They said it was taken away, washed and fixed up without gathering any evidence.

Catherine LW

I voted for Witness for the Prosecution. Another great courtroom drama that’s forgotten is “A Man for All Seasons”, based on the prosecution of St. Thomas More by Henry VIII. I guess it’s also a great character study at heart, but it centers around the law, conscience and tyranny. The 1966 version starring Paul Scofield in an Oscar winning performance as Best Actor is the one to watch, winning also Best Picture and Best Director.

John Liebling

There are 8 films listed on Cassie's poll. If you consider writing and directing, and entertainment value JFK would on merit alone come in 9th place out of 8 pole positions.


My vote for A: SHALL WE DANCE (1937). B: IT'S ALWAYS FAIR WEATHER (1955).

Chris Thom

Also I think people believe she will legitimately enjoy it. Which I do think she will. Don't think there's been much (any?) Susan Sarandon on the channel.

Chris Thom

I think of it more from a filmmaking perspective. I don't even remember the ending. I just remember what a well-made, compelling movie it was. But yes Oliver Stone does lean toward propaganda at times. And he's pretty good at it.

Chris Thom

It's just a trippy trip down the conspiracy rabbit hole. I never took it all that seriously to be honest. It was about people coping with the trauma of JFK's murder. It was a big deal for the country and people handled it in a lot of different ways. It's interesting to see all the different groups' responses.


Older films mainly go to polls to die, LOL. Seriously, you have to have separate polls for modern and older films. Cassie hasn't yet embraced that idea.


Maybe we can nudge Cassie by informing her that Captain Kirk is in Judgement a Nuremburg.


Good film. I did figure out the twist about 2/3s of the way through the movie. When I originally saw it in theaters.


"Its Always Fair Weather" is a great largely forgotten musical. From Gene Kelly tap dancing on Roller-skates to Cid Charyse being flung about 10 feet in the air over the top rope of a boxing ring it is full of jaw dropping moments.

Tommy Bessinger

I joined to say "Please watch "Kramer vs. Kramer"!!! It's so good!!!

John Liebling

Cassie, does your enjoy Baseball? I've recently gone back to streaming Ken Burns documentary about Baseball. It's a true classic. It's very educational. Its more than Baseball, it's a true historical study of the human condition, and more specifically 19th and 20th century American way of life. If you don't mind a slower pace of film watching, it might be fun, not for your channel, but family fun to watch with your kidlet. Ken Burns is the foremost expert on documentary filmmaking. There is a clip of him with an old man he credits for inspiring him, that man was my cousin Jerome Liebling, the foremost inspiring photojournalist.

Mark Vaderr

All in on "Judgement At Nuremberg", but it won't win. What a shame.

John Liebling

Can't go wrong with Gene Kelly from "An American In Paris" - with its wonderful Gershwin music.

Gábor Árki

It lost badly on all courtroom polls so far. At least it's not in the last place now as usual.


But then you have to put up with the horrible Oscar Levant. I guess he could play piano but not much else. Aurthur Freed the head of MGM musical production would shoehorn Levant into everything because he was friends with him. He almost ruins "The Bandwagon" which otherwise is a great movie.

Patrick Flanagan

WE GET IT. YOU DON'T LIKE THE MOVIE. Message received. Please stop complaining about it. Go outside for a walk or something.


"A Civil Action"(1998) is another great courtroom drama with John Travolta and Robert Duval. Largely forgotten.


I have a Ken Burns collection on my bookshelf. His documentaries are so engrossing and intriguing and very educational. That’s an interesting tidbit about your cousin. Will definitely checkout that clip of him and Ken Burns.

Clay F

What a travesty that "In the Name of the Father" (1993) is in next last place. I am so out of sync -- incongruent -- with the voting patrons.

Clay F

JOHN, AGREE 100%. No matter how good the filmmaking or the Costner performance, does not overshadow the fact that JFK is a sham propaganda piece. Disgusting.

Clay F

As I was reminded below, Captain Kirk is in Judgement at Nuremberg (awesome movie).

bgb1975 (Brian)

Honorable Judge Cassie, members of the jury, if it please the court, I'd like to introduce "And Justice For All" to the proceedings....

Shehab Dawoud

Dont stop there, let’s add The Postman and all those other Razzie winners!

John Liebling

No Pat-ir-ick...You miss understand. It's not the movie I don't care for. Its rude folks such as yourself. I never complain. I just state facts. Clearly, you're the one who has issues regarding sensitivity. I suggest after you take a nice brisk 45-minute walk you soak your head, in the pool for the same length of time. At PIB, everyone gets an opportunity to voice their opinion. If someone doesn't like that opinion, deal with or don't comment. As for Cassie, this is her site, she makes the final decision based on the polls, she's very open minded and if she really wants to watch a movie, that doesn't win the poll or comes in second, she'll watch the movie. Watch the rudeness, dude!

John Liebling

Clay F, thank you for your agreement regarding the merits of the JFK film. Opinion is opinion, facts are its 100% disgusting.


I mean let's be honest, the best courtroom movie is and always will be My Cousin Vinny, I might just rewatch that reaction!

Chris Perry

I have looong wanted Cassie & Co. to see Presumed Innocent. Prime era Harrison Ford seems like a no brainer. Also, JAGGED EDGE should be on the list.


Judgement at Nuremberg...saw it as a kid...made a big impression. Still a return watch.

Catherine LW

I saw it and have no desire to see it again but I’m sure others will watch it again.

Catherine LW

I’ve watched it twice and even the second watch was just as gripping. Saw a reaction to it and the reactor was blown away. He had no clue what was coming. It solidified Tyrone Power as a serious actor and not just a pretty face.

Clay F

Yeah, the best movie in the poll - I am out of step with the voting patrons.


Yeah that’s how I discovered Dawn’s channel. Glad someone gave it a shot. Of course I don’t think the video performed well on her channel unfortunately. Good reaction though.


Yaaaay, finally, a movie I recommended and is getting a chance, and that is 'JFK'. You're going to love that movie.

John Liebling

Cassie, I stand by suggesting you watch Ken Burn's entire Baseball saga. However, without giving away any spoilers, if you do watch it with your son, fast forward over the middle of the second episode, when Ty Cobb is mentioned. There are certain things mentioned that a little boy should not hear. That Baseball documentary reflects not only the human condition in its most raw and inspiring moments, but the history of the United States.

John Burns

John Candy’s performance is worth the cost of the movie.

Clay F

"Presumed Innocent" was in next to last place, but then went ahead of "In the Name of the Father" and thus now in 3rd to last place.


Thanks Sean. I can't seem to find it on the channel. Can you point me in the right direction

Catherine LW

I saw JFK in the theater where I had a hilarious experience. When it was over, this guy stood up and yelled, “So what are we going to do about this? We have to do something!” He was ranting while we all quickly exited. 😆

