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Order in the Courtroom Poll B

  • Sleepers (1996) 247
  • Indictment: The Mcmartin TriaL (1995) 40
  • The Rainmaker (1997) 314
  • The Hurricane (1999) 129
  • Rules of Engagement (2000) 167
  • High Crimes (2002) 26
  • The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) 292
  • The Judge (2014) 107
  • Inherit the Wind (1960) 202
  • 2025-03-04
  • —2025-03-08
  • 1524 votes
{'title': 'Order in the Courtroom Poll B', 'choices': [{'text': 'Sleepers (1996)', 'votes': 247}, {'text': 'Indictment: The Mcmartin TriaL (1995)', 'votes': 40}, {'text': 'The Rainmaker (1997)', 'votes': 314}, {'text': 'The Hurricane (1999)', 'votes': 129}, {'text': 'Rules of Engagement (2000)', 'votes': 167}, {'text': 'High Crimes (2002)', 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)', 'votes': 292}, {'text': 'The Judge (2014)', 'votes': 107}, {'text': 'Inherit the Wind (1960)', 'votes': 202}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 8, 6, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 4, 14, 37, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1524}


Members of the jury, the time has come to render your verdict. Please examine the evidence before you and cast your vote with sound judgment and impartiality. 

Courtroom movies have been some of my favorites-Runaway Jury, 12 Angry Men, A Time to Kill, A Few Good Men, Philadelphia etc. This is only Poll B, there is also a Poll A you should go vote on-the top 2 in each will go to to a final poll at the end of the week!

Let the record show that your decision will determine the ultimate courtroom movie champion. The court is now in session.

*you can vote multiple times

*This Poll will, end on Friday 3/7


Brett Richey

Hurricane and Sleepers are my favourites for this one, but neither are full on courtroom.


You gals should get judge's robes for these and render your verdicts after watching them. 😁


I thought this poll would be easier once I saw The Rainmaker. But I love The Lincoln Lawyer also. So voted for both. Sorry, Spencer and Fedric, you will both have to wait!


Was hoping to see Murder in the First w Kevin Bacon in either poll. Maybe next time?

Clarence Newman

Well, that's a huge shout-out to Mike Lemon! I don't think I've heard anyone else pushing for the McMartin Trial but Mike loves it. I think he must've been writer, director, lead actor and best boy. I'm voting for it.


Congratulations to Mike Lemon. And my condolences at the same time.

Matt Rose

INHERIT THE WIND all the way. Lots of good ones on this list but there's a reason why ITW has its reputation.

Shehab Dawoud

Bro where is ... And Justice For All? It's maybe Pacino's finest work after Godfather 1 & 2, and is universally recognized as one of the best in the genre. It also hasn't been on courtroom polls in the past. I don't understand that.


Holy crap it made the poll! Good luck Mike.

Mike Lemon

It's a miracle! Now I just need a lot of people to accidentally vote for it.


I feel like I never hear people talk about The Judge, really good movie.

Eddie Perkins

I wish To Kill a Mockingbird was up here, but I guess she's seen it, So I'm going to have to go with Sleepers. Inherit the Wind and The Rainmaker are also great movies.

Above Average Dave

THE LINCOLN LAWYER was just a great turn for Matthew McConaughey and a well paced story that keeps the viewer engaged. Cassie and Carly will love.

Mike Lemon

I'll make everbody a deal, if Indictment wins, no comments from me for a month. Here's your chance to shut me up. Choose wisely. (How's that for a bribe?) edit- starting after the reactions.

Dean Holt

Wow got 5 of my suggestion on here (not sure if that’s just luck/a coincidence 😂😂), the downside is Cassie only watching one film. I wouldn’t really mind if she watches the winner from each poll, I’m sure I’m not the only one that would be ok with it.

Richard Maurer

Don’t want to be a downer Mike but you know what happened to Bjorn with Show Me Love. Don’t get your hopes up too high. I voted for it, by the way.

Chris Thom

Wouldn't mind seeing Rainmaker again. It's been a while. Always down for another Francis Ford Coppola film on the channel.

Cole Jennett

I’m sure she hoped that putting it on the poll would be enough to do that

Randy Schuh


Chris Retzlaff

Surprised the Trial of the Chicago 6 or 7 isn't on either list. To many great courtroom movies

Michael G

Inherit the Wind LETS GO!!!!!! Spencer Tracey, a very small supporting roll for Gene Kelly which is a strange thing to see given his leading man status at the time. Based on real life events, with some of the best movies quotes from Tracey.

Richard Maurer

Yeah, I really don’t want to see Horror of Dracula on a general horror poll and watch it get beat by some inferior sequel garbage.


I love all of these but I'm pulling for Inherit the Wind and Sleepers.

Chris Thom

Had to vote for it out of sheer respect for the consistency. I have no idea what it's about though.

Mike Lemon

Andy in Shawshank didn't quit when he got his first box of books, he redoubled his efforts.

Matthew Tarpley

I chose The Rainmaker on this one, because, once again, still relevant. Health Insurance companies are even now STILL under the microscope (UnitedHealth anyone?). When your husband, wife, son, daughter, mother ,father, etc. are denied a medical claim, what do you do? Do you just let it go, or do you try to at least try to get a lawyer and fight back? Still very relevant.


Surely (or Shirely) these polls will lead to a Courtroom Movie Theme Week (Order in the CourtBed)? Top three, or riot!!

Milton William Burray

I watched a Sleepers reaction on Shandor At The Cinema the other day and it absolutely blew him away


Ah, ok I must've missed that. That's good, hopefully it gets it's time to shine on the channel soon then!

Story Archer

Ah, I really wish I had known you were going to do a courtroom drama poll, because I've got 'From the Hip' ('87) on my list for you... it's a very under-rated 80's courtroom drama-dy starring Judd Nelson with an incredibly chilling performance by the late, great John Hurt (R.I.P.)... highly recommended for anyone looking for an unknown gem of a movie. Another suggestion for this list would be 'Disclosure' ('94), starring Demi Moore and Michael Douglas... technically not a courtroom drama (more of a crime mystery drama), but then many of those listed aren't.

Blake Evans

The Rainmaker is such a hidden gem and probably Coppola’s last good film unfortunately. And you can never go wrong with Sam Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones for Rules of Engagement. Even though I didn’t vote for it, special recognition for Sleepers. Such a stacked cast, but very hard watch.


INHERIT THE WIND is a classic everyone needs to see, and THE RAINMAKER is excellent.


the Rainmaker is such a great movie, STACKED with cameos

Chris Thom

Haven't seen it in a long time but I don't remember much about the courtroom scenes either. Mostly just the beginning when they're kids.

Clarence Newman

To be fair, if HoD was beaten out by Jaws 2, I'd have to do a George McFly chuckle. Then again, if Cannonball Run ever gets on a poll, you know it'll be on there with Thelma and Louise.

Chris Thom

Scream 2 believes in you even if you don't believe in it. It speaks a language of murder...and LOVE.

Clay F

I voted for these 6: Sleepers (1996) Indictment: The Mcmartin TriaL (1995) [for Mike] The Rainmaker (1997) The Hurricane (1999) The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) Inherit the Wind (1960) Hoping that Rules of Engagement (2000) doesn't win

William Burnham

Anatomy of a Murder, followed closely by The Verdict are the two best films involving a courtroom setting 😀


Please please Sleepers True story

Richard Maurer

Chris - I was trying to be nice and not mention Scream, so thanks for saying it for me.

Clay F

I think we know that Scream 2 is a safe no reaction.

Richard Maurer

Clarence - if you were to laugh at HoD losing you’d be straying into Crocodile Dundee territory - you know what I mean - ;-) ?

Roger Banks

I was gonna vote for The Rainmaker until I saw that it was the 1997 version. The 1956 version with Burt Lancaster would have gotten my vote.

Rick Rodriguez

Once again, some real gems here. Went with Rainmaker, Sleepers, Inherit the Wind, and The Hurricane.

Clarence Newman

Only if it was a regular laugh. A George McFly chuckle is entertaining in itself and therefore acceptable.

Mike Lemon

@Chris- It is the true story of the longest trial in U.S. history. McMartin also really kicked off the "satanic panic" of the 1980s.


Not exactly versions of each other. Matt Damon in his movie is trying to "make it rain" in a different sense than Burt Lancaster was in his classic movie.


Really want to see Sleepers win this. I’ve been requesting this for years and putting it in as my poll pick the last couple months.

Adam Doyle

Its a great movie, but Cassie has mentioned about certain subject matter that she refuses to watch... this might fall into that category.

Jason Henderson

Sleepers is a very good watch! Very disturbing, Hits home as a parent! Very well acted by all. The story draws you in of a simpler time When life was care free and our youth Seemed endless! Big thumbs up 👍!🍿

Rob Parry

If you do another one of these polls again, please add Presumed Innocent with Harrison Ford 1990

Clay F

Presumed Innocent (1990) is in Courtroom Poll A. See immediately below. Currently in next to last place.


"Murder In The First" (1995) *True Story* "Sergeant Rutledge" (1960)


Inherit the Wind & The Hurricane are great historical courtroom dramas that are everything that JFK is not.

Sean Kay

So I have written a program and without getting to nerdy, I would like to say respectfully, tracking your love type for movies and why, and for movies you have watched too, I believe you have left out a couple that track higher on your interests, and ones you should consider; ones that cross the legal type, true story, and love angle too...for instance in the legal, true story, and emotional category crossover: "Chicago 7" "Brian Banks" "On the Basis of Sex" "Worth" "The Report" "Charlie Wilson's War" "The Post" "Ghosts of Mississippi" "Gifted" "Roman j. Israel Esquire" "Dark Waters" "Kill the Messenger" "JFK" "Marshall" "The Conspirator" "Molly's Game" "Bridge of Spies" To name a few... All these will hit you hard- nicely/beautifully- while having what and who you like in a film... Carly too "Rainmaker" is on the list too but I left it and others out... If you watch "Rainmaker" I suggest you watch it with Carly too... Sry for long message

Uncle Phoenix

I love that Cassie will sometimes watch the runner ups.


I would love to see "The Rainmaker", but man "The Lincoln Lawyer" is really good, too...🤩

Uncle Phoenix

That being said, I would have thought that Cassie would have included Harrison Ford’s courtroom drama, “Presumed Innocent” (1990).

Björn Karlsson

OK, If you are a swede, check this out. "Indictment: The McMartin trial" is known as "Åtalad' in Sweden.


Top 2 from both A & B polls will be decided in 24 hours, maybe already are.

Sean Kay

It is not one that crosses the "true story" part of this particular list I generaed, but it is actually still on the list, like "Gifted" and "Roman j Israel Esquire" but I didn't name them all... You are absolutely right "The Verdict" "Michael Clayton" "Rainmaker" are a few that also do make the cut I was posting to reach higher than "Rainmaker"

Tim Foppiano

Rules of engagement did not have the viewing of some of the others listed here, but was powerfully some of best issues faced by military personnel across the board. Powerful acting by both Samuel Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones. A must watch, given the times we were about to face as a nation just a few years later. Not a pro war, but a cost of war. As it always is. Something we are all supposed to remember!


Inherit the Wind my moms favorite movie 🍿

Clay F

She did include it. Presumed Innocent (1990) is in Courtroom Poll A. See immediately below. Currently in next to last place.

Tom Castro

A great courtroom drama is "Presumed Innocent" starring Harrison Ford as a Prosecutor accused of murdering a fellow prosecutor that he had a affair with. Very good with great cast and twists.


Prefer Lincoln lawyer the series. Can’t get to grips with McConaughey in serious roles

Clay F

As you may have noticed, Presumed Innocent (1990) is in Courtroom Poll A. See immediately below. Currently in next to last place.

Uncle Phoenix

Saw it; but I don’t think it is in the cards, because “Presumed Innocent” (1990) isn’t on Apple, Hulu, or Netflix.


That’s a great movie. I voted for Sleepers, but Rules of Engagement would’ve been my second choice.


Murder in the First is one of the most underrated movies. Nobody ever remembers that movie.


Hey, Clay F., I was wondering why Presumed Innocent isn’t in this poll… Any insight?


Cassie should watch “Class Action” (1991), a Gene Hackman and Courtroom movie all rolled into one. Its storyline is based on the Ford Pinto legal case, the lawsuit of Grimshaw V Ford Motor Company. Cassie likes movies based on true stories.


Inherit the Wind (1960) is such a great movie and should be seen

Cassie Tremblay

Its in Courtroom Poll A! There are two polls, and the top 2 picks from each will go to a final poll!

Chris Thom

Cassie, there's a lot of debate about JFK at the moment. Do you have any interest in the assassination? Even if it presents some theories that turned out to not be true, or probably not true?


I know. I was making a joke about the number of times Clay has responded in the comments about Presumed Innocent being in the other poll. It’s like every fifth comment. Thanks for responding though. (Subliminal message…watch Sleepers)


Is this for me or for Cassie? I’ve seen JFK a lot of times and watched tons of documentaries over the years. I 100% believe that there was a conspiracy surrounding his assassination. What happened? I don’t know. But that head shot was a frontal entry wound. The autopsy was botched. His brain went missing. And witnesses did in fact die in mysterious ways.

Chris Thom

Yeah that was a reply for Cassie. So much talk about what is appropriate for her to watch it just seemed easier to get some input from her.

Alex Villarreal

Cassie would cry with The Hurricane, and she would love some of the Canadian characters. Hope she reacts to it one day.

Alex Laime

The Rainmaker is so good IMO, and The Lincoln Lawyer is a lot of fun.

Mike Lemon

Murder in the First is very loosely based on a true story. Henri Young was a real guy but that is about the extent of the true story. That said, I think it is a good movie and is Kevin Bacon's best performance.


I completely second Gifted! It's so underrated and such a great movie! And I know Cassie would love it.

Mike Lemon

It's only 190 behind at the moment. All I need is a Chinese hacker or two to push it over the top. Seriously though, it is doing much better than I thought it would.


I voted The Rainmaker, such a wonderful cast and acted movie, I think Cassie would LOVE that movie.

Clarence Newman

Keep your powder dry, Mike. If McMartin wins the poll, you'll have to watch it again again. I love Cannonball Run, but I couldn't watch it twice in two weeks.

Jacob King

Sleepers!!! For people who haven’t seen it imagine if Shawshank Redemption, Stand By me, A Few Good Men, The Departed and Good Will Hunting were all blended together into The Count of Monte Cristo. And Robert DeNiro plays basketball.

Mike Lemon

There's at least four full uploads on YouTube and it is probably on Max and Amazon.

Mike Lemon

What are you talking about? I'll have to watch it hundreds of times just to get the YouTube views up.

Steve Mercier

Lot of good ones on here...voting for The Rainmaker because I think you'll like it the most (and I think it's pretty good, too).

Happy Hanukkah

The power of solidarity compels me!

Happy Hanukkah

I am absolutely flabbergasted that Presumed Innocent wasn't included! Perhaps Clay can provide me with an explanation. :-P

Matthew Folz

Sleepers is something that might be a hard watch for Cassie, but gets my vote because it is a great cast and the best movie on the list.

Sean Kay

I KNOWWW RIGHT! THANK-YOU! I've been thinking about putting it in as my monthly but I know it is selfish to request Cassie AND Carly to watch it together


I voted it too. It has some very dark themes. But best movie on the list. The ending scene is touching, and the line about "one song". But often with these polls, the most famous names will win (often also emphasis on more recent films), not the highest quality movie. I already knew which would be the 2 leading movies, without checking results. IMO The Rainmaker isn't that exciting Grisham filmatisation, even if it was a breakout role for Matt Damon, that's pretty much all it has to offer. "The Firm" was better (also based on a Grisham book)

Clarence Newman

I guess I could watch the scene with Farrah Fawcett in the bar 100 times. In fact I have. In fact I have been known to pause it.

Cole Jennett

I liked the Lincoln Lawyer but, for me anyways, it’s not in the same class as Sleepers or The Hurricane. Absolutely fine with The Rainmaker leading though.

Ian Bailey

Inherit the Wind is a Fantastic movie.

Jim K

Hard to choose between rainmaker and rules of engagement.

Bill W

Please let it be Sleepers! Fantastic film. Great ensemble cast and I don't think anyone has ever reacted to it.

Bill W

I hate to use the "U" word, but it is very much so! 😀


I’ve looked and never found a reaction. It’s just a great movie.

Bill W

At least there's 1 reaction to In the Name of the Father (on the other poll) by Dawn Marie.

Darreld Studie

Inherit the Wind was taken almost entirely from the actual trial transcript of the Scopes Monkey Trial. The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes 1925. The lawyers were William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow. Two very famous lawyers of the time with two of the greatest actors portraying them. Spencer Tracy as Henry Drummond (Clarence Darrow) and Fredrick March as Matthew Harrison Brady (William Jennings Bryan). Scopes was convicted and fined 100 dollars, but it was overturned on appeal on a technicality. But the banter between Darrow and Bryan is fantastic. It's one of the greatest movies ever made.

Ben Schwartz

I'm just going to assume that you've already seen 'A Few Good Men' -- because if you haven't, that needs to be on this poll. Fantastic movie, one of the best court dramas of all time. Starring Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson ("You can't HANDLE the truth!!!"), Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon, Kevin Pollack, Kiefer Sutherland... directed by Aaron Sorkin. But you've probably seen it, I'm just too lazy to check the list.

Javier Hernandez

Maybe if we tell her that after production Chris Evans and Jenny Slate dated for a while....? You know how she loves a real life couple. It's a great flick that hits all the feels.

Mark Vaderr

"Amistad" should've been in one of these polls.

Mike Lemon

Come on lurkers, Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995) is only 240 votes from winning this poll. With your vote this great movie could move on and possibly be seen by the masses. "If not for me, do it for your country." (Name that quote. Hint- Carlos)

Sean Kay

You are allowed to check her collection list...but yes, her reaction to that film is very fun to watch...and it is not directed by Sorkin my friend. Rob Riener owns that one....

Sean Kay

And yes I know he passed the story on but you gotta give reiner credit...(Sorkin is top 3 writer to look up to and def on my rushmore)

Sean Kay

And note sorkin wwrote the story for the play, not the play itself and then was adapted from...reiner had many motivations to keep his name large on this, not only legal requirements, but also the name "Sorkin" attached carries weight always, no matter how much bugger suger he admitted to using at the time....he will be forever a force

Clarence Newman

She has, Ben. One of her best reactions. Just her response to that great line is worth the watch.

Sean Kay

I Love that unique POV in your explaination but you also need to pass that blunt and quit hogging it

Clay F

Easy/quick (less than 30 seconds) to check whether she has seen a movie by searching at www.popcornrequests.com

Clay F

Presumed Innocent (1990) is in Courtroom Poll A. See immediately below. Currently, not doing very well.

Mark James

Reality is The Judge won't win, but of all these movies, this one, from what I've seen of your choices, could end up being your favorite. I think it could be. It's a family coming of age movie.

bgb1975 (Brian)

Honorable Judge Cassie, members of the jury, if it please the court, I'd like to introduce "And Justice For All" to the proceedings....


Found it. Thanks. Only issue with it is it’s too short. I’m starting to get to a point where I want reactions to be about 45 minutes.

Bill W

bknsty- all Shandor's reactions are really short. His Dances with Wolves is only 35 minutes.

Jacob Wagner

The People Vs Larry Flynt

Mike Lemon

Great recommendation. Such an important case, but I wonder if Cassie could get past the person?

Nicholas Coy

I voted for Inhert the Wind but can not believe how poorly The Hurricane is doing. That is a really good movie.


Shame The Hurricane is doing so poorly. such an important case.

Chris Thom

Oh I love that movie. Some of the best performances I've ever seen.

bgb1975 (Brian)

Not new. 1979. Just a really good Al Pacino courtroom movie which is missing from the lineup.

Mike Lemon

Woohoo, not last! And 10x the votes I thought Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995) would get. The momentum is building.

Marc Peterson

1982 The Verdict with Paul Newman as his best as an aging, down on his luck attorney. Nominated for 5 Academy awards and #4 on AFI’s top courtroom dramas. Brilliant David Mamet screenplay and directed by Sidney Lundy. Costars Jack Warden and Charlotte Rampling. Cassie will love this.