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Woah this was a tough watch but had beautiful parts of love, hope, friendship. I thought the three leads were amazing as well as the supporting cast. Best KISS nominee already!

PS: This was the winner for this months PAF - thanks for the pick CallMeWheels! If you haven't submitted your pick for next months drawing yet, you can do so here!

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[Full Reaction] Cold Mountain (2003)


Rick Rodriguez

Can't wait to watch. I remember it being very powerful. RIP the great Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Carol Rocha

Soooo excited for this Friday night treat!!!! ❤️❤️You’re gonna love it overall. It can be a tough watch in parts. But an amazing film nonetheless!!

Alex Gorell

I Haven’t seen this before so this will be a first time for me as well.

Michael West

I thought this might be a tough one to watch, but the story and acting are pretty good. Renee Zellweger was so awesome. I’d recommend the book as well

Odd Thomas

Somewhat lost to time, but it's a great movie


Carly would be bummed with this movie, breaks one of her rules for a good movie, Lol.


Fiddle-dee-dee! War, war, war. This war talk's spoiling all the fun at every party this spring. I get so bored I could scream. Besides, there isn't going to be any war... If either of you boys says 'war' just once again, I'll go in the house and slam the door.


I forgot he had died...over 10 years ago. Drug overdose it was.

Chris Retzlaff

I forgot how many great actors was in this, Lucas Black soldiering before drifting.....Charlie before riding with the Sons of Anarchy..Jack White rocking out... Cillian wrapping a baby before wrapping up Oppenheimer...great movie... You know Jax is that good looking that they made him an Albino sociopath so not to take away from Jude...lol

Clay F

Thanks CallMeWheels. Glad you won.

Carol Rocha

Renee Z is a TRIP in this movie!! 😂


I wonder sometimes if the Scientologists didn't take him out for daring to portray their "Prophet" in a negative light.


I think I rented this. I don't think I finished it. Wasn't in the right mood at the time. I do remember the book that this was based on being quite popular at the time.

David Collins

Not sure if it's just me, but the Pick-A-Flick link to make the pick for next month seems to be erroring out.


Get home and - Cold Mountain! Let's Go! And good to get a drama every once in a while. Good pick from PAF!

Jake McNulty

A terrific film from the late great Anthony Minghella. If you enjoyed this then I highly recommend checking out his other films. Truly Madly Deeply (1990) starring Alan Rickman and Juliet Stevenson The English Patient (1996) starring Ralph Finnes, Juliette Binoche, Kristen Scott Thomas and Willem Dafoe The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) starring Matt Damon, Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow. Minghella also wrote one of my favourite TV shows of all time, "The StoryTeller" (1987) produced by Jim Henson and starring John Hurt. And it's only 9 episodes long.

Dan M

This will be a first time watch for me. The cast looks spectacular, and most movies that I’ve seen that are set during the Civil War have been fantastic. So I’m really looking forward to seeing this one with you. The Pick a Flick winners have not disappointed yet. I’ve submitted my pick for next month already. Hoping I can pull out a win and keep the streak of good movies going. 🤞

Larry Darrell

Not going to be able to watch this till tomorrow afternoon, but I got to get my two cents in… Folks in the past have recommended this film and felt the need to warn you that the ending was so very sad and heartbreaking. For a moment in time, yes. But… That was Not The End. The end of the film was Hopeful, Happy and so very Heartwarming. Storms never last, bad times all pass with the wind… You can’t have a rainbow without a little rain. The Sun may hide for a while, but don’t think it’s gone forever. Just remember… you may have to look for it. Lifting your head and looking up, is always a great place to start. ;-)


PAF so far just mainstream films, Cassie must be breathing a sigh of relief, LOL.

Chris Thom

Renee Zellweger nailed that role. Nicole is always great...but Renee really earned that Oscar in this. And again in Judy. Exactly what this movie needed. But whole cast was pretty outstanding. This definitely felt like Survival: The Movie. Had totally forgot Philip Seymour Hoffman was in this. Nice to see him again. RIP.

Odd Thomas

As others have said, the other great Anthony Minghella film is The English Patient. It has similar themes but is set during WW2.

Chris Thom

Those images of her stomping around everywhere are ingrained in my memory. lol

Dan M

lol…Sooner or later some “oddball” movies are gonna wind up being picked.

Chris Thom

Oh I didn't know he did Talented Mr. Ripley. That would be an interesting one for the channel.

Eddie Perkins

I had forgotten how good this movie was; it's been about 15 years. I love the cast. I believe Ada wouldn't have survived if Ruby hadn't come into her life.

Eddie Perkins

I don't know if she has ever seen Gone With the Wind, but that's another excellent film.

Eddie Perkins

Philip Seymour Hoffman and Jude Law were together in the 1999 psychological thriller The Talented Mr. Ripley.

Uncle Phoenix

WOW. Completely forgot how good this movie was. PAF sure came through with an awesome movie. (Honestly, all I remembered about this movie, the first time I saw it, was Ruby killing that rooster.)

Uncle Phoenix

That was so good that I hope that someone picks “The English Patient” for the next PAF.

Nick Ireland

Gorgeous movie, saw this years ago (and read the book) but had totally forgotten about it . Really enjoyed watching it again

Clay F

+1 for The English Patient (1996) (romance/war). Nominated for 12 Oscars. Won 9 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Actress (Juliette Binoche). Ralph Fiennes nominated for Best Actor.

Clay F

Renee is talented. Philip Seymour Hoffman did excellent is his role. Not surprising.


They just had to feed him a "hot dose". If you've ever seen the George Clooney movie "Michael Clayton" you know what I'm talking about. Scientologists have gotten the government to back-off with blackmail material. https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Cowen/essays/nytimes.html

Thomas Thompson

I’d forgotten just how spectacularly good that movie is and now I can’t believe I forgot

Clay F

The Civil War was brutal. "Horrific." Mass death. 750,000 soldiers killed (2+% of US population) -- many from disease. A decent amount of death in the movie -- even outside of battle. The hated Home Guard. When you said "let's go poison Teague," I thought same. The best defense can be a good offense. Inman was aggressive against them -- but he died. Would have been nice (a different story) if Inman had lived. "He escaped death so many times," only to be killed after he made it back to Cold Mountain. Ruby's dad is from Braveheart. Kept trying to remember where I knew of Pangle -- then you said Remember the Titans -- I was like oh yeah -- the football player who got along with the black players from the outset without hesitation. Georgia is Jack White -- he was in 2-member band The White Stripes (won 6 Emmys from 11 nominations). Their most famous song (725 million YT views) is "Seven Nation Army" released in 2003 the same year as the movie. You might know that song.


You're welcome, and I'm sorry Cassie. Honestly, I had forgotten how brutal it was. It was a fun rewatch though.

Uncle Phoenix

Hey do you guys remember when Cassie saw Gladiator The Second time, with Carly, and couldn’t remember anything from the first time she watched it. We need to set our collective calendars for next year and have Cassie watch it again with Carly.

Gregory Costello

The author based the book Cold Mountain on the Civil War service of William P. Inman, 25th North Carolina Infantry Regiment.

Clay F

When men were happy war started, you asked "they want a war?" But you've reacted to enough war stuff to know that many young men while they may not want war (or maybe they do), they excited (arguably happy) to be going to war -- and then get into the war, reality sets in, and they want to be back home. You said long time since watched war movie. Too long (but you did react to Lawrence of Arabia in Jan). Horrors of battle are tough, especially w/gruesome close combat of Civil War. A reason I joined channel is b/c you've reacted to much war content. Seemingly less recently. Got Apocalypse Now w/March madness, though tough. Vietnam War movies not your favorite (understandable). I loved Masters of the Air. War reactions 2024 and 2021: YEAR 2024 = Lincoln (2012), Masters of the Air (9 episodes), Memphis Belle (1990), Apocalypse Now (1979), Das Boot (1985). YEAR 2021 (this year a doozy) = "2017" (2019) [apparently your 1st war movie in your life?], Saving Private Ryan (1998), Band of Brothers (2000) (10 episodes), Hacksaw Ridge (2016), The Pacific (2010) (10 episodes), Black Hawk Down (2001), Master and Commander (2003), Fury (2014), Dunkirk (2017), Braveheart (2017).

Michael Labs

Beautiful reaction today. I knew this was going to be emotional and it went perfectly. My personal nominee for a Poppie Award for funniest moment in a reaction is Cassie hearing about "...so many buttons..." and making a ripping motion. I almost had to stop the movie to finish laughing.

Clay F

I think my top Cassie rewatch/Carly first watch to request is Good Will Hunting.

Brian's Dog

Great reaction! I wonder if this movie were made a couple years earlier it might have starred Tom Cruise. I liked Jude Law though.

Mojo One Thousand

This has got quite the cast, not just the folks at the top, but some of the other that are actually well know now, like Cillian Murphy and Charlie Hunnam. Ray Winstone is always good at being villainous. For a moment I was wondering if a movie about the US Civil War was going to a predominately non-US cast, but of all the major roles it properly evened out.


I never heard of this movie before this reaction was announced, but I am looking forward to watching it with you tonight.


To be fair though, having an Irishman play an American is pretty unremarkable compared to the casting choices that are common nowadays. If this film was made in 2025 all the soldiers would all be strong independent immigrant women lol

Chris Thom

I do wonder if Eyes Wide Shut will ever make it to the channel. For another shot at Tom and Nicole in a movie together. Pretty sure she saw the Irish/land rush movie.


How do we request a rewatch with Carly though? I watched a video where Cassie was picking out a person's recommendation and she said the rules are that if you pick a film she has already seen, she will go with the next recommendation. As far as I'm aware there's no system to specify a Carly reaction


I am going to watch the movie for the first time, tonight. Do you recommend the book? Without giving me any spoilers, do you feel that the book added something that you didn't get from the film alone?

Clarence Newman

One of those films that Cassie was never going to "enjoy", but was really going to appreciate. Definitely a box that needed to be ticked. Now let's discuss The World's Fastest Indian....

Clarence Newman

And what the heck is it about Philip Seymour Hoffman??? He's not a standard actor/leading man in any way, but I love him in everything he ever did.

Clay F

Ditto. He does well in every role he plays seems like. He was convincing (nuanced) in his role in Cold Mountain.

Clay F

There is no way to make such a request. I should have said suggest, i.e., in the comments. By the way it easy/quick (less than 30 seconds) to determine (search) if she has seen a movie at www.popcornrequests.com


I totally agree, he's great. But every time I hear his name or see his face I'm reminded of a scene in another movie where his character has sharted and is panicking. I can't remember what movie that was, but that scene was hilarious

Chris Thom

It's kind of like he was always willing to take the hits for the audience...if that makes sense. Not quite masochism per se...but he would just go those places so we didn't have to. Or something. He was brave.

Chris Thom

I don't know if I left the room for a lot of it or something the first time, but I didn't remember much of the brutality either. Really was kind of a Survival Horror kind of film.

Nick Ireland

Well it's been years but I read the book quite a while before I saw the movie and remember really enjoying both. I don't know what it would be like to read the book straight after seeing the movie though, but the book was huge when it was released so I'd recommend giving it a go!

Clay F

In addition to Cold Mountain (2003), other movies from the ROMANCE/WAR GENRE that I like: "Suite Française" (2014). Michelle Williams. WWII "Summerland" (2020). Gemma Arterton. WWII "The Exception" (2016). Lily James. WWII "The Messenger" (2009) [RT=90%]. Woody Harrelson "How I Live" (2013) (based on novel). Saoirse Ronan (age 18) "The Railway Man" (2013). Colin Firth. Nicole Kidman "Allied" (2016). Brad Pitt. WWII

Chris Thom

Would think it's fairly high on the requests list. I've personally seen it suggested twenty or thirty times.

Chris Thom

Same. Pretty sure I rented it twice on DVD to finish it in the early aughts.

Dan M

Watching it tonight Chris. I’ll let you know.

Chris Thom

I'd forgot Lucas Black was in it. That was some near-perfect casting imo.

Chris Thom

Wheels I'm curious what some of your other picks would be if you were guaranteed to win again?

Clarence Newman

Not sure we can call The Intouchables mainstream. It was a good one, though, so I'd say we've had nothing but good stuff out of PAF so far.


So many films get forgotten pretty quickly if they have no presence on basic cable channels. The reverse of that is a film like ShawShank, it's shown on cable still, so it gets remembered. That's my theory anyway, Lol.


Cassie has done a boatload of war films, she likes the genre. I still would like to see her react to The Deer Hunter and Coming Home.

Clay F

The Deer Hunter (1978) [AFI Top 100] been No. 1 on my mind for a war movie reaction. I also like Coming Home.


@Thoko, the best way I've found to get Cassie's attention and request a specific reaction is via a superchat on a YT premiere.


So glad you liked the film as it had been my Pick-a-Flick for last few months also. I knew the ending wouldn't go down well but the love story itself is wonderful and that kiss was always going to make it a nominee for the next Poppies hah. Now that I have a spare pick I think i'll choose something lighter perhaps Jackie Chan needs to make an appearance on the channel, I haven't decided yet.

Chris Thom

Ohhh she changed the post. I was racking my brain trying to figure out what Best Kid Max meant.

Daniel Doble

Loved your reaction, as always.


Yeah that theory sounds very plausible. Although nowadays I think being available as part of a major streaming platform like Netflix or available for no additional charge with Amazon Prime is becoming more relevant as a factor


I think maybe the types of roles he plays are because he was not conventionally attractive. Somebody like Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt wouldn't be as effective at playing these sorts of characters

Larry Darrell

Once I stood at the foot of a great high mountain, that I wanted so much to climb. And on top of this mountain was a beautiful fountain, that flows with the water of life. I fell down on my knees at the foot of this mountain. I cried, "O Lord what must I do? I want to climb this mountain, I want to drink from this fountain, that flows so clear in my view" Then I heard a sweet voice from the top of this mountain, saying, "Child put your hand in mine." I started climbing slowly, "Watch your steps at the edges, and take one step at a time" I started climbing upward taking one step at a time. The higher I got the harder I climbed. I'm still climbing upward and my journey's almost ended. I'm nearing the top and you ought to see the view. Oh the water flows freely, there's enough to make you free. So friend if you're thirsty, climb this mountain with me. — song first recorded by Ralph Stanley in 1973, but may have been written much earlier. Regardless, it’s a timeless message. Here is the song “Great High Mountain,” performed by Jack White, who played Georgia in the film and performed 5 songs for the films’ incredible soundtrack, including this one. https://youtu.be/EWHXrlKSKZw?si=FRatmtvm6L2fnx1O — Love, love this film and love, loved this Reaction. Thank You so much Cassie. And especially Thank You… CallMeWheels. “Hard watch, but a Beautiful watch.” Indeed. Life is Hard, but Life is Beautiful. Take one step at time. The Sun is so warm and the water is so clean atop that Great High Mountain. It’s definitely worth the climb.

Clay F

Ames at Hold Down A has a good reaction to The Deer Hunter. I really want Cassie to react to "The Deer Hunter" (1978). It can be tough and is a Vietnam War movie (she has reacted to some hard ones), but I think she would like having the ample background given in The Deer Hunter (she likes background). Plus, surely she would like the stellar acting. The Deer Hunter won Oscars for Best Picture and Best Director. --Christopher Walken won Best Supporting Actor Oscar. --Robert De Niro nominated for Best Actor Oscar. --Meryl Streep nominated for Best Supporting Actress Oscar.

Clay F

Oakley, the kid early in the movie injured in battle and requesting sweet violin music as he died is played by Lucas Black (a distinctive voice to me) who also played the QB in FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS (2004) (based on true story -- based on non-fiction book). His character is a nice guy as Saracen is in the series. "Friday Night Lights" (2004) (one of my favorite movies) captures the essence of Texas high school football. Connie Britton is the same character (coach's wife) as she is in the series. Brad Leland who is Buddy Garrity (a booster, and father of Lyla) in the series is the same type of character (booster) in the movie.

Clarence Newman

Definitely. I remember the comedian Billy Connolly talking about the day he ran naked through the streets of London. It was for a laugh and because doing it made him feel free (wasn't the first time). He then added: "You can get away with it if you've got a body like mine. It doesn't work if you've got a great body. It just looks like you're showing off." The same applied to Hoffman. He was never a looker, and that allowed him to indulge himself in some very unusual characters.

Alan Jones

With this film fresh on your mind, Cassie, do yourself a great favor and take five minutes out to listen to what might possibly be The Most Beautiful Letter Ever Written. This brief excerpt comes from Ken Burns's Civil War documentary series. To my mind, it is the singular highlight of the entire series. (Oops! Posted without link. Here it is:) Sullivan Ballou letter to his wife, Sarah, 1861. https://youtu.be/78SOjurJkHk?si=ELj2lqwQW8RA1QH_

Mark Pitta

I’m always impressed when Cassie remembers all the names of the characters. I always call them by their real name and she’s great at keeping track of plot points.

Chris Thom

I definitely call characters by the actors' names. And for Renee I still call her 'Jerry Maguire Chick' far too often.

Chris Thom

Thought FNL would've happened already by now, considering it was one of her favorite TV series.


This film was a great choice, but (without spoiling it for anyone else) I will just say that I totally agree with Cassie's feelings about Inman. I wonder if Carly would appreciate a film like this?

Javier Hernandez

You should follow this up with Somersby (1993) with Jodie Foster and Richard Gere. A post Civil War reconstruction era story about a couple getting to know one another again but with a twist.

Clay F (edited)

Comment edits

2025-03-18 10:45:05 +1 for Somersby (1993). I have nostalgia for it. Watched a few times.
2025-03-17 22:12:43 +1 for Somersby (1993). Richard Gere. Jodie Foster. I have nostalgia for it. Watched a few times.

+1 for Somersby (1993). Richard Gere. Jodie Foster. I have nostalgia for it. Watched a few times.

Joe Mallard

That was probably one of the most emotional reactions since Legends of the Fall.