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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for "Now and Then" which will premiere shortly!




As a 25-year-old, I've already begun looking back on my preteen and teenage years, reflecting on how I got to where I am now. I can't imagine what it will be like to look back in my 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond, but at least films like this give me an idea. Time goes by too fast, we have to enjoy the little moments, spend time with the people we love, experience new places, and embrace adventure. It feels like the older we get, the faster time moves. I don’t like it 😭 My first Popcorn in Bed reaction was Back to the Future (1985)… from 2021… Four years ago. That feels like yesterday 😅


Time never went by fast for me until my 40s. Now, 20-30 years ago can seem like only 5 or 10 years ago. Scary!

Mark Vaderr

Christina Ricci turns into Rosie O'Donnell. That is wrong on every level imaginable.😑

Jacob King

Another 90s girl movie starring Gabby Hoffman is The Hairy Bird aka All I Wanna Do (1998). It would be a great reaction.


A great Christina Ricci movie you should check out is The Opposite of Sex from 1998, and a great Thora Birch movie you should watch is Ghost World from 2001.

Chris Thom

Aww cute movie. Sometimes forget what a big time movie star Christina Ricci was for kids back in the day. Side note but her character on Yellowjackets right now is already pretty iconic. Such a weird and hilarious role.

Rick Rodriguez

Whoa. That thumbnail really tripped me out.


Oh damn. I didn't even notice Cassie in there til I read your comment

Clarence Newman

I watched this for the first time last week. Didn't really love it, but I expect to enjoy it more through Cassie's eyes. I had to laugh at the blatant advert for Marlboro cigarettes in the opening scenes, though. They didn't even try to be subtle back then, did they? Close up of Demi lighting a cigarette? Of course. Close up of an economy box of Marlboro cigarettes for no reason other than advertisement? Why not? Smoking around a pregnant woman? Sure! Let's encourage that! OK, I'm done with my rant. I can now enjoy the reaction.


Christina Ricci is in this? If she is in it as an adult, I will have to watch this movie regardless of the Rosie stuff. But I'm not so interested in watching Christina as a child.

Clay F

What is an "economy box" of cigarettes? Is that a term used in England? I bought my first pack of Marlboro cigarettes (Marlboro red) when I was age 11 for 25 cents.

Chris Thom

Oh I didn't think of that. This was right around the time when all the movies started to turn against smoking and I think advertising cigs in movies/TV became illegal in the US. Maybe this was the last gasp before the hammer came down. Perhaps that was '96 or '97? And then by the time Sex and the City came out Carrie was rebellious again.

Chris Thom

Didn't see Cassie until the fourth time I saw it. She legit fits in with that cast though. Could def see her being in a movie some day.

Chris Thom

Oh that's really interesting. Because to a lot of Millennials/above she's the ultimate child actress. She is really good on Yellowjackets though.

Chris Thom

After about 25 time starts to move ridiculously fast. But those childhood days will start to feel very far away. Even if you don't feel THAT different.


I have no problem with child actresses. It's just that this isn't my typical genre of film. And I was considering giving it a watch just for how hot she is as an adult lol

Stuart Guthrie Jr.

First time I've seen this film. Love the soundtrack. Also great reaction.

Chris Thom

Come to think of it I think I had the soundtrack well before I saw the movie. Probably didn't see it until '97 or '98.

Morgan A. Colbert

Saw this one in the theater when I was a teenager. I sure loved it.

Clarence Newman

It's illegal to advertise cigarettes in American movies, Chris? Since when? I can't remember the last time I saw a movie that didn't have prominent smoking in it. Doesn't matter if it's about mid 40s dock workers or futuristic scientists - gotta have the cancer stick front and centre! DiCaprio is a big culprit, and for a recent blatant example, look no further than Peaky Blinders. I loved that show, but I lost count of the number of scenes that started with a 45 second intro of Tommy Shelby taking out a pack of cigarettes, tapping one into his hand (10 seconds), putting the cigarettes away, tapping the cigarette against his palm so he was holding the other end (20 seconds), running it back and forth across his lower lip (Who does that, except maybe 8 year olds who watched Peaky Blinders?), fumbling for a lighter, rolling the lighter over and over in his hand, lighting the lighter, only then (30 seconds) lighting the cigarette, putting the lighter away before taking a long drag and exhaling a back-lighted plume of smoke. Off stage, a representative of the tobacco company then holds up a card which reads "Thankyou Cillian. Your cheque is in the post. You may now start the scene." It doesn't bother me at all. 😡

Chris Thom

Producers like Rob Reiner wanted to ban smoking altogether in movies and I think he pushed for it in movies he was attached to, but yeah it's a free speech thing and they can't really enforce it. But paid advertisements for brands of tobacco in movies and TV is not allowed. And Cali got rid of the vending machines in the 90's. Later there were laws that mandated a fraction of sales had to go for 'warning' commercials about the harms of smoking. And I think the latest law is that a dollar or two from every pack sold has to go to Medicare. Or something of that nature. But yeah Hollywood in general still has a bit of affection for smoking for whatever reason.

Chris Thom

Ghost World is a certified cult classic. Such a sweet, quirky, sad movie.

Mark Vaderr

Check out "Penelope". A smaller film, romantic comedy. I find it to be one of Ricci's best performances. James McAvoy co-stars.

Rick Rodriguez

Side note. She did a hot ones recently promoting Yellowjacket and she's hysterical.

Happy Hanukkah

3:36 A little too on-the-nose, no? :-P :-)

Happy Hanukkah

Yeppers for The Opposite of Sex. (Also with Lisa Kudrow taking a break from "Phoebe.")

Chris Thom

Oh thanks I gotta see that. I find her so compelling and I really don't know why. She's got a special something and I don't know what it is.

Rick Rodriguez

I think she's got a real old school like 90s version of a Hepburn attitude. Or Bacall.

Chris Thom

Bet Cassie would get a kick out of Romy and Michelle if she hasn't seen it yet.

Chris Thom

Cute how fast Cassie reverted to a thirteen year old girl with that kissing scene on the porch. LOL

Clay F

Cigarettes are not banned in movies, but cigarette advertising in banned, e.g., in magazines or on billboards.


Am I the only guy wondering how she got the jello in those boobie balloons?

brooke atkins

Every time cassie said this is the 80’s right? My soul died a little bit. What about the clothes cars and music in this movie made you think this took place in the 80s🤦‍♀️ Yeah those comments really hurt Cassie lol glad you liked the movie I knew you would. Now I suggest listening to some 80’s music so you don’t mistake it for 60’s music again. I’m shocked no one in this comment mentioned how off you were on your timeline for this film. Still a great reaction. Just those comments really got me about the time period. Cassie needs to watch more 80’s movies so she’s better educated. God this channel always makes me feel 100 lol and I’m only a few years older than Cassie.