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Oh man, well this one was a little dark wasn’t it? What a world this series created and makes you think about. I am glad i watched these four originals, and super excited to do the new ones too. I think my order for these ones is 1,3,4,2, what is yours?

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[Full Reaction] Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)



Can't wait till Cassie starts the Planet of the Apes tv show! 😜

Brian Wood

I agree with your order. Out of all 5, I say 1,3,5,4,2. Thank you again Cassie.

Patrick Flanagan

I'm a completist so I'd have to watch the last, but if you're not a superfan of the series it's not REALLY necessary. I do think it's better than people say it is.

Mark T

I agree, best to worst - 1,3,4,2,5

Patrick Flanagan

So I would probably skip the 2001 Tim Burton/Mark Wahlberg. Has nice effects and makeup but it's mainly a big waste of time.

Clay F

Mine is the same as yours and Mark T. Best to Worst = 1 ............. 3 ... 4 .. 2, 5 That's generally the consensus.


How you manage to post these great gems about an hour before I have to go to work (and I wasn't scheduled today, I was called in!) I don't know, but here I am again with another agonizing wait. But I am glad Cassie that you went through all these great OG Ape movies. You're the best and you are too good to us! Feel free to skip Battle, the next one, and go straight to Rise of the Planet of the Apes, you know, the James Franco one. It'll make a few people around here happy, I do believe!! Oh yes, my ranking is the same as yours! Number 5 is #5, skip it! Only reason to watch is another Roddy McDowell performance.

Shad Kanyak

I hope Carly gets to also see the first of the remakes. It will be interesting to hear both your thoughts on comparing the 1968 and 2011 versions.

Matt Rose

I go 1, 4, 3, 2, then 5. I still think that Roddy McDowell should have received an Oscar Nom for acting on CONQUEST. He's absolutely incredible here.

Clay F

Yeah, she should probably skip it. She mentioned the 2011 remake a couple of times in initial discussions of the franchise, having a possible interest, saying that a friend liked it and that she might save the 2001 remake for a reaction after the reboots. But she hasn't mentioned the 2001 remake recently, so maybe she has decided to skip it. Edit: She said in the outro that she hasn't decided whether or not to reacto to the 2001 remake.

Matt Rose

Question: which ending is this? Is this the 'merciful' ending or the original ending? edited to add: this looks like the 'merciful' ending. Here's the original ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHD9cbD0X10


I do like this film, but it has a rough, almost fragmented feel. The pacing is abrupt, and you can really start to feel that the budget constraints left parts of the story rushed and unfinished. Caesar’s transformation from an observer to a revolutionary happens in a single transition, with little buildup. One moment, he’s watching a gorilla throw trash in the street, and the next, he’s leading an armed rebellion. The editing at times feels disjointed, with awkward transitions, clunky close-ups, unsteady camerawork, and Armando’s fall out the window is especially rough. It feels like key moments were left on the cutting room floor, leaving a film that lacks the polish of its predecessors. That said, the ending speech is easily the best part of the movie but watching this movie back, I much prefer Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) for reasons I can't get into because of spoilers. I do like the darkness of this film, and you could argue that the close-ups and unsteady camerawork are meant to give it a more raw, documentary-like feel, similar to how Zack Snyder filmed Man of Steel (2013). So I do understand it from this point of view. An Apes film in the vein of District 9 (2009) would have been amazing, I could easily see Conquest taking that approach if it was made today. I’d suggest checking out the 2001 remake, simply for its ending. But it’s totally understandable if you skip it and move straight into Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I have a soft spot for the 2001 movie, but I would love to hear your thoughts on its ending. Onward we go to more Planet of the Apes!

Thomas Thompson

I typically watch movies on my iPad because the screen is a little bit bigger, but I have been known to watch things on my phone if my expectations are low for the film or TV show

Dan M

My order is the same. This was fun watching you react to the original movie series. And now…on to the reboots! Can’t wait to see your reaction to the new movies! I think you’re going to completely surprised at how good they are…the storylines, the acting, the motion capture (especially Andy Sirkis), the action, the unexpected amount of empathy for the characters, and how they tie into the originals.

Matt Rose

Glad you're going into RISE next. That one started out as a remake of CONQUEST but became its own thing in development.

Clay F

The plan is that Carly will join the reaction for the 4 newest ones starting with the 2011 one.

keoma songs

100%. There's a look in his eyes as he ends his speech that is stunning, and he slowly turns so shadows overtake his face ... Incredible work through the makeup, body control ... The academy has ALWAYS been out of touch, as so many performances in genre movies get ignored (Rockwell in Moon, Dern in Silent Running, Moriarty in Q The Winged Serpent)

Clay F

I have suggested she skip the 2001 remake (which gets a lot of hate), but a valid decision to react to it -- Cassie and Carly might like it. More modern. Not the most compelling story in my opinion, but great makeup effects and a good performance by Tim Roth. Paul Giamatti ain't bad. You make good points. Edit: She said in the outro that she hasn't decided whether or not to reacto to the 2001 remake.


Cassie's order seems right to me too. The thing I like about these is that they really make you think, like a good Twilight Zone or Star Trek episode. Every opposing view feels justified. Like, we spent most of the first movie hating Dr Zaius, but wasn't he right to protect his "people" from man? Good stuff!

Just Plain Bob

Roddy McDowell was a fantastic actor. It’s a shame that his legacy has been largely forgotten by modern Hollywood and audiences.


Now Cassie will be able to lord her superior Ape knowledge over Carly. "You see this is a call back to Escape from the planet of the Apes when....." Poor girl doesn't stand a chance. Since you are not watching the last one. I shall provide a brief synopsis. Many years later after Cesar has led the Apes and some humans away from the city to live in the woods a nuclear war has occurred. The Apes and human live together with the humans as second-class citizens. Aldo a gorilla wants to kill the humans, but Cesar will not let them. The humans try to teach the Apes some of their knowledge with limited success. Cesar learns of video tapes of his mother kept in the old human city. He journey's there to watch the tapes. This however alerts the humans sill living in the city to the presence of the Apes living in the countryside. The humans put together a rag tag army of old vehicles and weapons and attack the Ape city. Aldo plots to over through Cesar but Cesars son sees Aldo and the gorillas plotting and Aldo kills Cesars son. The Apes with the help of the humans living with them defeat the attacking humans from the city and demand equal rights. Cesar kills Aldo for killing his son. Flash forwards several hundred yeas where an old Orangutang telling the story of Cesar to a group of ape and human children. Cut to a statue of Cesar with a single tear running down his cheek. Fade to black. On to the new films.


I highly recommend skipping the Tim Burton one, it doesn't connect to this original series nor the modern series and IMO offers nothing of value.


This film was made after the Watts riots and other civil rights riots. The audience was more than aware of the subtext of the film. No need to fill them in.

Clay F

If not on my TV, PC, or laptop, I watch on my iPad.

Benjamin Guzman

I personally think this is the best of the four original sequels.


1, 2...3...............4.............5

Donald Fleming

Don't end it with Conquest. There's still one more to go: Battle for the Planet of the Apes. It answers a few questions brought up in the first two movies (where did the mutated humans come from, how did they get the Alpha/Omega bomb), and it does end on a somewhat hopeful note. It's also responsible for one of the more surreal moments on the Tonight Show, when guest Paul Williams, who plays an orangutan named Virgil, appears on the show in full costume, sings & sits down down to talk about the upcoming movie, which was still being filmed at the time (filming for that day had run long & he didn't have time to go to makeup to have everything taken off). He even cracks a few jokes about it (as soon as he sat down, he turned to Carson & said "You were right, I shouldn't have touched her," & something along the lines of that being the result of having too many banana daiquiris). We also get to see the famous simian Lawgiver that Dr. Zauis talked about in the first two movies. He's played by British actor John Huston, who would later provide the voice of the wizard Gandalf in the Rankin-Bass version of 'The Hobbit' & 'Return of the King' (1977 & 1980, respectively).


I get that, but if you’re creating a movie highlighting an ape rebellion, where they are enslaved and used as servants within a dystopian future, you need to at least do a good job building up to that rebellion. Caesar goes from an observer to a revolutionary within a single cut. The lack of a fleshed-out arc made his transformation feel more abrupt rather than earned, and that’s just something I feel the reboot did much better. But that’s just my view on the movie. The whole final speech is by far the best part, everything else was just kind of fine. If I grew up during the Watts riots, it might have been more impactful, but for most people, films really have to carry themselves and not rely on real events. It’s still a film, and everything from editing, pacing, narrative structure, and cinematography all contribute to one’s enjoyment. And these are the weakest parts of this movie for me. But like I said, the whole ending (especially the brutal alternate ending) is masterfully done. Everything in between just felt lesser to me.

Stick Figure Studios

It pleases me to hear that you have not regretted watching these original POTA sequels. They are of varying degrees of quality, of course (and I agree with your ranking.. most people do), but they are important films as they were the most successful science fiction franchise before Star wars came along. They are all worth seeing (minus BATTLE which I think it is wise of you to skip) and will provide a helpful foundation for the reboot series (CONQUEST in particular as you will see). Can't wait to see you and Carly react to those. In the meantime, looking forward to viewing this video. :-)

Clarence Newman

When watching these monkey movies, one cannot legitimately go from the Charles Hestons to the Andy Serkii without a brief stop-off at Every Which Way But Loose. It's virtually mandatory.

Just Plain Bob

My order: 1. Planet of the Apes 2. Beneath the Planet of the Apes 3. Conquest of the Planet of the Apes 4. Battle for the Planet of the Apes 5. Escape from the Planet of the Apes I seem to be the only person that likes Beneath, and I’m good with that. I also don’t understand why it’s difficult to grasp the worship of the bomb in that movie. It makes sense on two levels. In terms of symbolism, it’s meant to portray how mankind has almost deified violence/warfare/destruction. And, it terms of the story, it makes perfect sense that some of the descendants of the survivors of a nuclear conflagration would worship the bomb as a god - it literally created the world they know. I’m also seemingly alone in thinking the original films are superior to the remake series. To me, the only interesting ideas in the remakes are the ones they borrowed from the originals. And I think sci fi, more than any other genre, lends itself to big ideas. I’m also not enamored of the CGI on offer. It’s well done, I’ll grant that - but it still looks like someone drew on a film negative. It simply lacks the physical reality/weight/substance of practical effects. I watched the first three in the new series and found them mildly enjoyable but will almost certainly be skipping the reactions. There’s just not enough there for me to spend several hours rewatching them, regardless of how much I ordinarily like Cassie’s reactions.

keoma songs

I disagree only in that the makeup is incredible, at least for everyone except Helena Bonham Carter. Yes, Wahlberg is bad, Warren is bad, the story is it's own level of whatever it's doing and the ending is absurd ... But that's some great practical makeup effects

Clay F

Yes, she is skipping the 5th. The worst movie of the 10 movies in the franchise. She is definitely aware of the 5th.

Joshua Garrett

I am really excited to see your reaction to the newer ones now!

Clay F

It's easier to like Escape and Conquest if you can get into the story. I like the mix (fun then dark) of Escape. I like the darkness and moral implications of Conquest. As you confirmed, Roddy McDowall did both Cornelius and Caesar. By the way, while you may not remember, Roddy McDowall was a fairly prominent character in "The Poseidon Adventure" (1972) you reacted to. He was a child actor in the 1940's. The best movie of the 10 movies in the franchise is the 1968 original (masterpiece). Glad you are skipping the 5th (Battle) = the worst movie of the 10 movies in the franchise. Escape and Conquest are the best of the 4 original sequels. The 1968 original and the 4 Serkis apes movies (reboots) are the best 5 movies of the franchise. The worst are the 4 original sequels and the Tim Burton 2001 remake. Escape and Conquest are watchable. The original sequels are for hardcore fans who have nostalgia. As a kid/young adult 40-50 years ago, I would watch the original sequels on TV on a Saturday afternoon or late night during the week. The 4 early 1970s sequels are simply not at the quality of the 1968 original.


When you watch Rise keep an eye out for David Hewlitt as the asshole neighbor. Canadian sci-fi royalty from his many years on Stargate Atlantis and the Canadian horror/mystery Cube.

Clay F

Very much looking forward to the 4 Serkis apes movies (reboots). I think it's fine for you to wait till the end to decide if you are going to react to the Tim Burton 2001 remake. I am ambivalent about it. The remake can be bad. I suspect that at the end that I might have a slight preference that you react to the 2001 remake for 2 reasons: (1) curious about your and Carly's takes; and (2) to stretch out reactions to the franchise by one more movie.


They made such a politically loaded movie and then wimped out on the ending and recut it. Oh well, that's Hollywood. I love the brutalist architecture, it's apropos.

Chris Thom

Preferring to watch movies and TVs on the phone is...it's just not right, Cassie. Yes you have a winning smile, and cute PJ's, and good hair days for dayz...but that's SICK. Unacceptable. On second thought; it's a free country. You do you. Also for this one I'm kind of relieved you weren't superimposed into the thumbnail. Just this one.

Chris Thom

One positive for the Tim Burton remake...the monkey makeup was fantastic. Seriously great work.


She can watch a behind the scenes on the makeup to get an appreciation but great makeup does not mean it's worth 2 hours of her time

Jorge De La Torriente

Hi Cassie. Hope you decide to watch the final movie in the original series, "Battle for the Planet of the Apes". It has a happy and gratifying ending!


This is so amazing- this is why your channel has as many subscribers and enthusiasts. Your willingness to watch content all over the spectrum. Kudos 🖖

Gábor Árki

I'm a little surprised this movie has an alternate cut. My copy fell out of sync with the reacted version after an hour, and after several attempts to re-sync, I gave up. There were just too many changes. The version Cassie reacted to was shorter, plus, my version had a different ending. Strangely, it seems the unrated version was originally released here, because it is the version the TV dub has been created for in the early 90s, and is the version also released on DVD in the early 2000s. Unlike the original, these sequels feel much more dated. However, despite their noticeably lower budget and production quality, they still bring up some interesting and important questions. Some of these ideas are even revisited and refined in later installments. Based on the reactions to these, I'm really excited for the new ones. As for their order, it is the same: 1, 3, 4, 2. PS: I watch movies on my TV while playing the reaction on my laptop. I don’t use headphones or earbuds. The movie plays through my amp and speakers, and the reaction comes from my laptop speakers. I could never watch anything other than YT videos on my phone. All the movies or shows I watch are on my TV, or maybe very occasionally on my laptop. Watching shows or movies on such a tiny screen that you need to held in your hand feels almost sacrilegious. 😄

Clay F

My stream on Amazon Prime in US synced with her.

Joshua Garrett

I've never seen it tbh, but I have only heard negative things. But since, I haven't seen it, I can't rightfully say. However, having watched Conquest, I think Cassie will get and appreciate all the references to the older movies in the newer ones.

John Liebling

Totally unrelated to the film, enjoy St. Paddies Day, Cassie. Just for the fun of it check out on youtube "The Hat My Dear Old Father Wore" Gene Kelly dancing. Can't help but smile and perhaps you'll give An American In Paris a try, though the above song is not from that movie. Its from Take Me Out To the Ball Game.

Clay F

I much prefer the 1968 original than any of the other 9 movies in the franchise. The original sequels are low budget without the greatest scripts --- no where approach the quality of the 1968 original. Beneath was a cash grab and not liked by Cassie. Battle is horrible. Cassie will like the Serkis apes movie better than the original sequels.

Gro Do

Yes. I think Amazon is the Theatrical release and OP watched the unrated cut.

Ronald Carpenter

Do we ever expect to see another LIVE box opening on You Tube? They must have a pile of packages to open by now. There are 2 for Cassie and 1 for Carly that I know of.

Mike Lemon

How I watch? I watch everything on my desktop computer (Trigkey mini computer running Linux Mint). If I'm not watching YouTube, I have roughly 18 TBs of movies and TV mostly ripped from DVDs (in about 6 books of 500 disks each). I don't think I have turned on my TV in over two years. I also don't watch, or listen to, anything in bed- maybe just read a few pages of a book, lay down, and be asleep within 3 minutes.

Dean Sullivan

I know many skip number 5 because it is by far the weakest but it is the last of the originals and it has a happy ending. Please consider finishing it.

Philip Alan

Cassie, you need to watch Tim Burton's Planet Of The Apes. You will be LOST when you watch the new ones! I promise. :)

Wesley White

I already watched this movie recently because curiosity got me after you said you were skipping the final film, I even watched the final film as well! Personally in my opinion, you should see the final film before jumping into the reboot, there's a very important detail in "Battle for the Planet of the Apes" that gets referenced in the reboot, but that's just me! I'll give this reaction a watch at some point! Tonight after I get off work, since it's St. Patty's Day 🍀 As tradition, I'm watching one of my all time favorite films, Disney's "Darby O'Gill and the Little People" tonight! You and Carly have to watch/react to that movie, I guarantee, you'll both love it! Love and support, Happy St. Patty's Day 🍀, you and Carly are the best, and God bless you all and the family 🥰😇🙏😁😉🤗✌️👍🌹


100% agree, Clay. Honestly, I’m only interested in hearing their thoughts (good or bad) on the ending lol


I learned just the other day that there was a segment filmed for Escape of Dr. MIlo recovering Taylor's ship and of the three Apes blasting off into space. I have never seen it. I wonder if it is sitting rotting away in some film warehouse somewhere.

Rick Williams

I agree with 1, 3, 4 and 2. This movie was needed to finally find out how the planet of the apes came about. Good reaction, Cassie.

Mark Pitta

My favorite line from Cassie: “How is he doing this?” Ha! That’s what we all thought when we saw this for the first time having to accept that Cesar had telepathic powers of some sort. All he had to do was nod, and the Revolution was on.


I wish for people never to talk about endings to movies. It is never a good argument to get someone to watch something, talking about the ending. Even if Cassie is never going to watch it. Say the movie is interesting (it is) and say that it ties up the story (it does). But not how, lol.

Eddie Perkins

I watch you on a 17-inch laptop on my lap while in bed and the movie on a 65-inch TV off to my left side. Watching a movie on your phone is nuts, especially when you have a choice. But I'm not judging. I have enjoyed watching these again. I'm looking forward to the new series.


What is the purpose of watching the reboot films in the 1, 3, 4, 2 order? Does the release order not match the chronological order? I've only seen the 1st one (Rise).

John A

Yes watch the last one. close it out, it will answer the questions you just asked. Well some of them

John A

The last movie, to me is a must watch, it once again as I said before, is referred back on in the new movies. Such as Ape law, and a character in the last movie that becomes important in the new movies. I hope you reconsider watching it. You can skip or watch the Tim Burton one, just not good., but not against you watching so you watch all the movies.. So hope you change your mind and watch "Battle for the Planet of the Apes"

Chris Thom

It's her ranking of them. She likes 1 the best, the sequel the worst.

Chris Thom

The Tim Burton one does have apes playing basketball. So there's that.


Unless I'm not at home I watch everything on my desktop. Why on earth would you choose to watch something on a tiny screen when you have a tv that you can see quite clearly from bed?

Brian's Dog

Great reaction! I really liked this one, it's tied for second place along with 3 for me. I can confirm this is the Theatrical version, my bluray has it at 1:26:41 and was synced perfectly. The extended cut on my bluray is 1:27:22.

Clay F

That is not a suggested watch order but instead a favorite ranking order.

Clay F

She could read about the detail in Battle if important.

Clay F

She could read about it (instead of watching it) to get the answers.

Chris Thom

I'm going to agree with you just because I'm a Tim Burton fan. But to be honest I remember absolutely zero about this movie. Except laser cannons? Or something? And a swamp? And oh yeah: apes playing basketball.

Philip Alan

Yeah, I hope everyone knows I'm kidding around about watching to follow along with the new movies. I truly enjoy that movie for the performances (Tim Roth, Helen Bonham Carter & Paul Giamatti) and the make-up! Woah. I still watch it from time to time! I hope she ends up watching it at some point. She might enjoy it. Maybe it's just a guilty pleasure at this point.


Interesting. I always have Cassie off to my left and watch the main movie straight ahead of me. Feels kinda weird to me for my main focus to be the reaction rather than the movie


I think my order for these is 3,2,1,4. 2 and 1 intermittently switch places for second and third place often in my head, and I just like 3 the most because Cornelius and Zira are the main characters I'd enjoy being friends with. Conquest for me is watchable and enjoyable for it's themes, but the many scenes without music as well as imo poor war fighting choreography and uninteresting direction make it my least favorite.


Okay I misunderstood. I thought she was putting the watch order she plans for the new movies. Of course it makes sense now. Sometimes my brain just isn't there. 😁

Mojo One Thousand

My order would be the same as Cassie's... 1,3,4,2. As for how I view... I have a 55 inch screen TV that's big enough for the space I have that I watch movies on. When watching reactions I have a 32 inch TV that use as a second monitor for work nearby the bigger TV, so I cast the reaction on to that. I use the standard speakers for both. I don't think I could bring myself to watch a movie or TV show on a mobile device.

Milton William Burray

Roddy McDowell in Apes makeup on TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px4YGrL5fJg

Silver Machine

Thanks for sticking with these sequels, Cassie. I think it will enhance your experience with the newer movies, which contain many 'easter eggs' that reference the '70s flicks. I'm really looking forward to watching them with you and Carly.


eeh, the Tim Burton movie is not good. Not good. Apes look good, terrible movie. Not recommend. Best to move on in to the remakes, which are great. My 2 cents.


The Tim Burton one is not worth watching in my opinion. Your fans of the newer versions have been waiting super patiently while you go through the older ones. I don't think anyone really cares too much about the Tim Burton one so you probably won't be letting many down by skipping it. Anyway, I'm so excited for you to get to the far superior newer apes movies!

Philip Alan

You made a mistake in your comment. There are PLENTY of people here that want her to watch the Tim Burton one. Including me. So there's that.

Philip Alan

she'll be so confused watching the new ones if she skips the Tim Burton movie.


Okay cool. Legitimate question though, why? I'm not being a jerk. I am genuinely asking. It kinda seems like some patrons want to delay her getting to the remakes for as long as possible, I don't get it. The Tim Burton one is pretty much universally hated. It has a 27% audience score on rotten tomatoes. Just saying, do we really need to keep putting off the awesome remakes for it? If you are saying that you would want her to watch it AFTER the remakes then I apologize. That wouldn't bother me at all obviously. I just see no reason to keep delaying watching the newer ones for her and her many followers that are huge fans of the remakes that have been waiting super patiently. She seems to be pretty eager to get to the remakes as well. Again, I'm not trying to be a jerk. I just don't get it.


Maybe she'll just put the Burton film to a patron vote. Never gonna make everyone happy, let the majority decide.