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Here is the reaction to THTBTU, our last live pillowcase pull winner! Ok I had to watch this in two parts, I had taken a new allergy med right before and I was feeling all dizzy and weird 😵‍💫.  Ok Clint Eastwood has a very soothing, sexy, batman voice and it was fun to see him young and hunky. I thought this story was fun but sometimes I felt everyone was moving in slow motion! Ok let's go WOMP womp Womp.....

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[Full Reaction] The Good, The Bad and The Ugly



A lot of great westerns, from Wayne to Scott, Ford to Leone, American and Italian. To me, this one stands alone on the summit. The long version. I appreciate she is honest about the length of the film but if they shortened it it would not be the same. It is a masterpiece.

Clay F

Westerns w/a relatively young Clint Eastwood that are faster pace and that you may find more entertaining are below. My favorite: THE OUTLAW JOSEY WALES (1976) [Rotten Tomatoes = 91%] Runner-ups: High Plains Drifter (1973) [RT = 94%] Pale Rider (1985) [RT = 93%] Honorable Mention: Hang 'Em High (1968) [RT = 92%]. By the way, you reacted to several good westerns in 1993.

Robert da Spruce

Okay. Just got done watching your reaction to TGTBTU. I think I’m gonna have to agree with you Cassie. You would not fare well in the Old West. First off, your lips would be so chapped! 😜 Just teasing! Nice reaction! You were definitely not a fan of the pacing though. At the final standoff, they dragged it out so long that I don’t think you really cared who got shot as long as someone would draw their gun! 😂 Don’t give up on Westerns quite yet though. There are ones out there with better pacing. Looking forward to the the coming week!

Gábor Árki

Well, having finished the full reaction yesterday evening this kind of turned out what I expected. I think Cassie was caught very much off guard by this movie and its unique style. I knew there was little for her to really enjoy: mostly bad and cruel people killing each other for treasure in midst of a war. My hope was in Clint Eastwood and it seems he did succeed. 😜 Also, I feel by the third hour Cassie actually started to warm up to the movie and even starting to actually enjoy it a bit. As for the movie itself this was something I did not like as a teen at all. I think back then my very favorite westerns were The Magnificent Seven (1960), some West German Winnetou movies and the two "Trinity" movies which in a way are comedic takes on the spaghetti western genre while being spaghetti westerns themselves. I only started to like and appreciate this movie as an adult and became probably favorite is this genre. As for the extended cut, I can finally say that I still very much prefer the International theatrical. The added scenes which contain speech really take you out of the movie due to the very noticeable differences in the voices. Even if I put aside that they were 40 years older, the quality of the dubbing is noticeably worse. Also, I fully agree that these scenes don't really add anything important neither to the story nor to the characters. I don't really understand why the studio has pretty much abolished the theatrical version.

Shawn Kildal

I saw this coming a mile away. There a so many Clint Eastwood movies Cassie would enjoy. Dirty Harry, Escape From Alcatraz, The Bridges of Maddison County, among many others. The Spaghetti westerns aren't going to be for her.

Mike McLaughlin

Why call spaghetti westerns... look at the names in the credits.........

Matthew Dunham

Lee Van Cleef, one of the greatest movie villains of all time. 😃❤️😃❤️😃❤️

Matthew Dunham

Tombstone with the Val Kilmer portrayal of Doc Holliday is probably my favorite western. This, and The Outlaw Josie Wales are in my top 5. Unforgiven also but you already watched that.

Gábor Árki

For young Clint, my money is on Kelly's Heroes (1970). She enjoys a good heist, and is into the war genre too, so I have high hopes for this one. For a middle aged Clint Escape From Alcatraz (1979) would be my top choice for her. From his recent movies as old Clint it's a tough choice. After the success of Rocky/Creed the Million Dollar Baby (2004) would probably be a great reaction. But given I'm not that into boxing, my pick would rather be Gran Torino (2008).

John Cranberry

Frustrated that you watched the extended version and I was wondering why it was not syncing. You should point out the run time or version as many old movies have been remastered and some have extended versions.


Cassie, don't give up on Westerns. As others have said, "Tombstone" is a must, and I would highly recommend "Open Range" and "The Outlaw Josey Wales" Cheers!

Jedi Psy

Hi Aarswft. Which ever copy it is, they will be clearly labelled ie: "film name" Directors Cut or "film name" Extended Cut. If it is a theatrical release cut, it will just be the name of the film.

John Cranberry

Where is it labelled? The Good, the Bad and the Ugly run time is indicated if you click on the Find your own copy link so at least that is something to look at in the future, but there is nothing else like extended or DC in the title. I will have to look at the run time in the future. The Patriot had the same issue, because there are heaps of extended cuts online and Cassie viewed the Theatrical which I struggled to get.


+1 for Josey Wales and Open Range.

Larry Darrell

I wonder if she is aware Tuco was played by the same actor who played Arthur in the Holiday. Eli Wallach.


So I was rewatching this reaction again I heard Cassie mention that Angel Eyes looks like a cartoon fox. I thought in my head "Maybe a Ocelot?" I had a good chuckle. 👍