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Hey Guys! Well I can officially say I have watched The Godfathah now! This was another world for sure, it was different than I expected. The character arcs were baffling (in a good way) to watch and are there really "5 families"? I get it...maybe....I think....

I have to apologize for the sniffling, I am fighting a cold :/

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[Full Reaction] The Godfather (1972)


Clay F

Yeah, the justaposition of the baptism and the killings is stunning.

Clay F

GF and GFII are my top two movies of all time. The Shawshank Redemption is No. 3.

Cole Jennett

I skipped to the outtro right away. When did you get so good with the impressions?😂

Zane From Canada

50 years later and it is still regarded as a masterpiece. Glad you finally couldn't refuse it any longer. 😁 Do give The Godfather Part II a viewing at some point. You won't regret it, as I'm sure everyone on here has probably told you. 😁👌

Michael Lynch

Oh yes! Tomorrow night is going to be great. Some wine and some horse hea… I mean boars head cheese.


This is an offer I can't refuse

Tim Raths

Next up, The Godfather Part II. You can skip the third one.

Ian Cano

Should I stay up until midnight to watch this? I say do it!

Sean Novack

The novel is amazing, and is actually the basis for both films. It really is an incomplete story without #2. I can't believe that you didn't catch the fact that Talia Shire, who played Michael's sister Connie, is the same actress that played Adrian in "Rocky"!

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

There is so much behind the scenes stuff about this movie it's crazy, I think they recently made a movie about the making of this movie. Not sure. But, I do know some interesting fun facts. Funnest fact I think is that the cat that Marlon Brando is holding in the first scene was just a cat that supposedly wandered on set and Brando just made friends with it and included it. The movie is a family affair, Francis Ford Coppola directing, Talia Shire playing Connie (you remember her as Adrian from Rocky) is his sister, and his father, who was a composer, plays piano during the montage after they go to war, and his daughter, later director of "Lost In Translation" Sophia Coppola, was the baby being baptized. Btw, he wasn't in any of the Godfather films but Nick Cage's real name is Nick Coppola, he's a cousin. Francis Ford Coppola was a relatively new director at the time and had to fight constantly to be kept on the project, studio execs had no faith in him and didn't understand what he was doing, except for producer Bob Evans, who fought tooth and nail to keep Coppola on as director. Of course when the movie was a huge success they all had to eat crow. And it inspired, and opened the flood gates for a whole new generation of filmmakers. The movie had to have approval from the actual Mafia, and for this certain people had to be included, for one, the actor who plays Connie's husband Carlo, was connected to one of the actual Five Families. There are so many little factoids about this movie it would take too long to list, but check them out if you get a chance, pretty interesting little trivia.

Just Plain Bob

The Johnny Fontaine character was based on real life singer, and friend of the mafia, Frank Sinatra. The second film includes flashback scenes of the Corleone family’s rise to power which are taken directly from the book. The scenes featuring Michael in the second film were written specifically for the movie since Mario Puzo never wrote any direct sequels to The Godfather. This film is as faithful an adaptation of the book as I’ve ever seen and both the film and book deserve every bit of acclaim they’ve received.


I'm only an hour in but the suspense waiting for her to recognize Al Pacino, Talia Shire aka Adrian and James Caan from Misery is killing me haha

Patrick Flanagan

The Five Families are real, although they're not the same as the ones in these movies. In Mafia terms a family isn't an actual family but an independent crime syndicate comprised of crews (smaller gangs) paying tribute to a boss. Each crew is run by a captain, appointed by the boss. In most cities, there's only one family but NYC is kind of the Mafia capital of America and the Mafia presence in NYC, upstate New York, Connecticut and New Jersey is enough to support five families, plus NJ (the real-life inspiration for THE SOPRANOS tv show), Rhode Island and Philadelphia each have their own families. In theory, the boss of each family sits on "the Commission," the board of directors which is supposed to settle disputes, but the Commission members have not met in person in decades due to fear of informants and wiretaps. The real Five Families of New York are the Gambinos, the Genovese, the Bonannos, the Columbos and the Luccheses. The characters in GOODFELLAS played by Ray Liotta, Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci were associates (i.e. not sworn members) of the Lucchese family, working with a crew in Brooklyn.

Patrick Flanagan

Welllll there's a whole lot of really weird shit from the novel which was (wisely) cut from the movie.

Doug R

Still can't belive you did not recognize Adrienne

Doug R

Never heard her connect Talia Shire. I thought that was gonna be the easiest.


Wonderful reaction! You may also recognize Connie as Adrian from the Rocky series. In addition, she is the sister of Francis Ford Coppola.

Sean Stuart

Im through planning of restaurant hit and I haven’t heard any audio from Cassie since like maybe before Michael at hospital. Was she quietly reacting or is something wrong?

Ben Livingstone

Robert Duvall (Tom Hagen) was also Boo Radley in "To Kill a Mockingbird."


The Godfather mafia is totally different world to you they are criminals who kill people out of power,revenge and disagreements but to them......it was just business. Now you have to watch Part 2...and only Part 2 lol

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Now you definitely have to watch Part 2, it's one of the top three sequels of all time, with Aliens and Terminator 2, because it's arguably even better than the first movie. The Godfather Part Two is one of my top five.


It was 10pm and I was ready for bed when I decided to watch this. Cassie's impressions = 🤗❤️😅 Marlon Brando was Vito "Don" Corleone. Surprised Cassie didn't recognize him as Superman's father!! Also "Don" is a title, the equivalent to "boss". Like others have said: definitely watch Godfather 2. It will answer some of your questions on how Vito Corleone became powerful. It's kinda like a "prequel".


You definitely need to watch the limited series ‘The Offer’ on Paramount+, the fact that this film got made was a miracle and the ups and downs make it a fascinating watch. The nervous Luca Brasi character at the wedding was played by Lenny Montana who at the time was a member of the Colombo crime family, who were intimately involved in the production of the movie.


Cassie is such a terrific movie watcher. It's getting to the point where she's better at picking up story threads and following subtleties than most people I know anymore.

Stick Figure Studios

If you are at all interested to see the resolution to Michael"s character arc (whether he finds redemption or not), you have to watch the third one. Not as good as the first two, but still worth seeing for that alone.

Stick Figure Studios

They are making a movie about it but there was also a recent series on Paramount+ called THE OFFER.

nick bell

The cat on Don Vitos lap in the beginning had just wandered on to the set

Just Plain Bob

Yeah, I remember some anatomical references dealing with Sonny and one of his lovers and a secondary character being a pedophile. But I don’t remember anything of significance to the plot. Just dribs and drabs of odd character development of secondary characters.


Bro the stories around the making of this movie are ridiculous. lol. Paramount+ has a show: The Offer that is a whole dramatic series about just the making of this one film. A legendary movie has to have a crazy story behind it and the Godfather has volumes.


I really enjoy this movie. I’m a crime movie fan and happy you were finally able to see it. There is a lot going on so it can be tough to follow. Yes there are the five families and they are based in New York. They are part of the commission that regulates the mob activity, settles disputes stuff like that. The mafia still exists all over the country they just aren’t as powerful as they once were

nick bell

I watched 'The Offer'. Very entertaining. Not completely accurate but pretty close. It is surprising it ever got made.

Steve Holton

Creators based The Godfather (1972) archetype on Carlo Gambino, a mob boss whose penchant for stealth, a low profile, and careful intrigue helped him build a massive criminal empire and to survive long enough to die of natural causes. Many in politics and business relate to the film’s “Realpolitik" strategies of maintaining organizational power. Though media consultants often discourage clients from citing it as their favorite film in interviews. Probably to disassociate with the bullets and bombs, and possibly to avoid a viral Marlon Brando impression. This film and its sequels do foster a belief that those offering help or calling in sick may have sinister motives. Given the film’s popularity most gangsters have probably resolved never to offer help while also out sick since that would be especially sketchy. And would lead to being seated in a car directly in front of that guy who solves problems. Thanks for a great presentation and for hosting this masterpiece. Yes, you get impressive points for figuring out the plot with Carlo. But please remember the one who approaches you with a deal at the YouTube premier is the traitor. 😊


Francis Ford Coppola directed Dracula which has a reaction on the channel

Celeste McAllister

The local NYC crime syndicates didn't want "Mafia" in the dialog ,Coppola came up with "Family" and everyone is happy,it's all about the Family and loyalty to Don Vito Corleone..your first Marlon Brando movie were he portrayed the leading character, Cassie you couldn't have picked a better one,except for "On the Waterfront" no spoilers!

nick bell

I bet Quentin would've made an interesting Godfather movie. A little young at the time though.

Just Plain Bob

Absolutely love everything he’s been in and he doesn’t get enough credit even now. Would love to see a reaction to Dog Day Afternoon (I think Cassie would hate The Deer Hunter and The Conversation).

nick bell

Top sequels of all time..in no particular order Godfather 2 Aliens Empire Strikes Back Star Trek 2 Wrath of Khan The Road Warrior Terminator 2 Toy Story 2 The Dark Knight Some personal favorites Young Guns 2 Jaws 2 Lethal Weapon 2 Blade Runner 2049 Some bad ones Caddyshack 2 Speed 2

Keith Jones

Aghhhhhhhh! Out of country/no internet for next two weeks, been waiting for a year and half for this I guess I can wait two more weeks

Matt Rose

YES! Another fan of YOUNG GUNS 2! There are dozens of us! That aside, your list is great, even down to the personal favorites. I still think the first TERMINATOR is the best of the series but you can't deny that the increased budget and improved special effects technology really make T2 soar. I'd also add: EVIL DEAD 2 ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES SPIDER-MAN 2 TOP GUN: MAVERICK FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE

Jason Dolan

Batman Returns Superman II Die Hard 2 The Color of Money Incredibles 2

brooke atkins

Hahaha these comments are hilarious. They are all “omg I can’t believe Cassie didn’t recognize this person and that person. Lol I love your reactions Cassie but I have to admit you’re pretty bad at recognizing actors you’ve seen many times in different movies on the channel. Just playfully teasing you of course. So many times I’ll be watching a reaction and thinking how can she not recognize or remember this person from such and such movie?? You’re getting better Cassie but I’m pretty shocked you didn’t recognize anyone in this film you’ve seen many times before. Do you go back and recognize people later and say oh how did I miss that? 🤣🤣🎈 just curious? Can’t wait for Xmas movies coming soon!!! 🎄🎄

Philip Davetas

Ya know. I know I'm supposed to love these movies, but I don't. I think these flicks were one of those things where I just got into them way too late. SCARFACE and GOODFELLAS just got to me before the Coppola movies did. Which is weird because I grew up in a time where APOCALYPSE NOW was new.

Bill Bowman

The character of Johnny Fontaine was based on Frank Sinatra. The reaction of the girls, the way he sang with the microphone, and the voice that Sinatra lost were all part of the lore. It was not well known when the movie was made. The part that Johnny wants was based on Sinatra's comeback role in From Here To Eternity.

Stick Figure Studios

"Michael, you've changed! Who are you?" And that, Cassie, is the central question of this whole series. Who is Michael Corleone? What is his nature? What is he capable of? Why does he do what he does? Just how important is family to him? Is there redemption for him? Watching him discover the answers to these questions over the course of these three (yes, three) films is the impetus behind the drama and it is virtually Shakespearean in scale and emotion. "That's my family, Kay. That's not me." Isn't it, Michael? Isn't it? A fascinating character (beautifully played by Al Pacino) whose arc is extremely compelling to watch. As I've written previously, this is one of my favorite films... and not just because I'm a guy, but because it is truly one of the finest works of American cinema. I am so glad you got a chance to finally see it. If you find this world, these characters and Francis Ford Coppola's filmmaking/storytelling intriguing, I highly recommend continuing the saga with THE GODFATHER PART II. It is one of the best sequels of all time (with many hailing it as even superior to the first). It does such an excellent job continuing the story that it is practically the second half of one long movie. Ignore those telling you to skip the third one. Yes, it is easily the weakest of the trilogy, but it is still worth seeing.

Scott Macaulay

Oh boy! I've been waiting for this one! I have my evening planned!

Mike LL

I will always say that The Godfather Part III is worthwhile to watch. It is just the completion of a very fascinating story.

Mike LL

What I notice about all of the above lists of sequels is that The Godfather Part II is the oldest movie on all the lists. It was very rare, to put out a sequel that was as equal, or even better in quality, than the original. Both movies won Best Picture Oscars, a movie and its sequel had never done this before. (or since?) But to speak up for the old movies as I am wont to do the ones you guys have missed are The Bride of Frankenstein (and Cassie might have watched that on Halloween) Son of Kong


I was waiting for her to recognize Adrian from Rocky. She never did.

Bill Bowman

You were correct that Diane Keaton played Kay. It was her first major role outside of Woody Allen movies. But I think you missed one of your favorites. Talia Shire portrayed the young sister Connie. You love her in the Rosky movies as Adrian.


Three was always a good movie. I've never understood anyone who says it's bad. It's just inferior to the first two movies. It suffers because it comes on the heels of those, and came 16 years later. A lot of people blame Sofia Coppola's acting, but that's not why. It's just that the first two movies form one cohesive family story. The third one is a distant epilogue.


The problem with that show is so many of the surviving people that made The Godfather have come out and talked about how much dramatic license it's taken. So while part of the making of the Godfather was indeed a wild story, it's not as wild as "The Offer" makes it out to be. If anything though, it gives the proper historical framework and cultural framework around the making of the film. The rest of it is probably ego driven inventions by the film's producer, who no one really likes.

Steve Mercier

Al Patchouli has Cassie thinking up ways to kill people...that smelly bastard has corrupted our angel!

Odd Thomas

I totally get why it's so iconic, but personally I always preferred The Sopranos.

Sean Novack

I get it, but I think you already understand that there is no way The Sopranos gets made without The Godfather being done more than a quarter century before.

Mike LL

I agree that all three films are worth watching, and after an appropriate amount of time, it is virtually a must that she watch Part II, a true second half to this movie. I'm glad that Cassie kept up with all the plot points and developments, something that I couldn't do on my first watch, that's for sure. Cassie was engaged throughout, clearly looking for someone to root for, and was a little dejectedly resigned when she came to a realization that there is no traditional hero to root for in this movie. Maybe she had settled on being sympathetic to Kay by the final scene, there was no one else. I agree with Stick's comment that the drama in this movie was at a Shakespearean level. A marvelous film, deserving of all its Oscar wins. Too bad that Al Pacino, James Caan, and Robert Duvall were all nominated for Best Supporting Oscar, as all were deserving, and they split the vote so the win went to Joel Gray for CABARET. An argument could be made that Al Pacino's role was worthy of a Best Actor nomination next to winner Marlon Brando. And Marlon Brando's win for Best Actor was famous because he refused it! I remember watching that ceremony live and being shocked when Sacheen Littlefeather, an American Indian came on stage to announce Brando's refusal of the award because of America's treatment of native Americans, and just this year, on Littlefeather's death we learn she was not an American Indian after all! The musical score by Nino Rota was to die for, very haunting and memorable. It was nominated for an Oscar, then the nomination was withdrawn because it was discovered he had used part of the love theme for a previous movie, and the nomination was passed on to another film. Rota's score for The Godfather did win the BAFTA and Golden Globe musical score awards. Nino Rota did win the Oscar for his musical score for The Godfather Part II. Now on to the next Best Picture winner on Cassie's list, The Best Years of Our Lives, due in a day or two.

Henry Graham

My favourite part of this reaction has to be Cassie wrestling with the name Tattaglia - or is that Tailgater? Tantallia? Talligator?

Henry Graham

Dog Day Afternoon is my favourite Pacino performance - he's electric in that film. Given the fact that Cassie has told us how much she loves true stories and heist movies, I think it would be a winner.

Henry Graham

I have always thought that the end of Godfather II was the most satisfying resolution to Michael's character arc. One of the great final shots.

Alex Gorell

This might be an unpopular opinion but I never cared for this movie at all. Extremely overrated if you ask me.

Stick Figure Studios

Agreed. I mean, in his recent reedit of the film, Coppola literally calls it THE GODFATHER CODA (which I believe is what he wanted to call it the first time but the studio insisted on GODFATHER PART III).

Mingo Wayama

I respect the Godfather movies as great artistic achievements. But they were never big favorites of mine. I remember when a colleague of mine showed me the book, and said I had to read it. I just wasn't interested. It was in the early days of my law practice, and although criminal defense was only a small part of that practice, I found my criminal defendants to be sad and pathetic, not at all glamorous or Interesting. I think that's what turned me off of the Godfather story. I'm a huge fan of Breaking Bad, after all.

Uncle Phoenix

BOO!!! One and Three are the most historically accurate. They actually based Three on REAL historic events. (No spoilers, but Three is worth the watch.)

Uncle Phoenix

This movie is a lot deeper movie than you think. It’s like Lex Luthor laid it out, “Some people can read War And Peace, and think that it was just a simple adventure story; and some people can read a bubble gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.” — Superman


One of, if not the best movie ever made. Though Part 2 might be even better.

Richard Bourne

Sorry you had to suffer through this with a cold Cassie. Check your mailbox on Monday for a Vitamin C supplement. That was sent before I heard you had a cold, the intend was to make water easier to drink without adding a lot of sugar. One packet is a full tumbler per day, try it.

Richard Bourne

While you are hot off Godfather, it is a good time to watch Godfather II which will answer most of the questions you asked during the Godfather reaction.

Matt Rose

Speaking of which, I think Cassie would dig THE THIN MAN. That's a very fun little romp.

Robert da Spruce

Cassie trying to pronounce Italian names might be my new favorite thing! 😂 Still can’t believe you didn’t recognize Talia Shire. “Yo Adrian!” Great reaction Cassie! You should definitely watch Part 2. It’s one of those sequels that’s arguably better than the original. Like Terminator 2, or Top Gun Maverick.

Collar City Guy

Cassie :I'm not sure if you caught this but just in case you didn't Connie Corleone was played by Talia Shire who was Adrian in Rocky, and is the director Francis Ford Coppola's sister in real life.

Bill Hayden

The Johnny Fontaine character was based on Frank Sinatra. And, I think that the band leader was Tommy Dorsey. As soon as you said, "that's a pretty horse" I just started shaking my head... Thank you for this great reaction. Perfect as always. Oh, and you can eat popcorn, fidget, scratch, pop knuckles, or pop bubble wrap if you want. It's your world, and thanks for letting us into it.

Cole Jennett

I was happy when she recognized Diane Keaton. I know how much she loves The Family Stone, especially this time of year.

Cole Jennett

I feel the same way, but then remember that she’s only had one viewing of each of the movies she’s seen on the channel. It’s a lot easier for us I think.

Cole Jennett

She really beats herself up over that type of stuff it seems. She’s really very good at it imo


Hey Cassie, that was Al (Scent of a Woman) Pacino who played Michael Corleone. It was his beak out role. I know other people mentioned Adrian from Rocky, James Caan from Misery and the TV show Las Vegas as Sonny, Marlon Brando. But another actor who you just saw was the writer from The Natural (Robert Duvall) who played Tom Hagen (Don Corleone’s consigliere.) It’s understandable that you don’t recognize these actors considering this movie was made 50 years ago! 🍿

brooke atkins

Totally true, I guess it’s just weird for me cause I grew up with most of these actors. So I’m always shocked when someone doesn’t know or recognize a world famous movie star. Just a different world to me than what I grew up with. Cassie you are getting better though and you know it’s just good natured teasing. I truly enjoy these reactions.

Rick Williams

Yes, Cassie. You get points for figuring it out.. Thanks for taking me back to an old classic. Great reaction. You did great following the story. It can be confusing following the story and keeping track of all the names and people involved. It was hard for me the first time I saw it.

Larry Darrell

Michael: My Father’s no different than any other powerful man. Any man who’s, responsible for other people…. Like a Senator or a President. Kay: You know how naive you sound? Michael: Why? Kay: Senators and Presidents don’t have men killed. Michael: Oh. Who’s being naive Kay? ——————————— There are many reasons to watch The Godfather. However, if this film does nothing else for the viewer, but give a little insight into the world we live in, then that is the only reason one needs to see this film.


The whole subplot with Sonny's anatomy being so large and his mistress needing plastic surgery so she could enjoy being with men after he died was just plain weird... because it just goes on and on. The rest of the book is sterling, however. Just amazing passages of description. It would never be published today, though. A modern editor would completely cut that entire subplot and tell Puzo to rewrite large swathes of text in order to not be so wordy.

Mike Carew

First person I have ever seen not laugh at "leave the gun; take the cannoli." You asked why nobody told Michael about Vito getting shot and he had to find out in the papers - in was the 1940s, nobody had cellphones and so him seeing it as headline in the evening edition paper (back then papers came out twice a day) is pretty fast. Tom was on the family's side when he was urging Sonny not to go the mattresses (go to war) - as it would lead to bad consequences - note Sonny is now Swiss cheese and Vito struck a truce as soon as he was well enough. Re: the 5 families: yes, at least when I grew up in NY, the 5 families were the Gambinos, Luccheses, Genoveses, Bonnanos, and Colombos. Your italian pronunciations are very...Canadian. ;-) As others have said Godfather II is even better (shows Vito as a young immigrant and how he turns to organized crime to save his family with a young Tessio and Clemenza and Michael's move to Nevada and how he has gone so deep into organized crime it destroys his family). The series is very much about a good man gone bad and how he tried to redeem himself and save his family in this organized crime world.


I was waiting to see if Cassie would realize Connie was Adrian from Rocky, but she never did.


For me, it's a story about the American dream and how it played out for many first generation immigrants. People forget that, in the past, almost every class of American, regardless of ethnicity, creed or politics, has gotten it up the a** at one point or another.

Alex Villarreal

All worth it to hear Cassie say "Tattaglia" a couple of times.

Gábor Árki

I have a very weird relationship with these movies. First time I've seen them was in my late teens just when I got into movies and I felt "okay, seen it, done that". But wasn't really that impressed by them to be honest. Yet ever since I'm drawn to watching this trilogy every 6-8 years. As I matured I always appreciated them more and more. They are still not among my favorites, but on a very unique place between liking them and appreciating them. I most certainly would not consider them "guy movies" though. Partly, because they are my mother's favorites. She is watching them every few years. Unlike other 'mob' movies like Goodfellas, Casino, Scarface, etc. these are more like a Shakespearean family drama with a mob setting. Also, this is why I thought it would be a better fit for Cassie compared to the other 'mob' movies. Although I didn't get a clear answer to that based on the reaction, I'm still thinking/hoping this was the case. Cassie, as others mentioned already, The Godfather: Part II will answer lot of your questions about the Corleone family. If that's any incentive, it is starring a young Robert De Niro (Heat) too.😉Also, if you are interested in how Michael's story arc is closing, I also recommend watching The Godfather Part III. The movie tends to get a bad rep, but it is only a weaker entry comparing with the first two. Still a good movie though.


Some would say that the Godfather II was even better than the first.

Larry Darrell

The reason we weren’t given subtitles during the restaurant meeting, was because ultimately it didn’t matter what they were saying.

Terry Yelmene

Cassie doing THE Classic. Don't worry that you don't sound like Marlon Brando as an old Mob Boss Cassie. You're much too sweet for that!

Wes Stewart

Don Corleone reminds me of my grandfather. He was quiet-spoken, and gave that aura of strength and stability, and he’d also chase me around the garden much to my delight.

Richard Maurer

Hopefully that's where the resemblance between your grandfather and Don Corleone ends.


One of the few movies where the sequel is just as good as the original. Both are must watches whenever they are on.

Mr. Killeverything

Glorious Reaction, been waiting for this forever now. Honestly, I would recommend that you do Part 2 and 3 sooner rather than later. You got to see Character Development, now you'll see some Character Analyst, as well as compare and contrast on these characters. I don't want to say too much and not spoil anything, other than The Godfather Part 2 is my all time favorite movie and I believe is the best out of the 3 movies.


I kept waiting for you to recognize Adrian from Rocky as Connie Corleone. Carlo was her husband.

Philip Alan

click click clickity click. No more items in your hand while you're nervous!! hahaha! Great reaction!

Raj K. Dixit

Truly one of the greatest films of all time!

Will C

Is this your first Brando movie? If so we gotta fix that. Brando poll?!

David Martin

"20 or 30 grand, in that little silk purse." $20,000 - $30,000 in 1945 is about $300,000 - $460,000 today!

David Martin

The original disks have a boatload of subtitles. Depending on where you got the movie from, a lot of sources don't bother (lazy). You can check before you stream or download, always a good decision.


Part II is a must see. Part III is more like an epilogue.

Connor P



"How did these families get so powerful?" Part II will answer your question. It's the best one.

China Andronicus

Tom Hagen is my favorite character and for the majority of the film I thought you didn't like him with all the "whose side are you on" comments and I was so sad! Guinea is a racist insult for Italians. As a Sicilian I am all too aware of this after stories from my dad.

Keith Jones

Ha! was in South Africa on Safari, but just finished the movie and Cassie didn't disappoint!

James M (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 06:18:30 ADRIAN!!! The sequel is sooooo gooood!
2022-12-06 03:39:35 ADRIAN!!! The sequel is sooooo gooood!

ADRIAN!!! The sequel is sooooo gooood!

samuel Jakob

Really liked this reaction, the baptism scene and the whole ending are just a masterpiece in cinematoraphy, just the pastor/michael speech together with the killings is so well made. Well have a great day yall! btw. really hope for a reaction to godfather 2 its amazing and gives some insight into vitos (the og don) past.