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So this is the first movie on the channel that I had already seen and Carly hadn't, although I watched 10+ years ago... It was even better the second time! I forgot about some of the iconic lines that this movie produced. Sports + Romcom... can't be beat! I won't spoil Carly's reaction here so you'll have to watch and find out!

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[Full Reaction] Jerry Maguire (1996)


China Andronicus

This is one of the great feel-good movies with some phenomenal performances. Whenever I'm having a particularly rough day it becomes a Dicky Fox Day with that particular quote of his in mind ("this is going to be a great day") and telling myself things will turn around. It's a helpful attitude.

Clay F

Eric Stolz had a small part early in the movie. Eric Stoltz also was Lance in Pulp Fiction who sold Vincent the heroin and had the adrenaline shot for Mia.

Brian McGovern

I think she is gonnna lurv it

Brian McGovern

There is something about movies from Tri Star. It happened with In The Line of Fire. You sync them perfectly then within a few minutes, the version I am watching is about 5 seconds ahead of the reaction. Makes watching along with the reaction frustrating. I know Cassie cannot do anything about it, but does this happen to anyone else?

Joseph M Sica

This movie is a great one!

James UK

Sports + Romcom. Must be Tin Cup next!?

Richard Bourne

That is the biggest padded headboard I have ever seen.

Brian McGovern

Cassie. Cameron Crowe, the writer, director, also did another of your favourite reactions, Almost Famous.

Allen Bond

This movie is 26 years old


Hearing his girlfriend say "I did the 26h trip to El Capitan" made me remember this great movie "Free Solo". Did you watch it? else it would be a realy nice addition to your library here! Its a climbing documentary, google it, its awesome and unique!


I'm halfway through the reaction. I'd forgotten how truly amazing this movie is. Beautiful cinematography, and you could tell that Cameron Crowe was bursting with ideas. Every scene has so many rapid-fire jokes and layers to the character interactions. I just wanted to clarify that the Clarence Thomas reference that Cruise makes after he gropes Renee is about the Supreme Court judge (who is still a Supreme Court judge) who was accused of sexually harassing an underling, Anita Hill. It was a huge news story back in the day.


Cassie, you'll remember the director (and writer) Cameron Crowe as writer/director of Almost Famous and also Say Anything (among others). He definitely has a way with writing complicated relationships. Great reaction as always.


Is it possibly the pal/ntsc or whatever problem? sometimes its 25 frames per second versus 30frames per second. a 5% speed adjustment in your player can do the trick

Robert da Spruce

CPPOTM!!! “Show me the reaction”!!! 😂


Haven’t seen this movie in forever as well, now kind of want to watch it again

Martin Skouboe

Certainly going to watch this but with 11 days having passed since the first episodes of Queen's Gambit being posted and me naively hoping for new episodes since Monday, I can feel my mind starting to slowly slip into madness. Going into the weekend with Queen's Gambit listed first in Thanksgiving update my hope was renewed only to be crushed anew with every upload since. Well played, Cassie! Well played :)

nick bell

A few other earlier Tom Cruise roles that should be viewed... The Outsiders Risky Business Taps Born on The Fourth of July Rain Man The Color of Money You can appreciate his acting chops before he got a little older and went all action ( God bless him ). P.S......sorry, not a Magnolia fan.


Hi Cassie, I haven’t seen this movie in a very long time, but I did remember that Rod got hit in the end zone and all the media wanted him and they showed real famous athletes shaking hands with Jerry McGuire. Back then when the movie came out they were at the height of their careers. I also remembered that scene when Jerry comes home and declares his love for Dorothy in front of the women’s club and of course “Show Me The Money” Cuba Gooding Jr won a Supporting Actor Academy Award for the movie. I think you mentioned that you recognized him, he was in A Few Good Men with Tom Cruise. The actress who played Jerry’s fiancé Avery, is Kelly Preston. She was John Travolta’s wife who passed away from cancer a couple years ago. You will see her again in For Love Of The Game. She was also in a movie called What A Girl Wants playing Amanda Bynes mom. Others have also mentioned that she was very young in the movie Christine as a high schooler. She was also in a movie called Jack Frost. The actor who played “Cush” the football player who left Jerry McGuire the night before the draft is Jerry O’Connell, he played Vern, the chubby boy in Stand By Me which was one of your early reactions on the channel. The man who played his father who said that his handshake is his word was played by Beau Bridges. He is the brother of Jeff Bridges (The Big Lebowski) The actress who played Dorothy’s sister Laurel, is Bonnie Hunt from Cheaper By The Dozen, Jumanji, Rain Man and she played Tom Hanks wife in The Green Mile.

nick bell

The agent Jerry is introduced to backstage at the end of the movie is Leigh Steinberg, a famous sports agent. The character of Jerry Maguire is loosely based on him.


Jerry McGuire is a good one, but the premise was difficult from the start. In order for this romantic [comedy] to work it had to be perfectly executed, but it wasn’t. The writers were trying to draw a large number of parallels that was too ungainly to resolve in 1 hour 40 minutes. Is the movie about Jerry and Rod Tidwell or is it about Jerry and Dorothy? I thought it would have worked better if they reversed the sequence of events by having Jerry and Dorothy leave the large, impersonal agency at the end, rather than the beginning. Coincide that with them both needing less lies and more truth - about everything. Less Rod Tidwell and more focus on Jerry wanting a family and doing what his father (not his mentor) told him about appreciating personal relationships. The kid was great, but those were all precious moments of film where Jerry and Dorothy are not on screen together - and I felt that in the theater. “What are they going to do with all of this unspoken, side character exposition?” I remember still feeling awkward about Jerry coming back to Dorothy after a successful business night (instead of any other night) and it did not feel compelling despite (Yep, Carly) this being where “You Complete Me” comes from. It’s a great line, but is oddly the only nice thing he says about her in the whole movie. Sorry, had a lot to say about this one. lol

Jason Dolan

I think Renee Zelwegger was younger than this movie when she made it


While I do wish Cruise was doing more varied genres like he did earlier in his career, I think he's still doing some fine acting in his action movies. Aside from the first two MI movies, there are layers of emotion and nuance thrown in there. (I'm including movies such as "Collateral," "Edge of Tomorrow" and "Minority Report.")

Steven Ashford

Hey Cassie, I was so excited when I saw that this was Carly’s pick. This is the movie my wife and I went to watch on our first date February 1997. This movie is dear to me for that reason. To this day, my wife and I still reference that movie.

Odd Thomas

The other Cameron Crowe/Tom Cruise movie, which personally I think is wayyy better, is Vanilla Sky. Cameron Diaz is in it and it's a love story so right up your street!

nick bell

Still love him as an actor, just pointing out the action genre is what he rolls with now. Much different from his 80s and 90s roles. But still very entertaining.


I've only seen that one once but have always meant to watch it again. I remember liking it a lot and thought it had a good ending. Like you said- it's a romance and plus it has Tom Cruise so Cassie is likely to enjoy it.

Robert da Spruce

Wonderful reaction ladies! I’m glad Carly got to choose a movie after all this time. I thought she made a great choice. The director, Cameron Crowe, also wrote and directed another movie you two reacted to. Almost Famous. I agree with all the things you two said you liked about the film during the outro. I will add one more thing though. I enjoyed the relationship between the two sisters. Kinda reminded me of you and Carly’s relationship. 😀

Mike LL

It's getting to be when I see Tom Cruise in a movie, I expect to be seeing Cassie and Carly, too. Keep them coming, Ladies. Love to see it!

Michael Lynch

The other big movie with Cuba Gooding Junior is men of honor. It’s an incredible movie and should not be missed.

Matt Rose

If you really want to see Tom in something different, do COLLATERAL. He gets to play the 'bad guy' in it and he does an excellent job. Great thriller, you'd dig it.

Tyler Foster

I synched it to an American disc, so if Brian is in the UK that will explain it.

Brian McGovern

Synced from a streaming service in Australia called Binge. Only seems to occur with Tri Star titles,or possibly Columbia as well.

Uncle Phoenix

Wow. Loved that reaction video. Idk why, but a good reaction video can make a movie new to me. That doesn’t make sense, but it just feels like a new movie to me, because I know how Cassie and Carly enjoyed it. (Still sounds stupid in my head. Just loved it.)

Terry Yelmene

Ah... the angst of Jerry Maguire... if Cassie and Carly are reacting to this classic... the "Hello" is all any of us will need... PiB Quan! Great pick Carly!

Wes Stewart

I’m sure there was a campaign to build a Pyramid out of VHS copies of Jerry Maguire. I think it did pretty well too.

Anthony Oberhauser

Men of Honor w/ Cuba Gooding, Jr and Robert De Niro excellent movie.

'Pappy' Johnston

Sorry, folks RESPECTFULLY to all, I NEVER....EVER, EVER, EVER....was a fan of this flick. WAY to sappy for my taste I guess. To each there own, but there, I said it. Don't hate me just 'cause I'm beautiful! LOL (P.S. But any reaction from the Ladies is fun to watch!) 👍🏻😁

Jyn Jilly

Hey Cassie, have you ever seen "Love and Other Drugs"? With Jake Gyllenheel and Anne Hathaway? Or "Silver Linings Playbook"? As a dude who has a soft spot for Rom-coms, those are great recent ones.

Brian Harris

Ever wonder what happened to these characters? Check out the link. https://youtu.be/z70aFTZCv0U

Jeff Milcheck

Cameron Crowe’s amazing! After Almost Famous, he cemented himself as a great filmmaker. Vanilla Sky and Elizabethtown are both super under-appreciated…

Shawn Kildal

A couple of other big Cuba Gooding Jr roles are As Good as It Gets with Jack Nicholson and The People vs OJ Simpson with John Travolta. His breakout role was Boyz n the Hood which would be a great choice for Black History Month btw.

Stick Figure Studios

You were wondering what year this came out? 1996, baby. The same year as the first MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE. That was a good year for Cruise. Also, the other Cameron Crowe movies you've watched are ALMOST FAMOUS and SAY ANYTHING (the latter of which has a scene virtually identical to the one in this film where Cruise is happily singing along with the radio as he's driving away from having just received some good news... only in that one it's John Mahoney).

Odd Thomas

Cruise at his couch-jumping, se grin worst imo. Then came his best work: Magnolia, Vanilla Sky, the Mission Impossibles, Edge of Tomorrow...

James Leet

As other people have mentioned, you might have recognized Cuba Gooding Jr from A Few Good Men, but if you would like to see him in leading role, I would highly recommend Men of Honor (which also stars Robert De Niro).

CarSVernon .

I think it's.. fine. One of those movies that isn't bad but just utterly forgettable once it's over.

Rick Williams

Great reaction Cassie and Carly. Cassie, I loved when you couldn't remember how it ends and you and Carly were stressing that it may not be a happy ending. Thanks for bring me another great movie to watch again. I enjoy watching these reactions.


Days of thunder is another sport +Romcom with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Havent seen it in ages but its a good one and definitely worth consider watching with Carly if u havent seen it before.

Cole Jennett

2 of my fantasy football team names I rotate through come from this movie. The Ambassadors of Quan, and Shopliftin’ the Pooty😂

Joe M

I saw this movie in the theater back in early 97. And up until Magnolia, I thought this was Tom Cruise’s best performance. Magnolia is his best work in my opinion. And he was just a supporting character in that movie. But I stand by my opinion, Magnolia is his best performance. And people can argue with me about it. I welcome it. This one however I’m sorry to say didn’t age well. Cuba Gooding Jr won the Oscar for best supporting actor that year. And he was up against William H Macy in Fargo. And now years later I think it should have gone to William H Macy. I would put his Mission Impossible character of Ethan Hunt and his role as Jack Reacher, plus his awesome cameo in Tropic Thunder above Jerry Maguire. Needless to say, I’ll e skipping this reaction. 😕😕😕

Aaron Hawkins

Cameron Crowe, the writer/director of this film, actually wrote Jerry's mission statement in full. Here is passage from the mission statement: "We are at a point of neutrality. We are all, right now, neutral. Neutral, as in not black or white. Not bad or good. Even. Neutral. Even in my own life, after 35 years, I feel that I have never done that one thing, that noble thing that defines a life. I have yet to be truly tested. I have not gone to India or anywhere else truly special to explore my life. I haven't gotten married or fathered a child. I have not been in a major car accident, I haven’t started a war and I haven’t stopped a war. I am neutral. I have broken even with my life. To be fair, I have a pretty good life. But I have not taken that step, or risk, that makes the air I have breathed for 35 years worthwhile."

Jeff Milcheck

Oh man! Great reaction! the best moment was near the end when Jerry said “I’m looking for my wife!” And Cassie and Carly simultaneously pushed themselves off their seat because they were so into what was coming next… that was an all time great “popcorn in bed” moment! You’re on the Cameron Crowe train now. You’ve enjoyed Say Anything , Almost Famous and now this… please check out Vanilla Sky and Elizabethtown in the near future!

Jeff Milcheck

Cuba Gooding Jr’s Oscar speech for his win is still my all-time favorite Oscar speech ever! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnCMqr1QRQw


I remember when this first came out in theaters. Bruce Springsteen did the song for this movie, and when it was played on radio stations, someone created a mix of the song which included actual dialogue from the film, including the part where Renee Zelleweger says “You had me at Hello”. It became a very popular version of the song that was played very often on the radio.

Matt Mabry

Yes indeed. My dad met Carl while stationed in Key West. He told me Cuba gave a spot on performance if the man he met. That movie still inspires me to this day.

Matt Mabry

You had me at Hello ladies. Always a pleasure seeing your reactions. I still love my wife after all the years we have been apart. The living room scene brings out so many reactions and now more than ever. I know you have enjoyed the sting with Redford and Newman. Tom did a great movie with Newman called the Color of Money. Another sports / romance movie I think both of you would enjoy., Once again, my sincere thanks to both of you.


Rain Man is another of my favorite Tom Cruise movies! This should be audibled into play as well! (I forgot she was in this movie until you mentioned it… yes, a very small role, but I do remember now!)