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I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Mine was low key and that was great and then I have been on a movie watching spree 6 nights in a row! Carly and I finished the first LOTR and i’m on a high from it! I want to tell you my thoughts on what is was like watching it again with hindsight this time and all but you’ll have to wait for the video 😜 I’m hosting our book club this month, which is one of my favorite days of each month, so i’ll be doing a lot of cooking and silly things like tying wreaths onto most surfaces of the house :)

Christmas Movie Poll coming up tomorrow as well, can’t wait, does it feel extra christmas-y extra early this year too? I already know I will be watching Miracle on 34th Street, Die Hard 2 and While you Were Sleeping but there will still be great ones on the poll!

THANKS honey BUNCHES of oats!





Awe yeah! Some 300!

Jason Dolan

Oh nice been wanting to watch my extended LOTR

Ronnie Brackett

Need more info on book club , that would be amazing!!!

Movies Rule

Hope you're doing great the holidays are such a sad time in recent years


It would be really hilarious if you deliberately skipped Episode 5 of Queen's Gambit, but I assume you've just made an oversight.




meet me in St Louis for a classic Christmas movie, 8 bit Christmas for a new holiday gem

'Pappy' Johnston

I still say add 'The Long Kiss Goodnight', at least to the poll it's an action/intrigue movie centered around Christmas TIME. Win/Win! 👍🏻😁


For your consideration for the Christmas Poll: TRADING PLACES (1983- Dan Ackroyd, Eddie Murphy, Jamie Lee Curtis) and THE FAMILY MAN (2000- Nicolas Cage, Téa Leoni, Jeremy Piven and Don Cheadle)

David Freese

Sounds like you went ahead first into watching movies when you got home. Can't wait for LOTR w/Carly and see the different perspectives. Hope you have a great week and Christmas in exactly 4 weeks. Is LOTR going to be theater or extended so I know what copy I need? Thank you.


In the name of the father…true story, I know you will love it!!

David Freese

@alonso torres 3,4 ,and 5 will be out on Patreon sometime in the next few hours if she keeps her schedule.

Robert Haynes

You got Carly to watch Fellowship! Thats so exciting, I can't wait!

Phil Stubblefield

LOTR with Carly?!? I am *so* excited! I can't wait to see her initial reactions as well as your observations upon a second viewing. :)


Her post on YT said they watched the extended edition.

Ronny Boss

do you have any suggestions for someone looking for a good read? I just finished a series and looking for the next one.

David Freese

@Aaron yes it says the same on the post here but there was talk of theater version for Carly so I was just looking for clarification. P. S. Just saw the second post on YouTube and saw what you meant. I appreciate the information.

Jonathan Hall

It's going to be a great month!

Richard Bourne

Ah yes, back when the GI Joe Action figure had the kong fu grip. That also reminds me to get some frozen concentrated orange juice.

thomas king

Elf and A Christmas Story are musts. White Christmas, Fred Claus and Bad Santa. March of the Wooden Soldiers

Brian McGovern

Die Hard 2? I thought you both agreed that Die Hard was not a Christmas movie.

Richard Bourne

War! War! War! .... that's the only translation for their chant I found, but that is surely what they are saying.

Eric Wallace

All I want is that Carly Lord of the Rings watch


I've had an itch to rewatch LOTR lately, so this is perfect

Chris W

You got Carly to watch LOTR!? Hype!

Richard Bourne

300: "Come back with your shield, or on it"

Stick Figure Studios

This should be an interesting week. Curious to see your reaction to 300. Really looking forward to seeing what Carly thought of FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING. So glad that you ended up watching the Extended Edition. I'm guessing that means it's the EE's from here on out.

Wesley White

SWEETNESS!!!! believe it or not, as I'm typing this, I just finished watching your first-time full length reaction to Fellowship of the Ring, that was my first time ever watching the full length, I've always watched your YT edits up to this point lol! gosh I cannot wait to see how your sister Carly reacts to it, that's gonna be so hilarious and awesome! I totally hope though that you both watched the Extended Editions and from here on out, if you can handle watching these long movies, so can Carly I'm sure lol! can't wait for that and 300, you may recognize an actor in 300 that was in LOTR, he played Faramir! much love and support, glad you had a low-key yet wonderful Thanksgiving, stay classy Cassie lol!🥰😁😉👍

Zane From Canada

Good on you for viewing the Extended Versions! 👍 I always love it when there's a Extended Edition, Director's Cut, Special Edition or Unrated Version available. Anything with additional scenes. Some great examples: The Snyder Cut of Justice League, Once Upon A Time In America, Lethal Weapon 1,2 and 3. Many of James Cameron's films (Aliens, The Abyss, Terminator 2, Avatar). Many of Ridley Scott's films (Alien, Blade Runner, Kingdom Of Heaven, American Gangster, The Martian) There's definitely opportunity here for future reactions and revists. 👍😁👍

Richard Maurer

I'm glad you watched the extendeds, I hope Carly enjoyed it.

Victoria Cousins

Ahhhh SOO excited for Carly's reaction to LOTR. So happy its the extended, they just leave too much out with the theatrical versions story wise, particularly with Faramir, who is my fav character in the books :) The timing of this couldn't be any better, it's something i can watch with my twin who is currently recovering from surgery. I hope Carly will watch While You Were Sleeping with you, its one of my mums and our favourite movies to watch during the christmas season. By the way just want to say love all your content especially with Carly as it reminds me of watching movies with my own sisters.

William Bryan

Just an FYI after seeing the first one, Die Hard 2 is gonna disappoint. js

David Crabtree

Very excited for Die Hard 2 and Miracle on 34th Street!

nick bell

Die Hard 2 was disappointing in my opinion. But part 3, Die Hard With a Vengeance, was very entertaining. Almost as good as the first.

nick bell

Also 29th Street with Danny Aiello is an often overlooked great Christmassy vibe movie. And a true story.

Kristin Carter

I've been a long time YouTube watcher, but just joined Patreon for you and Carly watching LOTR 😊


Heading for Kauai for the winter, now I have to find some room in my carry-on for the LOTR DVD's

Brent Petty

Kingdom of Heaven Director's Cut is AMAZING. So much better than the theatrical version.

Larry Darrell

Cool, Cool, Cool. I just spent the first three weekends of November finally watching your Lord of the Rings reactions and have no problem starting over. They were never my favorite films, but with every viewing, they seem to be climbing the ladder. I’ve always enjoyed them, and they are films you definitely need to watch more than once. Die Hard 2 will be fun. It’s more of the same “Christmas Action,” but Die Hard with a Vengeance (third film) changes things up a bit, and is a great summer film. Miracle on 34th Street (1947) and While You Were Sleeping are must watches every Christmas for myself. Really Looking Forward for those. Also, I had been saving the Rocky movies for Thanksgiving weekend. Holy Cow, that was Awesome. Watching you finally get to see Rocky and Adrian’s romance was something very special. Thank you so much for that. Really glad you and Carly liked them.

Paul Stelter

Will THE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER (1940) be on the poll? It not only stars Jimmy Stewart but it's the movie which was remade decades later as YOU'VE GOT MAIL.

Rainbow Dash

Sounds like there’s going to be some terrific reactions this holiday! But I could have sworn you said you already saw “While you were Sleeping”. Either way it’ll be fun!

John Casamassa

Can't wait for the LOTR reaction!!!

Odd Thomas

Not too late to watch Highlander instead

Scott Macaulay

Shucks I wish I could stay but I was fired from my job and have to cancel all subs for now. So sorry, but I will be back when things are better. God bless.


Haha you were definitely pulling for the extended cuts. While I was totally on board with the theatrical cuts I too am glad this is the direction they went.

Tim Raths

So are the Lord of the Rings reactions with Carly going to be split into separate YT videos like the original reactions or will it all be one video like the combined YT edits?

Matt Gwinn

I Love While You Were Sleeping!,

Ronny Boss

Just finished Joe Abercrombie's First Law series those are great fantasy books.

Richard Maurer

Yeah, I'm really hoping Carly liked it so I don't end up looking like a fool for pushing so hard.


And remade in between as In the Good Old Summer Time. I enjoyed all of them

Matt Rose

Gotta add THE REF and KISS KISS BANG BANG to your poll. Boy will you laugh if you do those two.


Somebody needs to get the ball rolling on recommending to her the Chronicles of Narnia movies. For many reasons I think both Cassie and Carly would like them just as much as Lord of the Rings. Hope y'all see this and look into the movies! The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, as well as Prince Caspian are really good movies, IMO, whilst Voyage of the Dawn Treader is fun, but definitely lacking a bit compared to the other two

Colin Gutierrez

I keep forgetting to recommend Tron and Tron Legacy.

Colin Gutierrez

Oh and I can't wait for Carly to see Lord of the Rings!

tiny baby kitty man

Stoked for Die Hard 2. Keep in mind though that Die Hard 3 (which is awesome, maybe even the best of the series) takes place in the middle of summer, so you don't need to wait until the holidays next year to watch it!

Gilbert Gonzalez

I just thought of a good recommendation, seeing as you and Carly have been enjoying quite a few Tom Cruise movies lol The two of you should watch Collateral (2004), it would be fun seeing you two react to Tom Cruise playing a more villainous role lol It’s also directed by Micheal Mann, who directed Heat, which I know you have watched.

Shawn Kildal

Hoping Holiday Inn gets to be in the Christmas poll. The song "White Christmas" made it's debut on it which I believe is the best selling song of all time with around 50 million copies

Uncle Phoenix

I am so MOTIVATED for 300. (Pumped Emoji)


For some reason, I thought that about While You Were Sleeping too. Such a "tender" movie. Love it!

Terry Wood

Holiday Inn is fun movie with a Christmas and show biz theme. I’d love see you reaction to it. Here’s a link to a scene https://youtu.be/GJ36gbGlm8Y

Kelly Marie

Both are great movies but the sequel with Garrett Hedlund & the Daft Punk soundtrack, yes please!!! ☺️

John Drake

Bear in mind that 300 is based on a Frank Miller graphic novel (i.e. comic book) that takes the battle of thermopylae and introduces highly stylized and fictional fantasy elements. So don't get too confused when you see trolls and giants etc.