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Holy cow I am obsessed with this show, how does SO much happen in 3 episodes? How is chess so hand-sweat inducing? How can I not watch the last two right now!? Seriously it is just fantastic in every way for me!

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[Full Reaction] The Queen's Gambit EP 3-5


Justin (CaptainProton)

I realize this came out months ago and this comment will probably never be seen but having recently watched your reaction I had to highlight this quote of yours after Beltik stalled his car. "Happens to the best of us, Beltik. Sometimes sixteen times in a row. And you give up and start crying and someone from off the street has to come pull your car over for you. Because you're in the middle of the intersection." I remember learning to drive stick and I feel your pain. This was an incredible series in so many ways and well deserving of all the praise it has received. The way it made chess even more intriguing, the on point period look, the music, the acting , all so well done! Wonderful reaction as always!

Clay F

"You can do that?" Yes, that's called castling. "Are they going to trade rooks?" Good one. As you may know, Beth and Benny tied (co-champions) at the US Open b/c two draws (which Benny had) is equal to one loss (which Beth had). "two sides of the same coin" Chess is still big in the world. Some of the top chess players are celebrities, at least among the chess crowd. Beth in Mexico City: "I didn't expect it. No one really plays it." Borgov as white beat Beth w/the Rossolimo (an obscure white response to the black Sicilian) developed by the Russian Nicolas Rossolimo. In 1980, I played the Rossolimo (still obscure then) to win a regional high school championship in southeast Texas. I got the Rossolimo from Modern Chess Openings -- a later edition of the same book that Shaibel gave Beth in the orphanage. (BTW, I had to hitchhike 40 miles to get to the tournament.) We went to Mexico City on vacation in July 2022. 8 days. Awesome. We had a great time. Good for you recognizing Borgov at the zoo. Those are not bodyguards, but KGB to keep Borgov from defecting (i.e., seeking asylum in a western country). Beth's stepmom looked happy when playing the piano in the lounge. Then, she dies. Sad. You asked about a single person getting recognition for a move -- you were thinking that likely the move had already been made before by someone else. Once you get past move 10 or so in an opening variation, there are a zillion moves (permutations) [nonlinear = exponential] along the way -- and only a fraction of the moves have been recorded in literature and demonstrated as a viable move (subvariation) of that opening. So historically (e.g., in tournament play), someone could make a viable previously un-recorded move (demonstrated as a good move) in a given variation (subvariation) of a chess opening (often midway or late in the opening) and thus be known for that move. When grandmasters play, it is often noted when (at what move) the game deviates from known recorded variations of the opening.

Brad Lowry

Not sure whether you read comments this long after you watch, but if you happen to... I know you watched "Searching for Bobby Fischer" about the little boy chess prodigy... Great Film -- stunning cast too! Well the old crusty chess tutor that was played by Ben Kingsley, the character's name was "Bruce Pandolfini" and he is a Real Person and, I just looked it up, he also got a Special Thanks from the "Searching for Bobby Fischer" folks (I swear I read somewhere that he consulted too) and the real guy was an extra (maybe opponent) in the Washington Square Park scenes. Turns out he was a Special Consultant for "Queens Gambit", presumably for chess expertise. Thought you'd enjoy that fun tidbit.

Brad Lowry

Much like Leslie Caron in the 1953 "Lili"... it was my first ever "Artsy-Fartsy" film that my mom took us kids to when I was like six years old. I loved it as a Puppet Movie, but later I learned that it was much more...

Brad Lowry

I'm not a full-on chess geek, but I have noticed that there are YouTube recreations (for chess geeks) of the games from this show (presumably fully chronicled in the book?)... pretty cool

Brian McGovern

I may have to reup my Netflix subscription.

John Cranberry

I was waiting for more QG. 3 Episodes!!! This show is awesome, Love watching it again with my favorite gal. 🥰


Anya Taylor Joy is, in my opinion, staggering in this. She's got a talent and star quality like something out of the 1940s or 50s. She's the nearest we've got to a modern day Grace Kelly, Ingrid Bergman or Vivien Leigh. I've not seen her in any role where she hasn't been utterly magnetic, and they've all been very very different too. She's superb.

Tom Evans

Loving your reactions. The final two episodes are really great, can't wait to see your reaction to those. I don't know a ton about chess but I know how to play, and regarding the question you asked about someone "coining" a move -- I think it would have to do with making a specific type of move in a specific situation that nobody had thought of trying before. So it's not just about moving a pawn forward, but moving a pawn forward in that exact scenario.


Cassie - I would like to suggest Dorothy Dunnett’s The Lymond Chronicles, which is a series of six historical novels: The Game of Kings / Queens’ Play / Disorderly Knights / Pawn in Frankincense / The Ringed Castle / Checkmate. I think the series would be great for your book club. GoK is my fav book and I did send you a copy a while ago. May seem daunting at first but just power thru bc the journey is so worth it!

Brian Harris

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a story on screen that so accurately reflects the joys and perils of being REALLY GOOD at something you’re passionate about. The tunnel vision, the voracious study, the incendiary competition, the combination of terror and thrill when you find someone as good as you, someone who gets it like you do. That scene after Watts beats her at speed chess, where you were like, “Is she happy? Mad? Crying now?” It’s all of it. She hates to lose, but she also learned from it. And at that level, how many people can she actually learn from? And on top of that, it’s someone who thinks the way she does and sees the world the way she does, another ally. It’s lonely being the best at something. It’s lonely living by yourself on 64 squares, with only dead madmen and masters and long-forgotten games keeping you company in your head.

Terry Yelmene

Sometimes a story is more than a story. Sometimes a performance can be more than simply just appreciated by an audience... sometimes the audience is... 'touched.' This combination of Cassie and Beth... well it's simply going to be a bit more... more than a story, more than a performance and a captive, emotive and magical audience... Ya,.. The jury is in. This reaction is going to be quite a bit more! (And, now all the players are on the board; For 'Queen' Beth, we've now moved past the 'Pawns,' to the real players on the board... the 'Bishop'; Townes, the 'Knight'; Beltik, the 'Rook'; Benny Watts, and the 'King'; the Russian Champion, Vasily Borgov. - - - much too cliché I know... but I just had to! - - - and it's up to Beth to rise to the challenge.of... The Game!)

Steven Ashford

Can’t say enough how glad I am you watch this series. My son and I started reading watching it and he is very into chess. He was cracking me up calling the chess games like a sports announcer. Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving!


Can't get enough of Beth? https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_menu

Mark D

It would be easier to watch if you could have each episode as its own upload. That way, those of us with our own disk can synch each episode separately, rather that going through 2 hours to get to the one wanted. (Makes rewatching episodes easier) The youtube edits are fine with multiple episodes.

Mark D

I realize that. But synching and switching disks can be problematic.

Martin Skouboe

Yes! It's finally here. Time to cancel all plans!


This show about a genius and troubled chess player has no business being as good as it is, but it is probably the best series I’ve seen in a while. The sets, the clothes, the music… makes you miss a simpler time. Benny - and his horrible excuse for a mustache - quickly grew on me : ) Does he remind anyone else of a young Timothy Olyphant?


I’m thinking about the mechanics to what you suggest and don’t see an advantage. Combined, or separately, one would have wait for the “synch your copy now” cue. I sympathize, but I also think of the unseen effort to edit, cut and upload three (3) separate videos for one continuously recorded reaction w. commentary.

Mark D

Many other reactors have separate links for each full episode. The effort would be minimal and the advantage would be Patron ease of selection. If I want to watch (or rewatch) a particular episode, I would rather jump right into it than wade through a large file. Besides, if one decides to download the reaction, a smaller dl is preferred.


Hey Cassie, after you finish the last two episodes, you can check out the behind the scenes “Creating The Queens Gambit” we hear from the actors and creators.

Steven Ashford

To answer some of your questions in your reaction to these two videos. In the very beginning when she moved in with her new parents real quickly, they flashed at the bottom of the screen that it was Lexington Kentucky. Also chess has gotten a lot more popular since the pandemic. Many people stuck in their homes took to playing chess and via the Internet or able to play people all over the world as a result, it has picked up in popularity. One of the biggest things going on right now is a man by the name of Hans Neiman is suing Magnus Carlson, one of the best chess players to ever exist for $100 million over what he says was slander. Magnus Carlson refused to play him and accused him of cheating so there’s a big drama going on if you wanna look into that. Finally, when it comes to the game itself there are what’s called openings and there are hundreds if not thousands of openings there’s the mid game and then there’s the end game. the opening basically sets up the game then the mid game is the attack and trade of pieces and then the endgame is where you basically check your opponent. Many games among grandmasters end in a draw. If you cannot check your opponent within 50 moves at the end game or they end up withwith a repetitive check it’s consider to draw. If an opponent knows that they can be checked mated within 50 moves at the end Gamepoint that’s where they often times just resign because they know the game is over. Hope that helps a little!

TinCan Cosmanaut

Queens gambit was my favorite show the year it came out. I’m almost certain Carly would love it

Philip Alan

"I Just can't stop staring at her face." Me, too, Cassie. Me, too. I think the whole series is a phenomenal work of ART!

Mingo Wayama

There are two other actresses whom I cannot take my eyes off of, even when they are in the background of a scene, doing nothing: Miyoshi Umeiki (Sayonara, Flower Drum Song) and Giulleta Massina (La Strada, Nights of Cabiria). Anya Taylor Joy has joined that list.

Uncle Phoenix

Is any one else praying for Cassie and Carly to react to Die Hard 2 this Christmas Eve. (“Dear Baby Jesus, Please let me hear Cassie and Carly say, “Yippie, Kye, Yeah, Mutha Fetcher.” this Christmas Season.)


Benny was the little kid in a famous Christmas movie…. with Hugh Grant (PS - you were saying something about a certain talent that you have…. I thought you would do it!)

Cole Jennett

I think I remember letting out a loud whistle during “The Replacements” reaction

Travis Underwood

Is chess still popular? Well for some fun modern channels please take a look at Anna Rudolph, Alexandra and Andrea Botez, Hikaru Nakamura and Magnus Carlsen's youtube channels. There is a pretty active set of streaming chess champions.

Matt Mabry

The music, her outfits, and of course, her face. I fell in love with her and her character so easily. The directors and producers did a first class job of building the subtle stress of her character's persona. I am so glad you are watching this with us.

Steve H

In part 5 "The Fork" my thinking is Beth turns on the charm when confronted about her weaknesses

Mingo Wayama

Technically, I believe the rule is that after 50 moves without a pawn move or capture (either of which irreversibly changes the position) either player may claim a draw. Which is just a long-winded way of basically saying what you have said. The other rule is that after the same position, with the same player to move, has been repeated three or more times, either player may claim a draw, which would cover perpetual checks.

Mingo Wayama

At the time in which this series was set, there was a study showing that at the highest levels of chess competition (sorry, I don't remember the cut-off point) more games not resulting in a draw were actually won by Black, by a small, but statistically significant margin. The prevailing theory, with which I agreed, was that the current state of opening lines led to more situations in which Black could choose the opening being played, so that Black could choose an opening with which he, or she, was more familiar and comfortable. This, of course, belies, to some extent, the twins' contention at the Mexico City invitational that White always has the advantage.

Steven Ashford

Yeah, I wasn’t gonna get super technical, I just wanted to give her the gist.😀