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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Die Hard 2, which will premiere shortly on YT. Sorry for the change of plans! The QG YT edit isn't quite ready yet. It should be done for Monday. Hope you're having a great weekend! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie.  




Cole Jennett

Hey, sometimes you gotta call an audible. No problemo!

Brian McGovern

Future answers to trivia questions during the next live: Die Hard took place in New York at the Takahashi / Nakatomo building and Snape was killed when a Christmas tree fell on him. 😂😁

John Cohen

The first bad guy that you said looked familiar (Col. Stuart) is the same guy who played Lt Col. Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller in The Pacific. Puller was the officer who told John Basilone he was to receive the Medal of Honor.

Cole Jennett

He was also more prominently in Shawshank and a small role in The Green Mile. Personally my favourite role of his is in Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey


This movie sucks


He’s in Trespass and the Steven Seagal action classic Hard to Kill as well

Bryan Fritchie

Cassie and Carly think I'm a psychopath. 😳😳😳😳

Russell Teo

The magic is gone in all Die Hard sequels. There’s a reason why Bruce Willis never made any good movie since Die Hard. I can sense you have run out of movies to watch and maybe just maybe you are already numb to all the same art / story board, same direction, same studio production and same scripts, with same directions, same cinematography, same locations. Usually most ppl run outta decent movies or TV to watch once you hit 200 titles. Even the most adventurous movie & TV series critique, reactors, commentators and fans run out of titles after 700. You will be better off watching something really new, like foreign movies, or at least foreign directed, or foreign actor English language movies. Try French / British directors for a start? Perhaps, try The Professional, Insomnia, Irreversible, Das Boot. Die Hard 2, 3 & whatever they call it is pure crap

Russell Teo

Boy, you seem like the pleasant, joyful individual. I am just giving a feedback for Cassie to not end up like all the other movie & TV reactors. None of em survive past 3yrs with meaningful followers and ads revenue

Rob Parry

Bruce Willis never made a good movie after Die Hard? Are you talking about just since the original one in 1990 or the sequels? Also, reaction channels can only exist when they watch movies\TV show that get enough views. Not a chance that is going to happen watching a bunch of foreign films. If some random guy thinks certain movies are crap doesn't matter if the reactions are still getting views.

Russell Teo

Everyone can watch whatever they want on their channel. The only question will be how many ppl will still tune in & follow you

Russell Teo

A good example will be the recent reaction Cassie and her sister made for Tom Cruise MI movie sequels. Just see how many ppl like and watched em on UTube

Rob Parry

Of course, everyone can watch what they want. You suggested they watch foreign films and directors. What would make you think that would get them views with either new or existing subscribers? Also do you have an answer to the Bruce Willis question?

Patrick Flanagan

Nah, DIE HARD 2 is okay. DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE is really good even if the ending is rushed.


Damn here I am with a collection of over 1800 movies and I haven’t run out of decent films yet. That’s so strange. Also never made a decent film post Die Hard? 12 Monkeys, Unbreakable, Sixth Sense, PULP FICTION!, Moonrise Kingdom, Sin City, The Whole 9 Yards… Like what’s your deal that you feel the need to just shit on some dude who also might i remind you, is going through a severe mental decline that has been plaguing him for probably the better part of a decade. Like… why be so negative about some one who people CLEARLY like? You’re not better than everyone because you’re telling her to watch movies from other countries… holy shit this is pretentious and lame.

Rob Parry

Yeah, that's why I asked about Bruce Willis since I wasn't sure what he was saying. Nobody's Fool with Paul Newman is another really good 90's movie to add to the other's you listed, all came after Die Hard.


Also let’s be real… WHO TELLS A WOMAN WHO GETS SQUEAMISH AT SEX AND VIOLENCE TO WATCH IRREVERSIBLE?! The movie has a nearly 10 minute long sexual assault… Do you think Cassie wants to watch that? Really? Do you think her audience does? That’s a very deeply and weirdly fucked kinda thing to do. To like, shit on her taste, the taste of the fans here and then say “watch this movie about rape and revenge” Dude get yourself checked out…

Just Plain Bob

A quick word on the cheesy one liners in this movie. One liners were very much a trope of 80s action movies and Bruce Willis was probably the king of the one liners. As for comparing the Die Hard movies to the Mission: Impossible movies, both series are very much creatures of their respective times. Thirty years from now, modern audiences will find things in Mission: Impossible that they find laughable, because modern movies are also full of movie behaviors that ARE NOT reflective of actual human behavior. For instance, if a character is feeling introspective, they’re going to splash their face with cold water at the sink and gaze into the eyes of their own reflection. If two people are in love and have been through the ringer, they are going to lean forward and press their foreheads together. I have never, in my more than five decades on this planet, seen an actual human being do either of those things. If a father in a movie fixes his kids breakfast, we know that he’s a good, modern spouse that not only provides for his family’s physical needs (food, shelter, clothing) but is also emotionally nurturing. It goes on and on. The lesson is, whatever the trope of today is, the audience of tomorrow will be laughing at it.

Steve Barrett

Just have to say - and just a comment on your sisterly relationship- you two are absolutely adorable!! Keep it up!

David Bunnetto

I might be alone, but I really liked Die Hard With Avengeance. Jeremy Irons makes a great villain.

Bill W

Popcorn in bed - Yes. Socks - NO!

Bill W

The villain isn't as good as the first one. Otherwise they're about the same.


I thought most people liked it. Did it out of nowhere become despised or something? It’s the second best film in the series.


It’s just the first movie again. It’s far less memorable than the first or Die Hard With a Vengeance.


Wrong. Arnie was the king of one liners.

Richard Bourne

Not as good as the original. Alan Rickman nailed it as Hans, and it was his first movie as well. Amazing and tough act to follow.

Richard Bourne

J.. J... J... Jeremy Irons brings an intensity to his characters. (people who have seen the movie will get that) I liked him in Margin Call (2011)).

Anthony Vawser

The ending to DHWAV was actually reshot, I guess because they felt that it wasn’t really working well in its original form.

Anthony Vawser

I thought you must be wrong about it being Rickman’s movie debut, but it was! Amazing. (Though he’d already been well-established on TV and especially the stage.)

Anthony Vawser

You might be a king or a little street-sweeper but sooner or later you dance with the reaper. I love show business.

David Freese

Your part of the issue Some people like movies like this and could care less about foreign language films. You sound like a snob that just wants to bring a negitve feeling to a good community and channel. P. S. Your responses to us are just proving the point I made. He said he'd seen 1800 movies and still finding good ones. No one has seen every movie ever made. Plus it goes back to why you insist on Cassie watching foreign film to get views. In a way this is a fun thing for her it's not a full time thing her being a mom is her job. She might be willing to watch a foreign film but only cause she wants to not for views. Some things she watch isn't about views but because she personally wants to see them.

Russell Teo

If Cassie can tolerate District 9, she can tolerate anything. Don’t put words in someone’s mouth. There’s more gore in LOTR

Russell Teo

It has to be reshot cos final production Pre-screening yielded poor response. And it’s still crap

Matt Rose

My only issue with DHWAV is with the ending. They struggled with how to end it and it shows. Up until the last 15 minutes or so, the film is just great.

Jeff Milcheck

Most action films fall apart in the 3rd act… that’s when producers get involved and say “screw character development! We need to end this with more explosions! We need to make money! Money money money!” and for the record, Die Hard 3 is my favorite of the franchise.

Richard Maurer

The OP is correct about one thing, there's been a drop off in YT views for most if not all reaction channels. But his solution, which is basically "watch more foreign films" isn't going to help this. Reaction channels face a number of problems. Reaction blossomed on YT at the height of covid, but as restrictions were lifted and the novelty wore off the numbers were bound to drop. Another problem is oversaturation, everytime I go on YT I get about 3-6 new reaction channels recommended to me, the few that I check out, (mostly LotR or MCU content) at best have nothing new to offer, and at worst are really bad. If anyone who's reading this is thinking of starting a reaction channel first be honest with yourself and ask "Am I really entertaining enough to get people to support my channel?", because most of you really are not. Another, and perhaps the biggest problem is content. I see lot people say there are a lot of movies and shows still to watch, which is correct, but the movies/shows you're talking about are the ones you like, not necessarily the ones that will yield substantial YT views. The truth is the big movie franchises (LotR, MCU, Star Wars) get done early in a reactors career and there isn't anything movie wise left that will consistently get those kind of numbers, and before anyone names a individual movie exception - I know there are some exceptions. This is why many reactors have been shifting their channels more toward series reaction, which may be a temporary fix, but it at least has more reliable new content to drive YT numbers. I think the big reactors (Cassie being one of them) are safe, but there will most likely be a drop-off in the mid-level reactors as some won't be getting enough YT views to make it worth their time and the bottom feeders will churn through at a much quicker rate until new YTers realise that reaction isn't the easy money it used to be.


No socks in bed! My wife sleeps with her socks and it makes me question life