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"IM IN LOVE, IM IN LOVE AND I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS ITS" Well if this wasn't just the most charming, lovable movie! If you asked me before if I have seen this and I answered yes, I was picturing the Tom Hanks New York City Valentines Day one we know as Sleepless in Seattle. 

I loved every character in this, even Ashley Bartlett Bacon. I loved the family banter and coziness of it and I LOVED the LOVE!

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[Full Reaction] While You Were Sleeping (1995)


Em McG (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 06:38:45 I always wanted to see this again... "...and should we win the day, this will no longer be known as an American holiday..." wait, wrong character 😊
2023-02-12 22:48:50 I always wanted to see this again... "...and should we win the day, this will no longer be known as an American holiday..." wait, wrong character 😊

I always wanted to see this again... "...and should we win the day, this will no longer be known as an American holiday..." wait, wrong character 😊

Terry Yelmene

During the presents opening, it was hard to tell whose face was sweeter... Lucy's, or Cassie's. Then, during Jack's bedside card game talk with Peter, it was hard to tell whose face was sadder... Jack's, or Cassie's. Finally, during Lucy and Jack's challenging one another's motives at the top of the stair, it was hard to tell whose face held more disappointment... Lucy's, Jack's, or Cassie's. And in the end, at the booth, with the ring, and the family, and the goosebumps, and the tears, and the awe, and the declaration of Cassie being in love with this movie... it was pure PiB magic. This was a wonderful Christmas Cassie reaction!

Carolee Barry

This movie is my favorite. Fun fact: there is a petition on change. Org to get the deleted scenes released as bonus material so we can see their wedding like in the still

Carolee Barry

Been in love with Bill Pullman since I was a kid watching Spaceballs but this movie is definitely my favorite

Steven Ashford

Really is a great movie! Funny and sweet

James UK

We all knew you’d love this. I hope Four Weddings and a Funeral is high on your ‘to watch’ list as well. I can’t believe you haven’t seen that either.

Adam Hendry

One of my faves! I remember tearing up in the theatre when I saw this! Also loved the randomness of the paper boy on the bike! 😂

Cole Jennett

Couldn’t have hoped for a better response to seeing this movie. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you❤️❤️

Björn Karlsson

Speak about love 🤭 Cassie, can you reply to me? I sent a message a couple of days ago.

Richard Bourne

Click flick which does have a good cast.


Hey Björn - Cassie gets many, many messages every single day across multiple platforms, so it may take a while for her to reply. Please be patient! Thanks! - KL, PIB Mod

Johnny Salinas

This is one of my Favorites. 😀

Raven Dark

I've never seen this one, but I'll have to watch it, seeing how much you love it. I don't have time now (work) but I will be back. While I'm here, I'd like to make two Christmas suggestions. I'd love to see you react to The Santa Clause, with Tim Allen. I know it won't sound like something you'd enjoy. I think you will, but here's the thing. I want you to watch it because I think you will adore the second one and you have to see the first for the second to totally make sense. I won't tell you why you'd like 2 better, and I hope no one gives it away, but trust me, when you see it, you'll understand. I wanted to get the recommendation out before it got too far into the Christmas season. A piece of advice, though. If you plan on watching either movie at all, don't look them up, because you'll spoil 2. Just make sure you're watching The Santa Clause, and not Santa Claus The Movie, which is from the 80s. People often confuse the two.

Odd Thomas

Demolition Man is the best Sandra Bullock movie DID I STUTTER


Sandy Bullock Poll, you say? Hope Floats. Hope Floats. Hope Floats. Hope Floats. Hope Floats. Hope Floats. Hope Floats. Hope Floats. Open Range. Hope Floats. Hope Floats. Hope Floats. Hope Floats. Hope Floats. Hope Floats.

Cole Jennett

I mentioned that one to her a long time ago, but wouldn’t be surprised if she already had forgotten about it. Love to see Demolition Man too though

Brent Petty

Joe Junior is hilarious. "I got Icecapades. I know a guy" and the scene when you can hear him using a hammer "Come on, you stupid wingnut!"

Cole Jennett

I’m pretty sure The Santa Clause movies are among her favourites!

Björn Karlsson

I know. We had a conversation earlier this year, me and Cassie 🙂 She said that I never can be annoying 😁


“The Lake House” is a romantic dramedy that reunites Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves after they starred together in Speed and had no idea that each was crushing on the other while filming that movie.


I watched this randomly in the early 00s growing up when we first got HBO and loved it.

Odd Thomas

Another great 90s romance: City of Angels with Meg Ryan!

Rick Williams

I have not seen to many ROM COMS as you call them. But, I enjoyed this movie. Part of it was probably due to you. The number of faces you made and sounds. It was fun watching you discover this movie. An I actually enjoyed the movie. Go figure. I normally go for more of an action movie. Great reaction. You and the movie made me laugh.

Rick Williams

Demolition Man. Good movie. It's got Rocky and Sandra Bullock.

Rick Williams

Another Sandra Bullock movie is Net.

Terry Yelmene

A H-E-A-V-E-N-L-Y M-A-T-C-H!!!! Movie-to-a-reactor - and - Reactor-to-a-movie. Better than this? Naw, not even a chance! .

Jen Barnes

Hope Floats for sure. Love Potion #9 is pretty fun too.

Terry Yelmene

Cassie HASN'T seen 4W&F?!?!?!?!?!?!? WOW! Of the many CLASSICS we have been able to see through her eyes, FEW could be added that would be as entertaining, as 4W&F!!!!!!!!

Hannah Mather

one of my all time favorites, so glad you accidentally hadnt seen it so you could react here

Larry Darrell

During opening credits, at ice rink, guy falls and hits head. Looks real. Always wondered if it was, but then the paper boy makes you wonder. They both get laughs everytime though.

Andrew Rose

absolutely adore your reactions especially when you are watching something you really enjoy.. your laughter and joy is infectious and we feel it right along with you... I agree with some of the previous posters btw... four weddings and a funeral and hope floats should be on your need-to-watch list.

Mike LL

This was a great Christmassy rom com that you have introduced me to here. Endearing, magical and funny. I liked the great cast, the two stars and it was good to see Peter Gallagher in this. But I really noticed the elder stars. You already knew who Peter Boyle was. Jack Warden, Saul, has been in many many wonderful movies, you saw him as Juror #7 in Twelve Angry Men, he was in The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing which was one of your early reactions I have not yet seen, and he was the owner of the football team in The Replacements, in his final film role. Sadly he is no longer with us. I was kinda surprised to discover Glynis Johns, as Grandma Elsie, in this movie, in her next to last film role. She was Mrs. Banks in Mary Poppins (1964) and she is 99 years old now and still with us. She will be 100 in October, 2023.

Larry Darrell

Yep. We Need More of THIS. Uh-Huh. I love the scene when they are slipping on the ice. Their laughter seems so genuine and real. Probably was. Terrific Chemistry. Love Potion No. 9 (1992) for the next Sandy B.

Mike Lemon

I kind of partial to Heat (2013) for a Sandra Bullock movie. Hope it makes the poll if there is one.

Celeste McAllister

I'm always up for a Sandy Bullock movie,let's save 'Practical Majic' for next October🌸🌞🍸😊

Rosanne Stewart

Did you notice that Jack was Walter from Sleepless in Seattle? Bill Pullman has played the hapless guy who gets dumped for the male lead so it's nice to see him get the girl for once.

Steve Barrett

Yes I couldn't agree more. The best reactions are people that are likeable (like cassie) watching something they love. This was great. Personally I'd be fine with Cassie watching movies she's already seen before that are favorites of hers.

Cole Jennett

I love that she confused the two movies, and both have Bill Pullman. Walter was such a great guy!

Anthony Oberhauser

Good to see you really enjoyed mine and I’m sure many others recommendation for this movie. It’s a classic 90’s Rom-Com and very re-watchable.

Robert da Spruce

Well, the first thing I did after watching your reaction was search Amazon for “Pioneer Pajamas” 😂 Wonderful reaction Cassie! As much as I enjoy you expanding your cinematic horizons Cassie. There’s something very enjoyable about seeing you react to movies in your wheelhouse! The giddiness and squeals of delight really made the movie much more fun! I’m down for a Sandy B. Poll. Although I would have thought there wouldn’t be enough Sandra Bullock movie you haven’t seen to make up a poll.

Cole Jennett

I get annoyed at the people who are always talking about how she started the channel to “expand her horizons”. That doesn’t mean she can’t still watch the type of movies she used to only watch. If she misses a good one, she should see it. I prefer “Happy Cassie”reactions to almost anything.

Robert da Spruce

Yeah, I don’t really get the people that complain about Cassie reacting to romantic comedies. And insist she must always be stepping out of her comfort zone.

Michael Jung

You MUST see The Net. Kind of dated now, but still an intense thriller

Michael Jung

That was actually a real fall. The poor kid broke his wrist according to IMDB. Sure hope they paid him extra...

Michael Jung

Love seeing that Randy Edelman composed the music. He's not a household name like John Williams, but his scores are EPIC - Dragonheart, Last of the Mohicans, Dragon The Bruce Lee Story...


Pretty classic ‘90s romcom and ya can’t go wrong with Sandra Bullock (where has she been by the way). “Elsie” (actress Glynis Johns) is in another favorite movie of mine called “The Ref” with Denis Leary. Yes, I consider “The Ref” [comedy] to be a Christmas movie 🥳 (maybe next year if there is room in the polls)


It is annoying to keep bringing that up, I agree. It was a reason to start the channel, so? Doesn't mean it's a reason to continue it. Also, she has expanded her horizons A LOT already so let her do whatever she feels like. I'm sure eventually she'll get to Citizen Kane, but I'm enjoying the slow ride.


So glad I joined your Patreon. I really enjoy your reactions. However, I have an embarrassing habit of answering you out loud when you ask questions. 😂🤣 If you haven’t seen it yet, I’d like to suggest Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow and John Hannah.

Damon Corrigan

Yep...foregone conclusion that you would like this. I am glad I got to watch this with you - for my money it is up in the top 10 of romantic comedy movies, and a probably monthly favorite of the family's. Great reaction, glad you loved it, and just keep on churning out good stuff.

Just Plain Bob

For a really fun Sandra Bullock movie, watch Bullet Train.

Andrew Rose

I wouldn't be too embarrassed, I do that all the time.. I'm sure a lot of us do.


Did this reaction look out of focus to anyone else?


Sandra Bullock is the GOAT

David Freese

Biggest Cassie squeal ever! Thanks for the fanny reactions.


I'm so happy you watched "your kind of movie." And, you're so wonderful as a reactor when you are so happy!

Whovian Prakash

This is one of the many Hollywood movies that Bollywood turned into an unofficial remake/adaptation. The Bollywood version from 2000 is called Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega. They changed the plot to have the guy rescue the girl who falls into a coma, and then he falls in love with the girl's best friend. Earlier, in 1997, there was a South Indian (Malayalam) film with the same plot adapted from While You Were Sleeping.

Joe M

Great movie. I remember watching this one as a double feature with “A Goofy Movie” back in 1995. BTW Fun Fact, the actor who played Saul (Jack Warden) was in another movie that you reacted to awhile back. He was one of the “12 Angry Men”