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WOAH Lots of Announcements!

Number 1-Poll....Bond Poll is UP!!! Go vote right here! 

Number 2-Godfather 2 is finishing/processing, but it is a beast so it will be up either in the middle of the night or early tomorrah

Number 3-Please note the posters for the YT LIVE this upcoming Saturday. Packages and questions and games OH MY! Always so fun! Hope to see you there!

Number 4-The Second Annual Poppies are OFFISH! They are going to be on Saturday, February 18th and there will be gowns and trophies and fancy envelopes and guests but hopefully Carly doesn't slap me LIVE! Look out for the voting form going out this week!!

Number 5-Guys, I know there is lots of debate if I need to watch any star trek before the winner of the last poll-Galaxy Quest. I mean, my dad watched it a lot so I have seen some, but do I need to poll this? To watch one before or not? Do I need to poll if we need a poll? Just Kidding, not a huge deal I just WANT TO GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!

Number 6-Next week after this we've got some v fun stuff. OG Footloose, Bond Poll Winner #1, RRR and finishing True Detective. I'm also going to be doing patreon exclusive of Bobo Fett this month so those will pop up as I watch and edit! 

Number 7-You rock, February is going to be so fun! 


Lemuel Daher

Too bad about no Interstellar, but looking forward to these reactions!

Alex Villarreal

Roman Holiday is coming, guys!

Philip Alan

Not a busy schedule at all. :)


Poppies are off-ish? I'd rather they were kinda on but OK


RRR! Haha, nice Cassie 😉😉😉. Watch with Carly, y'all will have a ball

Celeste McAllister

What up what up! Roman Holiday perfect for your first Audrey Hepburn film and valentine's.❤🍸💎


You are too good to us, lady! Looking forward to great content, and looking forward to the 2 opportunities to hob-nob with you and everyone else LIVE!

Alex Villarreal

Older movies are understandably harder to find and discover, but this is one of those movies that’s impossible not to like.

Sean Stuart

Here we go now, February!

Neill Shaughness

You don't really need to see a Star Trek before you watch Galaxy Quest, but it might give some added context you'd enjoy. I for one would love to see you tackle Trek, but if you only watch one movie, it should be Wrath of Khan

Patrick Flanagan

I would say you don't really need to watch any STAR TREK before watching GALAXY QUEST. It assumes a low-level pop culture familiarity with TREK, nothing in-depth. It's pretty accessible

Nathan Swapp

I don't think you need to watch Star Trek before Galaxy Quest. Pop cultural familiarity is sufficient.

Jonathan Hall

About Galaxy Quest that's hard to say. You'd enjoy it a lot more if you've seen a lot of the Star Trek and Star Trek The Next Generation tv series. I'm not sure watching a single movie would have that much of an impact. But I also think that would be better than nothing. As someone else said, Wrath of Khan would be the best movie to see first if you're going to only watch a movie.

Bill Hayden

You don't need to watch any Star Trek before watching Galaxy Quest. It stands alone just fine. Rom-com February... Tootsie, Moonstruck?

Matt Rose

oh sweet! she's doing RRR!


If you've watched some Star Trek and are aware of the fandom around it, you're more than ready to watch(and enjoy) Galaxy Quest!

Jason Mackey

Lots of things to look forward to and who can do better than that? I say no one.

Bill Hayden

True, but I don't want to overload the poor girl. I hear she has a red dirt problem. 😉


Yes on the Star Trek, one because it will make Galaxy Quest more enjoyable, but two, because I'm a die hard Trekkie since 1966!

Larry Darrell

If you watched some Star Trek with your Dad, that's just fine. I did the same with my Dad, growing up, and didn't fully get into Star Trek until years after seeing Galaxy Quest. Everything else looks Great, and Whatever you decide to watch and react to, will be Terrific. Stay Footloose and Fancy-Free, Cassie and We should All Remember, "You Can't Always Get What You Want." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krxU5Y9lCS8

Tim Raths

So happy you’re doing Roman Holiday. You are going to love it!

Gabriel L.

If you have a mild familiarity with Star Trek from having seen a couple episodes and hearing about it in pop culture, you know enough to enjoy Galaxy Quest.

Stick Figure Studios

I am very pleased you are launching your Audrey Hepburn repertoire with the classic ROMAN HOLIDAY. It's a wonderful film and you will love it. Might I suggest BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S, CHARADE, WAIT UNTIL DARK, the original SABRINA and Steven Spielberg's ALWAYS if you want to continue your journey with Audrey. She was one of a kind.

Shawn Kildal

Roman Holiday is one of the OGs of Rom Coms. It Happened One Night is another one to hopefully consider one day.

Gábor Árki

As I wrote before, Galaxy Quest is certainly better if one knows Star Trek beforehand. The problem is that you would need to know about tropes, pick up on references and be familiar with backstage events that could not be acquired by a casual viewing of just a few episodes, but a rather large investment into the franchise (mainly the original series from the '60s). And because GQ mainly references the original series, watching any of the ST movies would be little to no help in this regard. So I say just go ahead and watch it and enjoy it on its own. Luckily it is a very cleverly written movie and can stand on its own perfectly fine.


Finally a reason to bump RRR up my to watch list.


From a lifelong Star Trek fan who also loves Galaxy Quest, no you don't need to watch Star Trek. You can look up a YouTube video that's like four or five minutes long explaining some Star Trek tropes if you really want to. But it's honestly not needed.


I just wrote a big old post on why you should watch Trek first and deleted after re-reading YOUR post again Cassie 😅 You said "I just want to give the people what they want". Well there are only two options: Watch Trek 1st Or watch Galaxy Quest 1st The funny thing is you can make EVERYONE happy if you watch Trek first? Why? Because it's not like you are NOT going to watch Galaxy Quest. You are, those people will get their reaction. It's just after you watch Trek. So what's the rush to watch Galaxy Quest? Especially when most people say you will get "more" out of it if you watch Trek 1st? Out of the two options, only one pleases everyone. The only downfall is the people that say you don't need to watch it will have to wait longer. 🎤👇


There are 80 episodes of the original ST series ( they had very controversial topics of the time - not even controversial now though). As for the original ST movies ST 2, 3, 4, & 6 are the best ones IMO. The Chris Pine ST movies are really good as well. There are 11 St movies from the original and NG ST world, and so many spin offs that it would take a LONG time to see them all. I enjoyed the original ST series as a kid and have enjoyed a few of the spin offs. I have never seen GQ but think you could watch it without having to watch ALL of the originals - maybe have a poll about the best 5-10 to get a feel for them,... My recommendations for the movies are given already above - DO NOT WATCH ST5 from the original movies - it was the WORST movie in the whole series - utter waste of time.


I'm looking forward to Roman Holiday one of my favorite films ever

Gábor Árki

You did miss one of if not the best movie, Star Trek The Motion Picture - The Director's Edition. Okay I know I'm probably in the minority with this. 😀


As the first movie in the series, it gives the origin of the ship, but as a movie, I was disappointed when I saw it in the theaters (had GREAT expectations for it), which I can understand watching it just because it was the first one,... but it is not the BEST one,... ST4 & ST6 are from the original movies IMO - ST1 TMP was ok,...

Kat Farlowe

Whoop Whoop!!! 🎉🎉🎉 Roman Holiday made the list! I can't wait to watch it with you Cassie. Quick story. There is a scene when Audrey Hepburn is eating ice cream on the Spanish Steps wearing sandals. When I went to Rome, I wanted to re-create that scene, so I did the same thing. A group of French school girls came up to me and took my picture for just that reason. They also took a pic of me in front of a Vespa. The film is timeless, and you are going to LOVE it.

Gábor Árki

My opinion on the matter is that Khan does not do a good job with the world-building and the introduction to the characters and deserves a build-up to work to its full extent. Sure, it can be watched on its own jumping right into it, but being already familiar with the characters does elevate it. I think you know what I mean, but don't want to elaborate due to spoilers. TMP is a flawed movie for sure, partly because they did not have the time to finish it before the theatrical release. But the Director's Edition does fix many of its issues. At the same time, the reason I love it is that it is ambitious, beautifully shot with an amazing score, and does show an aspect of Star Trek which is an important part of the franchise yet gets neglected in every other movie: the excitement of exploration, going out and facing the unknown, and some philosophical questions about the universe.

Happy Hanukkah

Or in my own words: you would certainly enjoy Galaxy Quest more if you were familiar with the general Star Trek "culture," but embarking on a crash course of force-feeding yourself a select few episodes and movies won't help much. Galaxy Quest is an enjoyable movie on its own, go ahead.


I've watched all the star trek shows and movies and you don't really have to watch any of it to get galaxy quest. I also get the love for ST2 wrath of khan, but In all honestly it's not great as a standalone as you'll want to watch ST3 for a conclusion. IMHO ST6 The Undiscovered Country is a better choice. Directed by the same director as 2. It's the better introduction and send off because no way are you going to watch all the series and movies. And it's such a great movie. Maybe then then the first pine/jj movie. The shows have a more sci-fi feel which I'm not getting a vibe that Cassie loves. Seems she getting a feel for action more which the movies have but not the series.

Gábor Árki

As Shrek would so nicely put it, the movie is like an onion. It has many layers. It does work well not knowing anything at all about Star Trek. But knowing in general what Star Trek is, what the fandom looks like it already adds another layer to enjoy. And being a fan knowing the tropes and background stories you will be getting even more layers out of it. But those last layers are not really something casual ST viewers can pick up on.

Patrick Egan

Star Trek fans probably laugh a little harder at some of the jokes in Galaxy Quest, but I think it's plenty funny all on its own.

Odd Thomas

You don't need to watch Star Trek before Galaxy Quest; though it may encourage you to afterward!

Gábor Árki

Bond Poll Winner #1 After reading through the post again, I hope this means not the highest voted, but the first one of the winners in their release order. The Connery movies do have a slight continuity, although this won't be an issue with the currently expected 2 winners. But I do think From Russia with Love would be a better entry for first time viewers of the Bond movies than Goldfinger to ease them into the classic era of the franchise.

Mike Lemon

It doesn't "make EVERYONE happy" because you are missing one big "fact", Star Trek sucks donkey butt. There is one good movie and a handful of good episodes, but other than that it is a sea of garbage with a few pieces of mediocrity sprinkled here and there. Add in Star Trek fanatics' belief that you need to watch everything and Cassie's good nature, you get large chunks of time that could be used to watch a variety of movies wasted on yet another overly long franchise. What has it been, 15 Star Wars entries, 18 Marvel, 10 Rocky, and on and on. Now people want a bajillion Bond movies, then add on Star Trek. It is too much.

Mike Lemon

And this is exactly the reason I hope she only watches Galaxy Quest and moves on- the push to make it yet another "you need to devote months to this franchise", while everybody that either doesn't love Star Trek or is over the unending franchise get to have the "well, I guess there is one movie in three months that I may want to see" treatment.

Gary David Holbrook

I would not worry about release order for the early Bond movies. Goldfinger (my absolute favorite, by the way), almost took in as much at the box office as "Dr. No" and "From Russia With Love" combined. I can't think of anything substantial that happens in Goldfinger that even refers to the first 2 movies. Actually, I think you will enjoy the first 2 releases more if you watch Goldfinger first.

Gary David Holbrook

Also, I would not worry too much about the Galaxy Quest/Star Trek deal, it's fine as a stand alone movie as well. "Miners, not minors!"

Gábor Árki

I meant the somewhat more serious and grounded story and delivery of FRWL would sit better for a first time viewer compared to jumping right into Goldfinger.

Gary David Holbrook

Gabor, I can appreciate your point of view, but I saw Goldfinger in the theaters when I was 7-8 years old, and loved it. Since there was not much of a way to watch movies after their first theatrical release back in those days, I did not see either Dr. No or From Russia With Love until years later. I turned out OK (well, kind of).

Gábor Árki

But you didn't have any expectations either based on what you do know about Bond in the 2000s and 2010s, or other contemporary spy movie franchises. Goldfinger does amp up on many things and the first entry where all the classic tropes are present, but it does amp up on the goofiness too. And I'm worried about how well this would be received by first-time viewers (one of them hasn't really seen hardly any classic movies) jumping right into it without any prelude easing them in.

China Andronicus

You definitely don’t need to watch ST first, especially if you’ve already seen a few episodes. But as most people are saying, if you go with a film, Khan is amazing. I come from a Star Wars family, not Trek, but we love Khan.

Gary David Holbrook

Gabor, with all due respect, you are overthinking this issue to the Nth degree, bigtime! Please don't lose any sleep worrying about this. First time viewers will be just fine! If you really want to blow your own mind, check out the release dates of the actual James Bond books that Ian Fleming wrote. All of these books were released BEFORE Goldfinger; Casino Royale, Live and Let Die, Moonraker, Diamonds Are Forever, From Russia With Love, and Dr. No. Even though this poll hasn't closed yet (3 more days), it seems to appear that others may agree with me. Goldfinger has received almost twice the number of votes as From Russia With Love. Let the voters decide, and sleep well, my friend.

Mike LL

You know, I think this endless, endless discussion about watching Star Trek before Galaxy Quest makes the point about obsessive fandom that Galaxy Quest lampoons so well. I think she'll get it, guys,

Jerrod Acree

I absolutely love Star Trek! I watched the next generation with my father, and we’ve seen all the movies together. It’s very important moments in my childhood, and I cherish them greatly. I don’t believe you need to watch them in order to understand the spoof galaxy quest.

Mike LL

I won't comment on the ST/GQ debacle except to say, it's over guys, get over it. But now that you are going to see an Audrey Hepburn movie, and a James Bond movie, I'd just like to point out that you have seen a John Wayne movie, three James Stewarts, two Charlton Hestons, Jack Lemon, Henry Fonda, not to mention Leo DeCaprio, three Al Pacinos, three Clint Eastwoods? (I've lost track) not to mention 12 Mel Gibsons, 23 Harrison Fords, 74 Kevin Costners, 233 Tom Cruises, and about 9 movies with Rockys' freakin shorts, but not 1, not one, not ONE movie with Cary Grant. How can this be?? I thereby propose, not demand, a Cary Grant poll forthwith and post haste. (I don't know what post haste means, but it sounds official)

Gábor Árki

Go, North by Northwest (1959)! But I would be certainly interested in To Catch a Thief (1955) as well which I haven't seen yet. Although it seems I could settle with a Hitchcock poll. 😀

Alex Laime

Galaxy Quest is a great comedy/scifi and is fine as a standalone movie. Don't need to watch the Trek movies at all. It references the shows more than that movies anyway, but IMO is much better than any of them.


Roman Holiday! Great choice..

Kristin D

Watch Galaxy Quest first. Then give us the joy of a massive run-off of all the Original Series episodes, we vote in 4-8 top episodes (you really don't want to watch the entire series, just the best of). You watch those, then watch the movies, then come back to Galaxy Quest and see what you missed. Everybody happy!


You do not need to watch Star Trek first for Galaxy Quest.

Miles E Coburn

No, you don't need to watch Star Trek (TV shows or movies) prior to watching "Galaxy Quest". There's only one trope that carries over to "Galaxy Quest". I think it's more important to have a little bit of knowledge of the fandom and fan conventions, i.e. ComicCon.

nick bell

The people have spoken. Galaxy Quest it is.

Bob Bittner

You do not need to know anything about Star Trek to enjoy “Galaxy Quest.” It helps if you have a passing familiarity with the idea of fan conventions, but even that’s not essential. The movie completely stands on its own. (BTW, it is not a parody of “Star Trek.” It is more like a love-letter to fandom.)


You're confusing fact with opinion. To say that there only a few good ST episodes is simply not true. No one with any professional look on this would agree with you. But how much you enjoy these shows is of course entirely up to you. And nobody forces Cassie into anything. I would even say Rocky has been one of her absolute favorites. Your post speaks more to your frustration that not all movie picks are what you want them to be than anything else.

Elliot Nesterman

Hurrah for "Roman Holiday." It's about time you've delved into some classic romantic films. If there's any space left on the February docket, again I'll recommend "Brief Encounter" (1945), "An Affair to Remember" (1957), "Doctor Zhivago" (1965), and "Moonstruck" (1987).


I've watched all the Star Trek shows and movies. The strength of ST is in the tv shows, the movies are just nice add-ons for the fans mostly. Which means, to really get something out of the franchise you would have to invest way too much, it's just not a right fit for the channel imo. Also I don't think Cassie would really vibe all that much with ST. If she would ever watch any of the movies, the Pine movies would be best. They are modern and can stand alone.

Jennifer Medicus

Huge Cary Grant fan. Huge. I've seen most of his movies and I know everyone goes to the later Hitchcock stuff but I like him in black and white, and comedies. Though if between North by Northwest and To Catch a Thief, I choose the latter. I know it's not a popular opinion.

Ben Livingstone

If we're suggesting more romantic movies to add to the docket, I really must mention "I Know Where I'm Going." Scotland, whirlpools, singing and dancing, and a splendid love story!

Matt Rose

My wife isn't a big STAR TREK fan but enjoyed the hell out of GALAXY QUEST. The film is well crafted enough that genre knowledge is not critical at all to ones enjoyment.

Richard Maurer

Cassie - since you've already watched some episodes of ST with your dad you should have a basic understanding of the show, although I wonder if it was the original series with Capt. Kirk (William Shatner) or ST: Next Generation with Capt. Picard (Patrick Stewart). But anyway, the only other thing you need to know is there was a lot of behind the scenes drama between Shatner (Kirk) and the rest of the cast,

Mike LL

Sure there are so many great Cary Grant movies, the trifecta of Hitchcock films, North by Northwest (1959), To Catch a Thief (1955) and Notorious (1946) not to mention Suspicion (1941) and the oft requested Charade (1963). And there are a plethora of comedies, Bringing Up Baby (1938), Arsenic and Old Lace (1944), The Philadelphia Story (1940), His Girl Friday (1940), I Was a Mail War Bride (1949). There are too many to list. Gunga Din (1939), The Awful Truth (1947), Houseboat (1958), I could keep this up all day.

Dustin Nelson

Galaxy Quest is THE best Star Trek film and its not close


Hi Cassie, I would say that you should watch some of the Star Trek films at some point-they are a lot of fun. As long as you have seen some of either the films or tv episodes with William Shatner as Captain Kirk before you watch Galaxy Quest, you will get the inside jokes the movie makes. This film specifically has fun at the original series and cast’s expense-especially Shatner.

Kevin Charley

I don't think you need to watch Star Trek before Galaxy Quest. That doesn't mean you shouldn't. But, as long as you're aware of some of the real life history of Star Trek you should be fine.

Colin Reid

My top recommendation for you and Carly if you’ve not watched it already is Eddie The Eagle, based on a true story about Eddie and the Winter Olympics, it’s fun, funny and wholesome. And will definitely have you shouting “go on Eddie!”

Celeste McAllister

I hereby 2nd on a Cary Grant poll!,All those movies and so many more to go Mike..PIB is moving more and more into a film history oriented direction,give the superheroes and aliens a rest,we need more John Wayne and James Stewart.. let me add to your list 'A Man for all seasons' best picture 1966 'The Lion in Winter' 1968? 'Bonnie & Clyde' 1967..and oh yeah 'Jeremiah Johnson' 1972..


I said before I think you could do galaxy Quest without watching Star Trek but I think we'd all love it if you did. These are from the original series: "City on the Edge of Forever" consistently ranks high as the best episode "The Trouble with Tribbles" is a great fave "The Corbomite Maneuver" is a great example of old school SciFi Some of my faves that rarely make the lists: "The Man Trap" "The Devil in the Dark" "Metamorphosis" "Charlie X"

Tim Raths

The Children’s Hour is another favorite of mine that Audrey Hepburn was in.


Galaxy Quest is so funny


I second all of those eps with the possible exception of Metamorphosis but all are entitled to their faves! I would add from S1 Dagger of the Mind, Space Seed and This Side of Paradise. From S2 I would pick Amok Time (of course!), Wolf in the Fold, The Gamesters of Triskelion (for the sheer camp of it), A Private Little War (politics in space), Return to Tomorrow (for the concept) and Assignment: Earth (more time travel and more camp!). From S3 I think I would only pick The Tholian Web and perhaps All Our Yesterdays but I have soft spots for a few of the other eps like The Paradise syndrome, Spectre of the Gun, Plato's Stepchildren, Whom Gods Destroy, The Way to Eden and even one of the most HATED ST:TOS eps: SPock's Brain! lol S3 was pretty awful overall but mostly bc of budget cutting.

Rob in PA

Hiya Cassie! Yay, \0/. I missed the first Poppies but make no mistake that I'll be there for the Second Annual Poppies. Thank you for the advance notice!

Kristin D

Undiscovered Country and First Contact have something to say as well...


RRR ? Sorry if I’m slow

Mike LL

It's on Netflix here in the States, actually. Hindi movie, I think?

Rick Williams

Go ahead and watch Galaxy Quest. No poll needed. It can stand on it's own. You will end up watching a dozen episodes from a couple of the TV series and a couple of the movies. Keep it simple. Just watch it and move on with life.

David Freese

@Mike Lemon you keep showing how ignorant you are but insulting what people like over and over. You aren't always get everything you want and insulting people isn't going to help your cause. If you don't like it you can unsubscribe and find someone who does all the movies you like.

Jorge Lopez

RRR! How exciting!! Very much looking forward to that reaction.


So excited you're watching Roman Holiday - one of my top ten movies of all time!

Mike Lemon

@David- "and insulting people" Insulting people? Care to provide a quote? "You aren't always get everything you want"- I never get what I want. I don't think a single movie I voted for has won a poll yet. Wait... We Were Soldiers, I think that won. " and find someone who does all the movies you like. " Nobody does. They all do the same ones because the same people vote for the same movies from everybody. What is it, 5 of the "big reactors" watched Lethal Weapon 2 in the last month. Dasha, Cinebinge, Cassie, TBR, Ashleigh, all did it in the last couple weeks, Jen did it two months ago. "If you don't like it you can unsubscribe" How flippant you are with someone else's income.

Hannah Mather

Roman Holiday! I cant wait

Captain Caveman

All I know about RRR is one guy throws a tiger at another guy. I mean how can you go wrong. Its like when Hitler was riding a TRex in a spaceship in Iron Sky 2. I mean how do you work stuff like that into a scrpit?

Harald Mahr

As galaxy quest is partly a spoof of star trek, it could not hurt to see the base material. But it works on its own, its more based on the cult and fandom around star trek and the tv show than the actual movies.

Marc Peterson

Father Goose (1964) WW2 romance/comedy with Cary Grant as drunkard plane spotter in South Pacific and gorgeous Leslie Caron (still with us at age 91) as the school marm for young girls on shipwreck island. Classic!

Matt Rose

It's a Telegu movie actually but the version being shown on Netflix is the Hindi dub.

Björn Karlsson

🤣🤣🤣 Sry guys. I prefer this, instead of Star trek🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://youtu.be/xar7Q2PpyIA


The first Poppies are on her YT channel


I generally agree, however it might be fun to watch the TV episode "Space Seed" which introduces Khan and then follow that with "The Wrath of Khan" which is the best of the original cast movies in my opinion. Khan: "From Hell's heart I stab at thee! For Hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee..." Kirk: "KHAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!" Spock: "The needs of the many outweighed the needs of the one" It's the most delicious cheez😋


Hey! I like your choices too. Space Seed would be great paired with Wrath of Khan. If I remember right, Assignment Earth was supposed to be a pitch for a spinoff, which would have been great if it had been picked up. Loved seeing young Teri Garr in her cool mod outfit, though apparently she blew up because Rodenberry wanted her short skirt to be an inch or two shorter. All our Yesterdays is actually one of my top faves. I just didn't suggest it because I thought Spok's change might not make enough sense for anyone unfamiliar with his character. Also love The Way to Eden for Spok's ultra cool jam session 😋 My most hated would be Turnabout Intruder. Watching Kirk emulate Shatner's interpretation of Janice Lester is toooo much, especially since it doesn't resemble the mannerisms of Dr Lester at all! I always found it fascinating that we have Lucille Ball to thank for believing in the concept and for her support in championing it at Desilu Studios. Too bad she never put in a cameo.

Celeste McAllister

@Mike.,I've sent in 63 DVD's last 15 months,only one of those was a pillowcase pick 'Jeremiah Johnson' it was on a poll recently and lost out to '300',9 of the DVD's I've sent never made it into the stacks for the dice roll..they were delivered but went missing..my point is your not hearing me whining about it,Cassie plans to watch Star Trek,please do us all a favor and go along for the ride,or not..

Mike Lemon

@Celeste- "my point is your not hearing me whining about it". Notice I haven't done that either. I do advocate for variety, but I don't think I have ever said anything about a movie that has lost a poll. Feel free to post a quote if I have and don't remember.

Celeste McAllister

@Mike,Thanks,I think you get it,we're here to have fun we all understood how the game's played when we joined PIB. :)


@Mike "one big "fact", Star Trek sucks donkey butt" "a sea of garbage" DUDE....no one wants to hear this attitude "I never get what I want. I don't think a single movie I voted for has won a poll yet" This does indeed equate to whining and maybe should be a clue that some/most of your choices could actually be "sea of garbage with a few pieces of mediocrity sprinkled here and there" especially if "Nobody does" any of the movies you like. "Add in Star Trek fanatics' belief that you need to watch everything" I haven't any post or comment suggesting that "everything" needs to be watched or seen but "Feel free to post a quote" showing that. Maybe you should set up your own reaction channel and then you can show all the content you prefer instead of suffering through everything you don't like. Then you would be taking in income rather than claiming someone is "flippant" for suggesting you could spend your money on what is satisfying to you rather than wasting it on what is not. I mean...I don't think anyone wants to see anyone leave or be upset or disappointed but there can only be so much content covered on one channel and choosing by objective majority popularity rather than subjective personal opinion is pretty standard in a venue like this.


You guys with the whininggg. I've checked on this post numerous times and I've been letting Mike fight his own battle but how many of you are gonna harp on the dude for not wanting to watch the entire Star Trek series? Boo hoo he insulted a tv show. People can post essays on why Cassie would love a movie but call the sheriff if someone says why they think Cassie should NOT watch something. All he did was minorly insult the show and gave a decent argument as to why he thinks we can skip watching the entire show. You guys are throwing personal insults and are being very condescending.

Mike Lemon

@BRT- Two things to start, 1-discussing movies is kind of the point here (see the Maverick, Full Metal, and Saw kerfuffles), 2-hyperbole. Now- "especially if "Nobody does" any of the movies you like. " I don't vote for movies I like very often. I tend to vote for variety and enjoyable reactions. "Maybe you should set up your own reaction channel" This one is easy. Watch any movie you want and just imagine someone with a blank expression, who says nothing, watching along in lower the corner. Occasionally a Basset Hound will show up in the shot. "there can only be so much content covered on one channel" Exactly. So don't do overly long franchises and try not to do the things every other reaction channel does. Variety.

Celeste McAllister

Watch the top five voted original series episodes,why is this such a big deal Cassie would only gain from watching them..we watched Robocop with its 80's shlock and gratuitous violence,we can watch ST:TOS maybe get some insight into the late 60's when it was made..

Joe Mallard

You should check out the movie Foxcatcher with Channing Tatum, Mark Ruffalo and Steve Carrell, it's a true story.

Dan Waller

I completely agree. Galaxy quest is about fans and the cast of an old sci-fi T.V. series. She may miss some of the insider jokes, but someone who only saw the movies probably would as well.


@My_Cousin_Mose None of the responses under this comment say anything about Mike watching Star Trek. Nobody cares what Mike watches. The responses are about Mike's own whining. I'm sure he appreciates your booty kisses though.


@Mike NO ONE CARES. So much contradiction. Nobody cares what you watch or comment about. People just don't want to see your or your little sidekicks crappy attitude on an otherwise upbeat and fun channel.

Russell Marris

Has the original Highlander been watched yet ?

Richard Maurer

Does it have song and dance numbers? Because if it does I'm out. My efforts to get into the films of India have been stymied by every one I tried to watch having song and dance numbers. Song and dance numbers being inserted into movies are my Kryptonite.