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Hey guys! Here is the full reaction to Lethal Weapon 2, which will premiere shortly on YT. Hope you enjoy! Also, The Godfather Part II should be up in about 1 1/2 hours. Sorry for the delay on that one! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie. 


[YT Edit] Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)


Jaccob Cortes

So, do we go on three?

Matt Rose

We're back, we're bad! You're black, I'm mad! This is gonna be great!

Matt Rose

Side note: remember ALIENS? Well, both Vasquez and Drake are in LW2. Vasquez (Jenette Goldstein) is Shapiro, the cop who gets killed on the diving board. Drake (Mark Rolston) is Hans, the bad guy in the red BMW who gets shot on the plastic in Arjen Rudd's office.

Jeff Rogers

I think he was also the guy that gave Andy such a hard time in Shawshank.

Bryan Fritchie

Ok, ok, ok. I only caught one "snort laugh", but I had to rewind it multiple times to listen to it again and again! 🤣🤣🤣

Tom Ocasek

Lol "oh my gosh the waiter, he's still alive"

Keith Boyd

I still remember seeing this in theaters with my mom. And on the way home we would talk to each other in our worst Joe Pesci NY accent

Bill W

Cassie, I really hope we get to hear you do more infield chatter. "CMONBABE! YOUGOTITBABE! LETSGO LETSGO!!" That is just fantastic stuff.

Bill W

I hope you didn't go to the drive-thru. Cuz you know what happens there!

Mark Daniels

Recounting your love of the Mel Gibson movies you’ve seen, you forgot to mention ‘Maverick’ which featured a bank robbery scene with Danny Glover that totally went over your head at the time. Other brief cameos in that one included their captain from the ‘Lethal Weapon’ movies as one of the poker dealers and Lois Lane from ‘Superman’ … and ‘Superman II’ which is also the best of that series of movies. Check it out. And on the subject of westerns … ‘Appaloosa’. You love Aragorn after all.

Kelly Marie

I love this series! I knew Cassie would really enjoy this one. Please watch the third soon, it’s my favorite and has Rene Russo in it, love her! I also think Cassie would enjoy the first two Beverly Hills Cop movies. Hopefully those will be coming sometime this year! 🤞🏻

Daniel Fuchs

don't stop now Definitely watch part 3 and 4.

Mr Trick

Lethal Weapon 2 is a great mix of comedy and tragedy. Rika is such a sweet girl and when you add his wife to the equation, I’m right there with Riggs when he goes on the rampage. I definitely think you’ll love number 3. Riggs’ heart gets to heal a bit in that one.

Harald Mahr

Yeah, the tragey hits hard in this movie. It was very unexpected. As for the bank robbery scene in Maverick, that was truly hillarious. I always liked Danny Glover, he could carry a movie. There was also a spoof of Lethal Weapon, called Loaded Weapon with Samual L Jackson, not that great in my opinion.

David Ulrich

Hour and a half, huh?

Dean Holt

This one’s my favourite out of the four but the other two are very good as well. But the original story for this one was a lot darker with Leo only having a small part and Riggs getting killed at the end. Thankfully it got redone to this film.


I know that I am late to the party, but I have been saving this one for a while. I join the others in strongly recommending the #3 and #4 movies. Also, for another buddy cop movie that no one seems to watch is Tango and Cash. It's very much in the genre of Lethal Weapon, but with Sylvester Stallone (Rocky!) and Kurt Russell, though it's been forever since I have watched it.