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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for the final episodes of True Detective (S1), which will premiere shortly on YT. Hope you enjoy! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to these episodes.  


[YT Edit] True Detective S1:7-8


Paul Spacone

This was an amazing show. You did a great job reacting to some very difficult subject matter. You're a gift.😊👍

Jeff Rogers

Watched these episodes one per week when it was new, imagine if you had to wait that long for resolution. 🙂

Mike Stevenson

one of the all time great opening credits in TV History. Talk about a stage setter.

Phillip Ribbink

Even if they didn't get Senator Tuttle, I doubt he'd ever be re-elected. How many politicians have had their careers ended by a sex scandal? This goes way beyond that, kidnapping, serial ritual murder of women and children? Even suspicion of that, even if it were "disproved" by the FBI would turn voters against such a man. So he may not be in jail, but I'll bet his career is over.

Paul Browne

I loved rewatching this, pretty heavy going sometimes, bit so well written and acted, and quite unlike anything I'd seen before. Also love the fact it is a mini series, a nice sweet spot between movies and TV shows. Another show, in a similar vein, mini series, true crime (kinda!), great actors and dialogue, but with less gritty subject matter, that I would enjoy rewatching, is Fargo.

Ben Livingstone

Just heard the writer of the series in a documentary, say that the reason Rust started drinking while being questioned was that anything he says while he's drinking is inadmissible. Adds a new dimension to the series I didn't think about.


hey Cassie, knowing the rap lyric references does make you a cool cat Cassie. You're with the in-crowd now, ha

David Nesbit

For something humorous and nostalgic you should watch Freaks & Geeks. Only 18 episodes.


Hey Cassie, time to meet the yella King, in the heart of Carcosa. No doubt Cassie, your lunch girlfriend was right. This series might scar you so deeply. Especially with child torture. Just remember it's all a fictional tale.

Joseph Rodriguez

Not sure if you remember but they ran into the guy on the lawnmower (man with the scares) when they were originally working on the case. He had a beard then though and was mowing the lawns at one of those rundown churches.

Joseph Rodriguez

You should go right into True Detective season 3, skip season 2. The performances from the main actors are just as good if not better than Woody Harrelson’s and Mathew McConaughey’s.

Brian Harris

Seconded. Season two is really interesting from a plot perspective, and I like how different the setting is while reinforcing some of the themes and weirdness of the first season, but those characters can’t hold a candle to Rust and Marty. Neither can season three’s, but it’s a lot closer.

Brian Harris

I’m sure Rust and Marty will be friends the rest of their lives. You don’t go through that with somebody and then walk away from them. The trauma is something that lives only in them, and I think they need each other to make sense of it. Marty is already basically Rust’s caretaker at the end, finding him a place to live and everything. I doubt they’ll keep working together though. I think - I hope - Rust is done with detective work and solving higher, more esoteric mysteries. He’s earned the right to do his favorite thing for the rest of his life, to think about What It All Means. That last scene is what pushes that show to a level of high art. Without it, it’s a nihilistic but beautiful philosophy thriller. But Rust’s unexpected dribble of optimism makes it far more profound, and delivers an even more layered message, especially for me as a person who suffers from some of the same depressive impulses and pessimistic instincts he has. If Rust Cohle can find hope in the night sky, then what’s my excuse?

FullMetal B

That second sentence should send you straight to jail. Absolutely absurd.

Joseph Rodriguez

Not absurd at all my guy, Ali and Dorf did an amazing job that season, and their age transformations were a lot more extreme compared to Harrelson’s and McConaughey’s which is why I believe that they’re performances are just a little bit better.

Rollo Tomassi

Enjoyed this ride with you, but maybe it’s time for a breezy palate cleanser that ties into Valentines Day? Please consider “Grease Live” from 2016. I’m a typical guy that avoids musicals at ALL costs (even Grease), but I have to admit, “Grease Live” was like the most fun I ever had watching a TV special. A fantastic mood booster and worthy of a reaction for your pals and available on Amazon Prime :)

Richard Levesque

I always thought season got a bad rap. Shows that reach a cultural phenomenon status like True Detective season 1 are often a once in a lifetime lightning in a bottle things. Once the first season was over, there was nowhere to go but down. It's a hard show to beat. (A comparison I often make is season 1 of The Wire transitioning to something totally different in season 2. A lot of people had trouble accepting it.) But, for me, it's an apples vs. oranges thing. Season 1 was sort of hardboiled crime meets Silence of the Lambs. Season 2 is The Wire meets David Lynch. It's fine. But thinking it was going to live up to or exceed the expectations of the first season...people just weren't being realistic. I will agree that season 3 gets back on track and captures some of the feel of the first season. But, man, it still lingers in the first season's shadow. And so will the 4th season.