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Please ignore my fake news in the intro haha! Carly and I have both seen the remake and were surprised at how similar it was. This was everything I wanted it to be though, Kevin Bacon was a cutie patootie with a good heart. I seriously have had that song stuck in my head since we watched and could not stop dancing around the house for hours after. I didn't LOVE the girl in it, kind of wish she and SJP were roles reversed. It really was so much fun!

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[Full Reaction] Footloose (1984)


David Crabtree

Really looking forward to this reaction. While I enjoy this original version, I actually prefer and adore the 2011 remake.


Glad you have now seen the original. Why they remake some of these movies is beyond me. Cashgrab I suppose. But you just can't recreate that vibe and end up with a bland soulless copy. And as Cassie now knows, just because a movie is newer doesn't make it better.

Ray Johnson

You've already seen Tremors, so gotta recommend a few of my other favorite Kevin Bacon films.. The River Wild (1994), Wild Things (1998), and Flatliners (1990).

Michael Weiner

Original all the way for me. You can't beat Kevin Bacon, John Lithgow, Chris Penn.

Sage Antone

Ugh. Rihanna was awful.

Anthony Perez

Minor role but Kevin Bacon in movie DINER.

Anthony Perez

Ok....officially going to make "JUMP BACK!" as popular as "FETCH!".

Mike LL

That movie had that cheesy 80's vibe that can be satisfying. Hadn't seen this movie in more than 35 years, and I've never seen the remake. Teen angst as interpretive dance was a unique concept. But Carly's assertion in the outro that so many 80's/90's movies seem the first of their kind . . . oh dear. We have some more movies to see. I did really enjoy as Willard, Chris Penn in apparently the best role he ever had, the one he was born to play. Some good songs too.

Ian Cano

I never would have watched this movie on my own but had to with you ladies. So fun. Thank you.

Richard Bourne

I was in high school when this came out. Fun movie. I think Kevin Bacon's first movie was Animal House. I think this movie established him.


Kevin Bacon has this swagger that I just love and it isn’t just this movie, but when I see him in Apollo 13, A Few Good Men and his other movies, I see that same swag when he just walks and it makes me smile every time I see it and think of this movie. Footloose came out when I was 14 and I saw it as a Saturday matinee. It was the first time I ever saw Kevin Bacon, he was so cute and I got an instant crush. When the movie ended, I bought a ticket for the very next show and said I was 13 so the ticket was cheaper. I love the montage of Ren teaching Willard to dance and unlike the reboot, this wasn’t about the fancy dance moves, but just being able to dance. I wasn’t a fan of their choice of actor to play Ren in the reboot and same with the the actress who played Ariel in this movie. Kevin Bacon and Julianne Hough would be my choice. Cassie, you mentioned SJP, if you want to see her playing the lead role in a “dance” movie with a cute boy, check out “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” from 1985. The movie is just meh… but you get that 80’s vibe with SJP dancing and she is just adorable in it.

Robert da Spruce

Fun reaction! 😀 I don’t think I’ve seen that movie in decades. A little cheesy at times watching it now. A little cringy in certain parts too. But at the same time, a lot of fun! I have no doubt you guys were dancing and in a good mood the rest of the evening. The movie just puts you in a good mood with the 80’s music!

Scott Macaulay

I don't think I ever actually saw this. My friends in the 80's would not have gone in for such shenanigans. Should be fun now that my friends are more enlightened. (slightly)

Jen Barnes

Yes! I was going to recommend Girls Just Want to Have Fun also. It's stupid, but sooo fun. I've watched that a million times. 😍

Richard Maurer

I had the opposite experience. I was the one who didn't want to see it, and wouldn't have if my friends hadn't outvoted me. As far as it goes it certainly wasn't the worst teen movie they dragged me to. No, that "honor" goes to a movie called Zapped!, which my one friend insisted we see. From that day forward whenever he'd complain about any of our movie choices we'd look at him and say "Zapped!", shut him right up.

Uncle Phoenix

This movie was so much better than I remembered. I really enjoyed the father’s character arch of “Carnality vs. Spirituality”. The whole 'God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.’ Having the faith to believe in those we love. To love them in their faults and in their triumphs.

Lana Gorgeous

I was in college when this movie came out and boy the 80's so many college memories and MTV and that whole 80's vibe. This movie was a hit and so much of the 80's was about dancing with Prince, MJ , Madonna, Whitney, Janet Jackson, so many more

Daniel Fuchs

Hey Cassie. Watch an german war classic. "Das Boot" (1981) and "Lola run" (1998).

Shawn Kildal

I remember in an interview with Kevin Bacon where he admits that when he is at party's or weddings, he immediately finds the DJ and slides them some $$$ with the understanding that the song 'Footloose' is NOT to be on the playlist. However, you should check out on YouTube Jimmy Fallon's premiere as a host on the Tonight Show. Kevin Bacon puts back on his dancing shoes and cuts Footloose all over again to help get the show off to a magical start.

Shawn Kildal

A stunt double for Kevin Bacon was used in that solo warehouse dance / gymnastic scene btw. Willard was played by Chris Penn who was Sean Penn's brother. Sadly, he passed away at young age due to a heart disease.

Shawn Kildal

Maybe for the Poppies we can play the famous game of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? Hint - you usually want to start with A FEW GOOD MEN or APALLO 13. Also hoping for an updated tier ranking from the movies watched last year. I was refreshing to see your honest and candid opinion on exactly how you felt about the movies you watched. Glad you enjoy watching those 80's and 90's movies. There are still so many great ones left to be seen and I have every reason to believe that many of those you will consider among your all-time favorites.

Jordan Crosno

How do you pick up a farm girl? A tractor… Attract her

Jordan Crosno

“Thought she was going to flash him” lol 😂

Scott Macaulay

Haha! And I remember Zapped! The thing was back then is even the bad ones stayed with you because it was a commitment or an event to go to the movies, at least for me, who didn't live in town.

David W Richards

Kyra Sedgwick is supposed to have said that seeing Kevin Bacon cutting loose and dancing through the old warehouse in those sexy tight tight jeans in this movie is why she married him.

Dave Hill

Cassie...and for anyone else that's not seen it before - Now that you've seen this movie, if you've not seen the entrance Kevin Bacon did for one of his visits to The Tonight Show, you need to check this out. Oddly, it's a very difficult video to track down in it's entirety. Will def put a smile on you face though! =) https://dai.ly/x2dxmhp This was to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the movie, which is now only a year off of it's 40th anniversary...!!!

Odd Thomas

The remake is actually pretty decent

Rollo Tomassi

Were your cheeks hurting after this one? The two of you had endless smiles during this one and for good reason … it was a TON of fun! With that, here’s my continued suggestion of “Grease Live.” (2016) Whatever your cheek pain level for “Footloose,” double it for “Grease Live.” Cheers fam! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4366830/

Richard Maurer

Also, there was the fact that you sometimes had to wait weeks for a movie worth watching, so you'd end going to movies you wouldn't think about watching today, because at least it was something to do.

Rick Williams

Great Reactions, Ladies. This movie takes me back to when I was the new kid in school and the town when I moved to Layton, Utah from Germany. Big culture change. I moved around a lot because my dad was in the military. I moved to Utah in the middle of the 7th grade. I ended up graduating high school there and going to Weber College. Utah was always one of my favorite places that I lived. Beautiful country there. Thanks for the fun blast from the past.

Stick Figure Studios

"What are some other great dance movies?" Believe it or not, there were several decades when that was all Hollywood made: musicals with almost constant dance numbers. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies like TOP HAT and SWING TIME, Gene Kelly films like SINGING IN THE RAIN and AMERICAN IN PARIS. You wanna see see some extraordinary dancing, you should check out some of these classics. :-)

Marie Antoinette

If you like SJP and dancing movies you need to check out Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

Odd Thomas

The first thing I ever saw SJP in was Flight of the Navigator, one of the best 80s movies

Sam White

"Striking Distance" (1993) is an action thriller starring Bruce Willis and a young Sarah Jessica Parker...Good movie!

Carly Popcorn

Oooooh baby! Young Kevin Bacon!

John Cranberry

Kevin Bacon is awesome in Flatliners. 80's Version. Must Watch!!!

Evan Lewis

This is my all time favorite movie and was the final straw to pull the trigger and join patreon. I like the remake as well and have seen multiple stage versions of it as well

Colin Gutierrez

I've seen both versions of this and while I accept that it might be impossible for me to not be biased towards the Kevin Bacon version, I just feel like the newer one is simultaneously over the top and yet less memorable. Just seems like it is more flashy but not as fun or the characters don't feel as real (Maybe with the exception of Miles Teller, he's good in everything). I don't hate it but if I had to give them both scores I'd put the original at 4.5 out of 5 stars and the Julianne Hough version at 3 out of 5 stars. That said, There is a Julianne Hough movie that I love and that's Rock of Ages. I give that one a 3.5 or maybe even 4 out of 5 stars.

David Patterson

Fun fact: The opening sequence of the feet dancing was added late,r after test audiences complained about a dance movie not having dancing in it for the first 20 min. Though not a fan of the remake, I did like that they turned this sequence into the party that led to car crash. One of my favorite SJP vehicles is a film called 'Somewhere Tomorrow' (1983).

Robert da Spruce

Is this really you Carly? Just wanted to say hi and say I really enjoy when you join Cassie for reactions. Especially as you have gotten more comfortable in front of the camera. I really enjoy the relationship you and Cassie have. And am very entertained by your two’s banter. Especially when you guys go off on tangents! 😂 I wish you the best of luck in your own career. Which sounds like it’s starting to take off. At the same time though, I hope we’ll still get to see you join Cassie for some fun reactions!


I’m read for “Flash Dance” reaction. 🙂👍

Miles E Coburn

Fun reactions, Cassie and Carly. Other Dance movies? Well, one of my favorites is, "Take The Lead" (2006). Based on a true story, stars Antonio Banderas, Rob Brown, Alfre Woodard. Also, Jenna Dewan from "Step Up" (2006) and the former wife of Channing Tatum. And if you really want to go old school there's the musical, "Singin' in the Rain" (1952) starring Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor.


It's very tricky trying to do remakes especially when the original is still pretty close to the remake and the original is so well known both the film and soundtrack, at best a remake will be like watching a high school play.