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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Days of Thunder, which will premiere this evening on YT. Hope you enjoy!

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie. 


[YT Edit] Days of Thunder (1990)



Harry: Now when you go back out there I want you to HIT THE PACE CAR. Cole: The pace car? What the hell for?! Harry: Because you hit every other god damn thing out there, I want you to be perfect. Best line of the whole movie 😂😂

Julian Corbett

NASCAR - National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing. "Stock" meaning the racecars look like a car you could buy at the local dealerships. They used be a regular, but tuned, automobile when the sport first started but for safety and a multitude of other reasons, they are now what they call "silhouettes", meaning they just have a fiberglass "body" over a tubular space frame chassis.

John Armbruster

Hey, if you have any technical questions, give me a shout. I actually worked on a couple of the Cole Trickle cars made for the movie and have worked in Nascar for the last 35 years. The #6 and #17 in this year's Daytona 500 are the team I work for. Love love love your channel!

Kristin D

Now that you've seen this, I would love to see a reaction to Talladega Nights, it's a parody of Nascar in general. Will Ferrell, Amy Adams, Michael Clarke Duncan, John C. Reilly, Jane Lynch, Gary Cole. Super funny, and in the same vein as Galaxy Quest is to Star Trek. Also, Nascar started way back during prohibition when the bootleggers needed vehicles fast enough to get away from the authorities. My grandmother remembered the bootleggers coming to her father's house to fill up his stash during that time.

Kristin D

That's really cool! My family are huge Nascar fans. I even had the chance to go to the Texas Motor Speedway a few times. Incredible experience for sure! My dad, before he had kids, used to drive stock cars in the 60s and 70s, not on the professional circuit, just local, but they had a lot of fun!!

Mike Stevenson

watching this and feeling so proud of Cassie connecting all these actors to other movies. Btw, Big John was the commander of the aircraft carrier Alec Baldwin ended up on in Hunt for Red October. That's where you knew him from 😃

Ben Livingstone

You've also seen Robert Duvall as Boo Radley in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.


He was also the airport manager in Die Hard 2. Fun fact in real life he was a Senator from Tennesee.


Surprised no one mentioned Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation as the owner and Micheal Rooker (Rowdy) from Walking Dead, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Mallrats.

Brian McGovern

From the movies Cassie has seen, "Big" John is from The Hunt for Red October, Die Hard 2 and In the Line of Fire.


a Tom Cruise movie to avoid, Eyes Wide Shut. a gross movie with Nicole Kidman naked like half of the movie.

Bert Towle

Since you liked Robert Duvall in this one, check out his attitude in Secondhand Lions from 2003. He and Michael Caine are old guys who must care for their nephew (Haley Joel Osment) for a summer. The kid learns about family, men, and tales both tall and real.

Cole Jennett

Robert Duvall and Robert Downey Jr are great in “The Judge”. It’s even got Queen B in it😉


Seeing Nicole in this it reminds me to ask - have you seen Practical Magic? I would think both of you would have, being with her and with Sandra Bullock, but it's also 90s so I can't be sure. If not you absolutely MUST! You would both love it to bits, no question.

'Pappy' Johnston

Hey Ladies, do you know what ORHER movie that Robert Duval is in that you would both LOVE? ‘OPEN RANGE!!!!!!’ BTW ‘Big John’ played by Fred Thompson looks familiar because you saw him in a host of movies not the least of which was ‘The Hunt for Red October.’ And the ‘Rowdy’ character played by Michael Rooker also looks familiar from things like ‘The Guardians of the Galaxy’ (in blue face) and you will see him again in ‘Tombstone’, if you ever watch that. Jus’ sayin’. But Tombstone, (Based on a true story), and ‘Open Range?’ I SWARE TO….GOSH (LOL) you would LOVE them. (ESPECIALLY Open Range.) 😊

Gary B

The intro to this is just so hilarious :D

Gary B

Slight exaggeration there, she's only in about a tenth of the movie. Not my favourite movie but I do love the whole "mysterious" aspect of the secret parties, the secret society, etc

Jon Embrey

@Scott Johnston the full name of the actor who portrayed "Big John" is Fred Dalton Thompson, former United States Senator from Tennessee. "Secondhand Lions" is another great movie Robert Duval was in.

Jon Embrey

Hi Cassie and Carly, in honor of Presidents Day could you please react to the movie "Dave" with Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver, Ving Rhames, Frank Langella, Ben Kingsley, Charles Grodin, Laura Linney and Bonnie Hunt in a small role as the White House tour guide. Other people may suggest "The American President" with Michael Douglas but personally I believe that it is too partisan for such an occasion. I have never met anyone who doesn't like the movie "Dave", although the scene with the 'Line-Item Veto" is unrealistic because the "United States Constitution" forbids it, said action would essentially turn the President into a Dictator, why elect members of the house and senate if the President can erase one or more sentences from a "Bill". The Veto power applies only to the entire "Bill" and forces congress to renegotiate and reach a consensus which is why they were elected in the first place. Sorry for rambling on about specifics. LOL ✌💖

Greg Nelson

Fred Thompson? I too vote for Open Range. After all, You’ll get a love story with Kevin Costner. To really see Robert Duvall though, try the miniseries Lonesome Dove.

Kristin D

I would LOVE to see a reaction to Dave. One of my favorite movies! A short series I'd love to see a reaction to is John Adams, with Paul Giamatti. It's only 7 episodes. High Production value, and an interesting look into the founding of the USA.

Kristin D

I mentioned the parody Talladega Nights to watch earlier, but I also want to recommend Deep Impact. Robert Duvall is fantastic in that, plus it has Elijah Wood (Frodo) and Morgan Freeman. I think Cassie and Carly would both like it.

Jon Embrey

@kristin D I agree with your suggestion of John Adams, hopefully around Independence Day. I have been suggesting to PIB and other reactors "Regarding Henry" with Harrison Ford and Annette Benning, I love the scene in the park. I have not been successful in my attempt thus far. I know Cassie is a big Harrison Ford fan, maybe some of the other Patrons can help convince her?

'Pappy' Johnston

Sorry, cut paste/edit error. 🤷‍♂️😂🤣 You are 100% correct, it was the late Fred Thompson. I don't think I ever saw him in anything I where he didn't add huge to the overall story. Great actor. My post has been corrected. 👍🏻🙂

Bill W

"gross" and naked Nicole Kidman in the same sentence?

Bill W

I don't know that Cassie would "love" Open Range. She didn't love 2/3 westerns she reacted to (Good Bad Ugly and Unforgiven). And the love story is kinda forced, although I can see her going "aww" at one scene.

Bill W

Love that intro. Way to grab the wheel Carly!! (see what I did there?)

Bill W

Any Nicole Kidman fans out there..for a great performance that flew under the radar check out Destroyer (2018). It was a box office bomb, but garnered her a Best Actress nomination.

Happy Hanukkah

Fred Thompson even had some momentum in the early stages of the 2008 GOP presidential primaries. (My favourite line (heavy sarcasm) from his acting career: "No. Of course not. No." (L&O))

Sam White

Check out "All the right moves" another early Tom Cruise movie also starring Lea Thompson. Tom is a High School Football star trying to earn a college scholarship. "TAPS" is another suspense thriller with a young Tom Cruise, Sean Penn, and Timothy Hutton. "The Best of Times" is another good sports/rom-com flick starring the late great Robin Williams and Kurt Russell.

Happy Hanukkah

Gary: Not the way I watched the movie! 😜 (Unashamedly stolen from Coupling.)

Mike Lemon

They've seen Talladega Nights (side note- Really spellcheck? You think Talladega is a misspelling of gallbladder?). The watched movie list- https://letterboxd.com/pib1/films/

Mike Lemon

President's Day has to be the 100% true story- Abraham Lincoln- Vampire Hunter (2012).

Kristin D

They have? I don't see the reaction on youtube, or here on the channel. Bummer I missed it.

Kristin D

Regarding Henry is a wonderful movie. I totally support you in this suggestion!!!

Mike Lemon

They have also watched movies in their normal lives, that was one of them.

Jon Embrey

Thank You. I totally support your suggestion of Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Rickie Bobby!!!

Viet Ta

I just realized that Rowdy Rod is Yondu from guardians of the Galaxy. Talk about 2 redeeming characters

Dave Sees Movies

I didn't read through all the comments so apologies if somebody already mentioned this, but Tom Cruise is a VERY BAD GUY in "Collateral."


They'd definitely love "Regarding Henry." I personally would love to see them react to "The Mosquito Coast," but they definitely wouldn't like that one as much.

Gilbert Gonzalez

Writing this suggestion here since it’s racing movie related lol but one movie came out on digital from theaters right now called Gran Turismo (2023), that I think would be a really good watch. It’s like if Days of Thunder, Top Gun, and Rocky were all rolled into one lol and it’s a true story about a guy in the UK who became one of the best players of a racing simulator/ video game called Gran Turismo, and he qualified to enter a GT academy where they trained simulation racers to become real racers. It’s a very good inspiring movie that has a lot of heart and will have your heart pumping, make you laugh, and maybe make you cry at parts lol