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Something resolved in episode 3 that I did not think would resolve so quickly and then I love a good fight a monster episode! This season is less western-y, right? I get that every episode can't be like that but I miss that vibe a little bit.

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[Full Reaction] The Mandalorian S3:3-4


Wyatt Nuxoll

It probably doesn't feel like a western because Mando just finished fighting through a cordyceps apocalypse , so this is just a walk in the park ....... hahaha lmao haha ok I'm done ... šŸ˜‚


Cassie is craving a western vibe! Bring on the western movies everybody and we'll fix that tout suite!

nick bell

Unpopular opinion? The show is not that good. Season one was ok. Season two was less so and now Season three seems way less so. It's just not good.

Will C

Iā€™m sure its not an unpopular opinion on Twitter. Not sure why it needs to be voiced on a thread for the reaction video, but, any opportunity to bash Star Wars must be taken I suppose.


I disagree but that's okay. I think season 2 is far better than season 1 (including the Boba Fett episodes) It just consistently became better. Season 3 has been slower but I appreciate a show that takes its time to flesh out the plot. Then again I liked Andor and is beginning to watch Clone Wars, so perhaps I'm getting too deep down the rabbit hole.

nick bell

Right...because people only comment about things they don't love in Star wars threads. Lol

Myles Away

Totally agree. It's written like it's an after school show from 1995. The VFX budget just happens to be large enough to mask that for most people. This show isn't "slow" because its fleshing out the storyline. It;s slow because it meanders and has zero emotional stakes. They introduce a problem and solve it within 5 minutes. Why mention it sucks on a reaction video? Because this is a place to discuss opinions about media.

nick bell

Seems like Star Wars wants to be dunked on. They almost beg for it. And they deserve it.

Will C

More often than not unfortunately, I agree. The point I was trying to make is only that, if you look at comments on literally any non-Star wars reaction video here, thereā€™s no dunking, deserved or not. There just isnā€™t. But when a Star Wars vid comes up, so do the pitchforks. I donā€™t think itā€™s the venue for it, but thatā€™s just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to express theirs.

nick bell

I get your point. I love Star Wars. Not a hater. But if you go back to tons of threads here you will see plenty of people dunking on plenty of movies. Some pretty bad at times. This isn't just Star Wars. And I thought my comment was kind of mild.

Will C

Iā€™ll have to independently verify that Nick. Lolā€¦jk i believe it.

nick bell

Some good ones are Goodfellas, Full Metal Jacket....spicy conversations...if they haven't been deleted. Lol

Wyatt Nuxoll

If Cassie is in the mood to watch another western with carly I highly recommend the movie Open Range with Kevin Costner and Robert Duvall very great film I'm sure they would love it


another great Western. I'd add Silverado to the list - also with Kevin Costner.


The show is fantastic. Sounds like you're just playing into the tired clichƩ of a show magically getting worse the longer it lasts, the more interesting and larger in scope it becomes. It's continuing MANY Star Wars thread us fans have been ACHING for returning to from other shows. Mando's just a show of a larger universe of Star Wars storytelling telling a big picture.


Mandalore has been vacant of Mandalorians for a long while, and it's obviously been the goal of this season to return at least a small portion of the population there. It's taking much longer to accomplish that goal than 5 mins, it took longer than 5 mins to save Ragnar, it took longer than 5 mins for Bo to save Din from the cave on Mandalore. I have no clue what examples you're thinking of which are solved in 5 mins, but it really helps an argument to HAVE them. And no, this isn't a place to discuss opinions about media to that much of a degree, this is a place to discuss the reaction content of a show not only should we all LOVE enough to watch multiple times, but love enough to pay to watch other people watch on Patreon. Who pays for reaction content to shows they don't' like!?! Who WATCHES shows again they don't like? That's nuts.

YodatheHobbit (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 23:23:43 A few Westerns I recommend are the remake of "310 to Yuma" with Christian Bale(Batman Begins), Russell Crow(A Beautiful Mind, Gladiator), and "Appaloosa" with Ed Harris(Top Gun Maverik, maybe some other films Cassie watched) and Viggo Mortenzen (Lord of the Rings).
2023-03-30 21:15:38 Kelleran Bec(The Jedi that saved Grogu) was played by the actor who played Jar Jar Binks! So you SORT OF did know him. He had a large backlash in Hollywood from people who didn't like his performance which gave him depression and thoughts of suidide in the past. Happily Jon Favreau and Dave Filioni cast him as the savior of Grogu! He did such a good job. As both Jar Jar and Kelleran in my opinion. He is also a character in a Star Wars game show type for show Jedi Younglings. A few Westerns I recommend are the remake of "310 to Yuma" with Christian Bale(Batman Begins), Russell Crow(A Beautiful Mind, Gladiator), and "Appaloosa" with Ed Harris(Top Gun Maverik, maybe some other films Cassie watched) and Viggo Mortenzen (Lord of the Rings).

Kelleran Bec(The Jedi that saved Grogu) was played by the actor who played Jar Jar Binks! So you SORT OF did know him. He had a large backlash in Hollywood from people who didn't like his performance which gave him depression and thoughts of suidide in the past. Happily Jon Favreau and Dave Filioni cast him as the savior of Grogu! He did such a good job. As both Jar Jar and Kelleran in my opinion. He is also a character in a Star Wars game show type for show Jedi Younglings. A few Westerns I recommend are the remake of "310 to Yuma" with Christian Bale(Batman Begins), Russell Crow(A Beautiful Mind, Gladiator), and "Appaloosa" with Ed Harris(Top Gun Maverik, maybe some other films Cassie watched) and Viggo Mortenzen (Lord of the Rings).

Steve Barrett

Iā€™ll second both. But I donā€™t think Cassie gets her movies this way. I think there is some other site youā€™re supposed to use and then request counts are talliedā€¦ā€¦and then polls formed. As if Iā€™m going through all thatā€¦.not. I value my time.

Ben Livingstone

The original 3:10 TO YUMA first, though. It would be good to give a bit context for the remake. I actually like the original much better.

Armchair Wizard (edited)

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2023-03-31 05:30:07 One Western I think you'd love is Quigley Down Under. Such an iconic movie with a great appearance from Alan Rickman and Tom Selleck.
2023-03-30 23:57:17 One Western I think you'd love is Quigley Down Under. Such an iconic movie with a great appearance from Alan Rickman and Tom Selleck.

One Western I think you'd love is Quigley Down Under. Such an iconic movie with a great appearance from Alan Rickman and Tom Selleck.

Ragnar Miersch

At some point I sure do wish you would consider the John Wayne/Maureen O'Hara western comedy "McLintock". I know as sure as I know my own name that you would enjoy it.

Mike LL

I am NOT in love with this show. That being said, I thought the scenes on Coruscant were absolutely spectacular movie level special effects and worth the price of admission. As someone who watched the entire Clone Wars series, the gratification seeing Bo Katan and her assimilation into this Mandalorian society is very high. All this is alone is worth the watch of these episodes. I don't see how one could objectively say this is a bad show.

Mike LL

I think the watch of Open Range is going to happen and I just hope is sooner rather than later.

Mike LL

Besides Open Range, I think Cassie would really enjoy The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) with John Wayne and James Stewart and also Vera Miles, who played the sister in Psycho. She would like McClintok also, the movie that reunited the stars from The Quiet Man.

Robert da Spruce

Iā€™m glad your YouTube channel is going well Cassie. That way, I donā€™t have to worry about you making a living catching popcorn in your mouth! šŸ˜‚ JK Still a little unsure about this season. I feel like theyā€™re setting up all the pieces for something bigger. But I canā€™t really see what that is at the moment.


"Should I know him?" The actor playing the Jedi that rescues Grogu from Order 66 is none other than Ahmed Best. You know him as Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars Episodes 1,2 and 3. Excited for Episode 5 onward since IMO, Episode 5 is where this season really picks up and gets interesting. I feel like up until this point the show has mostly been reestablishing itself, since its next major story beat after Season 2 got spent on rescuing Book of Boba Fett from itself. But after Episode 5, it seems like we finally have a good solid direction to go in and it has me excited to see how it plays out.

Richard Maurer

Just like the MCU shows it's become fashionable to bash every Star Wars show Disney+ puts out. I'm not saying everything they put out (Star Wars and MCU) has been great, but none of them really deserve the vitriol that many "fans" dump on them. In fact, imo, most range from average to good, with a few great ones here and there. But I'm just not seeing all the "awfulness" that people keep saying is there and I'm generally hard to please, so I can only assume some other factor must be making people dislike these shows. As for this season of The Mandalorian, I'm enjoying it more with every episode.

Ian from wine country

Did you know Ahmed Best also played Kelleran Beq in the web series/kidā€™s game show Jedi Temple Challenge? He hosts and acts as a mentor to the child contestant ā€œpadawansā€ as they compete in mental and physical challenges. So a fitting mentor to young Grogu.

Jason Dolan (edited)

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2023-03-31 17:49:10 Surprised anyone is not liking this show. I think people forget Star Wars is mainly for little kids which is why ANDOR flopped in the ratings. I think dropping the show at 3am is also killing a lot of these Disney+ shows. Not sure who is in charge of that but Iger needs to fire them. If The Mandalorian dropped at 8pm EST, 5PM PST I think they would trend more. Personally love seeing the Mandalorians being United and how the empire slowly rising into the First Order.
2023-03-31 13:35:52


Being a top 10 show is not flopping in the ratings, no matter how much you capitalize boring internet talking points. https://web.archive.org/web/20221021213654/https://www.nielsen.com/top-ten/

Will C

I believe the first 2 seasons were on Fridays as well. Donā€™t see the logic in a 12am PST Wednesday drop. Also, this season is less episodic than the last 2 so they might have benefited from dropping 2 at a time.

Will C

The first two seasons were massive. This season has been reported to have dropped off. However, the ā€œreportsā€ come from 3rd party media companies that are not as scientific as Nielsen. Some of them conflict as well so only Disney really knows.

Jedi Psy

Hi Jason, am curious how you have come to the conclusion that Andor flopped in the ratings. RT has it at 96%, IMDB at 8.4/10 and Common Sense Media at 4/5.

David Freese

I think he meant the viewership. All those are critics ratings and maybe an audience score. But actual viewership went down with every episode.

nick bell

This movie will end up being one of Cassies favorites I think.

Jedi Psy

Hmmm, interesting. Do you have some articles or data to back this up? A quick Google search paints a different picture than the one you are espousing. This article https://medium.com/@plumresearch/star-wars-andor-viewership-in-the-us-and-uk-ac429a6b2763 puts in in the top 20 with its peak at #1. Overall, 22 Million unique viewers! Certainly nothing to scoff at and far from a "flop". This article here https://thedirect.com/article/disney-plus-tv-shows-most-popular has Andor at the number 4 spot overall on Disney plus, beaten only by Simpsons, Mandalorian and The Owl House. Care to share anything that would back up your claims?


Down a quarter of the audience from S2's opener is flopping but nice try at spinning. It's bad.

Doc Savage

My favorite movie is Grease 2.. and I don't care what anybody says or if they like it or not; I like it. Lol That's how I treat SW

Jedi Psy

Hi Jason, thank you for the link - sadly for you, it does not back up your argument that Andor flopped in the ratings. The article itself says that Andor is a Top 10 show. Try again, or just abandon this weird crusade that many "fans" have taken up that doesn't help anyone by peddling lies and half-truths in an effort to paint an obviously biased narrative.

Jedi Psy

Hi Jason, I am not sure why you are persisting in your flop narrative. All the available data proves otherwise. You can say it under-perfomed in comparison or did less than expected but by all measurements, a flop it was not. These sorts of narratives in spite of the actual data does not paint us Star Wars fans in good light. This weird sect of people like yourself that dig in on a falsehood rather than accept reality is unsettling to say the least. You say you are happy to debate it but I do not debate with people who ignore reality. This is merely for the spectators to see that regardless of what I thought of Andor, the facts speak for themselves. Flops do not get rave reviews from both critics and audience members, top 10 ratings, tens of millions of unique views as well as renewed for second seasons. These are the facts.

Jason Dolan

Are these articles wrong? https://time.com/6234534/andor-best-star-wars-show/ https://lrmonline.com/news/andor-may-be-a-critical-hit-but-viewership-figures-are-poor-sadly/ https://movieweb.com/andor-star-wars-show/ https://fandomwire.com/i-thought-the-show-would-have-this-gigantic-instantaneous-audience-everywhere-andor-creator-tony-gilroy-disappointed-with-shows-low-popularity-despite-critical-ac/ No one is saying the show is not good. No one is saying the show was not well received. All I am saying is that when the show came out, it premiered 6 out of 10 and then slowly dropped out of the ratings top ten and was not a top ten show at the end of the year, not even in the top twenty. That's the reality.

Cassie Tremblay

both ways!! 3:10 to yuma has been suggested a bunch on comments, itā€™s on my short list. maybe we need another western poll

Cassie Tremblay

yes iā€™ve heard i need to give it a few more episodes. iā€™m not hating it at all, just waiting for the bigger picture! that is really cool that that was Jar Jar

Jedi Psy

Ladies and gentlemen, notice how Jason has an almost pathological inability to admit he is wrong. He made a murky statement calling Andor a flop and then followed up with a more firm stance that it was a flop re: viewership. Notice how every article he and I have posted say no such thing. Notice how he tries to make it seem like my bias is coloring my judgement when I have not stated either way my feelings for the show. Notice how he displays his intellectual dishonesty by trying to re-frame the argument by speaking on Andors quality and reception instead of sticking to the actual point. The point being that Andor is not a flop as the very definition of the word is: Total failure. This world in general, and Star Wars fandom in particular would be a much better place if people could simply admit when they are wrong. I do not do this to shame Jason specifically, merely to use this dialogue as an example of how we can do better in our discourse with each other. Online, we only have the words to go by. We do not have tone of voice or body language, the 2 biggest contributors to human communication. As such, we must choose our words carefully to assure effective communication. I am by no means a perfect person without ego or bias, but I do try and be honest as much as possible and will certainly correct any factual mistakes I make as soon as I am aware of them. I apologize for using this venue as somewhat of a soapbox, I hope you all - inclusing Jason - have a wonderful day.

Gideon James

Did this and Boba's season finale get reacted to? Is EP 8 available? Both have satisfying finales. Episodes that Casey would feel good with. Very odd if she has not.