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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit of Hatchi, which will premiere shortly on YT. It'll premiere at 11am PST, but to avoid spoiling the collaboration we won't do a countdown for the premiere, it will just be an instant premiere. I'm not sure I'll be able to make it live that early but I'll try! Hope you enjoy!

PS: Good Morning Vietnam should be up this afternoon!

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie.  


[YT Edit] Hatchi (2009)



Never seen this film but it's based off of the real dog: Hachikō. I've been lucky enough to visit his statue next to Shibuya station in Tokyo on 3 different occasions.


Love the collaboration. You two were great. Its hard for me to watch this story. So glad you liked it

Timothy Burrows

I just realized all my patreon follows are Canadian.


Simone! Great collaboration. My two favourite reaction channels.

Nathan Swapp

Loved the crossover. You and Simone have great chemistry. I hope to see you guys do more films together.

Randolph Tirazona

Fellow Canucks! Oh, my sister is 1st Nations... Not me. AH HA!!! So another reason to watch: "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey"

Mike Lemon

Weird. Someone with the same user name realized the same thing a week ago.

Mike LL

I've thought for a long time that the purpose of families having pets is to teach young children about death. Now don't hate on me. I've had a few people who I have told this theory have a bad reaction on me. Think about it. Now I loved this movie, had no idea what it was about when I went into it, it is just about the saddest story I've ever heard or seen. An epic collaboration, thank you Cassie and Simone and Ben and George.

Jorge De La Torriente

Hi Cassie. A huge movie that you've never seen Richard Gere in is called FIRST KNIGHT, which also stars Sean Connery. Please react/review it with Carly. You'll enjoy it!!

Wes Stewart

I wouldn’t call it the purpose of having a pet but I hear what you’re saying. Death has become more taboo. We are often shielded from it, often we refuse to contemplate or discuss it when it’s a natural part of life, and in discussing our own mortality can help us to live more purposeful lives.


Cassie, Good movie to watch with Richard Gere is “Officer and a Gentleman”. 😬👍


Two of my absolute favorite, and most beautiful lady reactors right here.. Probably definitely

Michael Gilbrook

The collaboration with Simone for this review was great! Still love your reviews with Carly, but occasionally working with Simone to switch things up definitely works.

James Lewis

I cried like a little girl! And I'm an almost 70 year old man.

james morrow

don't feel bad mr Lewis,i'm 71 years old and i was right there with you lol


Next time just add Ellie from "The Homies" channel so we can get Niagara Falls-level of tears.


Another Richard Gere film that is well worth watching is Days of Heaven (1978) which is a flat out masterpiece directed by Terrence Malick. It won an Oscar for best cinematography, the photography is absolutely stunning, most of it is shot at early sunrise or sunset. If you ever put up a Richard Gere Patreon poll please include Days of Heaven in the list, please Cassie.


Can’t remember if I saw “An officer and a gentleman” on the watched list. If not, it needs to be.

Javier Hernandez

The way Hatchi waits for his owner is similar to how the dog in Return To Me waits for his owner.