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I actually think there are quite a few of you who haven't seen this one,  so I don't want to spoil anything. Everyone in this was fantastic, wanted more at the end!! I think you guys have turned me. I think I would have said before that Westerns are by far my least favorite genre but I'm having a good ole time!!

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[Full Reaction] 3:10 to Yuma (2007)


nick bell

I'm so happy you're turning into a western fan. So many great ones still to watch.

Jonny Kerr (JK)

You’re gonna love the new Magnificent 7 with Chris Pratt, Ethan Hawk, and Denzel when you get to it someday. Awesome western. Funny but brutal. Never seen this. Can’t wait to watch.

Zane From Canada

A prime example of a remake done right! 👍

Robert da Spruce

Looking forward to watching your reaction Cassie!

Anthony Perez

Well...I have errands to run...OR...I could sit here and watch Cassie watch this movie. I have popcorn. Better get a bowl.

nick bell

Same here. It was dicey at first but now she's got the vibe

Peter MacColeman

Cassie, You would have loved the original. The remake redid the ending for sake of being edgy in my opinion. Enjoy Open Range!

Bill Maurer

The Searchers Filmed in Monument Valley (Arizona/Utah)


I just watch the OG because of this poll. Glen Ford sure had presence. He was such a great(Canadian)Actor! I think the remake works better because Bale & Crowe are same level actors. Glen Ford over shadows the other guy completely. I tell ya the OG makes want to watch Glen Ford movies.

Brent Petty

Ben Foster is such an underappreciated actor.


3:10 to Yuma is a good Western. But Cassie I am pumped for you to watch "Open Ranch"! That should have been the number one pick for you. Because it is going to be your favorite! I'd make a bet on that! I've watched every Western Movie & TV Show ever made. Cassie you should have started with "Stagecoach"(1939) it is the OG. But I'm sure you'll get there some day. F--- you are going to love Open Ranch. Open Ranch was filmed in Alberta. From a fellow Canadian. Good day eh!

Odd Thomas

Possibly my favourite western, followed by another Crowe western, The Quick and the Dead, Open Range and um, Cowboys and Aliens

Odd Thomas

Another good western with Christian Bale: Hostiles. One of my favourite endings to any movie ever (no spoilers, obvs). News of the World with Tom Hanks is another good recent one.

Peter MacColeman

Supposedly back in the day in the UK they awarded Van Heflin the Top Male Action star for that role. Van Heflin also was an Academy Winner for acting. I think where we see Glenn Ford as the better actor is his style of acting is closer to what is seen today. It was so much more subtle than the Chill Willis, and Ward Bond era was used to, it translates so much better today. Incidentally, my personal favorite tidbit about Ford besides the insanity of his love life was him illegally raising 140 chickens inside Beverly Hills until the police shut him down.

Grégory Gautier

In my memories I enjoyed this movie, a great cast! James Mangold... of course! đŸ€žfor Indiana Jones 5 ^^


He's great in everything! From Freaks and Geeks to Hell and High Water(Should have won an Oscar).


Perhaps now to see the original? :) or if you have not seen it the original Westworld that started the series. Yul Brenner was a gem


I think someone once said all good westerns are morality plays. I think this one fits that description. It takes a minute to digest but I really love this versions ending

Jake McNulty

Glad to see you're warming up to westerns Cassie. I hope one day you might check out the classic "High Noon", I have a feeling you'll enjoy that one.


Actually saw this in the theater, it’s been a while so looking forward to the reaction; once I learned it was a remake I went back and watched the older version as well

Greg M

Hope some day you guys watch the greatest western ever filmed: “The Searchers” with John Wayne.

Stick Figure Studios

In many ways the 3:10 TO YUMA remake is a well-made film, but I ultimately don't care for it because of its cynicism, nihilism and misanthropy. I much prefer the original film with Glenn Ford (which, without giving anything away, has a very different and imo vastly superior ending). I think you would prefer it too.

Stick Figure Studios

I also prefer the original and it's ending. Nothing wrong with Van Heflin's acting in that film. Ford is definitely sexier and more charismatic than Heflin, but that's by design. That's his character. Dan is supposed to seem weaker and more pathetic by comparison. I think it works perfectly for the themes of the film.

Jonny Kerr (JK)

I still haven’t seen the original. But I want to check it out. I tend to pick apart new movies when I’ve seen the original so if I have an option I usually go in reverse order lol.

Stick Figure Studios

I am pleased that you're staring to enjoy and appreciate the western genre though (this was basically my experience too; I used to hate westerns, but over time grew to appreciate them and now it's one of my favorite genres). Many of the best films ever made are westerns and there are so many more great ones to introduce you to: STAGECOACH, HIGH NOON, THE SEARCHERS, THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE, OUTLAW JOSEY WALES, RED RIVER, etc.

Robin Craft

I remember him as The Stranger in 30 Days of Night. Talk about creepy af.

resinmonkey .

High Noon also has Grace Kelly who she saw in Rear Window. But she hasn't seen Gary Cooper yet.

resinmonkey .

High Noon, The Searchers, Shane, The Quick and the Dead, True Grit. High Plains Drifter.

Andrew Rose

Wow when Cassie's mother-instinct kicks in I'm scared for whoever pisses her off. :) Yikes

Odd Thomas

1883 is a terrific TV series about pioneers. Highly recommend it!

Steven Ashford

I have not seen this one. Since it got so many votes I will be!

Rosario Cicero

I swear 99.9% of the films she chooses are ones I've never seen or am not interested in. It's a conspiracy i tell you!

Mike LL

This movie is really a lot better with Cassie's company. I am a little puzzled by the insistent recommends for the original 1957 version of this story. I really don't think she wants to revisit this story, this version is fine enough. As far as '50's originals go, I would be willing to bet she watches the original Sabrina before she watches 3:10 to Yuma. And as for the Western Recommends, I think a lot of fine ones have been mentioned here, and I would like to re-recommend John Wayne in Red River (1948) and El Dorado (1966) and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) with James Stewart, and James Stewart is the star of Destry Rides Again (1939) and Firecreek (1968) with Henry Fonda. Speaking of the Fondas, as Byrun McCleroy, the Pinkerton Detective, who seemed not too bothered by the gunshot in the hold-up in the beginning of the movie, well he wasn't bothered until he got thrown off a cliff later, that was Peter Fonda, son of Henry, brother of Jane, and father of Bridget.


Ironic, as the reason she started doing this is there were lots of movies she wasn't interested in and she decided to broaden her horizons and try things out.

Stick Figure Studios

I don't know how to respond that. It's just that kind of movie, i.e. one that provokes strong emotional reactions (be they positive or negative). If someone didn't love it or hate it but was just sort of indifferent to it, then I guess more power to them.

David Collins

I watch all of her reactions for movies I've never seen, especially the ones I'm not interested in. And I've found out I enjoyed most of them.

David Collins

Cassie, this has me wanting more movies where Christian Bale mesmerizes. The Prestige is amazing. Reign of Fire is also horribly underrated. First movie I ever saw Bale in. Plus it has Mathew 'alright, alright, alright' McConaughey, who is also mesmerizing. And it has dragons, which we know you love! But loved your reaction to 3:10. Might be my favorite one so far. BTW Ben Foster, who played Charlie deserved an award for this performance. He is amazing. Also, Dan's wife is played by Gretchen Mol who I'm always unable to take my eyes off when she is on screen, ever since I first saw her in Donnie Brasco. The casting for 3:10 is fantastic, across the board. Can't wait for Open Range. I <3 Button!

Andy Bodkin

Another great Western is True Grit. Hailee Steinfeld was amazing in it, even as a kid she was a great actor.

Stick Figure Studios

I also really want her to react to the movie that introduced Christian Bale to us as a child actor, Steven Spielberg's EMPIRE OF THE SUN.

Just Plain Bob

A quick FYI for Cassie: The Pinkerton Detective Agency was an early, and the largest, private detective agency. They provided security services and performed many law enforcement duties in the 1800s, including acting as bodyguards for the President before the Secret Service. Their operatives were called Pinkertons. Regarding the basis for this movie, a short story written by the fantastic author Elmore Leonard, it’s worth noting that Mr. Leonard felt that the original movie was the superior adaptation, calling the remake “overdone.” I love his writing and would ordinarily defer to Mr. Leonard about adaptations of his work, but in this case I feel he was wrong. I liked both the original movie and the remake. But the best adaptation of his work, in his own opinion and in mine, was Quentin Tarantino’s adaptation of his novel “Rum Punch”, renamed “Jackie Brown” for the big screen.

Uncle Phoenix

That movie was so good. Definitely a new classic.

Terry Yelmene

These movies are just too sad for her. For all of us when we're with her.


The original (1957?) was better and Cassie would have enjoyed it more (certainly the ending).


If you liked 3:10 to Yuma, Elmore Leonard who wrote the short story also wrote the short story that became the series Justified starring Timothy Olyphant. I highly recommend the series. Not many reactions to it on YouTube, I think Cassie should watch it if she hasn't already even if she chooses to not react to it. I can't recommend it enough lol

Robert da Spruce

Great reaction Cassie! Whoa! That ending! I think if you were there, you might have taken out Charlie yourself. 😳 I totally forgot Wash was in this! I always enjoy seeing him in any movie. I think the movie starring Leonardo Di Caprio you were thinking of is The Quick and the Dead. Another movie that’s well worth watching.

David Freese

She usually doesn't do long series runs for the channel. She might do it on her own though.

Adam Zimmerman

Thinking you need to add Lonesome Dove to your Westerns list. Just as good as it gets

David Freese

I don't understand why it shouldn't be done. Alot of people, including myself, think the original is better. Cassie should definitely watch the original, just like she should watch the original True Gritt.

David Freese

I agree with that. Following Cassie has opened my mind towards some films I wouldn't watch before.

David Freese

She's seen the newer True Gritt but the original and Rooster Cogburn would work too


Westerns are not my favorite genre but there are many of them that I like. When they are good, they are very good. Many good titles have already been suggested. I would add Shane, Once Upon A Time in the West, and The Cowboys as my suggestions for future Westerns.

Andrew Roach

I love this movie and wow talk about being invested in a movie. This is also an exception for me as I have not seen the original so I am glad you are did the remake. Without giving anything away I believe the remake make a major change and I think I prefer it.

Ian from wine country

I thought I had seen this movie before. I think now I was wrong. Never thought I'd see Cassie squeal "I'll kill you!" at a movie. That was great.

Zachary Carter

If you watch any other western, please watch Appaloosa. It's Awesome.

Emma Ezzy

This remake is way better than the original.


Yeah I know, I just really had to throw out the recommendation. I don't care if I ever see another reaction to the series, just as long as more people watch it lol

nick bell

Never understood why this movie got zero recognition. It's such a good film with an amazing cast

sean smith

This is convincing me to watch the original. Because I love this remake.

Stick Figure Studios

@Sean: You might be surprised at how remarkably similar they are and yet with a few striking differences.

Terdell Ferguson

I was underwhelmed by it, to be honest. As you said, great cast, but to me the film just fell kinda flat. I don't necessarily want to say "boring" but it just was a miss for me. Just kind of "meh". I WANTED to love the movie, but it didn't want to love me back.

R Harper

Wisdom from the mouth of the Canadian Babe (Cassie) "Switch hats!"


Russel Crowe and Christian Bale raw doggin it in this western

Rick Williams

Great reaction, Cassie. Good movie. But, a hard movie. Stop watching so many hard movies. I hate seeing you suffer and having your heart broken. You need to throw a comedy into the mix.

Mark Daniels

“Deadwood” please. An HBO western series followed up with a movie. Stars ‘The Marshal’ from Mando/Boba. PS - Kyle Reese from ‘The Terminator’ is Johnny Ringo from ‘Tombstone’ is the SEAL team leader from ‘The Rock’ is the bit part guy from Mando when he teamed up with Ahsoka. PPS - I was hopeful that you’d recognize Pushkin/Salah/Gimli and you did!

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

The Pinkertons were basically mercs, mercenaries, paid well to act as security and often as spies in a lot of cases, the name comes from the Pinkerton Detective Agency, or some iteration of that name, and named for Allan Pinkerton, a Scottish immigrant and kind of a badass, not necessarily a bad guy, but not too good either lol; and they were well known, the so-called "Pinkertons", back then, for their skill and ruthlessness. Unfortunately, in my opinion, they were also hired to bust unions, and back then unions were literally just trying to get a fair wage for fair work, but it cost the robber barons less to hire thugs to beat their own workers than to pay those workers their fair share. So I can see why a lot of people didn't like the Pinkertons. Speaking of Pinkertons, I also have to recommend "Deadwood", I think it would make for a great reaction, not to mention rare, I don't know of any other reactions to it and it's awesome.

nick bell

Deadwood is a favorite of mine. I'd like Cassie to try it but not sure it'll happen. Hope I'm wrong. There are a few reactions to Deadwood. Currently watching a reactor named BA ( Scottish I think). Pretty entertaining


Deadwood is pretty hardcore though. Cassie would spend a lot of time under her blanket and the YouTube edits would be about two minutes long with hardly any sound.

Danny T

Cassie FYI anything you do and put online is to intense, we are not all mil's.


So glad you watched this one. I was out of town when you posted it and have been dying to get home to watch this one with you. Now go watch a comedy to break up all the sad movies!

Larry Darrell

I Love the Classic Style of Writing. The viewer knows what happened, without being specifically told or shown. Man They Don’t Make ‘Em Like They Used to.


Cassie should check out a comedic western, McClintock or Support your local sheriff would be good

Kim Brink

"I kill you" this is just so damn aswsome to watch :-)


Crowe, Bale and Foster were great in this film, which was really well done. As much as I enjoyed it, however, I still prefer the original from 1957, with Glenn Ford, Van Heflin, and Richard Jaeckel. Slightly different.


Yeah right? I loved it too, because her reactions are just so damn likeable :D I felt that I kill you also really deep in my heart :D

Clay F

Excellent reaction. Damn good movie. The interaction between the Christian Bale character and the Russell Crowe character is mesmerizing. One of the best performances I've seen by Russell Crowe. Recommended westerns: --THE OUTLAW JOSEY WALES (1976) (Clint Eastwood stars/directs) [RT=91%] [nominated for Oscar for Best Music, Original Score] --PALE RIDER (1985) (Eastwood stars/directs) [RT = 93%] --HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER (1973) (Eastwood stars/directs) [RT = 94%] --TRUE GRIT (2010) (Coen brothers). I took my kid to see in theater on Christmas Eve 2010. Nominated for 10 Oscars including Best Picture, Jeff Bridges, a young Hailee Steinfeld, Directing, Screenplay, Cinematography, and Costume Design. --DEAD MAN (1995) (Johnny Depp) [instrumental music (e.g., electric guitar) written & performed by Neil Young that fits the movie perfectly.] --GODLESS (2017) miniseries (7 episodes). IMDb=8.2. Nominated for 13 Emmys including Outstanding Limited Series. Won 3 Emmys including Jeff Daniels (who is stunning). --KUNG FU (1972) TV series. Stars David Carradine (also in Kill Bill). America didn't even know what kung fu was before that series. Struck me when Office Space (1999) pointed out the series.