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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for The Living Daylights, which will premiere shortly on YT. Hope you enjoy! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie. 


[YT Edit] The Living Daylights (1987)


Wes Stewart

I didn’t care for Dalton’s Bond as a kid. I’ve since grown up and realized the error of my ways. Dalton was intense, dark, suave and mean. If I were to picture Fleming’s Bond from the pages of his writing, I think Dalton would be the best fit of the lot.


I think Timothy Dalton is criminally under rated, he gives a brilliant performance of an intense, serious James Bond. Here is a brief interview he did in 2012, on how he decided to play 007 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aovD2WsEis

Stephen Malloy

General Koskov was played by Jeroen Krabbe, who was the doctor who betrayed Harrison Ford in The Fugitive.

Robert Jewell

Fantastic reaction even though the plotlines are seemingly a bit scattered, but they're not really. Alfred Hitchcock called this the MacGuffin, a technique where he said, "It's what the spies are after, but the audience doesn't really care." He was more interested in the emotions of the underlying relationships. Who's betraying who and why and will a romance be capable of blooming? I much prefer a more serious Bond and Timothy Dalton is the most accurate depiction of Bond according to the original novels in terms of looks and athleticism. License to Kill is one of my favorites so looking forward a lot to that reaction, but it's a lot more down to earth and less gadgetry.

Larry Darrell

Inside The Living Daylights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbXAOnBD8yY


Timothy Dalton...THE most underrated Bond. You just know he studied the books religiously. You can see his influence in Craig's take too. Too bad legal issues cut his time short. Also John Barry's swan song. Loved his more modern score.

Neill Shaughness

You've actually met Felix a few times, though he's not always played by the same actor (like Bond). He's sort of James'American counterpart. He was even invited to James'wedding back in the Lazenby film.

Stick Figure Studios

I've always liked dalton, but it's nice to see the rest of the world catching up... Especially in our post-Craig age.

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, it's funny that Carly doesn't remember him but Cassie is starting to. He'll be particularly significant in the next Dalton one and in the Craig movies.


I'm secretly hoping Cassie and Carly will decide to react to one more Bond film each from the Connery, Moore and Brosnan era. If they don't, that's fine, it's their channel.

Rick Moreno

Both of Dalton's movies were seriously underappreciated when they came out, and nowadays look so much better in hindsight. Also props to the henchman having his own theme song. Necros was awesome! I always loved this movie, and it was great to watch you two react to it!

Christopher Carr

The character of Felix Liter was first seen in Dr. No, which was the first film James Bond film.

Christopher Carr

The Russians were in Afghanistan longer than we were.

Christopher Carr

Dalton is better than Moore. Connery is better than all other Bonds.

james flack

Thank you, SFS, I think I hit a wrong button on my laptop. (I'm 74 years old). 👨‍🦳 The question that got deleted was "how many Timothy Dalton movies were there?)

Richard Bourne

Osama bin Laden was a member and leader of the Mujahideen, Afghanistan Freedom Fighters who the US indirectly supported as outlined in the movie Charlie Wilson's War with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. With that support, which was seen as payback for Soviet support for Viet Nam, the Soviets were driven out. It was the remnants of this group which then under Osama bin Laden hit the US with 911. There are some more complexities there, but at least understand that much of it, and again, Charlie Wilson's War is worth a watch as it is based on a true story.

Richard Bourne

I should also say the movie 12 Strong with Chris Hemsworth (Thor) does a good job showing how screwed up Afghanistan was right after 911. It had several factions at war. One thing though, obviously no one in the Biden Administration saw this movie because if they had they would know if you are going to pull out of Afghanistan you do it in the winter not the summer. I'll leave it at that unless someone wants to argue that.


Casino Royale is my favorite Bond *film* but Timothy Dalton will always be my favorite *Bond*.


Youtube comments are painful reading. "How did this win over Licence to kill?!" "You should have watched Licence to Kill!" "Why did you skip Moonraker?" "You have missed out some Bond films!" "You should watch the Daniel Craig ones!" "Are you watching all the Bond films?" "Why aren't you watching them in order?" And let's not forget the hundreds of comments saying John Rhys Davies played Gimli or that A-Ha sang the theme tune...


Yeah, not only isn't it a particularly fun fact, it is blatantly said in the video.


Although Felix is played by many different actors, I wonder if they will notice that the actor from LALD plays him again in Licence to Kill...

Hondo the Cat

That doesn't sound right. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was in 1979 and they withdrew in 1989. So ten years. USA invaded in 2001 so was there twice as long. USA doesn't share a border with Afghanistan either - Soviet Union did.

Hondo the Cat

It's also worth noting that Osama bin Laden was finally found in Pakistan not Afghanistan (unless one subscribes to the idea he was captured earlier as the explanation of why they threw his body overboard). Osama and most of the perpetrators of 9/11 were actually Saudi as was the funding. The Taliban actually said they would hand Osama over if the USA provided their evidence he was to blame for 9/11 but the USA declined. Looking back, it's pretty silly to suppose that the USA spent $825bn to catch a guy who wasn't even there. Plainly the reasons for the occupation were other than originally used to justify it. But here's probably not the place for that. Still, it's funny watching old movies where Rambo or James Bond pals around with Taliban fighters.

Richard Bourne

I think the movie 12 Strong shows the situation right after 911. Remember just a few days before the attack a leader of one of the factions in Afghanistan was killed. Osama was a Saudi, from a very wealthy family in fact. Pakistan is a frenemy. It weems weird the US has been selling military hardware to Pakistan for a long time, whereas not to India who is really a better ally now. Pakistan and India are both nuclerar powers and have a long standing border dispute. It is stunning how much money was spent in Afghanistan and a lot of what went on would shock decent Americans. The botched pull out last summer was beyond stupid.

Larry Darrell

I generally like to Watch the Reaction, Read the Text that comes along with all of Cassie’s Posts, and then give the Comments section a Once Over, before posting anything myself, but that’s just me. Oops, meant to be a Reply to Dazman. My Bad.

Bill W

Dazman I think they were only doing 1 Dalton film.

Bill W

Carly gets the Lazenby name correct - "Look at ME!" Cassie - *rolls eyes HAHAHAHA you guys are the best.

Larry Darrell

They’re Doing Both Daltons. 2 Films Per Actor at Most, Right Now. More to Come Later, Except for Daniel Craig, for whom they’re doing All.

Hondo the Cat

I agree it does seem weird when India is a more natural ally. But if you think of it much like domestic politics perhaps it makes more sense. Parties make the biggest promises to those who are wavering or require incentives to vote. Those whose vote is already assumed, get very little.


I'm just waiting patiently for Casino Royale

Mike Carey

Fun fact: The guy who played Whitaker also played the Whammer in the Natural