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ROLL TIDE!!! We LOVED this movie, I think suspense like this are some of my favorites!!  Guys! you are going to facepalm a bunch in this reaction when I think Viggo Mortensen is Ed Harris for most of the reaction, where I forgot Carly had seen Gene Hackman in the firm, and so on! It really was one of my favorites as of late!

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[Full Reaction] Crimson Tide (1995)


Jason Dolan

Fun Fact: Quentin Tarantino did a lot of of work on this screenplay

Michael Lynch

Such a great movie with a great cast. Can’t wait to get home and watch this. I know you girls are going to love open range as well.

nick bell

Another great film...what a week. Viggo may have words with you. Ed is a few years older. But both amazing actors

Alex Villarreal

Denzel and Hackman, two titans of acting going at it. Their performances are amazing. This movie is outstanding and one of my favorites. As noted in the comments, screenwriters Robert Towne and Quentin Tarantino did uncredited writing on this movie.

Lamar Smith

Dearest Cassie, I can take you talking about John Wick “raw dogging it in NYC,” but as a dyed in the wool Longhorn, I simply cannot abide ‘Roll Tide!’ ‘Raw Dog,’ yes, ‘Roll Tide,’ NO!

Robert da Spruce

What? You thought Viggo was Ed Harris. Do we need to take away your LOTR fan club membership?! 😂

Christopher Smith

Click that subscribe button on the PiB exclusive channel. Try and get over 1K subscribers if we can folks... https://www.youtube.com/@pibpatreonexclusivecontent6426

Randolph Tirazona

There are soo many greats and this is one!


Hackman and Denzel at their peak. Love this classic 90’s thriller and I’m sure you loved it too Cassie!

Bill Maurer

Gene Hackman was a great, great actor. I use the term "was" because he retired from acting.


YES!!! I was eagerly awaiting this reaction; think you’ll also enjoy Enemy of the State, another suspense thriller also directed by the late Tony Scott, RIP; and just FYI: Ed Harris was also in The Firm (smaller part) and The Rock as General Hummel which y’all watched not too long ago on the channel

Uncle Phoenix

OMG, OMG, OMG…. WOOHOOO!!!! “Boss, I’m sick today.”


I’m at work but I’m planning an early exit 😂

Jacob M

Movie is directed by Tony Scott, one of my favourite directors You have reacted to some of his films probably without knowing it, Top Gun and Days of Thunder I would love to see you do a reaction to “The Last Boy Scout” my favourite film of his!

Uncle Phoenix

“COUGH, COUGH,… I’m serious boss, it’s that mean type of covid that only lasts for 12 hours. See you tomorrow, boss.”

Shehab Dawoud

Denzel and Hackman are great as usual. But these days when I watch or think about this movie, there’s always someone else who comes to mind before those two. Almost 10 years ago since we lost him. RIP to one of the greatest, Mr. James Gandolfini.

Celeste McAllister

Go Bama! Roll Tide! COLD WAR action and suspense I like it! Can we get a Submarine movie poll? Loving some Gene and Denzel...here we go! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 For more Ed Harris Cassie let's watch James Cameron's 'The Abyss' :) Are horses smart? Take my word for it they are,I know because I've been raising horses all my life❤

William Bryan

Don't ever say "Roll Tide" again. *woof woof*

Gábor Árki

I was just sitting down to watch Star Trek Generations tonight, now that my 4K set finally arrived today after 2 weeks in transit. But I guess it's change of plans. 😀 It is a good action/thriller, but personally I do not consider it a war movie. It is completely fictional.


Lol, facepalm at the ready. Great movie and I think it would be right up your alley. Gonna be a fun watchalong.

Steven Ashford

This is one I’ve been waiting on for a while. Glad you finally got around to it!

Just Plain Bob

Roll Tide? 🤮 That’s an an insult to every thinking college football fan. And confusing Viggo Mortenson for Ed Harris? Cassie, what the heck were you thinking? Also, does it hurt anyone else’s heart that Cassie associates Gene Hackman with The Replacements when he’s got a filmography replete with movies like The French Connection, The Conversation and Mississippi Burning?

Odd Thomas

What I love about this is both main characters think they are doing the right thing. Hackman isn't some moustache twirling villain.

Odd Thomas

For more Gene Hackman AND Russell Crowe: The Quick and the Dead

Michael Lynch

Good luck with that. I’ve been trying to get her to watch the Abyss for over a year now. Such a great movie.

Robin Craft

As a life long fan of the two time defending national champion Georgia Bulldogs, I don't say Roll Tide but Go Dawgs!! Looking forward to your reaction ladies!!


I believe he was brought in later to specifically enhance the dialogue. There is a comic book conversation that is totally Tarantino

Just Plain Bob

How much was true? None of it. It was complete fiction. There might be some loosely analogous situations that occurred during the Cold War, particularly during periods of heightened tension such as the Cuban Missile Crisis, but I don’t believe this was related to any of them. It was a 100% Hollywood creation. If the sisters are interested in something that’s fairly historically accurate that deals with the Cold War, I’d recommend Thirteen Days. It’s about the aforementioned Cuban Missile Crisis and stars Kevin Costner. Great flick.


I’m glad you like this movie. It’s a lot of fun with a good cast. Very entertaining. Hackman and Washington were great in it. Tony Scott made quality action movies. Same director as Top Gun. Though I didn’t think he was Ed Harris Viggo Mortensen looks nothing like Aragon in any other movie I’ve ever seen him in so it’s pretty easy to not know if you don’t look at the cast.


Like Just Plain Bob mentioned this film is 100% fiction but the events do closely parallels with an event that occurred during the Cuban Missile Crisis onboard Soviet submarine B-59. On 27 October 1962, senior officer Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov was on board the Soviet submarine B-59 near Cuba when the US forces began dropping non-lethal depth charges. While the action was designed to encourage the Soviet submarines to surface, the crew of B-59 had been incommunicado and so were unaware of the intention. They thought they were witnessing the beginning of a third world war. Onboard the Soviet Sub they had a ten kilotonne nuclear torpedo with the officers having permission to launch it without waiting for approval from Moscow, again from their point of view WW3 was already happening so Moscow could've been blown to bits as far as they know. Two of the vessel’s senior officers including the captain wanted to launch the missile but all three had to approve for the missile to launch with Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov denying the launch leading to the sub surfacing . I can't recall if they surrendered to the Americans or if they were allowed to return home to the USSR but they did re-surface. If they did launch World War 3 would've most likely played out with nuclear warfare from all sides leading to a Judgement Day. We wouldn't be here today reacting to you two if it wasn't for the actions of Vasili Arkhipov. Denzel Washington's character heavily reflects Vasili Arkhipov in this film. Here's a really solid 9 min video going over the events - https://youtu.be/BR1q9MRwHdQ?t=9

Odd Thomas

I think I was watching the director's cut - or you guys were - because so many scenes didn't match up


Speaking of Ed Harris, he's a great actor. I think Cassie and Carly only saw films of his as an antagonist. They need to watch The Abyss. It's an underwater sci-fi "love story 😉 " Directed by James Cameron.


I was sure - absolutely SURE - that you two were going to call Lt. Wepps (Viggo) “Aragorn” during the whole movie. But I didn’t think either of you would recognize Gene Hackman (Little Bill “Unforgiven”, Lex Luthor “Superman”, Coach McGinty “The Replacements”, or Avery “The Firm”) and *that is what would get us to smack our foreheads!* 🤣 I haven’t watch the reaction yet, but at least I’m prepared! lol


I love The Quick and the Dead. Comic book western at its best.


Tony Scott made excellent action thriller films. Spy Game, Deja Vu, and Crimson Tide are my favorites.

David Freese

Are you watching a hard copy or stream? Are you in U. S. Or somewhere else? She watching on DVD so frame rate might be different. My copy kept sync through out.

Stick Figure Studios

I knew you would love this movie. Very glad that Carly got to watch it with you. It's a hell of a film. Smart, suspenseful and stylish with a terrific cast (Washington and Hackman are in top form) and an intense score by Hans Zimmer. No, it's not based on a true story, but the threats in it are very real. If you are at all interested in watching any more movies about nuclear arms, I recommend THIRTEEN DAYS (with Kevin Costner no less) about the Cuban missile crisis, which is referenced many times in this film. It's a somewhat harrowing portrayal of how close we came to Total annihilation, but at the same time it's also sort of encouraging because it demonstrates how good people on both sides will work to avert such a catastrophe. The other one is slightly less serious, but still a lot of fun. WARGAMES with Matthew Broderick. I watched that as a kid and I believe it was my introduction to the whole concept of global thermonuclear war. An exciting techno thriller (and also essentially the first hacker movie). Finally, another suspenseful underwater adventure is THE ABYSS (which I still think is James Cameron's best movie) that stars the *real* Ed Harris! ;-)

Robert Snyder

Viggo Mortensen is great in Hidalgo! And you almost had it! Rick Schroeder was the one who closed the hatch.

Mike Gallagher

The guy that made the other guy do push ups on the bus played Tony Soprano in "The Sopranos" perhaps the greatest TV show of all time. That should be on your list if you haven't seen it.

Robert da Spruce

Well, Cassie did recently watch The Rock. Where Ed was dressed similarly to Viggo in this movie. So, I can kinda see her thought process. But yeah… For shame Cassie! For shame! Just teasing Cass! 😉

David Collins

More Denzel, please! Just throw darts, spin bottles or whatever it takes. He is a genius at picking movies, never makes a bad one and makes every one he does better than it would have been without him.

Brent Petty

Courage Under Fire. Another Denzel war film. Also a mystery drama. Costars include Meg Ryan, Matt Damon, Scott Glenn (US sub captain from Hunt For Red October), and a small role for Sean Astin (Sam from Lord of the Rings). Directed by Edward Zwick, who also did two other films you've reacted to: Glory and The Last Samurai.

Robert da Spruce

+1 for Hidalgo! I think Cassie said something about a Horse movie poll I honor of the Kentucky Derby. Hidalgo would make a good candidate!

Odd Thomas

I think I had a longer cut, definitely extra scenes such as Denzel talking to the guy about his weight and Denzel watching the other sub guys going in to the courtroom at the end.

Andrew Rose

I swear these two are soooo fun to watch react to movies.. you're either commiserating with their emotive responses or yelling at the video trying to tell them where they know these actors from lol.

Damon Corrigan

You also saw Gene Hackman in Superman - he was Lex Luther. Great job on this reaction, though. One of my very favorite movies of all time. If you want another Denzel war movie, Courage Under Fire is also amazing - it was in the poll, but I don't know if many people watched it. It is gripping as well, just in a different way. You two were so great - it was fun watching the tension (seriously all movie long) just build in the two of you. This is one of the best movies for that kind of just slow build of tension, and it never goes away until the end. Ahh. Great times. Thank you so much for doing this.

Odd Thomas

A good suspense film with Denzel: The Manchurian Candidate. So underrated!

Mike LL

Fabulous reaction. Cassie you may need to get a fan for the room because it seemed like you were over heating in there. And as for another non-stop suspense movie I can only think of The Abyss (1989) another movie where you will need the fan in the room! It stars Ed Harris, so when you say “Isn't that Ed Harris?” . . . you will be absolutely correct! Also a great suspense/mystery/heist film with Denzel Washington is Inside Man (2006).

David Freese

Cassie & Carly, I'm so glad you liked this movie so much. I've been dying for you to do it. On the other hand I was disappointed that you called Viggo Mottensen "Ed Harris" but then I was so relieved that you recognized him by his voice. I thought that might do the trick. Thank you for being you. 🤗😁

Gábor Árki

That was a great reaction, and it was a pleasant surprise to have Carly for this one. It is a very well-made movie about an interesting dilemma where both sides act according on their best belief that they are doing the right thing. I knew this movie would be well received, but I didn't expect you would be on the edge this much. I was surprised you didn't recognize Viggo. He was even credited at the same moment he first showed up on screen. But in fairness he does not look like Aragorn at all here. I think he most resembles his LOTR character in HIDALGO (2004), which might have a chance at that derby poll if it makes the cut. For a good thriller - keeping the aquatic tone - I recommend THE ABYSS (1989) with the actual Ed Harris. 😉 Although I would highly recommend the extended cut. The theatrical sacrificed too much just to squeeze it into a ~2h15m runtime. Another one I would like to see your reaction for a while now would be THE GAME (1997) with Michael Douglas.


Being a former Air Cadet the only problem I have with this film Is when Gene Hackman dissed the Air Force near the beginning other then that It's a great film and definitely in my favourite section of my movie collection. I do agree with the fans, you both should check out The Abyss next. Another intense Sci-Fi, adventure, underwater film with a love story. Starring Ed Harris. I'm very confident you'll enjoy it!!!

Alex Tan

...and The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009) & Unstoppable (2010).

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

Denzel Washington has never been in a bad movie all of them are great. Enemy of the State (1998) Gene Hackman Will Smith pretty suspenseful. Enemy At The Gates (2001) with Jude Law and Ed Harris about sharpshooters at the battle of Stalingrad. U-571(2000) Submarine movie with Matthew McConaughey. There is three highly suspenseful movies. Enemy of the State (1998) was directed by the same guy as this one and the same producers.

Bubba Fett

I don't think much of this is based on true story, just a good suspenseful tale. Another good hackman thriller, would be enemy of the state, came out about the same time. Late 90s and early 2ks had a lot of good suspense movies. One of my favorites although different cast all together, the negotiator.

John Drake

As for Cassies opinion for more Denzel movies, I have 2 words. Training Day

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, it's a decent enough film in its own right, but it is vastly inferior to the original. If she's going to watch a MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, go with the first one.

Stick Figure Studios

There's a line of dialogue Kevin Costner says late in that film (that I won't spoil here) that is really profound and continues to give me hope every time I get dark and grim about our future.

Matthew Lange

I would recommend "Thirteen Days". It is about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and stars Kevin Costner.

Joel P

I thought the same thing. "Cassie is going to be excited to see Aragorn." lol

Shehab Dawoud

Malcolm X, He Got Game and Flight as well. Those are his greatest acting performances imo.

Terry Yelmene

At several points I thought Carly was going to come unglued... and I'm not sure Cassie had more than 10 breaths during an hour of that movie! Thank You Ladies for an extraordinary reaction to a great movie. This one was highly stressful fun!

Stick Figure Studios

Lots of people, including myself, have been pushing THE ABYSS for a long time. It's just been announced that it is finally coming out on Blu-ray.

Terry Yelmene

@G - I don't think so. For the both the roles of John Glenn, and my personal favorite, as Gene Kranz in Apollo 13, Ed Harris was very much a protagonist!


Great movie! One of my favs. Did you guys see Viggo Mortensen? He played Aragon in LOTR.

Matt S


Stick Figure Studios

Oh, man. TRAINING DAY. The film that won Denzel his second oscar. He is tremendous in that movie. A very different character than he usually plays. Absolutely frightening. You can't take your eyes off of him.

Neill Shaughness

Still advocating for The Royal Tenenbaums and The Conversation for great Gene Hackman movies

Stick Figure Studios

I've long felt that Hackman is at his best when he's playing complicated characters. He never plays a completely 100% pure good guy (he's always complex or compromised in some way) and on those rare occasions when he's just played a totally evil villain, he hasn't been as interesting.

Alex Tan

Crimson Tide (1995) is my third favorite Tony Scott movie behind #1 Top Gun (1986) & #2 Days of Thunder (1990). My favorite scene was when Ramsey shouts at Hunter "I AM THE COMMANDER OF THIS SHIP! GIVE ME THE KEY!" because of Gene Hackman's performance and the Dutch angle in the shot which makes it very suspenseful. And Hans Zimmer's soundtrack is very epic, especially with the use of synthesizers, which explains why Carly was feeling nervous at the start. I would definitely suggest this movie to Addie Counts.

Steve Mercier

I can't believe you called Aragorn, son of Arathorn, Ed Harris...

Stick Figure Studios

Yes! COURAGE UNDER FIRE! That's another one I've been pushing for a while because I know Cassie would love it.

Jyn Jilly

The disrespect for the King of Gondor.. haha also Cassie is this your first Denzel movie?

Alex Tan

BTW, the "Egyptian lion" in the Hollywood Pictures logo actually resembles The Great Sphynx of Giza in Egypt. Hollywood Pictures was also an adult-oriented film label for Disney, just like Touchstone Pictures.

Gábor Árki

Has it? I don't think there was any official announcement yet, only unconfirmed rumors. And we have had those for the last ~15 years now.

christopher b swanson

U-571...................................................................................................................................young Matthew McConaughey.................................ww2 sub movie, not a true story but a great action suspense movie...................a must-watch for you as a pair....


Cassie I’m so excited that you finally watched and loved this movie as much as I hoped! The writing, acting, music are all incredible. Also the bonus of Carly watching too was fantastic!!

Gábor Árki

Started looking around, but no official announcement or release date has been made. Latest rumors expected it to be released in March. Now new rumors started circulating expecting it to be released in August.


@Terry Yelmene Cassie mistaken Viggo Mortensen for Ed Harris. She needs to see Ed Harris in a love story (The Abyss) that will stick in her memory.

Uncle Phoenix

OMG. Please, "The Abyss" was such a great James Cameron movie. Such an amazing movie.


✔️ - another one on my movie wish list for Cassie. Still waiting for Seabiscuit, Frequency, Fallen, and The Abyss.

David Collins

Another great suspense movie, Executive Decision. It'll be edge of your seat the entire time. Kurt Russell heads an all star cast. It gets largely panned because one of the top billed actors roles was a lot smaller than movie goers expected, based on the previews, but it is intense from start to finish.

David Collins

While U-571 is not based on a true story, it is a inspired by real events. Also, U-571 has Jon Bon Jovi in it. This can never be a bad thing.

Michael Lynch

Lol, I think they’ll watch the abyss now. I’ve scrolled down the comments, and so many people are requesting it. Come on Cassie.


Another GREAT Denzel movie "Man on Fire"

Jason Chirevas

This was an all-time PIB reaction, and I’d say it’s the most engaged Carly has ever been on the channel. This was also a perfect example of how, though they’re sisters, Cassie and Carly often approach and perceive these movies quite differently. It’s a thoroughly engaging dynamic.

Dean Holt

The Hurricane also awesome and two of his underrated movies are Inside Man and Taking of Pelham 123.

Luke Godfrey

I'm so glad you reacted to this movie even though it came second in the poll. It's a classic and so well made. I knew you'd like it. P.s. If you're interested in a comedy submarine movie I recommend Down Periscope starring Kelsey Grammer.

Dean Holt

Another vote for it as well I also think that should be one for both of you if possible. I also think Rules of Engagement should also be on the next War Wednesdays as it’s a fantastic courtroom drama starting Samuel L Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones

Jayson Phillips

You guys need to watch Hunter Killer and Greenland those 2 movies will have you on the edge of your seat!

Desmond King Descepticon

I think Training Day should be next for you and Carly, Denzel won the Oscar for his role.

Rick Williams

Great, Great Reaction, Ladies. You two were intense. This is a great intense movie loaded with great acting. Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman were amazing. Don't worry there are many great suspenseful movies for you two to watch. You two are fun to watch movies with. This may just be your greatest reaction, yet.

Steven Ashford

Well, that was epic. From the time the sub went under at the beginning of the movie, your anxiety just kept going up and up. Pretty sure you all stop breathing several times through this I think this is poppies reaction material. So glad you got to it. If you were wearing your heart rate monitor, I bet your watch would tell you burn 900 cal watching this movie.

Dustin Denner

At the beginning of the movie on the bus, one of the sub officers mentions the movie "The Enemy Below." Definitely another sub movie that is a must watch. It stars Robert Mitchum and Curd Jürgens. Curd Jürgens played the lead villain, Karl Stromberg, in "The Spy Who Loved Me."

Rick Williams

Some good suspenseful thrillers to watch are Out of Time, The Presidio, Serpico, Three Days to Kill, The Next Three Days, Along came a spider, Where Eagles Dare, just to name a few off the top of my head.

Jesus F Christ

I think you would both like Greyhound (2020). It's a Tom Hanks WWII naval thriller about the Battle of the Atlantic.

Richard Bourne

Yes, that was excellent. Denzel's character goes through a powerful arc, supported by Christopher Walken. A very young Dakota Fanning also delivers a great performance. "Revenge is a dish best served cold".

Cole Jennett

He should have won for The Hurricane a year earlier, I think Training Day was a make up call

Cole Jennett

Really hope you will watch The Hurricane, or at least it ends up on a Courtroom Poll one day. My vote for best performance of Denzel’s career, and it has some Canadian ties.


Been waiting so long for you two to watch this, glad you loved it! Another fun action/thriller, that I actually don't see anybody react to, is the The Peacemaker from 1997. George Clooney and Nicole Kidman star in it. The last part of the movie is also very tense!

Stick Figure Studios

I am one of those who thinks he actually did deserve it for TRAINING DAY. He's electrifying in that movie... however, he would have deserved it for THE HURRICANE too. He's fantastic in that one as well.

James MacDonald

Tarantino randomly added a racial subplot for some reason. The white/black horse conversation was completely out of left field.

David Collins

AND Leonardo DiCaprio AND Sharon Stone AND Gary Sinise AND Kevin Conway. Superstar cast.


You want an intense fire film watch backdraft lol


Denzel Washington in The Fallen & Inside Man & John Q - good picks

Jerrod Acree

Great reaction! Such a suspenseful film.

Brian Wegner

Great reaction! While watching this I couldn't help wondering about another outstanding movie that involves possible nuclear war. Wargames, staring a very young Matthew Broderick (Ferris from Ferris Bueller's Day Off). A wonderful movie that both you and Carley would love.


Wow fantastic movie and a blast to watch with you ladies. On the Edge of your seats. Wonderful stuff c and c

Aj R

Crimson Tide is my Favorite movie of all time!! You should check out "The Peacemaker" starring George Clooney and Nicole Kidman.. it deals with the possibility of Nuclear War as well, VERY Suspensful!!

Alex Tan

Hear, hear. Hans Zimmer's soundtrack in that movie is so intense that I like it. I also love how it was used in the trailers & TV spots for Jurassic Park (1993), Waterworld (1995), DragonHeart (1996), and Disney's Mighty Joe Young (1998).

Alex Tan

...and it's also directed by Tony Scott, the director of Top Gun (1986), Days of Thunder (1990), and Crimson Tide (1995). #MoreTonyScottForPopcornInBed


I just recommended that one too, I'm glad someone else remembers the movie! 😅

tiny baby kitty man

If you're looking for thrillers, a really underrated one is Red Eye (2005). I don't think I've ever seen anyone react to that and it. is. INTENSE.


I love it so much best Hans Zimmer score it was the tv spot for jp last world actually to be honest

Richard Bourne

For similar deep suspense and great acting, THE NEGOTIATOR (1998), Samuel Jackson and Kevin Spacey in their prime (have to get past the Kevin Spacey thing).

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

They mention the Cuban Missile Crisis a few times which reminded me of the movie "13 Days". It's not as intense as this one (Tony Scott was a great action director, RIP) but what's crazy and great about that movie is that even though I knew basically how the actual event ended, it still managed to recreate the tension. Plus, Cassie and Carly would get to see Kevin Costner again, this time doing a somewhat questionable Massachusetts accent lol. Also, it's a true story, adapted of course, because... Hollywood. But it's crazy to think how close we were to World War 3, I remember hearing after the Soviet Union disbanded and a lot of their documents were declassified, that it was even closer than we knew, the generals were a bunch of Gene Hackmans (Hackmen?), and how it all went down was really fascinating, and kind of scary. Imagine being Kennedy, youngest president ever at the time, having to deal with this situation, and being challenged from every direction, in part simply because he was considered young as a man in his forties.

Eric Wallace

Highly recommend Sum of All Fears.


EQUALIZER DOUBLE FEATURE! Who doesn’t want to watch Denzel and Pedro Pascal together?!

Robert da Spruce

Wow! Great reaction ladies! I think that had to be one of my favorite reaction with you two! You guys were so into it! You made me tense, even though I’ve seen the movie many times! 😂 Lots of great suggestions for suspenseful movies up above. If I may offer another, I would like to suggest “The Next Three Days (2010)”. Starring Russell Crowe and Elizabeth Banks. I think you two would enjoy it. Once again, great job ladies! 👍

Brandon N.

I agree with Sum of All Fears, and Gravity


The *Ultimate* Thriller is "The Day of The Jackal", you *must* see it, reaction or no, it's utterly utterly brilliant.

Shawn Kildal

My top suspense movies yet to seen are Escape From Alcatraz, Fatal Attraction, Cape Fear, Witness, Notorious, North By Northwest, War Games, Executive Decision and Breakdown.

Shawn Kildal

These Star Trek references has to be tempting??? Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan is one of the great suspense movies as well.

Shawn Kildal

A ban on smoking in submarines was passed in 2010 btw. I didn't know that until I just looked it up.

Jason Chirevas

It occurs to me Carly should see THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER, and we should see her see it.

Jason Chirevas

NORTH BY NORTHWEST has been my most anticipated PIB reaction since I became a patron over a year ago.


For anyone curious as to whether this was based on a true story. I think that the film was inspired by two incidents from the cold war. The 1983 Soviet nuclear false alarm incident, where Russian officer Stanislav Petrov disobeyed launch orders against the USA and was credited with basically saving the world from armageddon. The incident on which events in the film are closely based happened during the Cuban Missile Crisis where, after days without outside contact, Soviet submarine XO, Vasily Arkhipov, had to talk down his captain from launching a nuke (at the US) and convince him to surface and confirm their orders, effectively preventing a first-strike scenario from escalating. It's a bit scary how often these types of situations actually happened in real life. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanislav_Petrov https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasily_Arkhipov

Mike LL

Oh! You said Carly! I was to direct to the Red October react! My bad! But not a bad idea by you.

Mike LL

Oh this is the perfect place to suggest THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING (1966), a wacky Cold War comedy about a Russian submarine going aground on a small island off the US coast. The Americans don't know what to do when the Russians hit town! Hijinks ensue! Starring Carl Reiner, Alan Arkin, Eve Marie Saint, Brian Keith and the great Jonathan Winters!

Mike LL

NORTH BY NORTHWEST is my top request in the Popcorn Requests App!

Matthew Scarth

I hope you will both react to Das Boot (1981) at some point, it would be a tough watch but I'm sure you'd both appreciate it for what it is.

Celeste McAllister

The History Buffs channel(YT) gave '13 Days' a favorable review on historical accuracy and content..

Shawn Kildal

Funny idea, maybe do a poll of Ed Harris movies vs Viggo Mortensen movies. I'm sure The Abyss would win in the long run though


Ya this movie is a great one. My pick from the War movies poll.

Keith Jones

A great suspense movie I have mentioned before "No Way Out" Kevin Costner, Gene Hackman, a twist ending up there with "The Usual Suspects" even has COB (Chief Of the Boat) from this movie.

Brent Fugett

Ok, first of all Cassie do you have a subwoofer in there?? You need it for a movie like this. Second, I've seen this movie almost 2 dozen times and seeing it with you two was like watching for the first time. I absolutely love watching movies I love with first timers and you guys were the best! Carly was great as usual, but Cassie your depth of emotion in this, you were fully vested. Did this film not put you right on that boat?? They set up all the chess pieces, giving you the background and a informal training on ballistic submarines and protocols, and the importance of chain of command. Third, there was a lot of "Hollywood" in this one. The chain of command is not this fragile in real life. They actually train on these scenarios to prevent this and with no acknowledgement from the sub within a reasonable timeframe they WOULD have transferred the orders. They wouldn't wait for the "birds to not be aloft". Obviously modern subs are much more sophisticated nowadays with multiple redundant systems to assure two way communication and feedback. And NO the dog would NEVER be allowed, I don't care if it was a descendant of Chester Nimitz. Lol


So glad you liked this, one of my favorite 90s movies. If you want more suspense, best to get back to "The Master Of Suspense" Alfred Hitchcock. North By Northwest is a must, but in the suspense(and romance) vein, Notorious (starring Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman) is an underseen classic.


This whole movie is a work of fiction. The only thing that was real is the Russian war in Chechnya. There never was a civil war where Russian Rebels captured a nuclear launch base. There never has been a publically acknowledged account of a breakdown in nuclear launch protocol aboard an American submarine. Although if I remember correctly there WAS a scare at a land base that wasn't this dramatic years ago. That's probably where the inspiration for this movie came from.


Back when I joined Patreon in 2021, I made a bunch of suggestions( which was probably bad form on my part lol ). Of those suggestions only one movie now remains unwatched...Frequency. So far I'm batting 1000 on liked movies, here's hoping Frequency gets a watch at some point. =P Not sure on the status of From the Earth to the Moon. I think I remember Cassie saying she started it, but not sure if she finished it. Still recommend that one as well at some point, if not. 07/17/2021 I'll throw out a few suggestions: A Few Good Men, Braveheart, The Last Samurai, The Patriot, The Count of Monte Cristo (2002), 12 Angry Men (1957), Casablanca, Frequency, Crimson Tide, Apollo 13, and From the Earth to the Moon ( HBO Mini-series after Apollo 13. Tom Hanks produced, similar to how he did Saving Private Ryan and then Band of Brothers) Side note..that Crimson Tide theme song gets me every time. So good!

Aaron Mann

Another suspense movie from the same director is UNSTOPPABLE. He's also directed a few movies that you've already seen, like Man on Fire, Top Gun (the first one), and Days of Thunder. Anyway, Unstoppable is another movie where the action is non stop and keeps you on the edge of your seat.

David H

Wargames (1983) is a great suspense movie that you and Carly would love. Like Crimson Tide it's also about the threat of nuclear war, and it stars a young Matthew Broderick.

David Crabtree

You two should watch and react to 1983's "The Day After." That's all I'll say about it!

Sean Novack

Cassie, please Please PLEASE watch the film "The Prophecy". Viggo Mortenson isn't in it until the end, but he immediately steals every scene he's in. That's hard because one of the main characters is played by the great Christopher Walken!

David H

So underrated! I think also younger people don't know about it, sadly :(


Great reaction!!! Other political and spy thrillers are, Gene Hackman in Enemy of the State with Will Smith. Spy game with Robert Redford and Brad Pitt. The last Castle with again Redford and James Gandolfini. Behind enemy lines with Hackman and Owen Wilson.


Another vote for enemy of the state, certainly an edge of the seat thriller..


Another submarine movie with a great cast would be K-19, starring Harrison Ford, Liam Neeson and Joss Ackland (Lethal Weapon 2).

SmooothE (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:15:09 thanks for watching this
2023-04-26 16:54:06 thanks for watching this

thanks for watching this

James M (edited)

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2023-07-09 00:15:09 I saw this in the theater in the 90s when it released and it's still just as intense!
2023-04-27 04:35:10 I saw this in the theater in the 90s when it released and it's still just as intense!

I saw this in the theater in the 90s when it released and it's still just as intense!

Andrew Hogan

Thirteen Days and No Way Out with Kevin Costner

Andrew Hogan

Well, having you behind this film gives it a good shot. It’s very overlooked for whatever reason.

Andrew Hogan

The Negotiator is great, there just might be an issue with one of the actors that stars in it.

Andrew Hogan

Executive Decision gets my vote. I’ll add Broken Arrow to the suggestions as well.

Andrew Hogan

Fun movie, although it may fall under the teenage boy script file in her book.

Luke Godfrey

Maybe. Would still be fun to see what she makes of it. I’m rewatching it myself now, and it’s still as funny as ever.

SmooothE (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:15:09 is ther a YouTube version of this coming ???
2023-04-27 17:46:57 is ther a YouTube version of this coming ???

is ther a YouTube version of this coming ???

Bill Poulter

You mentioned how you'd like to explore more of Robin Williams' films....might I suggest "Awakenings" with Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro? Also, I'd like to suggest a Denzel film which starred and earned Tom Hanks his first Best Actor Oscar, Philadelphia.


I am definitely late to the party on this but this is one of my favorite movies of all time by one of my favorite directors, Tony Scott. Tony Scott and Denzel have made a lot of amazing movies together this included. Tony Scott understand how to make a dynamic movie with his quick cuts, dynamic camera movements, amazing lighting, and masterful lighting. In addition, he knows how to make the vehicles in his movies characters themselves... from the jets in Top Gun to cars in Days of Thunder, to sub Crimson Tide or train in Unstoppable. After Crimson Tide my next fav Tony Scott movie *also* has Denzel in it, Unstoppable where the train in almost like a monster in a monster movie. Like this one it is non stop from beginning to the end. I loved this reaction but some of my favorite parts were from Carly. When she said, "Ohhhh we battleshipped them so good!" or when she told all of the officers following the captain to go to their rooms because they were in trouble it all killed me :D Awesome job Cassie & Carly!

Michael Enos

I can't believe I slept on this movie back when it was released. A great film. Cassie needs to let us know when she finally came down enough to go to sleep. Another good reaction.

Michael Enos

Also given the year this was released.. Crimson Tide may have been the last film Viggo was in before going to NZ to film LOTR. EDIT: Nope. 🤣🤣 he was pretty busy during this period and was in a number of films including GI Jane.

Ryan Towell

you all really need to dive down the Denzel rabbit hole. He's considered one of the greatest actors of all time. He makes every movie even when the script if kinda weak. He still makes it good. This movie was always hard for me to really get into, cause I'm a Navy vet and there's so much "hollywood" in this film, it's kinda laughable and silly. But I'll sit and watch it w/ you all just try to remember it's just a movie that's supposed to be entertaining. This is very loosely based off something that went on during the Cuban Missile Crisis, they just wrote this to "fit" in the times

David Kent

This is a very suspenseful movie, partly due to the score by Hans Zimmer who played keyboard on the song "Video killed the radio star."

Clay F

Very good reaction. Can feel the tension between the Captain and Hunter the entire movie. I blame the Captain. Glad had a good ending. One of the most endearing [/s] comments by the Captain from early in the movie: "Dumb as fenceposts but very intuitive. In that way, they're not too different from high school girls: they may not have a brain in their head but they do know all the boys want to f*ck them." A good quote by Hunter: "In my humble opinion, in the nuclear world, the true enemy is war itself."