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Alex Tan

Wow. They do look alike.

Dean Holt

Mmmmm ok I’ll let you off this time 😂

Mike LL

Since you haven’t seen The Abyss, no.

Robert da Spruce

Lol! 😂 Alright. You’re forgiven. Can’t speak for Viggo though. Remember, he’s a Dunedain Ranger. He can hold a grudge for a very long time if he chooses! 😉

John Drake

My Cassie, you apologise to no one

Michael Scott

🤣 ok Cracker Jack 👌

David Woodbridge

Both these movies came out 1995. And both these characters are trying to avert disaster.


Cassie- we have a problem. Lol.

David Freese

I can see it now with those pics.

Christopher Smith

I feel like both these actors would be pleased as punch to be confused as the other.

Celeste McAllister

Honest mistake,two hot guys who could be brothers on screen,what a missed opportunity🔥💜


Begrudgingly I will let it slide 😂

Matthew Dunham

You should watch "Needful Things"


Okay, she makes a good point.

Stick Figure Studios

She will love THE ABYSS. One of my favorite films. I still think it's Cameron's best movie.. but please, please, watch the extended special edition. It is leagues better than the decent enough, but ultimately incomplete theatrical cut.

Matt Rose

Can Cassie handle...THE PROPHECY?

Stick Figure Studios

The hair is definitely similar, but it's all in the eyes! 8-/

Bill Maurer

Is either one of them George Lazer / Lazenby ??


Both of them starred together in Appaloosa, a really good western.

Steven Perez

It's their voices that set them apart.

Matt S

Okay, Okay, Okay…………….per Leo. 👍

Christian Rennie

We can’t blamed you. Plus you caught a Star Was deep cut with the Crimson Dawn being the bad guys from Solo. Which was pretty cool.👍

Patrick Reynolds

The resemblance is striking. Can't blame you at all.

Christian Rennie

Yeah, the first one, but the sequels are prolly not worth it. Be ready for a few, “Oh my gosh!” With that movie


When you put up those photos I do see a resemblance, yes, but didn’t they list Viggo’s name in the opening credits? Also, if it helps think Ed is Apollo 13, and Viggo is LOTR


Yes I can i am sorry not like mistaken Charlie sheen and Tom cruise when they were both young lol

Steve Arnold

Okay, they really look alike. But did you recognize Reese Witherspoon‘s ex-husband Ryan Phillippe? He can be seen in some of the shots in the radio room. He and Reese met on the set of Cruel Intentions. Have you seen this one? If not then you should put in on a poll! You sure will love it. Great reactions by the two of you for this film, thanks! I really enjoyed it!


FYI Cassie, Viggo and Ed Harris starred in Appaloosa which is an amazing modern western you'd absolutely love. Maybe put it on your next western poll....? :)

Richard Maurer

You are forgiven Cassie. Or rather you will be after you write 'Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen are NOT the same person' 100 times and post a photo of it on patreon. I think this is only fair.

Gábor Árki

+1 for THE ABYSS, extended special edition version This is one case where the theatrical version only exists because in the day and age the studio was sure people won't be going to the cinema for a movie longer than ~2h15m.

Luis Piloto

With the right attitude, make up and clothing you can confuse intelligence recognition software.

Bill W

...when you walk into the Barber Shop and say "Gimme the Duke Nukem!!"

Brian's Dog

'Abyss' would clear this confusion up for the future. But this is quite understandable.


Ok, Viggo Mortensen could play Ed Harris' biopic.

Bill W

They were both in A History Of Violence together as well.

Stick Figure Studios

Agreed, Gabor. The special edition is better paced, the romance is more fleshed out, the story is thematically richer/deeper and the ending makes a lot more sense.

Bill W

I still use Dr. Evil air quotes when I say "LAY-ZUHRR"

Stick Figure Studios

Well, thank you, Gary. :-) I very much appreciate that. It's been a long time since I've done one of those, so I really need to get back on that horse.

Uncle Phoenix

As awesome as Crimson Tide was, I honestly loved Denzel Washington in “Man on Fire” more. He was great in the Equalizer too.

Gary David Holbrook

Very true, Gábor Árki, but if you will notice; the preachy scenes were the ones that hit the cutting room floor. I did not see the extended version until well after watching the original version more that several times. For me at least, the preachy scenes were a complete turn off, and changed the uplifting mood towards the end of the movie.


Ed Harris in Needful Things is worth a watch.

Gary David Holbrook

Stick; Kill Bill 1/2 would be a good way to knock off the dust, so to speak (graveyard scene, for just one example). M3GAN would be fun to watch in your format as well. Feel free to check out some of my created videos on YouTube, for a different point of view.

Uncle Phoenix

I hear-by refuse to watch “The Abyss” again until Cassie and Carly watch it, and we all get to enjoy their awesome reactions.

Steven Ashford

No I do not blame you. They do looks a lot alike.


Nope. Don’t blame you - they do look somewhat alike and never realize until now. (esp. in that pic)

Steven Ashford

Then on the other hand all it takes is a mustache and neither one of them have any idea who they are🤣

Jaccob Cortes

"Well yes, we've had one Ed Harris. But what about second Ed Harris?"

Steve Mercier

You should totally check out the movie Appaloosa,,,it stars both Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen (and Renée Zellweger and Jeremy Irons). It's a pretty good western flick, and it's directed by Ed Harris.

Larry Darrell

Nothing against the Haircut, but every time I see a Flattop, I think of this lyric from Johnny Paycheck’s “Take This Job and Shove it” Well that foreman, he's a regular dog The line boss, he's a fool Got a brand new flattop haircut Lord, he thinks he's cool https://youtu.be/gj2iGAifSNI


Just when we thought you were becoming an expert at recognizing actors! 😅 Although in that pic they do look a little similar 😮

Stick Figure Studios

Let me just point.out that *if* you were to start reading the names in the opening credits, you might begin to notice things like Ed Harris's name not being in there while Viggo Mortensen's is. Just sayin'. ;-)


I'm seeing double here. Four Ed Harris'?!

John Casamassa

Interestingly enough, these two have shared the screen on more than one occasion.

Wesley White

BAHAHAHAHAHA LOL!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'M BUSTING A GUT!!! at the same time, yeah I can't blame you because of the resemblance! [still laughing] but I still can't help but crack up because you mistaken Viggo for Ed Harris, I'm sorry I can't help it LOL!!!🤣🤣🤣


Of course, we all remember when Ed Harris famously broke his toe kicking a space helmet in Apollo 13... oh, wait...

Michael Lynch

I have been pushing this movie for over a year so I bring the tally up to 20


Would love for you to do Creepshow during the Halloween season. Ed Harris makes brief but very memorable appearance.

Christopher Smith

"Now, Johnny Unitas, there's a haircut you can set your watch to." -Grandpa Simpson

James Boyd

Not like Joe Willy Namath...with those sideburns, he looks like a girl!

Mike Lemon

"He was Blonde!"... That shows how people can be fooled by Clark Kent's glasses.

Larry Darrell

They are there…. For a Reason. (-; Also just Sayin’ ;-) Even Closing Credits… And Music :-)

Christopher Carr

I studied acting with Ed in the early 70s. He was very good on stage and fairly low key. We had a really good acting coach that was very demanding. I was and wasn't surprised when Ed emerged on the screen.

David Collins

Cassie has seen Man on Fire but I wholeheartedly agree. Plus Carly hasn't which is a shame! Book of Eli, Fallen, Deja Vu, The Pelican Brief are all excellent DW movies as well.

John Courtright

That picture of Viggo reminds me of a young Howie Long. https://netstorage-briefly.akamaized.net/images/0fb1955c1d7aa7ba.jpg

Jeff Rogers

But... How could you confuse anyone with Aragorn?


wait wut? hahaha


There is a movie called DAYLIGHT (1996)... just saying...

Alex Tan

Yep. Vanessa Bell Calloway & Marcello Thedford also co-star in that movie alongside Viggo. I would definitely recommend that movie to Cassie & Carly as I did so for Addie Counts.


@David Collins I sent Cassie a blu-ray copy of Deja Vu. She said she had seen it. SPOILER I think the only demon-possession movie Cassie and Carly can watch is Fallen.

Zachary K. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-10 02:50:29 Cassie, Ed Harris is in Enemy At The Gates (2001) A war movie about Stalingrad also has Jude Law in it.
2023-04-21 03:25:50 Cassie, Ed Harris is in Enemy At The Gates (2001) A war movie about Stalingrad also has Jude Law in it.

Cassie, Ed Harris is in Enemy At The Gates (2001) A war movie about Stalingrad also has Jude Law in it.

Roger Banks

Well, one of these guys was Aragon. The other was in “The Abyss”.

Roger Banks

I think Cassie needs to see Taps. Her head would explode.


Both are excellent actors. Viggo was outstanding in Captain Fantastic, his best dramatic role in my opinion outside of LOTR. He also has a minor role in the classic movie Carlito's Way. As for Ed Harris, The Abyss is a must watch!


Harris and Viggo are insane together in A History of Violence but I CAN NOT recommend it cuz you will absolutely hate it.


Aragorn, son of Arathorn, rightful heir of Isildur's throne


Haaaaaaaaa!!, you're killing me smalls!!

Richard Maurer

Here we go with the "too much for Cassie" thing again. Let's see how many films I can remember that she watched that were "too much" for Cassie. 300, Robocop, Full Metal Jacket. Virtually every horror film she's watched. She survived them all. And before you say hating it is different from just getting through it, she was supposed to hate 300 too, but she liked it. I would prefer she make up her own mind about mainstream movies like A History of Violence, then have some of you tell her what she will think. I think the title might give her a clue that it would be pretty violent, so let's let her decide if she hates it or not.

Kim Brink

PLEASE watch Green Book with Viggo Mortensen. Great movies based on a true story


Did I say she couldn’t handle it? Did I say it was because it was violent? I just don’t think she’d like a movie that bleak based on the reactions I’ve seen. It’s not a big deal.

Richard Maurer

I really don't like dismissing a film because "she won't like it" for whatever reason. You don't know that. how about letting Cassie decide that for herself?


Do you have any idea how aggro and weird you come across? You went on a tirade when all you had to say was “I don’t know about that… she liked these other films”… You got super weird about it.

Bill W

I'd rather hear a warning against watching a movie and wasting my time than the usual.. YOU HAVE TO WATCH... YOU'LL LOVE IT! I GUARANTEE! TRUST ME! YOU'LL THANK ME!

Bill W

I remember Howie did a commercial for ...something..can't remember, but the other guy in the commercial was like "Are you a cop? You have cop hair!" =D

Bill W

James Boyd Mattingly! I thought I told you.. LOOK, Mr. Burns, I don't know what you think sideburns are, but... (I know, different episode)

sean smith

Great side by side, lol

Richard Maurer

djKENTO - This is BS and you know it. This site has suffered from constant white knighting of movie choices for Cassie almost since it began and you've been around long enough to know that. For you to try to pretend like my post came out of nowhere is just gaslighting, pure and simple. And saying that you somehow "know" Cassie will hate a film is no different than saying that a film is "too much" for Cassie, you're still trying to keep her from watching something based on your personal assumptions. You can call it "aggro" and "weird" all you like, because I feel the same about you and your need to dismiss films for consideration (films not even on polls yet) based on your "knowledge" of what Cassie will or will not like. Saying you think Cassie won't like a film is one thing, but saying she will "absolutely hate" a film is quite another, and is a little creepy as far as I'm concerned, as it sounds like you think you know Cassie way better than you actually do.

Richard Maurer

Bill W - Saying you don't think Cassie will like a film and saying she'll absolutely hate it are two different things, and I'm not overly fond of people saying the first one. Saying absolutes about her hating or loving a film are equally wrong, which is why I never do it. All I'm asking is can we let Cassie decide what she does or doesn't like after a movie actually wins a poll, instead of putting preemptive personal spins on it designed to sway her opinion before she's even watched it? Before it's even made a poll? Saying I love or I hate a film is perfectly fine, saying Cassie will love or hate a film is presumptuous and implies a deeper knowledge of her likes and dislikes than any of us has. And of course this is applies mostly to more mainstream films - saying Cassie would love a rom-com or hate a extreme horror film is much more safe, although I'd personally add a 'probably' to either of those statements, if I made them at all.


Like I’m going to continue this. I said how I feel. Let it go. Move on. It’s not that important. You’re still acting deeply weird.


There’s a lot wrong with that movie. Saying it’s based on a ‘true’ story is pushing it a bit.

Chip MC

I actually do love Green Book as a standalone piece of fiction but from a social standpoint, it is a bit irresponsible and at times backwards in the way it handles race. It's so unfortunate because the movie is truly wonderful and worth watching. But it would be informative to also look into why many in the black community may not have loved it as much. I do recommend watching the movie though.


Viggo is great in GI Jane - i think thats the screen grab


The Abyss The Abyss The Abyss

Zachary Carter

You should watch Appaloosa. A good western starring both these guys in the lead roles.

D. T. Nelson

Not always, but often, you find Ed Harris in the bigger "blockbuster" movies—Apollo 13, the Abyss, National Treasure, The Truman Show, A Beautiful Mind, etc. With the exception of the Lord of the Rings, Viggo Mortensen tends to gravitate toward the smaller, "quieter" character dramas—Hidalgo, Captain Fantastic, Eastern Promises, The Road, Thirteen Lives, A Dangerous Method, A History of Violence, Greenbook, etc. (though after his success playing Aragorn, many of these "quieter" movies did quite well at the box office. By the way, Hidalgo is one of Viggo Mortensen's less dark movies that I think is right up your alley.