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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for 3:10 to Yuma, which will premiere shortly. Hope you enjoy! 

PS: Open Range is hopefully coming soon. It was supposed to be up this morning but has been processing for hours and hours. It says 4 hours left, but should hopefully be quicker than that! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie.  


[YT Edit] 3:10 to Yuma (2007)


Robert da Spruce

Looking forward to Open Range! Have a great weekend Cassie!

Ian Hunter (NewbieInOttawa)

Same Robert! And here's hoping Cassie and the PiB crew all have a great weekend as well!

Peter MacColeman

The girl bartender you may recognize as Alison from Hocus Pocus…

David Nesbit

At some point in time you should watch or put this movie in your next Western Poll. “The Assassination of Jessie James By The Coward Robert Ford “. Based on a true story starring Brad Pitt as Jessie James and Casey Affleck as Robert Ford.

Mike Coughlin (mjc1389)

The original has a different ending. Ben goes along with Dan’s plan because he’s not worried about jail in Yuma. Ben admires Dan’s character and that’s why he kills Charlie and the rest of his gang in anger after they mortally wound Dan. They weren’t friends but they grew to understand each other. It’s really a story about honor and legacy.

David Woodbridge

2007 is widely considered one of the best movie years ever. Zodiac, There Will Be Blood, No Country for Old Men, Hot Fuzz, Michael Clayton, Juno, Assassination of Jesse James, Ratatouille, Sweeney Todd, Hairspray, Enchanted, Bourne Ultimatum, American Gangster. With a roster like this, it's easy to forget 3:10 to Yuma, but watching this reaction reminded me how good it is.

The One True Chris

I saw this movie in the theater, and when Ben helps Dan up and *runs with him* to the train, I actually stood up for the whole scene. I'd never done that before, and haven't since.

Phillip Ribbink

Wow Cassie, I think that's the first time I've seen you threaten to kill a villain in a movie. You've wished for a villain to die before, but this is the first time you've threatened to kill one yourself.

Christopher Carr

The original starred academy award winner, Hollywood A lister University alumni Van Heflin as the father. Oh and also from the same time frame the Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Which we need to see.

Ron Carpenter

You so enjoyed Humphrey Bogart in "Casablanca" that you might also like "Treasure of Sierra Madre" as Chris Carr suggested. -- But a tiny word of caution, it's nothing like a love story. It's about men alone in the wilds digging for gold and the outcome is bleak. -- You will also find that's where the popular phrase "we don't need no stinking badges comes from". -- P.S. Today I am preparing to mail the letter and package about "Casablanca". I so enjoyed seeing you two experience that one. It really is the first time I'd ever seen anyone react to a movie on YT before, and now I'm hooked.