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We weren't able to update this one on the original post as we had to upload it directly to Patreon video because of copyright, so here's the new post (the original video hasn't been changed). If there are any audio experts out there that would like to try and isolate our voices and fix the audio, please message me and I'll get you in touch with Ben! You could also do the same for "The Batman" :) (we can send you the original files, serious inquiries only please!)


Hey everyone! Sorry this has taken much longer to get out than planned.

I was told this movie is best seen on the big screen, so I rented out a movie theatre and invited friends and family to come and watch a long! This was the first time we've done something like this and there are lots of things we're going to change the next time around.

There are a few issues that will make this a bit more difficult to watch than other full length watch a longs. They'll be resolved the next time we do this. Here are the issues:

  • The camera is NOT great in low-light, so the dark parts of the movie are DARK and you won't be able to see me or Carly. We'll get this fixed for the next one.
  • Next issue was the sound - the movie was LOUD and you can clearly hear every single thing in this full length reaction, so it might not be the greatest experience following a long with your own copy (sorry about that). We've got plans to fix that moving forward as well.
  • We attached Carly's mic to the wrong side of her shirt haha, so it's difficult to hear what she's saying in some parts.. this will be fixed in future theatre reactions.

Despite those issues, it was great to go to the theatre and see a movie the way it was meant to be shown. Carly hit traffic and was late but luckily she's already seen this before. There are few mini interviews with some family members after the movie as well.

I'm hoping to get Firefly out tonight, but it's been a crazy day and I may have to upload it in the morning. Anyway, hope you guys have a great evening, sorry for the long post!!

Find your own copy to follow along with. 

Download this full reaction. 



Peter MacColeman

Cassie, I work as an audio engineer. I’d be happy to look at your files. I have to programs required to do that. It’s pretty simple

Andrew Ramos

Interesting challenge...maybe put the movie audio 180 degrees out of phase to cancel it out (similar to how balanced audio functions, i.e. XLR cables) and leave Cassie and Carly's voices isolated? Of course the amplitude would have to match the movie audio in the background or it won't cancel out completely. This is coming from a RF (radio frequency) guy so I don't know what tools are actually available in the audio world. Edit: I copied and inverted an audio clip in audacity and it output silence...so it seems possible. One would just have to get the movie's audio, align it, match the amplitude with the reaction audio and invert it then see how much of Cassie and Carly's voices are left...It might take a bit of work but I'd be interested to see the result.

Peter MacColeman

Yeah, that’s an option. That’s a quick and dirty way to get a karaoke track ;) These days we use Cedar and Izotope to clean up audio. It’s amazing what you can do with the right equipment these days. I’ve done recordings where you can be on a show floor and you can only hear the person you are talking to. It’s glorious to have the options. It’s just a high entry point price wise

Andrew Ramos

Yeah, I was thinking the movie audio wouldn't be a perfect match with the theater audio. It probably wouldn't cancel cleanly. We would need Cassie and Carly to go to the very same, but empty, theater wear the mics in the exact same place but say nothing through the whole movie in order to get a good baseline copy. It could be done.

Peter MacColeman

Agreed. And you can even clean up lousy mic placement in the software these days. That’s why cedar and RX10 is the industry standard, cedar has thankfully come down from when I started. Back then it was like 10k for the two channel version.

Peter MacColeman

😂 YUP! This is on my short list to get for when I do concert recordings. https://www.gothamsound.com/product/dns-4-noise-suppressor

Cole Jennett

Awww, I miss when there was Firefly reactions still upcoming.

Andrew Ramos

In the Air Force the radio shop is responsible for all audio at live events and the base movie theater. We had a stack of old dumb feedback eliminators that you had to hold the mic up to the speakers to induce feedback so it knows what to filter out. No one at the rehearsals seemed to enjoy the momentary, but loud, screeching. Go figure.

Em McG (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:15:02 wow, fascinating stuff. Could you download the file from the google drive and work off that? I heard A.I. is used in some software... which means it can become very inexpensive eventually, maybe soon.
2023-04-22 01:30:40 wow, fascinating stuff. Could you download the file from the google drive and work off that? I heard A.I. is used in some software... which means it can become very inexpensive eventually, maybe soon.

wow, fascinating stuff. Could you download the file from the google drive and work off that? I heard A.I. is used in some software... which means it can become very inexpensive eventually, maybe soon.

Luke Godfrey

Glad I finally got to see this reaction. I see what you mean about the lighting and audio. Still an entertaining watch along. I remember watching this movie in the cinema, it was so epic. I've never seen the original movie or read anything about it so it was all new to me. What a fascinating world they have built. Roll on November when Part 2 comes out.

Uncle Phoenix

Firefly? Did she mean Firefly? My heart is anxious hoping we get another series of reactions to that great series.

Cole Jennett

No sadly, this is a repost of Dune, and it still shows the original message she put out when it was initially released. That was what I was referring to above as well.

TinCan Cosmanaut

Ask ChatGPT AI will come to the rescue with the audio and video..... then little later terminator

Matthew Scarth

Maybe we could get a re-watch with Carly like they did for Lord of the Rings? :p

Paul Ark

There's a whole lot of context and back story to the Dune Universe that fans only really learn about as they progress through the books, but regarding your question about the importance of the spice: in Dune lore several thousand years earlier, computers and AI became powerful enough to subjugate humans, but the humans fought back and overthrew the AI. Since then, AI & computers were outlawed and banned across the universe, forcing humans to rely on "Mentats", humans trained to become "human computers" (Thufir Hawat, the man who was the Duke's chief of intelligence/security whose eyes would roll back when doing complex calculations, and who wanted to resign when his team failed to prevent the assassination attempt on Paul, is one of these Mentats). Also, because computers were banned, the only way for spaceships to fold space and safely navigate across the galaxy is to use navigators, who would use the psychoactive properties of spice to chart safe routes through the galaxy (sort of like human, drug-fueled versions of the hyperdrive computers in Star Wars). Without the spice, space travel would be impossible and the galactic economies would collapse. That is what makes the spice the most valuable commodity in the galaxy, and why the Harkonnens and Atreides fought over the Emeror's mining concession to harvest the spice

Just Plain Bob

The book is basically held in the same regard among the sci-fi community as The Lord of the Rings is with the fantasy community. But, it’s worth noting that The Lord of the Rings was written and published first (more than a decade earlier), not Dune. Both books are extraordinary (I refer to The Lord of the Rings as a single book because that’s how it was intended; it was the publisher that broke it up into three parts). At the same time, the books are VERY different, not only in execution but in the intent behind them. Tolkien stated repeatedly that his work was not allegorical and it was clearly apolitical. He was only interested in telling a good story and laying the foundation for a mythos for his beloved England. Herbert’s work, on the other hand, was very allegorical and political and steeped in his love of ecology. Reading both books was a transformative experience in my young life when I first read them more than forty years ago.

Uncle Phoenix

I wonder if Carly has seen "The Last of the Mohicans”? That is still one of my favorite Cassie reaction videos.

Andrew Ramos

That would probably work unless they saved multiple tracks for each mic. That would probably be better to play with.

Jim Finley

Dune is one of the most masterful jobs of world-building ever achieved in science fiction - Frank Herbert had studied the actual ecology of a small region of desert in the Northwest and couldn't get it out of his head. I read Dune for the first time in high school, fifty years ago now, and like the Tolkien trilogy, I've lost count of the times I've re-read it. I couldn't even say how many copies of those books I've owned. I think this world, and the politics and psychology of the characters, are a lot more realistic and less stylized than Tolkien's, though. The characters feel like real people instead of stock types. To me, the desert in the film looked very much like the Mojave Desert around the Marine Corps base at Twentynine Palms in southern California. I was stationed there. The landscapes there were the most striking and beautiful I have ever seen - I loved it there, for the serenity and silence as much as the visual beauty. Both at Twentynine Palms and in this film, I was struck by how much a desert can look like an ocean, with the islands of rock rising out of it. The sand spraying around the worms even looked like surf spray. Can't wait for the next part! It's scheduled for release in November 2023, seven months or so from now.

Jesus F Christ

Thank you for re-uploading this, even with all the difficulties. Dune is one of my favorite books and I loved this adaptation, so I enjoyed watching the reaction. I hope someone can come through for you and work on the audio.


I don't think thats fair to Tolkien to describe his characters that way. I can understand if you're talking about the film and TV adaptations, because even the much beloved films are basically fan fiction, but the characters in the books literally established the genre of modern fantasy. How can a character be a "stock type" when they're one of the first of their kind in the modern era, and every popular fantasy story after them is a partial imitation? Also, the characters in LOTR are set in an era that is more distant to us, with different challenges that affect the experiences, politics and psychology. So it is more fair to simply say that you prefer science fiction to high fantasy. No need to imply that Tolkien is of a lower quality when every point you mentioned is heavily linked to the choice of genre.

Jim Finley

I don't prefer science fiction to high fantasy - for example, the fantasy works of Poul Anderson and Roger Zelazny are among my favorites - and I don't think Tolkien is of a lower quality. If I didn't love the Tolkien trilogy, I wouldn't have, as I noted, lost count of the times I've re-read the story. In fact, I've read the Tolkien trilogy aloud with family members a couple of times. But I'm old, and I've spent decades studying and interacting with people – first during twenty years in the Marine Corps, then in a second career as a psychotherapist, and as a husband, father, grandfather, friend, leader, follower, etc., and as a participant in a couple of recovery programs. If I've learned anything, it's that people are more interesting to me than any other field of study, and it's because we're so damn complicated and often contradictory. Tolkien had strengths that matched his weaknesses as a writer. He was unequalled at creating histories and languages for the various peoples in his world. It's just that so many of Tolkien's characters resemble walking, talking archetypes more than they do real people (pivoting back to science fiction, so do a lot of the characters in the Star Wars stories as well.) Tolkien was writing in the mid-twentieth century, but he seemed to be consciously emulating the style of a much earlier time. His people would fit well in the worlds of King Arthur or Beowulf. Some of his most important characters are impossibly pure and, well, heroic. Most of the villains are apparently evil for the sake of being evil. There are exceptions: Frodo and Gollum come to mind as being more complicated, as are his dwarves, and a lot of the hobbits in general. But all of us have moments of being thoughtless, or mean, or letting our fears get the better of us, and I can't think of a single scene where, for example, Aragorn lapsed into any of those human frailties. Similarly, even the nastiest of us have at least occasional good moments, and most of Tolkien's villains are unrelentingly rotten. In the end, opinions and preferences are subjective. Tolkien's characters are undeniably more stylized, while Herbert's are more naturalistic. I talked about what I see as the comparative strengths of Herbert's work in this comment, because I was commenting on Dune. If I'd been talking about The Lord of the Rings, I would probably have gone into how brilliant Tolkien was at languages and blending elements from different mythologies, the vividness of some of his imagery, his friendship and mutual critiquing with C.S. Lewis, and his experiences as a young soldier in World War I. This was about Dune, so I talked about what I see as the greatest strengths of Dune. I appreciate your having responded with your thoughts on the subject. I was not attacking Tolkien by any means, and I thank you for the opportunity to explain that.


I'm a trained sound engineer and I think it would be very difficult to fix the audio problems here. Maybe someone with my skills might be able to make some improvements but some things are impossible to fix unless somebody manages to train or invent a new kind of AI that is much better at handling audio than anything available today.

Eddie Perkins

Now I think you all should watch the Dick Tracy (1990) movie.


I am so glad I got the chance to watch this reaction! I love the book and the film, and I am so excited for Part Two finally!!

Morgan A. Colbert

So stoked to have watched this. I loved it so much, so fun seeing your cute family. I really hope we get (maybe got?) a Dune 2 reaction. Lordy I love this movie. I’m with your uncle, one of my faves.


Worth it. Seen this movie about 10x 3x in theaters and part I believe is a top 10 all-time for me.