[Re-Upload] Dune - Full Reaction (In a movie theatre!) (Patreon)
199309907.mp4 00:00 / 00:00
We weren't able to update this one on the original post as we had to upload it directly to Patreon video because of copyright, so here's the new post (the original video hasn't been changed). If there are any audio experts out there that would like to try and isolate our voices and fix the audio, please message me and I'll get you in touch with Ben! You could also do the same for "The Batman" :) (we can send you the original files, serious inquiries only please!)
Hey everyone! Sorry this has taken much longer to get out than planned.
I was told this movie is best seen on the big screen, so I rented out a movie theatre and invited friends and family to come and watch a long! This was the first time we've done something like this and there are lots of things we're going to change the next time around.
There are a few issues that will make this a bit more difficult to watch than other full length watch a longs. They'll be resolved the next time we do this. Here are the issues:
- The camera is NOT great in low-light, so the dark parts of the movie are DARK and you won't be able to see me or Carly. We'll get this fixed for the next one.
- Next issue was the sound - the movie was LOUD and you can clearly hear every single thing in this full length reaction, so it might not be the greatest experience following a long with your own copy (sorry about that). We've got plans to fix that moving forward as well.
- We attached Carly's mic to the wrong side of her shirt haha, so it's difficult to hear what she's saying in some parts.. this will be fixed in future theatre reactions.
Despite those issues, it was great to go to the theatre and see a movie the way it was meant to be shown. Carly hit traffic and was late but luckily she's already seen this before. There are few mini interviews with some family members after the movie as well.
I'm hoping to get Firefly out tonight, but it's been a crazy day and I may have to upload it in the morning. Anyway, hope you guys have a great evening, sorry for the long post!!