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Hommmmee HHHoooommme ON THE RANGE! Well this was a delight. Did
ItsmeDave send me 3 videos of "the making of" this movie? YES! And did I watch them all as I lulled off to sleep last night? YES! SO basically I got the Kevin Costner meditation I have always desired.

I obviously have a soft spot for KC and the same with Robert Duvall because he reminds me SO much of my grandpa. This was a beautiful, heartfelt, love story with some action and amazing scenery-we loved it. 

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[Full Reaction] Open Range (2003)


Gilbert Gonzalez

Can’t wait to watch along after work tonight!


Silverado a young KC western. How can we have westerns and not at least one john wayne movie. Dude?

Bill Maurer

The Searchers !!!

Bill Maurer

Preaching to the choir ..... The Searchers Rio Lobo Stagecoach Man Who Shot Liberty Valance El Dorado

Bill Maurer

Open Range was filmed in Alberta .. home for you girls

Ronny Boss

If you liked this and like Robert Duvall then I believe you would really enjoy Broken Trail. It's a miniseries but a good one, and Lonesome Dove is a classic


told ya


ive said this many times, A very young Robert Duval is in True Grit with John Wayne, my all time favorite western

Alex Villarreal

Kevin Costner has done some great Westerns and also played Wyatt Earp in a biopic of the same name, which is a really good movie. On a side note, another friend of PIB, James Stewart, played a cartoon character named Wylie Burp in his last film, FIEVAL GOES WEST.

nick bell

Might as well just watch THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN at this point. The top four.


Horse Movie poll .. Secretariat

Cole Jennett

Watch “The Judge” with Robert Duvall and Robert Downey Jr.😊


I haven't got to the outro yet, so maybe you looked it up but Baxter is Dumbledore and Button is Cassian Andor of Rogue One and "Andor"

Myles Away

Hey, its Andor!


Wohoo! I've been wanting this reaction 😊

Dustin Lapp

Dent Baxter!!!! Played by the same man as played Dumbledore in Harry Potter! Michael Gambon

Uncle Phoenix

Can’t Hardly Wait til Cassie and Carly see young Kevin Costner in Silverado.


A reaction that exceeds everything I knew it would be. So very glad that you both enjoyed it, I would have had to hang my head in shame otherwise! You are the best!

Michael Labs

Watched along and the reaction was everything I hoped for. I figured this movie would hit all the right spots and judging from the reaction it did.

Mike LL

Yes, there are so many great John Wayne Westerns! From Stagecoach, the first major A-List Western in 1939 to his last movie, The Shootist in 1976, he had such a long career and impact we need to see several of these gems.


I knew you would like this one Cassie! Please consider Silverado for a young Costner and Quigley Down Under for another "western" with a heart of gold!

Mike LL

Yes, I voted for this one, too! Even when I knew it wouldn't win, this is a movie I have wanted to be seen for a long time, proof that I am not always for an old movie, lol. I'm also with Carly that there are too many grim and dark movies these days. Yes, this was a very very simple story, but so well told and crafted, with so many little character moments missing in a lot of films. I even hated that some told Cassie that she would love the love story in this film, I didn't even want them to know that much. All I will ever say about a film is that they will love a movie, and I was convinced that they would love this one. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making this the Popcorn Pick and for watching it with Carly, we'll make a Western fan of her too! Yes the conflict between free rangers and ranchers was a huge issue in the Old West, and subject of a lot of Westerns, it is one of the main conflicts in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, a great Western with both John Wayne and James Stewart, hint, hint. (I am always for old movies after all! 😁 )

R Harper

Cassie & Carly outstanding reaction video! Outstanding film! Kudos to Kevin Costner never seen him give a bad performance. Ed Harris as "Boss" gives a portrayal as good as Costner! Looking forward to tomorrow it will be fun!

Steven Perez

I had a feeling you two would like this one. 😊

Mike LL

Thank you for being an outstanding champion for this film, Its me Dave!

Andrew Rose

I loved your reaction to this movie.. honestly before watching it with you it wasn't one of my favorite westerns but being able to view it kind of through the lens you both used made me like it a whole lot more. Cheers, awesome job you two!!!!

Robert Snyder

Lonesome Dove please!!

Lyle Morgan

Robert Duvall has said his favorite role is Gus McCrae in Lonesome Dove. It's the greatest miniseries of all time, in my opinion. Recommend it highly.

Celeste McAllister

Knew you both would love this movie,I think Robert Duvall reminds most people of their grandpa.💙

Ry Jo

i am so glad you picked this, this is one of my favorite movies


Great reaction! I agree about character development. Those little extra moments in this film that might have ended up "on the cutting room floor" because it wasn't moving the action on are what the story needed to draw the audience into a relationship with the characters.. I'm quite fond of Annette Bening. She has played ALL SORTS of roles. In this one though, I really developed a a rather fanboy crush for the very reasons mentioned by the ladies. Would love to see reactions to some of her other films, though the best ones run a bit dark...

Ben Livingstone

I detect some of THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE, in the scene with the lady serving coffee in the cafe.

Robert da Spruce

I commented earlier that your reaction to Crimson Tide was one of my favorites in recent memory. But now I’ve watched this reaction…I don’t know! This one was pretty great too! 😀 So happy you guys enjoyed this one! I really like this movie as well! As others have mentioned. The actor who played Baxter also played Dumbledore. And Button also played Cassian Andor in Rogue One and the series Andor.

'Pappy' Johnston

Thank you Cassie, and Carly, for watching this movie. I've been waiting for this EXACT reaction since I joined the channel over a year ago. You just gave me THE BEST 59TH BIRTHDAY PRESENT, (...yes, you released the full reaction on my birthday), I could have asked for. So glad to hear that you ladies enjoyed it. It's my favorite Western movie, followed CLOSELY by Tombstone, and then followed by a smattering of really good John Wayne movies, ie True Grit, Rio Lobo, El Dorado etc. Unfortunately, as I'm currently on a family trip, I won't be able to watch the full reaction until I get home on Tuesday or Wednesday, but I CAN'T WAIT! Thank you SINCERELY again. 🙂👍🏻

David Collins

Great reaction! I knew you were going to love it. I was a little disappointed (but not terribly surprised :P) that you didn't recognize Button (Diego Luna) from Star Wars Rogue One. He played the lead role, Cassian Andor. After the original trilogy, Star Wars Andor the series (more Button!) is easily my favorite Star Wars story. I like Button better than Mando!

Rick Williams

I have always loved this movie. It's a simple story. But, a good story with a satisfying ending. Great cowboy movie. I knew you ladies would get into the story and love it also. Great Reaction, Ladies. Thanks for reacting to this movie.

Jacob Colson

Cassie, another great "indie" film that stars Robert Duvall is Seven Days in Utopia. Great golf film about faith, family, and golf. And Utopia, TX is a real place! And you should also check out his starring role in The Apstle which he also wrote and directed!

Jacob Colson

And speaking of golf movies and your love of Kevin Costner, you should definitely watch Tin Cup, and For Love of the Game (great movie about a live story and baseball.)

Brent Petty

This may be my favorite reaction of you as a duo.

Brent Petty

Surprised you didn't spot Dumbledore playing Baxter.

R Harper

HaHa! You missed the joke Brent - see Crimson Tide video reply by Cassie!


This was a great video. I knew you would really like it. This movie has a certain feel to it that makes it seem authentic. The dialog, acting, and directing made it feel real to me. It's one of the best westerns ever in my opinion.


Yeah I think it would be a great series to react to.


I'll always beat the drum for Silverado - it's a great movie with an incredible cast.

Just Plain Bob

Great movie, great reaction. Having read the book, I can attest that this is one of those unusual instances in which the movie is better than the source material.


Annette Bening (Sue) is fantastic. Another great movie with her is The American President, with Michael Douglas and a whole cast of recognizable faces. I'm like a broken record here, but I have to mention again Silverado. Since you're turning into a big Western fan, this is another great one and it has a young Kevin Costner. Thank you for another excellent reaction - I love re-watching these movies with you guys!

Miles E Coburn

I’m so very happy you and Carly enjoyed this western! It’s one of my favorites of the genre. My only issue is during the gunfight the continuity breaks down when Charley fires an awful lot of bullets without reloading. It could be that during the editing a shot of him dropping one pistol and using another was missed, but it just made me go, “Huh?” when he kept firing an awful lot for just having two pistols. But Charley’s “encounter” with Butler more than make up for it. Completely subverts most viewers’ expectations of the usual gunfights in the genre. The one scene that’s completely heart-touching is when Sue give Charley the locket – Charley – “It’ a good likeness of you.” Sue (smiling) – “It’s my mother. When she was young.” Charley – “She’s beautiful.” How do you tell a woman she’s beautiful, without saying (directly) she’s beautiful. And I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting older (68 now), but I agree, Annette Bening is absolutely stunning in this movie. Sure, she was beautiful when she was younger. But in this movie, in my opinion, she’s the best she’s ever looked. In addition, her character is what a strong, independent woman should be. I’ll be watching your reaction to this great movie again today (it was late last night when I watched).


Lonesome dove would be a great reaction


In Lonesome Dove you also get Robert Duvall playing the grizzled old cowboy, but even better

Robert da Spruce

I know the fan was to keep you guys cool, but you two looked like you were doing a model photo shoot! 😉


So can we use this as an excuse to request Andor?

Kat Farlowe

Lonesome Dove! Lonesome Dove! It doesn't need a poll. It is a giant on its own.

Odd Thomas

For more Costner: A Perfect World JFK Man of Steel Waterworld


Robert Duval is also great in Lonesome Dove. Even if you don't stream it it is more than worth your time., The best western ever.


Thumbs up to softshoes. I agree about Lonesome Dove

Patrick Reynolds

Cassie, I recommend another movie western "Broken Trail" with Robert Duvall and Thomas Church. In the movie Duval and Church care for five abandoned and abused Chinese girls in the old west. It was actually a 2 part television mini series, but you see it as one 3 hr film. I think you will love it.

Brent Petty

In the director commentary, Costner says he knows there are too many rounds fired without reloading, but he loves "fanning" and thinks it looks so good in movies he didn't care. :)

Brent Petty

Cassie, the shooting technique where KC uses his off hand to facilitate firing in quick repetition is called "fanning" and is in many westerns. Meant to post this after you mentioned it in another western reaction and forgot. :)

Brent Petty

Silverado reaction for the win. Very young Kevin Costner, Danny Glover, Scott Glenn, Kevin Kline, and Jeff Goldblum, as well as several others.


You also know Robert Duvall from The Natural. He played the reporter who figured out who Robert Redford was.

Michael Enos

Not sure if I am the 1st person to mention this.. but Diego Luna ..played Button ..he is now Cassian Andor.

Jeffrey Smith

Awesome reaction lovely ladies. One of my favorite westerns. Cassie I agree about the ending after Butch Cassidy and the SK and 3:10 to Yuma. Those are great movies too but I need happy endings in most my movies! I feel there’s so many unhappy endings in life that I don’t want or need them in the movies I watch. I also agree with many who have suggested watching Silverado…it is a great all around western and young Kevin Costner is awesome and hilarious in it.

Ben Livingstone

You'll definitely enjoy the LOTR documentaries! They will probably also make the orcs easier to look at--actually seeing real humans being made up to look like monsters.

Odd Thomas

For iconic westerns, Shane has to go on the list. Not the first great western but it certainly set the benchmark for what came next. It was also heavily referenced in Logan; another great movie.

Gilbert Gonzalez

Also, Kevin Costner fun fact for you ladies: Kevin Costner also fronts his own Country Rock band called Kevin Costner & Modern West, and he’s actually a pretty darn good singer! Lol Their album Untold Truths is like the ultimate road trip soundtrack!

Jacob Colson

Finally! Another fan of his music! I have all three of his albums, Untold Truths, Turn It On, From Where I Stand. I even have his "soundtrack" albums, Famous for Killing Each Other: Music from and Inspired by Hatfields & McCoys and Tales from Yellowstone!


I agree with Carly's point about celebrating good and decent people. Well put. We (or rather Hollywood) should do that more often.

Larry Darrell

Cannot wait for Them to see Vera Miles again! They have seen her before, but makes an even Greater Impression there. In Another John Ford film from the Western poll, six years earlier, as well. One that is even better.

Odd Thomas

I think that's a big part of why Top Gun Maverick did so well at the box office; you left the theatre feeling good and most movies don't even try to do that any more

Collar City Guy

Cassie, another notable cast member, Percy the livery (stable) guy who got so riled up by the Cuban cigar was played by the late Michael Jeter who you have also seen/heard in The Green Mile as he played Eduard Delacroi, Mr. Jingles original owner and he voiced Smokey / Steamer in The Polar Express

Doug Cook

By the way...Open Range was in fact filmed in Canada

Sam R.

Didn't I tell you you would love it. I love how Cassie now equates shoot outs or stand offs with the good the bad and the ugly sound track .😀


Perfect World is great. I'd add Tin Cup and Silverado

Jeremy Holbrook

Lonesome Dove if you liked Open Range you would love Lonesome Dove with Robert Duvall and Tommy Lee Jones best western ever made

Richard Maurer

I like this movie but 3:10 to Yuma and M 7 are better, imo.

Clay F

I like this movie the first time I watched it. Sue (Annette Bening) is in The American President (1995). Kevin Costner (born Jan 18, 1955) just turned age 69.

Carol Rocha

Love this one!! More KC!!! Robert Duvall, Annette Bening bonus!!

Carol Rocha

LONESOME DOVE would SERIOUSLY make you love it for all eternity.

Ramah Mustangs

This was another great reaction. This is one of my favorite westerns. Robert Duvall makes a fantastic cowboy. I’m going to pile on with a lot of other comments here and suggest Lonesome Dove with Robert Duvall and Tommy Lee Jones, it is such a great movie.

Brent Petty

Please consider this post as a "like" for every post recommending a Cassie/Carly reaction to Lonesome Dove.