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With the Grand Hat show aka The Kentucky Derby coming up, it was time for a horse poll I think!

I did, and have a reaction to War Horse already, that was a pretty beautiful movie I thought. 

May the best horse win!



Wish National Velvet was on the list.


All of these are good!

Matt Winchester

Hidalgo is frickin awesome, and it has Aragorn! Viggo Mortensen!😃

brooke atkins

Another poll I have to opt out of because I haven’t seen any of these movies lol may the best movie win. Hope you enjoy whatever wins Cassie.

Sam Fuller

What, no Hot to Trot? 😊

Steven Perez

I remember seeing THE BLACK STALLION when I was a kid, but I gotta pick HIDALGO.

Lamar Smith

How could you skip a movie with the line…. “That horse is awful small, isn’t he?” “Though he be but little…. He is fierce!’ That’s Shakespeare, boys, that’s Shakespeare!”

Christopher Coake

Whatever the winner is, I just want you to know that The Black Stallion is one of the most beautifully filmed movies of all time, and is the only movie on this list that is a genuine masterpiece (not just my opinion; critics have said so too). It's a movie for kids and adults, and you are going to love it through and through, so put it on your list!


You'll get your Robert Redford fix if you watch "The Horse Whisperer". Just saying 😉

Russell Marris

How do we request movies for Cassie ?

Matt Rose

the lack of LET IT RIDE is disappointing. That said: SEABISCUIT all the way. Boy will you love that movie.

Brian's Dog

I would like to do a write in for 1988's "Hot to Trot".

James Leet

Really surprised to see Hidalgo doing so well in this poll. Seabiscuit is 12 points higher on Rotten Tomatoes audience score and received 7 oscar nominations. No judgement on anyone's taste...just surprised :)

Arki Kali

LMAO I started to shake my head at the neigh, thinking it was a typo / misspelling, but no. Clever pun, Cassie! I vote for SeaBiscuit or Hidalgo. I'm kind of leaning Hidalgo because Viggo Mortensen. Yummy.

Beau Mont

I havn't been able to watch a "Horse" movie since I saw "Smoky (1946)" as a child, saddest movie I ever saw.

Michael T

I strongly agree with the comment above that The Black Stallion is among the most beautifully-made movies of all time. Must watch!

Peter MacColeman

Amazed black stallion is as low on the poll.


I just rewatched Seabiscuit recently after having seen it a few times years ago, and that movie still holds up. Such a great movie. I was also a fan of the Black Stallion as a kid, and still like that movie for nostalgia purposes. I also remember liking Hidalgo when it came out. Secretariat was just OK. But Seabiscuit is really head and shoulders above these other movies listed here, that movie is absolutely excellent and gets my vote.

Cole Jennett

Welp, the best horse isn’t winning🤷‍♂️


Maybe I’d include the Rider


IMO the better Robert Redford horse movie, which is criminally underseen, is the Electric Horseman, also starting Jane Fonda. Really great movie, very enjoyable.

Alina Jones

Same here. I was shocked when that happened. Hidalgo is by far a much better film.

Jessie Fenton

I nominate Black Beauty (1994)


Absolutely! I was going to suggest that. That was the movie Chloe Zhao directed before the Oscar winning Nomadland, and it's a really great movie. Love how she uses authentic people like that in her films, gives them an almost documentary like feel.

Alina Jones

Hidalgo by far. Just consider the Cast. So much adventure to see and feel! So scenic! Yes, I still love the Horse Whisperer-one of my favorite reads which is even better than the movie. Black Stallion, too is up there but Hidalgo kicks it for me!


yeah and it’s so much about the connection between human and horse

Viet Ta

Love this! May need to see them all!

Bill Maurer

Black Stallion .... hit and stuck with me as a kid and still watch it from time to time. Great movie !!

Bill Maurer

This .... times 1000. Great cinematography, great story too boot. Even if this does not win, it should make it on its own merit

Bill Maurer

low on the poll, but such a better movie. National Velvet should be on the watchlist too


Ironically, I have no horse in this race as I've not seen a single one of them. I'm sure whatever wins Cassie will enjoy.

Richard Maurer

Hidalgo - I've seen several of these movies, this is the only one that had a lasting impression on me.

Mike H

Beautiful film, and definitely a must see, but kinda meh for a reaction video


Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken!

Stick Figure Studios

For my money, the greatest horse movie ever made is THE BLACK STALLION (although Caroline Thompson's BLACK BEAUTY is a close second), so it's getting my vote.

Tony Olmos

Hidalgo is one of my favorite Vigo Mortensen movie love the relationship between his character and his horse. Also love that it is a true story

Stick Figure Studios

For my money, the greatest horse movie ever made is THE BLACK STALLION (although Caroline Thompson's BLACK BEAUTY is a close second), so it's getting my vote.

William Bryan

Come on October lol 😆 😜🎃

Chris Lentz

Bummed "Lean on Pete" is not on this list. Would highly recommend.

Philip Alan

No Mr Ed? Cool. Cool.


I sent her a message expressing these exact sentiments. It’s one of those life-changing films that I think is just perfect. Pure cinema at its best. Thanks to Francis Ford Coppola who fought for this film bc not too many people involved believed in it at that time. Huge box office hit and beloved classic. The horse race scenes are the best in any horse film. Also Carmine Coppola & Shirley Walker’s music for The Black Stallion is one of my favorites!


I’ve taken part in my fair of polls since I’ve joined and this may be the first one where I haven’t seen any of the movies on the poll.

Wu Sha Ling

i have a wide movie interest and i have great respect for stunt horses and horses in general, but movies with horse characters leave me cold. it's an odd black hole where my suspension of disbelief doesn't work at all

Elliot Nesterman

I'd have added "National Velvet" (1944), Elizabeth Taylor's breakout film, which also features the late Angela Lansbury in only her second role.

Jake McNulty

I can't help but think of this one horse film that I haven't seen but would really like to. "Into the West" (1992) directed by Mike Newell (Four Weddings and a Funeral, Donnie Brasco) and starring Gabriel Byrne and Ellen Barkin.


Don't think it will win the poll, but Phar Lap is a really delightful film about a famous horse we are not really familiar with because he ran in Australia. I would hope you would react to it at some point. I think you would really like it.

Charlie Chap

Regardless of the winner, you’ve GOT to watch Black Stallion. It’s got Mickey Rooney in his last performance before he passed away, and it’s a much more nuanced, sublime story artistically directed by Sophia Coppola, Francis Ford Coppola’s daughter. EEK! I stand corrected! See, THIS is what happens when you rely on your memory for facts…I guess there’s a difference between what you want to remember, and what’s actually true!

Ian Cano

I second The Electric Horseman (1979) with beautiful cinematography in Nevada and Southwest Utah and wonderful songs from Willie Nelson. "Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys." I love this movie.

Friendly Trumpet

There's a lot to like about Hidalgo and I do quite a lot personally, but unfortunately it's only (very loosely) "based on" a true story, and really that's more accurately "based on Frank Hopkins' writings the veracity of which is highly questionable". There's a lot of contention around whether Hopkins had ever even been to Arabia at all and it's pretty much accepted as fact no race remotely like what's in the movie ever happened.

Kirk Sloan

Seabiscuit takes the lead.


Meh. I've given up on these polls.

Robin Craft

Fifty years ago... Secretariat. If you are old enough to remember what this incredible animal did in 1973 then you know. IMO.. the greatest race horse that ever to step on to a racetrack.


Oh Gosh. I’ve seen none of these. If the Black Stallion is from the 80’s, I may have seen that one but remember nothing about it. I’ll abstain.

Ray Johnson

Sophia Coppola was like 7 years old when this came out. It was directed by Carroll Ballard. FFC was the producer though.

Patrick Ernst

Horse Whisperer .... Robert Redford, is definitely a love story, surviving tragedy. Also has a great soundtrack.

Jacob Colson

Lol everytime I see Secretariat it reminds me of Craig Ferguson.

Ray Johnson

The Black Stallion is an American Classic and deserves to be seen by more people. Haven't seen it since I was a kid, but it is an amazing film.

james flack

Hello William! Once again, my Phillies are playing catch up in the division, but that's only because your Braves had a longer off-season to rest. 😁

Jeffrey Smith

Sea biscuit is great and I knew would do well. So I voted for The Horse Whisperer cause it is such a great movie/story and know you and Carly would love it.

Doc Larry

The horse whisperer with Robert Redford is a hidden gem. It’s about courage and a comeback.

Odd Thomas

Ugh horses. Probably why I've never seen any of these, lol. My vote goes for Hidalgo and The Horse Whisperer (RR and ScarJo!)

Bruce C Snell

One not on your list that should have been is Flicka (2006)

Mike LL

I haven't seen a lot of these movies, so I went to Rotten Tomatoes (I know, I know) to get some input. I was surprised. Let's just say it influenced me and I believe I voted for the right movie.


The director was Carroll Ballard whose big break was working 2nd unit photography on Star Wars - A New Hope

Stick Figure Studios

You are right about BLACK STALLION being a beautiful and sublime story, but it was far from Mickey Rooney's last film (he lived for another 35 years after that and made dozens of other films) and it was not directed by Sophia Coppola (who would have been only 7-8 years old at the time), but by Carroll Ballard (who also did NEVER CRY WOLF and FLY AWAY HOME).

Sean Novack

Both Hidalgo and Seabiscuit are excellent films and based on actual animals. You'll really love Viggo Mortenson (Aragorn) in "Hidalgo"!

Patrick Flanagan

Here's a classic "I know the poll is already up but what about this obscure movie?" unsolicited suggestion...1989's LET IT RIDE, starring Richard Dreyfuss as a lover gambler mysteriously blessed with good luck at the race track for one day. Just a terrifically fun comedy.

David Collins

Wow tough to choose. These are all great movies!

Patrick Reynolds

Secretariat is based on the actual race horse and owner. Perhaps the greatest story in racing of all time.

Doug R

The good thing about the string of bad movies watched so far is eventually there will be a string of good ones.

David Patterson

To all these movies I say... Frau Blucher! HAHAHAHA.

Andrew Rose

They are indeed all great movies but I'd love to see her react to Hidalgo or Secretariat for sure.

Julian Corbett

Could also have added "Champions" (1984), to the poll

Peter MacColeman

Amazed Wild Hearts can’t be Broken isn’t on here.

Adam Doyle

How about GUS (1976) I know he's a mule but its perfect for the NFL draft too!

John Cranberry

Phar Lap (Australian Legend) was the fastest horse on the planet and the Americans poisoned him.

Johnny Liu

Gotta go with Hidalgo just for Viggo.

Ryan Towell

All good but I believe Secretariat was the all time best athlete we’ve ever seen. Sea biscuit is my second favorite horse movie. The relationship between the biscuit and Tony is outstanding and the cast is great

Mike Lemon

I can't believe [movie I like out of the million movies made] isn't on this poll [with a maximum of 8 slots]! You HAVE to watch it anyway.


That’s a great movie, but not sure if it’s a “horse” movie

Alan F

Secretariat the greatest American thoroughbred...i watched his triple crown races on TV


Love Secretariat, Seabiscuit and of course Hidalgo. Did you know that Viggo bought the horse after filming the movie? Cassie, I recommend all 3 of them

Alan Kobb

I'm thinking that Monty Python and the Holy Grail should have been included. You should not discriminate against fake horses... :)

Johnny Salinas

If your looking for a good horse racing movie try "Let It Ride" 😀

Paul Browne

I agree 100%, I had watched it as a kid, with no particular memory of it, but recently rewatched it with my kids, and was taken aback at how good it was. Definitely much more than a kids film, it's a masterpiece. It won't win, but it should get a reaction at some stage hopefully.

Michael Lynch

Ugh! Seabiscuit over secretariat? Jeez!

Paul Browne

If you want to watch a nice little outsider horse racing movie, 50-1 was a TV movie made telling the story of the 2009 Kentucky Derby. It's not it the same league as some on the poll, but it's a nice watch, a true story and has some incredible footage of the actual race.... A little gem of a movie.

james flack

William, maybe by the All-Star break, we'll have a clearer picture of what's what. ⚾

Terdell Ferguson

Seabiscuit was nominated for best picture in 2003. Only Return of the King stopped it from winning that year, in my estimation. Easily the best of these.


I’ve actually seen none of the movies on this poll if you can believe it


Wow this poll made me realize I haven't really watched any horse movies. My favorite horse based media is the tv show bojack horseman 🐎


Is this a top 2 thingy.


Never seen Sea Biscuit. So for me that year I was rooting for Mystic River.

David Patterson

Just glad 'Hot to Trot' (1988) isn't here. Great cast, but one big steaming pile of horse apples.

Kevin M. Pitts

I am quite confident that Seabiscuit would be a very enjoyable watch.

lance tophoj

Hidalgo hopefully!!!

Michael Gilbrook

This was a tough call, but I think "Seabiscuit" edges out "Hidalgo." Both take liberties with actual historical events, but I think "Seabiscuit" is closer to reality. But both are very enjoyable movies!


I guess I'm not a horse guy or something, I literally haven't heard of any of these

Norrin Radd

How is Hidalgo losing to Seabiscuit?! Cassie, I believe you should ignore the poll and watch Hidalgo. You can trust my recommendation because I’m really smart. 👍🏾

Kevin Hooper

Seabiscuit is such a good movie. You won’t be disappointed.

Marc Peterson

The Black Stallion…a beautiful adventure movie about a boy and his horse. Francis Ford Coppola film…highly recommend.

Brian McGovern

I voted for Phar Lap because I knew it would get no love.

Dave Hill

Every time you watch Hidalgo an Angel gets it's wings. ...so yeah, now you kinda gotta watch it. ;)

Bill W

Ian Cano Waylon and Willie, but not written by either.


Voted Seabiscuit. Basically, it’s “Cinderella Man” with horses, and it’s great.


Man from Snowy River. Brumbies are the wild horses of Australia

Joseph M Sica

I can't vote on this, 4 of the movies I haven't seen. I loved Seabiscuit though! Got it for my Dad when it first came out. He's use to sneak into the track when he was 13. Guys a horse racing legend! I've never seen anyone win more then him!


This just kills me, so many movies I know Cassie would love. I also know my ❤️ pick for The Black Stallion won’t win but I gotta vote for it anyway. Maybe someday 🙏🏼

Bill W

So far? Like, since the channel started? The last string of movies are: Open Range 3:10 To Yuma Crimson Tide The Living Daylights Butch Cassidy The Departed John Wick 3 The Spy Who Loved Me Good Morning Vietnam Live and Let Die Hachi Tombstone None of these are satisfactory for you?

Bill W

Loved the show but the character Bojack was such a POS!

David Freese

What do you consider good?? It has to be Oscar nominationed movies??? There has to be something you liked. I'm not a big western fan or bond fan but I found things I enjoyed watching with Cassie.

Steven Ashford

Yeah or neigh cracking me up

Andrew Ramos

Tonka should've definitely been on the poll, maybe next time

Brian Maher

I would add "Ride Like a Girl".

Jorge De La Torriente

Secretariat was the greatest horse that every lived! No other thoroughbred has ever matched his track time or winning margin in the Belmont race of the Triple Crown which he won.

Jessamyn J

Does this mean you have seen Black Beauty? Also, I voted Hidalgo but my second choice would have been the Black Stallion!

Cole Jennett

It may surprise you, but almost every word of this message is likely a spoiler for Cassie.

Joshua s. Jackson

I understand, been trying to get her to watch 1984" Legend" starring Tom Cruise for 2 years now.


Let It Ride is about people who bet on horses, very funny


Secretariat is such a great movie about the greatest horse that ever raced

james flack

I didn't get to witness it............"I had to see about a girl". 😎

Richard Bourne

Seabiscuit is nearly a perfect movie. Including the horse, there are four major character arcs which are fantastic. Great cast, great acting.


I know Julie. Maybe someday. She and her family would love it! Kelly Reno was a natural on a horse but what unexpected acting chops. During filming, Carroll Ballard was most nervous about Alec’s dinner scene with his mother … but wow .. Reno nailed it. The Black Stallion made me fall in love with horses and horseback riding. Too bad it flies under the radar, joining the ranks of other classics from a bygone era of cinema. Also I sent her the Criterion Blu-ray of The Black Stallion so fingers-crossed it gets pulled for a reaction.


Shame not many have heard of 'Phar Lap' and dont know what a great movie it is

Alex Villarreal

Seabiscuit is an underdog that will not quit. She sensed competition and pulled ahead.


Shame They Shoot Horses Don’t They? isn’t on the list.

Richard Maurer

When I see "come on, October" in the comments for a reactor I think it's about horror movies.

Richard Maurer

You must be smart if you're capable of surfing the the starways. Yeah, I know where your name comes from :-)

Richard Maurer

Hidalgo's coming up on the outside! but can it take the lead from Seabiscuit?

Christian Rennie

I am a sucker for Hidalgo and I sure hope it wins. I saw The Black Stallion when I was a kid. So i might take a look at that again. I guess that is why I like Hidalgo so much. I though maybe War Horse would be on the list. Maybe next time.


100% agree. I’ve seen all of these movies and the top two emotionally impactful films for me are The Black Stallion & Phar Lap. I find Jim McKay’s segment on Secretariat in the documentary Jewels of The Triple Crown more exciting than the actual film itself. Seabiscuit will be a good reaction. I just can never get over Tobey Mcguire’s riding scenes. It’s so obvious that I always burst out laughing.

Tony Olmos

She did War Horse 2 years ago

Lamar Savage

Never mind the poll numbers - be SURE to watch The Horse Whisperer sometime soon! The performances by Robert Redford and a young Scar Jo are phenomenal!

Patrick Flanagan

Yes but what do you expect people to do? Not blurt out things they know about movies someone hasn't watched yet even though the point of the Patreon is to capture that experience?


The audience, critics, and box office show Seabiscuit is a better film. I agree.


Thank you for supporting PiB!


Seabiscuit may not have excellent cinematography, great action, or drama scenes. But it has a great screenplay.


Come on! It's gonna be another check on the list. Frequency The Abyss Seabiscuit ✔️ Thirteen Days Enemy At The Gates Frailty The Cell Training Day The Game Inside Man The Quick and the Dead Spy Game Fallen Outbreak The Devil's Advocate


No, at least 20 good films and hundreds of average/entertaining movies come out yearly in the US alone. Cassie is not even halfway to AFI 100.


Viggo bought the horse from Hidalgo. Out of every actor on the poll Viggo is the best rider. In fact he is an excellent horse trainer look at what he did with his horse in LOTRs. When he trained it to pick him off the ground.


It should considering Viggo is a better rider than Toby.


Out of all these movies the only actor who is a real/trainer rider is Viggo.


I saw it in the theatre because of "The Man From Snowy River"(1982). Which is a much better horse film, and should be on this list. It has one of the most famous horse scene in film history! It also has a love story that would melt Cassie and Carly.


I just brought this up! I saw TMFSR in theatres. One of the best horse movies and most famous Australian movies. Made me fall in love with Australia. It has one of the greatest horse scenes in film history!


Hidalgo should win because of Viggo being an expert rider/trainer. He bought the horse, like he did in LOTRs.


Out of every actor in the poll Viggo is the expert horse rider/trainer. He again like in LOTRs he bought the horse.

Richard Maurer

I don't think running out of films is the problem. But will those films generate enough YT interest is another question. I think the best reactors - Cassie, Natalie Gold, etc. - will be alright. But the lesser ones are already beginning to drop out. And anyone thinking of starting a reaction channel now better be Cassie/Natalie Gold level if they want to make it as a reactor

Richard Maurer

I want a Best Vampire movies starring Christopher Lee poll, and the top 4 all get watched - as long as I'm dreaming.


Viggo learned how to ride when he was a child and so did Kelly Reno who grew up on a ranch; his parents were cattle ranchers and he did most of his own stunt work in The Black Stallion with and w/o a saddle. He’s a natural with horses. The most impressive was his acting skills because he auditioned with zero experience.

Mike LL

Patrick Flanagan, one of the all time best comments here. Congrats. A well skewered barb.

james flack

After following Cassie (sometimes from outside in the cold🥶) for way over a year, I personally think she would enjoy "Hidalgo" the most. Just sayin'.....

Dean Holt

I’ve only heard of Seabiscuit out of all them. Need to stop horsing around and get a better list together (sorry couldn’t resist) 😂😂

Stephen Malloy

We’re planning on a dead heat so we can watch both, right?

Norrin Radd

As things get closer, we need all the Black Stallion folks to switch to Hidalgo. 🙌🏾

Terdell Ferguson

I was lucky enough to see four of the five nominated films that year. Mystic River was one of those. One of the two most depressing films I've ever seen. It was really good, but so depressing.


Nah just leave it a tie, this is the way

Richard Maurer

I would assume YT, it's certainly a major part of her reaction income. I know that most reactors who drop a series, or talk about a movie reaction tanking, usually site lack of interest on YT, rather than patreon, as the reason.

Scott Beadle

Secretariat is a great true story

Rodger Johnson

Hidalgo vs Seabiscuit? Impossible choice...


Shouldn't it be Hay or Neigh?


Couldn't agree with you more however she also loves true stories and after watching her reaction to Cinderella Man, I think she would learn a lot about the Depression from Seabiscuit. Plus it is a Sports Movie and she loves those too. Hopefully she will watch both.

Evan Lewis

Let's go Hidalgo!!!

Shawn Kildal

And down the stretch they come!!


It's almost always the case. Cassie watches the top 2.


Must be Viggo and LOTR fans voting Hidalgo. It's a decent enough film, but just a fun simple adventure. Seabiscuit has some deep themes in it about life that have stayed with me for decades now.

Jacob Antony

You need to watch Man From Snowy River.

Jimmie V

No Hot to Trot???? ;)



Marc Peterson

The Rider (2017) by Oscar winning director Chloe Zhao (Nomadland) should be on this list. It made many top 10 lists and is a stunning docudrama. Centers on real life rodeo rider Brady Jandreau and his family who play themselves. Jandreau is a real life rodeo rider and horse trainer and his scenes with horses are incredible. Set on a Native American reservation in the Dakotas, with stunning cinematography and storylines you won’t forget. A modern day western of men and horses.

Jared Gragan

Just got a nostalgia hit when I read this. I hole heartedly second this motion.

Steve Barrett

She’d also love Secretariat. Great movie that’s emotional and Disney-fied, but not as accurate to real life as Seabiscuit movie. She’ll love either - I’ve never even heard of Hidalgo. I like the star of that one, so I’ll have to give it a whirl regardless!!

John Liebling

Secretariat is a horrible movie. In so many ways the opposite of Seabiscut. Never heard of nor watch hidalgo. I do know the story, acting, directing is perfect.

Robert da Spruce

Wow! It really is neck and neck! And how often do you get to use an expression in a situation where the expression came from in the first place! 😀

John Liebling

On paper the actors for Seabiscut are far superior to those of hidalgo. And on paper, reading the plot of both, Seabiscut is far superior. And looking at the box office receipts, the movie loving public agrees. Compared to the budget hidalogo made 8 million. Compared to the budget Seabsicut made 61 million.

John Liebling

Seabiscut wins by a nostril...

John Liebling

The Academy did not nominate Hidalgo for any awards; while it nominated Seabiscut for seven. For example: Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Cinematography.

John Liebling

How can you go wrong with actors from Fargo, Spider-man, and the Big Labowski in the same flick.

John Liebling

Hey folks time to push Seabiscut over the top by seven or eight votes...


No need. Seabiscuit allowed Hidalgo to catch him at the final turn, looked Hidalgo in the eyes, and will now sprint past him down the stretch.

John Liebling

Well written Martin. Cassie does not yet know that context.

Chris H.

Seabiscuit has it all! Jeff Lebowski himself! Spiderman Tobey Maguire! An actual true story that doesn't rip off the plot devices of Last Samurai!

Norrin Radd

That could’ve been due to bigotry against Mustangs. It’s really prevalent and pernicious. I for one support Mustang representation, and I hope you can stand up for inclusivity as well. Vote progress, vote Hidalgo! ✊🏾

Chris H.

Oh, other reasons Cassie will love Seabiscuit: 1. It's a sports movie, and a true underdog story 2. One of the main characters, Red Pollard, is CANADIAN. A fine Alberta lad he was!

David Collins

Looking like it's going to come down to a photo finish at the wire. I smell a tie coming on.

Rodger Johnson

The Man from Snowy River would be a good addition to this list.

Aaron Mann

I'm surprised Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken wasn't on the list .

Shawn Kildal

Dreamer with Kurt Russell?

Alex Villarreal

Seabiscuit hanging in there by a nose


And the actor from October Sky.


Don't worry, ladies and gents. Cassie's gonna watch them both.

David Collins

I hope you're right. I'm only sad Secretariat doesn't look like it's going to make the cut. It is truly an excellent movie and is the only one in the poll that is actually about a Kentucky Derby winner, perhaps the most famous one of all time. Not quite as good as the two current leaders, though.

james flack

The 1949 version of "The Story of Seabiscuit" with Shirley Temple (as a teenager) and Berry Fitzgerald is a lot more enjoyable than the 2003 remake. Just sayin'......😇

Chris H.

Seabiscuit also features Hall of Fame jockey Gary Stevens as a co-star. Gonna guess he rides a bit better than Viggo. Just sayin'.

Chris H.

Well, other than Seabiscuit co-star Gary Stevens perhaps. :)

Richard Maurer

@ Chris H - But is he better than Viggo at making a speech on horseback while holding a sword aloft? I think not.

John Liebling

Secretariat was a great horse, but the movie was a huge stinko. He lacked all the heart included in the Seabiscut story.

John Liebling

Just sayin...you could not be more wrong...


And they're off! "All the Pretty Horses" with a great start. But "Phar Lap" takes the early lead. On the outside now, "The Black Stallion" moves up from the pack. But what's this? "The Horse Whisperer" has charged up ahead around the far turn. And they're into the stretch! "Secretariat" makes a move! "Hidalgo" too! Oh my goodness, here comes "Seabiscuit" in the final seconds! Battling "Hidalgo" for the lead! Their votes coming in, stride for stride, down to the wire, and... ..."Seabiscuit" has done it! It's "Seabiscuit" by a nose! "Seabiscuit" has won Popcorn in Bed's YAY OR NEIGH POLL on Patreon!


Gah!!! 7 votes between Seabiscuit and Hidalgo. Cassie, I hope you watch both.

Michael J

I meant did Seabiscuit win, God,,, spelling. But yea, great movie. A lot of great "I say philosophy" lines to. The "he needs to just learn" line. I wont give away. Love that one.

David Collins

Stinko is a bit harsh, Secretariat won or was nominated for 9 awards. Stinkos don't do that. But it is definitely not as good as Seabiscuit or Hidalgo.

Richard Maurer

And it's Seabiscuit by a nose. Winning tickets can be cashed out at the windows


The poll results almost always surprise me. I loved Hidalgo and Seabiscuit. But, of the movies on this list, it just seems like Cassie would enjoy The Horse Whisperer the most. Maybe I’m looking at it wrong.

Richard Maurer

I prefer to think of it as the movies that will be the most interesting for Cassie to watch, which is not the same as like the most. If it were only movies Cassie likes we wouldn't be watching horror movies in October. I will remind everyone (again) that when Cassie started this she said she wanted to be challenged, to broaden her horizons To do this there are going to be movies that Cassie won't like - and that's okay.

Richard Maurer

True. It's also true that it's a good MOVIE (not a documentary) and as such it's irrelevant whether it's true or not. The real truth is that all "true story" movies are always in varying degrees fiction, and you can either accept that fact and enjoy the movie, or you can go watch a documentary instead.

Mitch Wells

wheres Warhorse?


The challenge was to break Cassie out of modern RomComs and chick flicks. There are SO many movies in different genres and time periods that she would like AND be challenged by. So, when there’s a choice of movies that offer the same type of “challenge,” there’s no reason to suggest those we know she won’t enjoy.

Richard Maurer

But that's the point, we don't really know if she will enjoy them or not. Many people said she wouldn't enjoy 300 but, surprise, she did. And even if she doesn't enjoy all of them there are movies that are important for her to see. So yes, I'm saying there are movies I think Cassie should watch even if I don't think she'll like them. If Cassie ever enjoys every movie that she watches then we're doing this wrong.


Dreamer is my favorite horse movie

Odd Thomas

Tbh if I was making an ark and drawing up a list of animals...horses wouldn't make the cut, lol.