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Oooohhh mando mando mando season 3, I feel very mixed. I feel like a hypocrite, on one hand, I want to just watch them be them and the bebe coos and they have an adventure. Then on the other hand I want it to feel deeper and bigger. Although they've got a lot going on and we've only got two more episodes, so we'll see!

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[Full Reaction] The Mandalorian S3:5-6


Will C

7-8 are pretty cool. Overall it’s a weird season.


Yeah this season could have been 3 episodes imo

Cole Jennett

I felt this way too. I did really like episode 5, but through 6 episodes it was the only one I felt that way about

Brian McGovern

Yeah. It was not a very good season. I felt the last episode was awash with inconsistencies.

Dave Hill

Def the weakest of all 3 seasons, but the last two episodes are pretty good for a few reasons besides visuals. Kathleen Kennedy really helped to nerf this whole season by firing Gina Carano and much of the season having to be rewritten since Cara Dune would no longer be around for a major role. Hopefully Disney learned a bit of a lesson from all the fan feedback and season 4 can be a redeeming one. For now, Disney is hoping that the Ashoka series will be the next major hit and from what we got to see at Celebration 2023 it doesn't look to disappoint with all of the major characters we will finally get to see come to life in live action.


Very experimental feeling this Seasons like a combination of elements from the cancelled Rangers of the New Republic show to this episode which I actually like but would've worked better at the start of the Season with 12+ episodes. This episode reminded me heavily of a fun Clone Wars episode and I loved the appearance of Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids from the Prequals and Clone Wars. But like I said it's an odd episode to have as the third last in the season. Loved episode 7 and 8 though but overall its definitely the weakest season but that doesn't mean Mando is done or anything. There's shows that start out pretty meh like Star Trek Next Generation only getting good by Season 3 and there's shows like start Daredevil with Season 1 being amazing while Season 2 was okay followed by an amazing Season 3. So a weaker Season is not the end of the world and hopefully they improve with Season 4. I don't see a Season 4 releasing for a while as the Ahsoka show is coming out this year which I can't wait for so maybe 2024 we'll see Season 4 or naybe even 2025. There's also a movie as well which will tie everything together kind of like what the Avengers was to the MCU this film will most likely bring everyone together. This will drop around 2026 from my understanding.

Andrew Rose

Don't forget it is Disney after all... its not supposed to be dark and intense like the other series you've watched recently....


I recommend Andor if you want something deeper and more meaningful. It’s the best Star Wars since the originals


This show was utter garbage in S3

Sean Stuart

Mad respect for noticing Christopher Lloyd pretty much right away. I’m guessing 7-8 together airing on Patreon like a week from now


I totally get it. S3 definitely feels different, less of a Western, more characters, less Baby Yoda, more Grogu, and a under-defined journey, but I have faith Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau both are paving the way into a large world - which I’m very excited for. Like many, I had to suffer YEARS without any Star Wars (‘84-99), so I’ll take the good with the bad. Mando Season 3 is not as good as the first two, but…. it’s 300% more Star Wars than all those years of drought. Yes, “Andor”. Yes, “Rebels.”

Will C

I feel like an Andor reaction is a lot to ask because it’s 12 episodes and it’s long. But in my opinion, and I’m not alone, it’s possibly the best “Disney Star Wars” there’s been on TV.

nick bell

I understand PeeWeeHerman and Carrot Top will have reoccurring roles next season. Very excited

Mike LL

It does look like they spent more money on the visuals this season. In particular the first season of Mando looked very low budget. This season looks to have movie quality special effects. Is it me, or does the Pirate leader's main henchman sound exactly like Roddy McDowell? I loved the "They ought to make this a ride at Star Wars Land" line! At the end the transfer of the Darksaber seemed too Harry Potterish to me. I don't want to go into Harry Potter spoilers, but it seemed very similar to how Harry Potter gained control of the Elder Wand.

Just Plain Bob

The Jack Black episode was just godawful. Along with the interminably long episode set on Coruscant in which the cloning doctor is duped into stealing lab equipment, these two episodes represent everything wrong with the season. Both of them just feel like filler and, while I like Jack Black, his performance is jarringly bad.

FullMetal B

Absolutely nothing about the poor quality of this season has anything to do with Gina Carano being fired. What an insane thing to say.

Richard Maurer

Okay, now that we've heard about how bad this season was I'll explain what is really going on. Season two ended in such a epic way with the whole return of Luke Skywalker thing that this season now had the almost impossible task of topping S2 in people's minds, which it didn't and couldn't. This is no different than the MCU after Endgame, Game of Thrones after season 4 and a number of other series in the past - when a peak is reached in any series people tend to exaggerate how bad the season(s) after are, when in fact they're really not as bad as people make them out to be, it really has more to do with their expectations not being met. And most likely people will want argue this point, but really I'm not wrong, this is a pretty common thing that happens to series. I mean even I feel the letdown a little, even while being fully aware of what's going on.


Yeah, there are a lot of mixed feelings about this season, but not from me. I've enjoyed it and really like the expanded Mandalorian story. I think the Mandalorians could, you know, lighten up a little. But then, so could the jedi, so there ya go.

Robert da Spruce

I really want to like this season more. But I just don’t find myself invested in the storyline. The cameos in episode 6 were nice though.

Richard Maurer

A lot of people single out the cameos as being the main thing they hate for some reason. While episode 6 wasn't my favorite I certainly didn't think it was bad, and the cameos didn't really bother me.


I actually really enjoyed episode 6, despite how many seem to despise it. It has a fun side mission that showed us new aspects to the universe. It had some cameos which will be divisive, but I thought they were fun. And isn't SW just about being fun? There were fun character moments, inventive world building, some obviously tongue in cheek cheese (exiled to the moon!) The droid/separatist angle was a good continuation of both Din and Bo's backstories. Christopher Lloyd's speech, along with the amnesty program and faltering New Republic shown in other episodes, just really help to flesh out the universe in believable ways. Now we can see how the First Order was able to gain power. I believe we are seeing glimpses of an examination of how a democracy victorious in the face of tyranny can allow that fascism to fester. Whether it is just in the periphery or possibly examined in greater detail is yet to be seen. Also. Please watch Andor.

Wil Olandria

If you really want to know what’s wrong with this season. Take the Red Pill.

Wil Olandria

It’s even simpler than you realize. MCU got worse because they were bought by Disney…. And Disney Corporate started controlling Marvel. Why do you thing “No Way Home”was so Good??? It’s because it wasn’t Disney…..it’s a Sony Pictures movie. Game of Thrones fell off the cliff because the Show Runners ran out of novels…. The last two seasons were written by the show runners…. Which surprise!!! They can’t write!!! Now think…. How canThe Mandalorian go from such a high in episode 16…. Then such a terrible Season 3. It would mean the same writer is no longer control. Jon Favreau isn’t in control of his series anymore. His vision was railroaded ever since the firing of Gina Carano. The theory buzzing on the net is that much of plot points in season 3 we’re supposed to be in “Rangers of the New Republic”. No Gina….No Rangers….No John Favreau vision. John Favreau wanted to bring back LukeSkywalker. It’s not hard to figure out who might not want to have that story told.

Wil Olandria

To say that Star Wars was just about having fun is to ignore the themes of Good vs evil, fathers and sons, self-sacrifice, the heroes journey, mortal wounds, sins of the father….you get the idea. The sequel trilogy was just about fun. “They FLY NOW?!?!”

Richard Maurer

So, you want to completely disregard the possibility that viewer expectations had anything to do with it. You really think "No Way Home" was good because of Sony? When the majority of what they've done on their own Spiderman wise hasn't exactly been great? Truth is there have been a number of good, and some great, things from the MCU post Endgame, Season 3 of Mando was NOT bad. And yes, GoT was bad at the end, but it was Season 8, not after 4 as many people claim. As much as people want to blame something, anything, else, it's often simply their own heightened expectations that cause them to dismiss everything after a great season. This is a very real condition humans go through in all aspects of life and TV series are no exception

Unused Icons

Disney purchased Marvel at the end of 2009. So...are you saying that, outside of Spider-Man, every MCU movie and TV show since Incredible Hulk has been bad?

Clay F

“ANDOR” (2022) (12 episodes) gives that "feel deeper and bigger." The most engaging drama and "mature" of the SW series I think.