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Hey fraannsss

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! We went to Montana to visit my brother and his family and my parents and littlest sister met us there as well. It was so fun and Montana was truly breathtaking. We e-biked up Logan's Pass (Going to the Sun Road) in Glacier National Park. We used to drive that road when I was growing up and I spent it crying on the floor of our van because I was so scared of heights and it looked like we were going off a cliff. Look at me now!! The pictures do not do it justice.

After the 10 hour drive home yesterday we sure are back to reality! The good news is I really really love what I do and am so excited to watch these movies with all of you this week! Bring on the popcorn!

Don't forget to check out the TWO polls going on right now! The Natural Disaster Poll (Update-I decided to use Mike LL's idea and do the three winners in a theme week!) and then a quick Father's Day Poll! Get out and VOTE! 

In other news I am putting off watching the Ted Lasso finale because I don't want it to be over. I read my bookclub book 3 weeks ahead of the time, which is much better than staying up all night the night before like I usually do (Finley Donovan is Killing it!-it was fun!) There are 13 neighborhood kids at my house right now eating everything in my pantry and putting their dirty summer feet on the couch but it is still making me so happy. My kids were so nervous to move a year ago and my heart loves they found some good friends here. Its supposed to rain here for the next 8 days and I am weirdly not mad about it, I think it's because I'm an old person gardener with crocs now! 

Anyways I know I say it all the time but I truly am so thankful for all of you, for sticking around and laughing and crying with me and for just supporting me with your kindness, your insights and just being YOU!

chatty chatty bang bang soon!



Chip MC

unbreakable 🔥🔥

Tim Raths

Glacier National Park is amazing! I went there four years ago and loved it and Going-to-the-Sun Road was the best part of the trip.

William Bryan

Trust me you're not a gardener. Eight days of straight rain will put crop farmers and landscapers behind in a hurry. 🤪🤣

Alex Villarreal

UNBREAKABLE! Heck, yeah. Now Cassie HAS to cover SPLIT and GLASS. Trilogy, anyone? Maybe SPLIT for Halloween? 🎃

Mike LL

I bet you had a blast seeing the wilderness of Montana like that. I've always wanted to go out West. You have inspired me. Edit: I'm seeing things because I saw Bruce Willis! 😂 It will be a good week!!

David Freese

Looked like another fun trip. It's always a good thing to be with family. Looking forward to watching movies again. So do what you do best and entertain.

Celeste McAllister

Unbreakable,you're going to love this story Cassie♡from the man who gave us 'Signs' ⭐⭐⭐⭐cutest 90's dad pick,look at baby Cassie!!♡♡

Jerrod Acree

I’m glad your heart is full. Makes us all happy for you. I use to live in Montana. Gorgeous state.

nick bell

Johnny Utah!!!


Lovely to see you so happy in life. Brings a smile to my face. Looking forward to seeing this weeks movies!

Matt Mabry

BOHDI'S surf shop. Bell's Beach, Australia. Blue Skies, Black Death!!!!

Jon Johns

Boyo boy, I hope Casino Royale gets ALL the YouTube views... This Bond journey has been fun, something for everyone.

Neil Varma

Love to see these beautiful pictures

Brad P

Glad you had a great time. The Going to the Sun Road is where the opening shots of The Shining were filmed.

Rick Williams

Hey Cassie can you tell your friends and family up in Canada to get their wild fires under control? The smoke Is choking us out down here in Ohio. It is hazy and smoky here in Columbus, Ohio. We are under an air quality alert.

Mike Lemon

"something for everyone." - Not everyone. It has been an excruciatingly long "journey" for some.


Montana is gorgeous! So glad to hear and see that you all had a great time together! Thankyou for making us all smile, laugh, cry, and cheer along with you!

Philip Alan

I love Montana! My sister lives up there. I love flying into Boseman and roadtrippin' across the state!

Philip Alan

I don't know... Split was decent but Glass was just not fun at all. IMO. But, for YOU, I hope she ends up watching them!

Bill Maurer

Glacier is the Crown Jewell of the US National Parks. Spent a month up there working Malmstrom AFB's Rec camp. Drove Going to the Sun road a dozen times or more. The Many Glacier side of the Park is just as awesome. Sounds like you all had a great time !!

Richard Maurer

Look on the bright side Mike, she didn't watch all of them. that would been too much even for me and I like Bond.

Michael Lynch

Oh my God! Point break. To me this is Keanu Reeves best movie. Not to mention one of the best action movies of all time. This kind of makes up for all the time I’ve been asking for the abyss to no avail.

Jason Dolan

Happy National Bicycle Day!


Ah Point Break… or as I like to call it, The Fast and the Furious 0


Point Break is a fun movie - Cassie will have a good time watching it I think.

Celeste McAllister

We visited Great Falls,Mt.not long ago it was a beautiful day,clear blue skies and 29° below zero..

Celeste McAllister

After the baby boy blue rompers nothing else seemed to measure up,bring on Austin Powers for some C&C reactions! ♡♡


I would like to have seen Montana...


Is John Wick 4 coming any time soon?


Wow, Unbreakable AND Point Break? What a great week!

Aaron Mann

Looking like a week of Unbreakable, Point Break, and Con Air. Can't wait!

Stuart Guthrie Jr.

Glad you and your family had a great time in Montana. Sometime in the future I suggest the tv series Yellowstone, it stars Kevin Costner and it's filmed in Montana.


Dang that bike trail looks awesome! Im glad to hear things are going so good for you- may they stay that way.


I'm so excited for Unbreakable. Not even crossing fingers you'll like it- I'd bet money on it.

Wesley White

Quite the line up of movies coming up! Glad you had fun in Montana and made it home safely! Carly looks cute in that shot with her bike and that scenery in the background is breathtaking, beautiful view! That selfie of you and your boy is so cute, and of course the shot of you as a little girl with your parents, you look so adorable, my heart melted lol 😂 Looking forward for Point Break, that's a good one! You know what, you're not an old person gardener with crocs, you're a young and pretty person gardener with crocs lol😂 Anyway, hope you're doing well, much love and support and stay classy Cassie 🥰😁😉👍🌹

Em McG (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:08:24 wow, is it wrong to want to vacation in Montana?
2023-06-07 01:29:21 wow, is it wrong to want to vacation in Montana?

wow, is it wrong to want to vacation in Montana?

Jesus F Christ

I believe "Utah, get me two!!" is the greatest superfluous line in all cinema. I don't even understand why I like it so much, or why it's so memorable, but it could be the finest thing Gary Busey ever did with his life. No one can convince me otherwise.

Zachary K. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:08:24 I go to Montana about every six months to fly fish on the Blackfoot river oh I love it. I have been to Glacier several times. I will be in Canada at the end of the month. I will be spending a few weeks up in Kelowna, BC
2023-06-07 02:05:42 I go to Montana about every six months to fly fish on the Blackfoot river oh I love it. I have been to Glacier several times. I will be in Canada at the end of the month. I will be spending a few weeks up in Kelowna, BC

I go to Montana about every six months to fly fish on the Blackfoot river oh I love it. I have been to Glacier several times. I will be in Canada at the end of the month. I will be spending a few weeks up in Kelowna, BC

Tim Raths

I live in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/Saint Paul) and it’s a bit hazy here too.


yeah but if Keanu showed up as Johnny Utah in Fast XI that’d be fire AF.


Did you folks take a look at the night sky and see the Milky Way?


I've done some fly fishing there as well and you are right, it is a wondrous place to see nature in its glory. I am a catch and release unless I did not bring and food. :-)

Kevin Kuma

The steadiness of this morning air breeds a contagious excitement to the day. With incredible generosity these majestic beasts welcome us to a valley invaded by towering trees and clinching boulders. The evolving sun recedes dark shadows cast from colossal peaks. Snuggling warm air brings a cloud of mayflies, singing grasshoppers and the occasional buzzing hunter. At this moment, time is constant but unimportant, our destination is arriving but unnoticeable. We again find ourselves dancing with nature. Basking in the fold of a moment, we are reclaimed by this earth and grasped by long cool breezes that lead only, love and contentment. -hope yall had a good trip.

Joshua Stormont

Thanks for sharing all the pictures with us. Looks like you had a lot of fun.

rakeshldn (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:08:23 that's some beautiful scenery
2023-06-07 13:06:34 that's some beautiful scenery

that's some beautiful scenery

Em McG (edited)

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2023-07-09 00:08:25 maybe I'll take a self-driving vehicle to get me over yonder
2023-06-07 15:40:48 maybe I'll take a self-driving vehicle to get me over yonder

maybe I'll take a self-driving vehicle to get me over yonder

Zachary K. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:08:24 Yeah I don't like taking something that's not mine the fish belong to the river and to nature. So I immediately take a picture then release.
2023-06-07 16:13:21 Yeah I don't like taking something that's not mine the fish belong to the river and to nature. So I immediately take a picture then release.

Yeah I don't like taking something that's not mine the fish belong to the river and to nature. So I immediately take a picture then release.

Story Archer

Got up to Montana - Glacier Park, in fact - for the first time last year. It was really something else, but I can't imagine what it must be like in the winter. A bucket list item is to spend six months up there or in Canada and experience some real winter weather and the culture that inevitably comes with it. Down here in Baton Rouge our summers are interminable but the winters are almost non-existent.

Story Archer

If you're doing Unbreakable, obviously you're going to have to complete the trilogy with Split and Glass...

Rick Williams

Cassie do you realize now that your dad has good taste in movies?

Arki Kali

Thanks for the update and the pics. Y'all look like you're having a great time. Glad you had a good time!

Björn Karlsson

Hmmm.... I also know a movie she will like. You know which one I'm thinking about 🫠😄

Sean Novack

My grandfather lived in Kalispell Montana, so we would go every year and make the drive from Minnesota over. My dad had a beautiful '76 Chevy Caprice Classic convertible with the big 454 V8 engine that would eat up miles quickly going through the Dakotas and Eastern Montana. Best of all, we'd put the top down whenever we were going through the mountains to make it easy to see their vastness and beauty. Great memories!

Mark D

My brother and I took a trip from El Paso up to Canada back down through Glacier National Park. On our exit heading towards Utah we saw a beautiful crystal clear Logan Creek with fly fishermen casting about. It looked so refreshing that we stopped and I rolled up my pantlegs and started to wade out into the creek. Suddenly I started to cramp up and shaking like a leaf. That water was COLD!! My brother was laughing his head off and I realized that Logan Creek was formed by MELTING GLACIERS!!