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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for The Fifth Element, which will premiere shortly on YT (barring any copyright issues)!  Hope you enjoy!

This is using the Patreon video player because we were having issues with it passing checks! The copyright demons have upped their game! 

Here is the full length to this reaction. 



Jacob and Kim

These early releases is reason enough for Patreon.

Celeste McAllister

My HS senior year Halloween party I went as Leeloo♡

james flack

I am a meat popsicle!

Chris W

"It'sa it'sa it'sa..."

George Stapp

It’s one of my favorites! Between Milla Jovovich and Bruce Willis plus the range displayed by Gary Oldman and Ian Holm (Bilbo Baggins) this movie is equal parts funny and violent, just feels like the 90s!

Shawn Kildal

If you thought Gary Oldman was a weird bad guy in this movie, just wait until you see him in True Romance!

Jeff Rogers

Unbreakable is going to be hard to react to, the pacing is very unusual.

Bryan Fritchie

When I saw this won, I knew that either people don't know you at all, or they really like torturing you. 🤣

Michael Gilbrook

Here's a neat video from architect Dami Lee that looks at megacities in science fiction, including "The Fifth Element" starting at about 6:25. https://youtu.be/G5GL836kpls


I love this movie, but I'm not surprised Cassie didn't take to it. It's not a conventionally told story and sometimes it's weird for weirdness's sake. That appeals to me, but I get why it doesn't appeal to everyone.

Jim Frykman

^ This is the take of the kind of person people should strive to make friends with.

Michael J

Its an easy watch with multi-pass girl lol

Michael J

Outside of LeeLu (Spelling) the choice for a high high vibrant color gradient and look, I loved. And just the taking that80s 90s risks in story telling. Not much copy and paste story or production here. Just a go for it style.

Happy Hanukkah

0:04-0:05 😲?!?!?! How on earth is this possible?! I can't even begin to figure out how I am viewing a personalized video! :-)

Christopher Smith

(Jean-)Luc Besson films are like going to the most elaborate water park with coolest looking slides, but all the pools are only 3 inches deep and you can't actually have fun with it, just look at it.

Happy Hanukkah

I actually found this movie fun. On the other hand, I have yet to watch Besson's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, because, while it is undoubtedly a visual spectacle, its two principal actors conveyed anything but fun. (All I saw and definitely enjoyed was the stand-alone opening scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0FX8sd1uVo )

Paul Stelter

Why does a "genetically perfect" being have dark roots? Eh, just roll with it. 😉

Philip Alan

no-no-no-no-no-no-no if it was a bomb, it would set of the bomb detector! haha

Bill W

Cassie,I wonder if your preconception of the tone of the movie spoiled your enjoyment of it. I'm really surprised.. I thought you would love the humor, the characters, the fresh original look, etc. John McClane in outer space.

Happy Hanukkah

The impression I got was that Cassie was approaching the movie a little too analytically, trying too hard to figure things out, while this movie is all about strapping in and enjoying the ride. Or maybe she was Just Not That Into It. :shrug:

Happy Hanukkah

A late comment after re-watching the reaction: I love the tableau at 13:33, both for itself, and as an imagined "Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation…"