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Well this was GOOD!! It was understated but so so intriguing and maybe it is because I haven't watched a scary movie in a long time and my threshold has lowered but I jumped out of my BODY at one point.  I feel like Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson were both so perfect in these roles. 

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[Full Reaction] Unbreakable (2000)


Bill Maurer

Never seen it, may have to check it out with you.


Yessssssssssssssssssssssss Edit after the intro- favorite Bruce Willis movie is Unbreakable and that is including Die Hard.

Mike H

Still wish The Kid had made the cut, but glad you enjoyed this one!

David Freese

Hopefully you check out the other 2 movies in the trilogy soon. Glad you enjoyed it. Edit after watching my favs away from Diehard movies is 12 Monkeys and Sixth Sense.

Zane From Canada

I love this movie. And after a certain other movie came out in 2016 with James McAvoy, I loved it even more. I never saw that twist coming. 😁

tiny baby kitty man

My personal top 3 Bruce Willis movies, sans Die Hard franchise: 1. Last Boy Scout 2. Pulp Fiction 3. Sixth Sense


I know you seen split already Cassie. I hope you get round to seeing Glass soon. Also starring Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson.


I haven't watched the reaction yet but based on the caption alone, it's unfortunate that it seems this was somehow billed as a "scary movie" with all the wrong expectations that entails. It is not remotely that kind of movie.

Cole Jennett

I look forward to watching this with you tomorrow. Just my opinion, but it’s just fine as a stand-alone. The trilogy isn’t essential.

tiny baby kitty man

I believe she's already reacted to 2 and 3 but I'm just being honest here. I'm not throwing 12 Monkeys in either of those slots just because she hasn't seen it.


My favorite Bruce Willis movie is Last Man Standing, which is a remake of a Kurosawa film called Yojimbo in the same way Seven Samurai is The Magnificent Seven… except it’s about gangsters during prohibition. But my favorite Bruce Willis performance has to be 12 Monkeys. It’s his most vulnerable and frantic performance by miles. He and Brad Pitt play off each other in a way that is soooo fantastic. Top 5 Brad Pitt movie too.


the next one is good and I didnt know it was a sequel until the end. The third one is hot garbage

Alex Villarreal

Can’t wait to watch this reaction! One of the first dramatic comic book movies that took itself seriously.

Patrick Reynolds

I think that Last Man Standing was a remake of Clint Eastwood's "A Fistful of Dollars, which was a remake of the Kurosawa film. ;-)

John Cranberry

Finally, a film worth watching!

Andrew Rose

fyi Unbroken is the wwII movie you're referring too... hard watch as are most war movies but very well done.


Agreed but knowing what I know now about Bruce I don’t hold it against him.


Hoping Angelina Jolie gets behind the camera again.

Philip Alan

Shamalama Ding Dong! Such a great movie! Glad you enjoyed it!

Alex Villarreal

I always get emotional with Elijah’s story. aka Mr. Glass origin story.


I like Bruce Willis a lot, but I think besides Die Hard, most of the movies he was in are somewhat flawed. Or he wasn't the lead actor. I allways like him, but most of the time the movies are 7/10 if even. I realy love Unbreakable. It might be his best. carried by Willis, Jackson and the music. Those few slow notes they repeat over and over, they gain so much weight over time, its insane. I had tears in my eyes when they played for the first time at like minute 4, when we switch from Jackson to willis in the train for the first time. Because I knew they would be playing in the last scene. Perfect music here! And, this is a take on super hero movies that is unique or at least very rare. I tried finding a way to express the "why" and it's not easy. Not because its dark or serious, many comic movies have that. Nor because it has a family story in it and not because the heros powers are moderate compared to others. The best way to describe it is, for me, to say the director didn't treat the hero as a toy, but like a human. I am quite sure that most actors would have failed here. But Willis fit perfectly. A great story, great actors that understood the roles they played and a score to carry the tone all the way. A brilliant movie, way way better than it should be, concidering the subject! :)

Tom Evans

My fav Bruce Willis movie is 12 Monkeys. Unbreakable is #2. Willis and Jackson were great, but also props to Robin Wright as Audrey. Don't know if you recognized her, she's Jenny in Forest Gump and Buttercup in The Princess Bride.

Chip MC

One of the main reasons this movie has a profound effect on me is that at its core, its about a broken family doing their best to pick up the pieces and come together. The superhero stuff underneath has value because the movie is about love. The family is on the verge of divorce and it feels very real. But they get their happy ending when Joseph comes in the kitchen and sees his parents back together again. My fav scene is prob the flashback of the car accident.

James Keller

I Love this movie. I love the concept of a superhero trapped in the real world. I love the slow pacing and the understated tone. Because it all fits with the central theme of the movie. The film is ultimately a story about overcoming Depression. Both David Dunne and Elijah Price are characters who feel lost in a world where they either feel completely unremarkable, like David, or completely broken, like Elijah. Going through everyday with this sadness in them. That's why you have the music during the final twist the same as when David becomes the hero. The reveal of Mr. Glass is played as an inspirational moment because the villain is always the hero of their own story and Elijah's story, like David's, is about breaking free of that Depression. Understanding who your are and finding your own happiness. Now, 'Finding your own happiness' can either be negative or a positive depending on the situation. With David and Elijah, we see both sides of that coin.


I'm really glad but not surprised you liked this one. I know little of the art of filmmaking but throughout the whole movie there were really interesting shots. One of my absolute favorite scenes in the movie is the one that made you dizzy- where young Elijah is turning the comic book in his hands. I don't know what Shyamalan was trying to go for there but its so interesting to me. The movie is slow but it never feels boring. At no point do you feel like you know what's coming next. Early on they hint that this is in fact a superhero movie but it really doesn't feel like it is until the end. Even then the climax is a subtle fight scene that lasts only a couple minutes. I'm no fan of anything Marvel has put out so of course this is hands down my favorite superhero movie- it is really understated (well said) and pretty realistic. His feats of strength (the car wreck scene and bench press scene) were both well within the bounds of a strong human. I looked it up and the best strongmen of the last century are benching between 550-650 lbs. So do the other 2 movies have Bruce Willis in them and should you watch them? Well first I say they really aren't that good in my opinion. Split was ok but I turned off Glass with 20 minutes left to go. And they 100% are not necessary for the story of Harry Dunn. The sequel came out like 15 years after Unbreakable- the story was complete. But admittedly I'm super picky about this stuff- I'm not gonna cry if you react to them lol. Bruce Willis is NOT a character in Split though. When regarding these films as a trilogy Unbreakable is an origin story. Split is an origin story for a different character. The third film Glass connects the 2 characters and stories and Bruce Willis once again stars. Thanks again for reacting to this!

Raven Dark

What a fantastic reaction, Cassie. So good. The ending still gives me chills. And Bruce Willis is unreal in this. I love this movie so much. Oh, I think by now you probably know that M. Night always does a cameo in his movies. In this one, he was the man in the blue jacket David pulled out of line and was checking for drugs.

Ramzi M. A. Ramzi

Glad you found enjoyment watching this movie, Cassie. Unfortunately, this one is not for me. To its fans, including my own brother, more power to you. But I’m not a fan of it nor it’s director. His movies get too much hype and are mostly overrated. There’s only one exception, and I think we all know which one I’m talking about. Bruce Willis movies, besides the first 3 Die Hards and The Fifth Element, that I personally enjoy include: Blind Date (1987) The Last Boy Scout (1991) Last Man Standing (1996) Armageddon (1998) The Whole Nine Yards (2000) Tears of the Sun (2003) Lucky Number Slevin (2006) And most of his TV hit Moonlighting (1985-1989).

Sean Stuart

Did you get that name from Kristian Harloff? Or is that a common thing to refer to him as after his string of flops?

Sean Stuart

Great reaction if you want to see a movie where Bruce Willis smiles a lot . Then watch bandits with Billy Bob Thornton and Cate Blanchett . A modern retelling of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in my opinion.

Philip Alan

I can’t get enough of the curtain/drapes shot near the end of the movie. Telling a story with the opening and closing of the drapes as the wind blows in! Loved that!


Cassie looking very business like. I was expecting a powerpoint presentation.👍


I believe it's on her letterbox. It's not one of her Patreon reactions.

Just Plain Bob

Cassie, regarding your question about bench presses, benching 350 lbs is VERY impressive. I used to lift weights in college and never benched more than 315. Anyone that can bench more than their own weight is doing well. Benching twice your weight is extraordinary. As for spotting for his father, a boy that age and size would be incapable of helping his father with that kind of weight. It would be far more likely that he would injure himself, perhaps seriously, if he tried to help.

Stick Figure Studios

Just finished the reaction and I am very pleased that you liked this. In spite of the film's dark tone and suspenseful set pieces, I was confident that you would. You are right in that it is a very intriguing and understated film (many consider it Shyamalan's best). I remember being very excited to see it in the theater knowing it was from the same director of THE SIXTH SENSE (which I loved), but as someone else here pointed out, it was not marketed well and I did not get what I expected. Consequently, I didn't like it at first, but over the years I have come to love and appreciate it immensely... especially in our superhero movie-dominated cinematic landscape. So many comic book movies now are just dull, unimaginative, interchangeable CGI-laced product. This one was bold, visionary, mature and actually had something to say about the medium of comics itself. It's really an excellent film. Willis is just super (no pun intended) here, using his believable everyman quality to sell the story of an extraordinary individual who's lost his way and needs to find his purpose. Jackson as well does terrific work in a very different, more sad and more enigmatic type of role than he normally plays. Also, the score by James Newton Howard is one of my favorites for any movie ever. The music in the films centerpiece scene at the railway station (called "Visions") is truly brilliant and gives me goosebumps whenever I listen to it. A great reaction, Cassie. Thank you for watching this.

Stick Figure Studios

Oh, and since you forbade me from naming my actual favorite Bruce Willis film DIE HARD (and I'm presuming it's sequels) I'll have to give you my runners-up instead. Honestly, I go back and forth between several different movies including this one, THE SIXTH SENSE, 12 MONKEYS and DEATH BECOMES HER. All great films and all very different films that showcase his tremendous range. He was my favorite actor for many years. A bona fide star and a big screen legend. We love you, Bruno. You're the GOAT.

Brian Harris

Favorite Bruce Willis film is Moonrise Kingdom, but this is probably a very close second. They should be teaching this movie in film classes. For me, it’s M. Night’s best, and an essential and underrated piece of filmmaking. The cinematography, costume design, and writing are all so visionary. The acting is great too, but you’re right, it’s incredibly understated, an aspect of Bruce’s talent that is underappreciated. He is VERY good at doing nothing and letting the camera do the work. We miss you, Bruce!


Knowing where Cassie's movie Journey began on her Channel it seems unbelievable to me that the pre popcorn Cassie would have watched a film like split. That even seems like it might be a challenge now in parts for Cassie.


Agreed split is really it's own thing and I was disappointed with Glass personally having loved this one.


I was really looking forward to this one and it didn't disappoint. I would say this is my favorite m night movie. I remember seeing this in the theater and being blown away at that ending. Great performances in this one. I loved Cassie's ending monologue here speaking to the fact that old Cassie would have hated this movie but popcorn loves it. It's truly amazing to see the growth in Cassie's Horizons. It's wonderful to see she's opened her mind to new possibilities and styles while keeping that wonderful wholesome person that she seems to be. That's really what keeps me coming back to this channel which is funny I never thought I would like reactions but especially with Cassie it really does seem to be like watching it with a friend for the first time.

Eric Galdes

You must watch the other two. “Split”, and “Glass”…. The third gets a bad rap in some circles, but I think it’s great and largely misunderstood. ….. and try to wedge in 12 monkeys… you won’t be disappointed

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

Cassie, Besides Die Hard 3 which is my favorite. He was with Michelle Pfeiffer in a RomDram called The Story Of Us (1999). Then their was Lucky Number Slevin (2006) which I loved. Then the Last Boy Scout (1991) with Damon Wayans (back when the Wayans brothers were huge) that was directed by Tony Scott. Who did Top Gun, Days of Thunder, Crimson Tide all of whom you've watched .

Cassie Tremblay

oooh a romdram you say? ok the last boy scout keeps coming up and yes i did love all those movies, i need to watch that!!

Cassie Tremblay

you are so right, i was so happy they worked it out, that kitchen holding hand scene, you can feel joseph’s heart and how good that must feel for a kid

David Collins

Bruce Willis son in this one was played by Spenser Treat Clark. A year earlier he played in a very similarly paced film called Arlington Road, with Tim Robbins and Jeff Bridges. It's another one that will keep you guessing the whole time and you should definitely check out. Clark also played the grandson of the old emperor (and the nephew of the mad emperor) in Gladiator.

Timothy Roberts

Armageddon is my favorite of his movies.


Thanks for watching this one, Cassie. I hadn't seen it in a long time, forgot how good both Bruce and Samuel L are in it. Powerful acting in a great story, and now a great reaction to it. PiB with the Trifecta! You are the best


Oh thank you Cassie. Yeah, the 3 films in the series are Unbreakable, Split, Glass


Yes! James McAvoy should at least have been nominated for an Oscar for his performance in SPLIT. He is BRILLIANT!! but NOOOO.....


Agree totally about Glass being "largely misunderstood". Still... Split is still (imo) the best of the trilogy!

Luke Godfrey

Great reaction. Been looking forward to this one. Please tell me you're going to watch the other two movies ('Split' and 'Glass') too? 🙏 If so, I'd recommend watching them sooner rather than later, so this movie is still fresh in your mind by the time you watch the third movie. I didn't realise Split was the sequel until I watched Glass, and considering these movies span 19 years that's some darn good filmmaking.

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

I think I have desensitized from at watching at least 500+ horror movies. To not like Unbreakable. I didn't find it eerie. Now the Stanley Kubrick movie Eyes Wide Shut (1999) I found eerie.

Raven Dark

LMAO I was going to comment on that, except I thought she looked like she was a talk show host. Very sharp,

Odd Thomas

One of Shyamalan's best. The Village is my favourite though; Bryce Dallas Howard's first big role, Joaquin Phoenix, and the score is top 5 for me, it's gorgeous. Split is pretty good, although we didn't know it was a sequel to Unbreakable when it came out so it blew our minds. Sadly the last one, Glass, was a huge disappointment.


upon rewatch you start to see things like colors. Elijah (Mr. Glass) is attached to purple and David is attached to green. The first scene with adult Elijah in the comic book store he describes how Villans and heroes are portrayed in comics. If you listen closely he actually describes the general features of both him and David as a hero and villain. I love this movie because once you know the end you start to see the hints along the way.

Celeste McAllister

Dark and understated,character & story driven more plausible than the usual superhero films..I like Robin Wright when she's portraying a nicer mom character,unlike her in 'House of Cards'..M Night Shyamalan has two more slower paced dark mystery films,'The Village' & 'Lady in the Water'..I'll take a good story over action and overblown CGI anytime.♡

Jon Freezin-Rain

Spent the first third of the movie composing my dissertation on osteogenesis imperfecta but then they covered the basics in the story. The specifics are only interesting to us 'health care' types 😒 See what ya missed.. 😉

Story Archer

The Village is one of the most beautiful love stories I've ever seen, pretending to be a horror film, and almost nothing makes tears well up like that scene in Lady in the Water. Both starring Bryce Dallas Howard, incidentally.

Mike LL

That was a very special reaction. Almost makes me regret voting for THE FIFTH ELEMENT in the poll. I salute those who voted for this movie. Good thing she watched both. "I just want Bruce Willis to smile" was my favorite line out of the reaction. And I really loved her breakdown at the end of the movie about how the one side of her Movie Appreciation Brain really loved the understated tone of this movie. Her RomCom Loving side of the brain was responsible for the "want Bruce to smile" line!

Steve Mercier

Favorite Bruce Willis movie...other than Die Hard? Well, Pulp Fiction comes almost immediately to mind, but that's really more of an ensemble piece. So, I think I got to go with this one. Like you said, an understated and powerful performance from both Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson (and Robin Wright is pretty good too). M. Night goes off that deep end a movie or two after this one, but this is a damn good one.

Odd Thomas

Love The Village! Lady in the Water is flawed but I still love that one too.


It's a clever idea to take the superhero/supervillain/comic book concept and make it as understated and low key as possible. I must admit that, having seen it a few times, I thought some scenes could hurry up occasionally (just say/do it!) but it does create an unsettling mood and intrigue which might be lost at a different pace.


Still though, hurry up and show the kid the newspaper! #orangejuice

Story Archer

I appreciate that you (Cassie) noticed the unusual filming angles and some of the other cinematic choices. This was quite deliberate. Think of the movie in terms of a comic book, with scenes taking place in individual panels, often at off angles or with skewed perspectives (as Glass describes when talking about comic art). I think it's yet another sign of how much you've grown in your appreciation of cinema and film-making since starting the channel. Movies really are the ultimate art form, they incorporate writing, dialogue, performance, cinematography, costuming, set design, hair and make-up, music and so much more, all of which can be appreciated individually but most especially when taken as a synergistic whole.

Gábor Árki

I admit I was bored by this movie when I first saw it in the early 2000s. Because of that I didn't have high hopes for this reaction, but I was pleasantly surprised. It seems I just wasn't in the right age to appreciate it then. Willis and Jackson are fantastic in their roles, and the film is brilliant in visual storytelling and creating suspense. The cinematography is gorgeous, with the long shots and creative angles that create the tension and the mood. I had a lot more fun watching the film this time, and it also made for a really great reaction. Best Willis besides Die Hard? Does Die Hard with Vengeance count? 😆 He has been in so many things it is hard to pick another one, especially because he did a lot of cameos and supporting characters. THE SIXTH SENSE is probably one of his best acting. Based on which are the ones I watched multiple times I would also highlight DEATH BECOMES HER, THE WHOLE NINE YARDS, RED, and THE FIFTH ELEMENT.

Tim Raths

Yeah, I watched this movie when I was 19 years old (I’m in my 40’s now) and didn’t really care for it then and I haven’t watched it since. Maybe if I watched it now my opinion might change. Like you I probably just didn’t understand it at that age.


I know this is a Bruce Willis thing, but I think a followup Split and Glass would be great. Particularly Split.

John Cohen

It’s a good movie, and fun reaction. You are correct about it being a Trilogy. Hopefully you will react to the full Trilogy. The next one is “Split” however be warned it’s closer to a horror movie vibe (don’t worry it’s not like most modern horror movies that are full of nothing but jump scares and gore). After that the third movie is “Glass”. It’s hard to choose a favorite Bruce Willis Movie, of course the Die Hard movies are great as is this Trilogy. I think another good movie of his (that I think I’d underrated) is “Tears of the Sun”

Richard Rolen

One of the things I like best about M. Night Shyamalan's work is that he's not afraid to take his time telling the story. He's a bit hit-or-miss for me, but I do like the majority of his work. And when I like it, I REALLY like it.

Godzilla Jones

Best Bruce Willis movies? Hudson Hawk and Look Who's Talking, naturally. Seriously though, Cassie, you would *love* Look Who's Talking.


Hudson Hawk doesn't get near enough love IMO.

Reed James

Glad to see this. I think this is the best movie Shymalan made.

Godzilla Jones

Almost impenetrably weird, but if you get it, you get it, and it's so much fun if you do.

Bryan Erickson

Cassie, you 💯 were about to say “holy s*%t” right after the movie ended but caught yourself and said “holy crap” and it was hilarious! Great reaction video.

Marty McGee

Honestly this is one of my all-time favorite films. Sure the pacing is a bit slow at times, but that's deliberate. As someone who has suffered with depression, I can say I really loved Bruce's portrayal of David. That's what it feels like for me when I'm going through it. Just a deep sadness that most often results in just feeling numb. Facial expressions are muted or non-existent. That feeling that there's something not right, or more often I'm not right. The missing of little details or big details like he'd never been sick or injured makes sense because he's disconnected from his life. The heroic fight scene is so good. It's not your typical fistfight, he just puts the guy in a chokehold and doesn't let go no matter getting thrown off his feet, into walls. I loved that the kids saved him from the pool. That whole sequence from him entering the house until the criminal was dead was brilliant. And of course it wouldn't be an M. Night movie without a twist at the end. This was M. Night at his best!

Tyler Foster

In The Sixth Sense he played the doctor who is concerned that Cole's mom is abusive, after the bully kids lock Cole in the little cupboard at the top of the stairs.

Tyler Foster

I would add that I think it's meaningful that you said "Sixth Sense vibes" at the beginning of the movie. Subconsciously, I think you recognized Shyamalan's style.

Philip Alan

Cassie felt exactly how the director wanted her to feel (I felt that way too - the uneasy feeling) during the train scene. great stuff.

Philip Alan

But you DID notice the music! You felt it. It moved you! I loved that!

Raven Dark

Yeah, I was going to mention that too, but I figured someone already said it on her Sixth Sense reaction. Speaking of which, I want to rewatch her reaction to that one. That was great.

Anthony V Petty

So happy you got to this one. One of my favorite movies for the very same reasons you mentioned. The mute color of the movie, intentionally slow pace and reveal, and the tortured love story. But the soundtrack has a Avenger’s feel as well. Glad you enjoyed it. The next one in the trilogy is probably a bit rough for you, but it’s very good too. I’m hoping you do a Wes Anderson movie binge in the future ( since he is all the rage on TikTok) Grand Budapest was a great introduction.

David Conroy

A superhero origin story that plays it honest; he thinks he's a normal guy and so the movie seems like a normal drama. You only realize what it is at the end.

David Conroy

Also, Willis's career was started by a very successful (but short-lived) TV show called Moonlighting. It was a P.I. show but what made it a sensation was a lot of fast-talking dialogue between him and Sybill Shepherd. If you want to see what first made him a star, that's it.

Cole Jennett

She’s been doing this for over 2 years, it would have come out by now if it’s something she normally would say.

TinCan Cosmanaut

No h8 but I like Fifth element more. It’s light hearted and fun. My analogy. Romcom vs sad movie.

Robert da Spruce

Great reaction Cassie! I liked that even though all this superhero stuff is going on, what irked you the most was Bruce not smiling or saying anything when Robin’s character was pouring her heart out! 😉 JK! I really like this movie. And the ending was excellent! I think I’ve seen only one of the other two movies in the trilogy. But I don’t remember too much of the story. I wouldn’t mind seeing you reacting to them if you’re inclined. On a side note. I thought you looked very nice. Very sleek and sophisticated. We’re you and Ben planning on going out or something after your reaction? 😀

John Cranberry

Cassie, your face and skin look radiant. What have you been doing? No junk food lately I bet!


Okay, so I (re) subscribed just for the Unbreakable reaction. I'm glad you liked it so much, because I think it's fantastic. (I remember being underwhelmed by it when it was new, but I've come to appreciate it more and more over time.) I would ask you that when you watch the next movie in the series, try to get in the headspace of those who saw it when it was new in theaters, 16 years after the release of Unbreakable. By this I mean that it was marketed as just another Shyamalan movie. Absolutely no hint was given that it was in any way related to this one modest-hit, Unbreakable, that Shyamalan had made way back in 2000.


I totally agree that "Glass" is underrated. Not perfect, but it's got a lot of good stuff in it. Also, as I rewatched "Unbreakable," it's clear that a central theme of Glass (expressed at the end) was something that Shyamalan had in mind all along to be the "thesis" of this trilogy.

Gideon James

Cassie, please fix your noise suppression level. We can barely make out what you are saying. Thanks for all that you do. 

Jon Johns

I LOVE The Last Boy Scout... It's not well known, it's kind of superficial? I mean, it's Tony Scout, and it has his style of directing all over it... But it's still one of my favs. The Whole Nine Yards, Looper, and 12 Monkeys do show off his range...

Jon Johns

Split is the third, I think, it also has Anna Taylor-joy, from queens gambit!

Patrick Mitchell

Now that you’ve watched and enjoyed this one, you need to watch the sequels Split and Glass.

tiny baby kitty man

If we're talking about his range, I think the obvious route to go is Moonlighting! I don't know that I want her to go thru that whole series though. But it would be cool if there was like... a Popcorn Pilot Parade where she did a string of pilot episodes of old shows. Moonlighting, Remington Steele, Miami Vice, and so on.

Chris Bordeman

Reviews for Unbreakable were pretty mediocre when it came out, and it didn't do great at the box office. But everyone I know has always loved this film (me too!). The other two are not as fantastic, but definitely worth a watch to see the continuing story of these two characters.

Chris Bordeman

P.S. Cassie (also my awesome lil niece's name ♥), if you wanna keep attracting viewers, cult classics, not big box office attractions, are where to go! Also, watch stuff other people haven't seen, that way they will rent the full movie and watch it with you on Patreon! Patreon hack!


Oh, one more thing. The next movie "Split" is basically a self-contained story, (almost) entirely separate from the narrative of Unbreakable. So try not to be too preoccupied waiting for some direct tie-in with Unbreakable that will never come. (I think some people have had their viewing experienced ruined with the foreknowledge that the two movies are related. So they barely pay attention to the actual story in front of them.)

Kat Farlowe

Wasn't it good? It is intentionally slow and beautifully crafted by Shyamalan. Now on to the last one in the Trilogy, Glass. Not as good as this one, but brings them all together.

Rick Williams

Great reaction, Cassie. You must be a hugger. You are always wanting to hug people. That's a good thing. We need more huggers in the world. To many angry people. More hugs would help out. Not everyone can appreciate this movie. You can. You have come along way and grown a lot over your 400+ movies. You most have watched this movie after a night out. You had the sleek look going on with the hair. You looked very sophisticated. Must have had a fancy night out on the town. Salt Lake City? It's been awhile sense I was in Salt Lake City. It has probably changed a lot. I need to visit. I always like the time I lived in Utah. Keep up the good work.

Story Archer

how do we get these two to watch August Rush? Amazing music, family, star-crossed lovers, it checks all their boxes and it's just unknown enough to really turn a lot of new people on to the film.

Mike Lemon

"watch stuff other people haven't seen" Like Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995)? The great movie nobody has seen.

Michael Jung

One interesting thing fans have pointed out about this film is that David Dunn's main power -- his unbreakable bones -- are also linked to his weakness to water. Since David's bones are denser and stronger than a regular human's, he sinks in water and can't swim very well (this is not unlike how Wolverine's adamantium bones make him vulnerable to drowning). The bones are also related to his strength -- although David feels pain, his unbreakable bones allow him to support almost limitless amounts of weight provided that he's willing to endure the strain on his muscles, skin, and soft(er) tissues.

Michael Jung

Some fans have speculated that David can lift much more than 350 lbs since his bones won't break under any pressure. If you watch each bench press, you'll see he struggles at the same amount at 250 lbs as he does at 350 lbs, so while lifting heavy weights is painful for him, as long as he's willing to bear the pain, he could probably lift 500, 600, 700 or even more pounds by exerting the same amount of effort. It's also likely that his skin, muscles, and tendons all regenerate at a superhuman rate (which is why he didn't have any cuts or bruises after the train wreck) so he can recover from major muscle strain very fast -- but it's still a painful process for him to go through.

Philip Alan

That's where a ton of his wacky humor comes from. So seeing it in The Fifth Element (for me/us), wasn't so jarring. We'd seen it a ton before!

Richard Maurer

Also every person David reacts to in the scene where he's looking for criminals is wearing bright colors, while the rest of the people have on very subdued colors. The woman who robbed the jewelry store had on bright red, the guy who assaulted the drunk girl had a bright green jacket, and of course the guy David saved the kids from wore a orange jump suit - so they all were dressed like comic villains in a subtle way.

Richard Maurer

Unbreakable and Sin City are my two Favorite Bruce Willis movies and that's including Die Hard.

Björn Karlsson

...or the swedish teenage drama "Show me love" (1998). It's also a movie that no channel has done a reaction to.

Björn Karlsson

One way to give a movie attention is to request it in Popcorn request. Do that if you havent done that. I did (August Rush). As feedback, can you request Show me love and McMartin Trial? 🙂

Björn Karlsson

https://popcornrequests.com/ Use the same password as on Patreon when you log in...


Now its times to watch Split, the ‘surprise’ sequel to Unbreakable. Yes.. surprise sequel that came out 16 years later :) When it came out no one knew it was a sequel to Unbreakable, everyone thought it was just another cool M.Night movie…… When i saw Spit, and theres a moment when you realize its a sequel, i freaked out!! Hope you like it!


Unbreakable, Split, and Glass are all part of a trilogy based on comic book hero/anti-heroes,...

Eddie Perkins

Now you need to watch Split; I actually think it was better than Unbreakable.

Clay F

--Agree it slow developing. --You would think he would already know that he hadn't felt sick before. --Yeah, did have interesting camera angles. I liked it. --I like the song "Midnight Rider" playing while he was lifting free weights, and the song "Pride and Joy" playing while he was in the kitchen. In addition to the classic Die Hard (1988), my favorite Bruce Willis movies are: Pulp Fiction (1994) Looper (2012) 12 Monkeys (1995). Honorable mention goes to Moonrise Kingdom (2012), Sin City (2005), and The Sixth Sense (1999).

Stephen Dias

I still haven't watched "Glass" yet. Before I do, I thought I'd revisited the other films. This is a great movie. It is "understated," I think is word Cassie used. When I saw it for the first time, I didn't see the ending coming, despite the comic book tropes. M. Night Shayamalan's appearances in his own movies always makes me smile.

Joel P

"Real life doesn't fit into little boxes that were drawn for it." One of my favorite lines of dialogue in any movie, ever.