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Woah Bruh! Era's coming together! Swayze and Reeves, Reeves and Swayze, the pair we didn't know we needed. This was more hardcore than I thought it would be, but the suspense, the action, and the buddy cop-esque dynamic made it a wild ride! I hope you enjoy! 

Also, Con-Air will be coming late tonight/early morning! Sorry, it's been a busy week for me over here! 

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[Full Reaction] Point Break (1991)


Jason Fulbright

"I am an FBI agent!" Should have been on the movie poster.

Kat Farlowe

I was hoping to see Ronancing the Stone make an appearance. It fought sooooooo hard!

Wesley White

Can't wait to watch this, I'll watch it tonight after I get off work! This was one of my favorite movies growing up as a kid, I just loved action movies lol! No worries about Con Air, I'm patient! Glad to hear you liked this movie, makes me smile! Have a great Sunday, much love and support, and stay classy Cassie lol🥰😁😉👍🌹


Can’t wait for con air, sorry Cassie, it’s such a man’s movie.


Keanu and Swayze were perfectly cast for this 90’s action thriller!

Jason Fulbright

I've always thought the music video for "It Ain't My Fault" by the Brothers Osborne had to be a tribute to POINT BREAK.


Now you need to watch hot fuzz for the subtle references to Point Break.

Celeste McAllister

Some Swayze swag & Kick A Keanu action..I have to wait until tonight to watch♡Add Romancing the Stone Cassie,you got nothing to lose and another cool romcom added to your considerably fast growing list! :)

David Crabtree

This is a good one, but I am so excited for Con Air!

Jerrod Acree

Point Break & Con-Air back to back?! Awesome!!

Bill Maurer

All time classic !!!! Gary Busy just makes it better

Mike Lemon

Yes Quantico is the FBI. That is where Clarice was training in Silence of the Lambs. If you want another fun FBI story set in "Quantico", check out Feds (1988) with Rebecca De Mornay and Mary Gross.

Lamar Smith

Did you catch the cameo? When they go to raid the house? Those 4 guys? A little band you might have heard of? Red Hot Chili Peppers? Before your time?


This _is_ Keanu's era! This movie, Speed, but most importantly, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure made him a star. Gave him enough clout to be in the smaller, more interesting movies he wanted to do the rest of the 90s.

Larry Darrell

Keanu Reeves may be John Wick to a lot of Younger people... and He may be Mostly Known as Neo... Some may even call him Shane Falco... but, to A Lot Us, Keanu Reeves will Always be Johnny Utah... or... Ted 'Theodore' Logan. Ya'll have to see Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) now. It would be Most Triumphant for this Channel.


For anyone interested, Keanu did an amazing interview last month where he dives (hyuk) into each of his major films and what it took to make them. Part 1: https://youtu.be/lUcRqFfjJSk Part 2: https://youtu.be/Bwg2vKOLPGU

Jeff Forbes

Close. Of the 4, only one (the dude that got shot in the foot) is a RHCP.

Mike Lemon

The ending- I always looked at it like the samurai, Brody is given a chance to redeem (not the right word but close) himself by committing "sepukku".

Gary David Holbrook

This was a pretty good movie, but honestly, the freefall sequences got totally destroyed within the skydiving community for it's authenticity after Point Break was first released. Most of the raw footage was genuine, but it was pieced together by stand-ins over many jumps. There is no casual talking/yelling in freefall. Johnny Utah would have never been able to fly towards the group on his very first jump. No how, no way. The first jump sequence in the movie was about 4 minutes long; in real life a jump from 12,000 feet lasts about 1 minute. Anything much higher than that usually requires supplemental oxygen to be in the airplane to breathe during climb to altitude. I could go on and on. On the plus side (and this is very cool), back in those days Patrick Swayze was actually a skydiver, so that was truly him in freefall. If you want to see a few minutes of the real deal from back in those days, just check out one of my YouTube videos, that I recorded in freefall back in the 80's. BSBD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4lbdxB5UaE


Neo…meet Sam Wheat

David Crabtree

I hope you continue on with this franchise! Up next would be "2 Point 2 Break", all the way up to the most recent film, "Point X"!


The best part of this reaction is at the end credits when Carly realizes Patrick Swayze’s name was not “Boatie.” I lost it!


Wow. This was a lot better than I thought. Never cared to check it out because it always seemed a bit silly to me.

Anthony Oberhauser

Keenu Reeves is fun to watch. A guilty pleasure of mine is Keenu in Chain Reaction. Early 90’s action movie; good times! Favorite comment: Cassie was the mom of Carly. 😂😂😂 too funny.

Ryan Geiger

Now you just need to watch Bad Boys 2 and you'll be ready for Hot Fuzz


Funny that the first time we see Bodi surfing, Carly says he looks like Chris Hemsworth, in the first Avengers movie, Tony Stark called Thor “Point Break” 😜

Rick Williams

Good ride. I haven't seen this movie in a long time. I wasn't expecting Carly to come along for the ride. That was a nice surprise. It was good to see Patrick Swayze again. He was gone to soon. Crazy movie. But, good. Great reaction, Ladies. PS Carly does look young. But, not young enough to be your kid Cassie. Carly could perhaps pass for about 8 years younger than she is, say around 21 depending on how she dresses. But, you don't look old enough to be her mom. You don't look a day over 29.


Great reaction, I would love to see Cassie watch Roadhouse. Did anyone catch the reference to it in Point Break? Keanu said he followed Boddie to "Patrick's RoadHouse".

Just Plain Bob

At the beginning of the Ex-Presidents’ final bank robbery, Carly asked the very sensible question: Wouldn’t the banks be on alert by now? And one would think that they would be. However, I remember the early 90s vividly and there were articles in nationwide newspapers about the epidemic of bank robberies in Los Angeles at that time. L.A. was widely known as the bank robbery capital of the world. I did a little Googling to refresh my memory and, sure enough, at the time this movie was filmed the city was averaging just over seven bank robberies a DAY. Not a month or even in a week, but in a DAY. The Ex-Presidents robbed 30 banks in three years – a drop in the bucket. So, banks wouldn’t have had any particular reason to be on the alert for the Ex-Presidents. Also, the ladies seemed surprised that there was a lack of coordination between the DEA and the FBI during the botched raid on the surfers that were dealing crystal meth. Indeed, you would think that federal law enforcement would cooperate and work together far better than depicted in the film. It seems like too obvious a blunder to take place. Unfortunately, history tells us that the alphabet federal organizations make such mistakes (and far worse) on a routine basis. Just this April, the FBI arrested and detained an innocent man in a Boston hotel during a training exercise. In the exercise, they were supposed to arrest another agent that was also part of the exercise. They screwed up, went to the wrong room and arrested, detained and interrogated a private citizen for hours. My question then and now was this: What if they had gone to the right room? This was a working hotel with hundreds of guests in residence. Isn’t it reasonable to assume that one or more other guests might hear the sound of a door being forced and someone being forcibly detained. What if they tried to intervene? Even absent any intervention by innocent bystanders/good Samaritans, what if one of the other guests had a heart condition or high blood pressure? It’s easy to see how such an exercise could end tragically even if everything went perfectly. Yet they planned and executed the raid with the full knowledge and consent of high ranking FBI officials.

Cole Jennett

And we learn it’s the password Tony gave Thor to have access to the Quinjet. Nice catch.

Larry Darrell

Nope. Flea pops up regularly in Films, but this is only one of a very few times Anthony Kiedis has. Anthony Kiedis and Flea both appear together in The Chase (1994), starring Charlie Sheen and Kristy Swanson, featuring other fellow Punk Rocker, Henry Rollins. Great Flick.


I don't know what is funnier boat-y or Carly as Cassie's daughter.

Larry Darrell

Awesome video! Hope to go Skydiving myself one day. What did you think of Drop Zone (1994)?

Gary David Holbrook

Hi Larry, thanks for the compliment. They busted the limits with Drop Zone as well, bigtime, but it was good entertainment!


I remember seeing this movie when it first came out, in fact I remember I was camping at a beach and we heard they were filming a movie a few miles away from us. I didn’t learn until afterwards that it was this movie. I’m not sure what it is, but when I saw Keanu getting out of the jeep in the pouring rain with his long hair and he goes out to the beach, he is SO much hotter than the rest of the movie and my crush on him was cemented. I love him with long hair. 😍

Charles Briggs

I'm suprised Cassie didn't recognize Gary Busey Mr. Joshua from Lethal Weapon playing Agent Pappas 🤷‍♂️

Brent Petty

Yay. Now you two can react to Hot Fuzz.

Jason Dolan

I'm still waiting for Johnny Utah to show up in Fast & Furious 11 which I hope is called Toretto's 11 just to continue to mess with the titles

Jason Dolan

You guys can also officially watch HOT FUZZ now

Ry Jo

I think now that you have seen this,ghost and dirty dancing, you might need to continue the Patrick Swazye wave. red dawn and road house. red dawn is a war/survival movie. Road house is a 80's action classic but be warned road house is brutal in some cases and there is a fair amount of nudity and stuff. Yet it is a 80's classic. IT IS A 80's ACTION movie like predator. but with those two movies you complete some of the best Swayze movies.

Larry Darrell

Bodhi asked Utah, "You still Surfing?" Utah replied, "Every Day." Utah understood what Surfing was to Bodhi. It's the same thing others find in Skydiving, Rock Climbing, or Driving Fast. The Adrenaline Rush you get from such things is Addictive. There's a kind of Freedom that you Feel that is unlike any feeling you can have when your Feet are Standing Still on the Ground. Heck, you can get it from Running. It's called Runner's High. When you know that you are "Un-Grounded," Free Falling through the Air, Hanging Off the side of a Mountain, Traveling at a Speed that Humans are Not Supposed to Go, or Riding an 86 ft. Wave (tallest ever surfed according to Guinness)... I imagine you feel the Closest to God you can ever feel, Without Dying. That's the "Edge" Tyler was talking about. The Trick is to go as Close as you can to it, but not go Over or Past it, because then you will be With God. I said "imagine" before, because the Closest I've ever gotten to the "Edge" was a Near Car-Crash, that resulted in No Injuries and No Damage, only Pumped Adrenaline. I've never felt anything like it before, or since. This created an urge to go Skydiving, because when I imagine Falling through the Air, completely Free and Unattached to anything, it brings a Sense similar to that Near Car-Crash, which by the way, was nearly 15 years ago. And I have still not Skydived. The Longer we go without that Feeling... Our day to day lives get more of a Hold on us, and we begin to Fear the Possibility of going Past the Edge. This is an OK thing and nothing to be ashamed of for sure, especially for those with Families. I Believe however... You Shouldn't Fear Death... unless, You've Never Lived Before. Raising a Family is definitely Living. Life shouldn't be Stagnant either. Life Should be Tested. Life Should be Amped Up from Time to Time. I Believe it's Healthy. When Bodhi asked Utah, "You still Surfing?" He may as well have asked, "You Still Living?" Utah knew that locking Bodhi up in a Cage would have been Too Cruel, even for him. He obviously still had sympathies, and knew that Jail would have been Worse than Dying for Bodhi. Utah knew Bodhi was going out there to Die... and Bodhi knew he was going out there to Live. "You want the Ultimate Thrill, you gotta be willing to pay the Ultimate Price."

Larry Darrell

Also... Cassie DID recognize Gary Busey from Lethal Weapon... and Dancing with the Stars. +1 Cassie Carly First recognized Gary Busey from Rookie of the Year, but then Wrongfully got SHUT DOWN by Cassie, who was for FOR SURE it wasn't. -1 Cassie, +1 Carly Oooooohhh. I think Carly Won this One (-; unless I missed one ;-)

TinCan Cosmanaut

I feel like patrick swayze is like Loki. He steals the show

Jesus F Christ

"Utah! Get me Two!" ✌️


Carly was probably thinking of Boaty McBoatface, I think that is a common mistake.

Night King01

What’s crazy is that the surfer who doubled Patrick Swayze for the final wave in the film almost drowned to when he flew off the board.

Jeff Forbes

Even for 1991, $8.74 for 2 meatball sandwiches a tuna on wheat and 2 lemonades seems like an incredible deal. 😂

Robert da Spruce

“Boatie”! 🤣 Not sure if you guys have seen “A League of Their Own”, but Tyler was played by Lori Petty. Who was the younger sister in the film. Nice reaction ladies!

Stick Figure Studios

The reason Johnny lets Bodhi go at the end to meet his demise in the waves (the way he wanted to) rather than take him in is for the same reason he didn't shoot him when he had the chance: because filmmaker Kathryn Bigelow (Jim Cameron's ex-wife and director of THE HURT LOCKER and ZERO DARK THIRTY) realized something about this story, indeed about the story in virtually all hardcore action movies: namely, that it's ultimately a love story but not between Johnny and his girl... between Johnny and Bodhi. It sounds like a joke, but I'm being quite serious: like TOP GUN, the latent homoeroticism of POINT BREAK is so strong that it almost ceases to be subtext at a certain point and just becomes text ("I know it's hard for you, Johnny. You want me so bad it's like acid in your mouth."). The final brawl between them in the surf is practically a love scene. This was part of Bigelow's genius: making a film that is at the same time both a pinnacle celebration of super macho "guy" cinema and a subversive feminine perspective on toxic masculinity.

Joe Mallard

I love this movie, great reaction! Now it's time for the remake, but with cars that spawned an entire saga!


love this movie. Still holds up. Its been awhile since Ive seen it. Thnx guys! Great reaction!

Matt Rose

You need to watch HOT FUZZ now. Don't google as to why, just watch it. :)

John P Tucker

Yeah federal agencies don't play well together, and agencies typically don't work well with the FBI. In law enforcement whenever you are doing an operation like this, you are supposed to do something called deconfliction, and they should have tried to find out the were about's of the targets at the time of some of the bank robberies. In reality they did not have enough to build a probable cause case for a search warrant anyways, they had no piece of evidence or credible information to tie them to the bank robberies at that time. They would have had to done a lot more digging before a search warrant would have even been a possibility. But that's the movies for ya, gotta suspend your disbelief.

Larry Darrell

I’d heard it before, but never knew she was trying to make a Point. The line about “testosterone” and the “young and dumb and full of…” line pretty sure were added later. Among others, but can’t remember them right now. The “I know it’s hard for you line…” was from W. Peter Iliff’s screenplay, I believe. The Ending happened exactly the way Peter Iliff intended except for the addition of the fight scene. Which was Producer Lawrence Gordon’s idea. Mike Lemon was right about Bodhi dying by Seppuku, too. That was Iliff’s intent all along. https://www.awesomefilm.com/script/pointbreak.html https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/point-break-keanu-reeves-patrick-swayze-reshot-ending.html/

Just Plain Bob

I used to work for my state’s Comptroller’s office, conducting investigations of public corruption allegations. In my twenty two years in the office, I had occasion to work with the FBI on half a dozen occasions. I never had a positive interaction. Working with local and state law enforcement on a daily basis, I quickly learned that they also held the FBI in low regard. When they weren’t denigrating your work product, they were issuing press releases taking credit for it. The closest thing I ever had to a positive interaction was at the end of an investigation of a housing authority. After an agent had basically accused me of incompetence and insinuated that I had caught the wrong perpetrator, he was removed from the investigation. His replacement acknowledged his predecessor’s mistake and asked for help on their end of the investigation. They never actually apologized but that was darned close.


"except for the addition of the fight scene. Which was Producer Lawrence Gordon’s idea." I can imagine :D Felt a bit unnecessary.


I really enjoy Point Break. A great early 90's action movie. Reeves and Swazye work well with each other.

Godzilla Jones

Time to watch Bill and Ted, Tank Girl, and Hot Fuzz


"boaty" I love it!

Larry Darrell

I think We scared people away. You and your Homoeroticism, and Me with my Wild “Bodhi Style,” “We Shouldn’t Fear Death” speech. :-)


Cassie, please add The Outsiders to your short list and for anyone else who wants to see the reaction, please vote for it! https://popcornrequests.com/ This movie has Patrick Swayze, Tom Cruise, Matt Dillon, Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, C Thomas Howell, Diane Lane and Ralph Macchio (Karate Kid)

Sam R.

as always great reaction loved it but nothing can beat the joy that Boaty ! brings 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣your daughters hilarious 😋

Matt Mabry

I have jumped and been on fast bikes. The RUSH is the best there is. Like Bodhi said, "If you want the ultimate, you must be willing to pay the ultimate price." It not a tragedy dying doing what you love.

Hannah Mather

huh.. well I didn't like the ending. I never connected with Bohdi. I thought he pretty clearly revealed himself to be a selfish scumbag and I really despised him by the end. He didn't deserve to get what he wanted in the end. Should have been straight to jail. Interesting choice they went with


Road House awesome Patrick Swayze movie as well


Yeah, that 4 minute jump was akin to that infamous Fast and Furious airport runway that was about 50 miles long lol. For the record, I've only ever seen the first F&F and the way that one ended turned me off of any future F&F movies. From what I've heard and the clips I've seen (like the runway one), I think I made the right choice.

Gary David Holbrook

Hi Damon; all in the name of Hollywood! (as they say). As a point of reference, in 1960 Joe Kittinger spent quite some time preplanning, and then finally jumping from 102,800 ft. (well over 20 miles) above the surface of the earth, wearing a specialized space suit and parachute gear. No aircraft could have ever taken him that high, a specialized balloon was used. At one point, his freefall speeds are estimated to have been over 600 mph (a normal skydiver's freefall speeds, falling flat and stable are about 100-115 mph). Joe Kittinger, pulling his parachute at about 18,000 ft, was in frefall for about 4 minutes 30 seconds.

Ryan Towell

Reeves was born in 64' Gotta remember this movie came out in 91'. Which made him around 27 at the time.


Gary Busey was the old pitcher from ROOKIE OF THE YEAR. Carly right again!


Swayze did most of his surfing and did 55 sky diving jumps. The man was amazing! I love this movie

Clay F

Keanu Reeves was born in 1964. He turns age 60 this year 2024. Lori Petty (Tyler) was Kit (Dottie's younger sister) in A League of Their Own (1992) with Tom Hanks, which I have watched many times.


It's one of my all-time faves, it's the reason for my usernames and to this day I miss Swayze.

Matthew Gibson

I'm surprised Carly didn't want to be a bank robber after this one.

Thin White Duke

Johnny Utah is the worst fed ever