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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Con Air, which will premiere shortly. Hope you enjoy! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie. 


[YT Edit] Con Air (1997)


james flack

Cassie, this movie is 100% a guy movie. I'm a bit curious on how you are going to react to the little girl segment. Personally, after following you for nearly two years, I think you're going to hate it. Just sayin'.......Sir James

Bill W

I hope Cassie enjoyed it. I'm gonna pass on this one.

Celeste McAllister

Con air con air con air!.. I've been hearing about this movie since I was 4yrs old,This movie was a big deal with my older brothers and the rest of the male population of Texas,lol..


Go straight for 'Being John Malkovich'. It also has John Cusack.

Mike Melfa

Now that you’ve seen Con Air, your next Nicolas Cage movie HAS to be “Face Off” also starring John Travolta. They are both campy action thrillers. If you liked this one, you’ll love the ridiculousness that is “Face Off”.

Bill Bowman

Exactly. A wild ride that should not work, make any sense, and be laughed off the screen. But, like so many 80's and 90's action movies, it is fun entertainment. The movie works because many very good actors not normally in this type of film, give their best while having fun while making a big payday. You did not mention your old friend from the Mission Impossible movies, Ving Rhaimes.

Rollo Tomassi

I love it! Ok PiB fam … we know how important the word tender is round these here parts and we KNOW she’s all about family. With that, I think it’s time for this outfit of movie watching explorers to enjoy a tender family movie staring one of the all time greats! “The Descendants” (2011) with George Clooney. It takes place in Hawaii so it classifies as a summer flick (🤷‍♂️). It’s got laughs and tears … and Clooney. I mean, what else do you need? It wonderfully captures those very genuine, deep and meaningful feelings that can only come from family. Even if it takes 3+ years to get to this one, I’ll be here for it very humbled and completely appreciative. Aloha!

james flack

CM, with all due respect, maybe you would enjoy watching another film starring John Cusack better, called "Run Away Jury". (I guarantee the rest of the male population of your state, as you call them, will just hate it. 😎 P.S. My state too!

Celeste McAllister

JF,with all due respect I've seen Runaway jury and liked it 'Being John Malkovich' would be my choice if we're playing the Kevin Bacon game here,lol...My Father's day suggestion was 'Bigfish' as usual a viable option gets kicked to the curb,lol..

Larry Darrell

Baby-O deserves a Reduced Sentence.


Love a bit of Con Air and soooo happy you’re gonna do Romancing the Stone x

S Elphick

I hope you watch Face Off


Your older brothers had great taste. This is a fun action flick.


Long hair Nic Cage is the best Nic Cage!!

Celeste McAllister

TY,let's bring on the 80's 90's shlock movies,once they are viewed and done with PIB can move forward to bigger and better things..


Hey PiB, I wanted to let you know that there is scam comments on your YouTube using your picture, & account name to asking people to message them on telegram for some reward. It's a common scam on YouTube, & just wanted to give you a heads up.

Björn Karlsson

It happened to me too on Facebook a couple of months ago. It's so annoying 😒😒😒😒


I finally watched the full-length to this two nights ago! What a great time, thank you. You taking this movie seriously was something that I expected you would do and certainly didn't disappoint. I also took it seriously the first time I watched it, but on repeat viewings I was able to shake that off a bit and really enjoy the silliness of it, just because I knew what was coming. Looking forward to EEAAO when it drops!

John Rando

Yesss, Prison Break was amazing. Love that you’ve seen it already!