South of the Border, Part 4 (Mexican Twin Sisters TFTG) (Patreon)
By FoxFaceStories
A Story Tier Prompt
When a group of college students go south of the border to Mexico for spring break, best friends Angus and Jared decide to party a little too hard. Their insensitivity to local custom annoys a local bruja, who decides to transform them into a pair of Mexican twin sisters who can’t even understand English anymore. They can only turn back if they help her with the household chores, but things take an unexpected turn for all three.
Part 4: The Border
The following week was the weirdest of Amarissa and Josefina’s lives, not just as women but their former male existences as well. Senora Maria Lopez, the Abuela and Bruja who had changed them into hot Mexican women, had died of a sudden stroke. She had, apparently, gone quite peacefully, which was of some consolation to her daughter Gabriella, but no consolation at all to the pair of them! In the immediate aftermath of the old woman’s death, the two former men had clung to the hope that her magic effects would slowly die with her, or that some failsafe would kick in, or simply that Gabriella would know what to do.
But no such consolation came. Instead, they were left as the twin granddaughters of a now-deceased woman, nieces to her surviving daughter, and still part-caretakers to her child. What else could they do, after all? They didn’t have their old identities. They didn’t have American citizenship at all. They didn’t have their own money, or much in the way of jobs beyond what the Abuela had been able to provide them, and moreover their only home and shelter was in the house of the grieving woman whom they had first insulted back when they were men.
To say things were awkward would be the understatement of the century. When, just thirty minutes after the initial discovery of the body and Gabriella’s own despair, Amarissa had tried to broach the subject of turning back, she’d been harshly rebuked.
“How dare you talk to me about this now!” Gabriella had snapped. “My m-mother just died! My Mami! My dear mother, oh God! Dios mio! Why is she gone?”
She looked at Amarissa with a hard stare in her eyes. “I don’t even want to talk about this right now. Can’t you see I’ve just lost my mother!?”
“Si, I see that, but what if there’s no time. You must know something of her magic. Josefina and I can’t be stuck as women forever, or -”
“We’ll talk about it later, after her body is taken away. Oh, Mami, why are you gone? My poor mother . . .”
Josefina tried to broach the subject again once the actual body was taken away, and was even more harshly rebuked. Gabriella actually kicked them out of the house entirely, though thankfully only for the morning, until they had “learned how to let a daughter grieve, god damn you!”
He had always been the less tactful of the pair. It left the twins with some time to come to terms themselves with all that had happened.
“We can’t be stuck like this,” Amarissa said. “I mean, it’s a tragedy, si, but what about us? This was only meant to be temporary!”
“I don’t want to be stuck as a sexy Latina girl. Or Mexican. Are they are the same?”
“No, but there’s overlap. Look, we shouldn’t even have to think about this, sister! We shouldn’t even be sisters!”
“Or interested in men,” Josefina mused. She was looking at several boys of similar ages walking by who were staring at them, and it was making her body respond. Thankfully, the emergency of the situation was great enough that it made her snap out of it quickly.
“We are not giving in to those feelings,” Amarissa said. She had, after all, been the one who was always obsessed with sleeping with hot girls as a man. It worried her that she might become quite the slut - at least in her own view - if she was stuck as a woman for life.
“No way.”
“Even if some of the men are really hot.”
“Thank God there’s a tragedy to make my pussy real dry right now.”
But even the joke didn’t land. The former men weren’t malicious, truly. Obnoxious, yes, but they hadn’t wished death on the old woman. When they returned after a silent lunch they found Gabriella crying in her mother’s bedroom, and something in their new feminine natures made them emotionally resonant with the woman. Perhaps it was the possibility of being stuck as women for the rest of their lives, or simply seeing a young mother’s grief while dealing with her own crying child, but the pair of them began to cry as well. They hugged Gabriella, who embraced them back, and all three women held one another, shedding tears for a long time.
After the funeral, things began to normalise. Amarissa and Josefina had effectively operated on autopilot, living their lives as women and helping Gabriella manage her home and get back on her feet. She really was a lovely woman, and hadn’t wanted them changed in the first place, so her anger after her mother’s death had clearly come from a place of grief. Once she had processed her mother’s loss, she was able to start talking to them about their options, which were increasingly limited now that their original Spring Break party had ended and gone back across the border.
“Thank you for attending my mother’s funeral, you did well to deal with the questions of my extended family. Abuela’s magic was at least strong enough to give you some identity.”
Amarissa and Josefina gave wan smiles. The magic had indeed held strong: that was the problem.
“Is there no way to turn back?” Josefina said. “I mean, we learned our lesson, and we were happy to help out after . . .”
“But we have our own lives,” Amarissa continued. “And we have all these compulsions that are getting hard to ignore. It’s really hard not to dress in ways that show off our bodies, and Abuela made us very attracted to men.”
Gabriella gave a sympathetic smile. “I don’t think she intended anything to happen. It was just a punishment.”
“But now I’m stuck with these big tetas for life, and with all the cleavage guys can look at! And I’m Mexican! I can’t get back to my home country! Neither of us can!”
“You could always stay here and help me?” Gabriella suggested. Her little one was sleeping, and so they were talking in hushed whispers. “You have been doing so well, and we could find you jobs. We could be a family together, and support one another?”
The offer wasn’t tempting at all: the twin sisters wanted their lives back. But it did tug on the heartstrings, and so it was that Amarissa let her down gently.
“I’m sorry, but we need to get back to our lives. I know we were total asses, but that doesn’t mean we should be stuck, well, with these culos forever!”
Gabriella actually giggled - a good sign that she was feeling better. Josefina gestured to her ass for emphasis, which made all of them laugh.
“Good point! Mother certainly gave you curves, that’s for sure! Look, I’ll see what I can do to help you then. If you can just keep helping around the house until I find something, anything, of my mami’s, then that would be appreciated.”
They did, and for several days there was almost a relaxed nature, due to the lack of a deadline. They were already missing - it was in the news that Jared Hartley and Angus Izaac had disappeared, so what further harm could be done? They were effectively just two very pretty and voluptuous young women in Cancun, doing their best to support their ‘aunt’ and making what small money they could from small jobs. It sucked that they were continually catcalled and hit on, and even more that their bodies responded to it quite a bit, but at least they could resist the temptation . . . for now. They were still dressing up quite sexily, unable to help themselves, and even flashing smiles and moving in sensual ways, but they retained hope that Gabriella would find something to help them with.
And find something she did, when one evening she presented the pair with a journal written in Spanish - the only language they could truly understand now.
“Mami’s old journal,” Gabriella explained, looking mournful. “I wish to keep it, but it had some notes about a relative far north in America. There’s no number, but an old address. I couldn’t get in contact, however. You’d need to visit - Mami writes that she is also a bruja.”
The sisters exchanged a hopeful glance, nearly shaking with excitement.
“Are you certain?”
“It’s the best I could do,” she told Josefina. “I’m sorry, but you’ll need to get to America. It’s a long trip too - she’s in Conneticut.”
The pair winced. Not exactly where they wanted to go, but it would be something, at least. They still might be able to turn back, if this bruja did indeed have the same powers as their abuela.
“How do we know she isn’t dead?”
“We don’t,” Gabriella said sadly. “But she is apparently younger than my mami. Her cousin: Maria. Here’s an old photo of her, and here are the entries that talk about her magic - apparently she is good with it! So there may be hope for you.”
Both the girls were getting quite excited by this point. The prospect of changing back and assuming their old lives was increasingly a likely one. Already, Amarissa was thinking about all the girls she’d love to fuck when she changed back, even if her thoughts turned more to men with her new nature. Likewise, Josefina was wanting to throw a massive comeback party and invite all the hottest chicks . . . and dudes. They were certainly not without their horniness as women, but they could at least imagine their lives as men once more. Still, there was no doubt they would never catcall or harass a woman like they used to ever again.
“How do we get there?” Amarissa asked, noticing that Gabriella was holding something back.
“That’s just the thing,” Gabriella said. “You don’t have American citizenship anymore, and this will be more than just a holiday. I can’t come with you, either. So . . .”
Amarissa realised once again before her sister. “Oh God. We’re going to be crossing the border illegally, aren’t we?”
Josefina was alarmed. “What? Really?”
“I’m afraid so,” their ‘aunt’ said. “I can’t say I’m hugely connected, but I can find someone to take you, I think. Well, someone who knows someone. Once you’re across the border, you’ll be on your own, and need to rely on strangers. So you’ll have to take care of each other.”
The two twins sagged.
“That’s, like, the one thing we’re not terrible at, at least,” Josefina murmured. “Right, hermana?”
Amarissa sighed, placing a hand around her sister’s waist. “Right.”
Gabriella had come through. They almost felt guilty about leaving her, and in fact had waited for her sister to move in so that things could be managed. They blamed their female hormones on all the sudden compassion they had, and again when Gabriella drove them to her contact and finally parted from them: all three women were blubbery messes, joined together by odd circumstances and unexpected tragedy.
But then the twins were introduced to Carlos, a balding man who would be transporting them across the border in his truck. It was borderline stereotypical: a number of men and women would be crammed in like sardines across the border for a fee, and then let loose on the other side at an arranged location. Neither girl liked the way Carlos looked at them, but they had little choice - Gabriella seemed to give him a bigger tip to make sure they would be treated right, which spoke to her character.
And so, hours later and with not nearly enough space in the hidden truck compartment, the girls were incredibly bored, stuffy, and overheated as they crossed the border. There were six others with them, and to their chagrin, two of them were men their own age, and not bad looking ones either. Worse, they were brothers. Hot brothers. It was like the universe was taunting them, particularly since the men showed such interest in getting to know them on the long journey.
“Miguel,” one said, who had a cute dark moustache. He extended a hand to Amarissa, who took it almost by instinct. She was surprised when he actually kissed it.
“A-Amarissa,” she said. “This is my hermana, Josefina.”
“And this is my brother, Marco.”
“Miguel and Marco?”
He shrugged, his eyes glinting with amusement. “Our parents liked having us start with the same letter.”
“Why are you travelling to America?”
“Why does anyone?” Marco said, moving closer to Josefina. “To find better prospects? A better life? Besides, we come from a rough area.”
“Very rough,” Miguel confirmed.
“We’d like to find something better. The American Dream.”
Josefina and Amarissa both sighed at the thought of it. Their American Dream was even more ambitious; to regain their manhoods and take back their old lives. How ironic, that they were having to illegally cross into a country that they by all rights should have been citizens of by birth. Now, they were cramped together with two rather attractive young men, in search of a way to turn back once they reached the other side. For now though, it meant being in quite close proximity to Miguel and Marco.
“Would you like to talk with us?” Miguel ventured. “We don’t know anyone else here, and you’re around our age, I assume. It would be good to have friends once we arrive in Texas.”
“We’re heading to Connecticut eventually,” Amarissa said, trying to stall off anything. Miguel had a curious kind of smile that was like a blackhole: it pulled her in.
“That’s pretty far up. I didn’t imagine anyone would travel so far. Why there?”
“We’re meeting someone who can help us get a . . . job. A good paying one. A family friend of our Abuela who just passed away.”
“My condolences.”
“Mine too,” Marco said, nodding slowly.
Amarissa and Josefina were surprised: the two young men seemed genuine in their empathy, and it struck a chord with them. Unexpectedly, the pair began crying at the same time. Perhaps it was a twin thing, even if they weren’t meant to be, strictly speaking, twins. They wiped their eyes, sniffling, and the two men acted quickly, placing a hand on their respective shoulders and ushering them over to sit in the one non-rickety part of the back of the truck, where there wasn’t as much light for them to be embarrassed over the sight of them.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Miguel said. “I understand.”
“You r-really can’t,” Josefina said. She pushed Marco’s hand away, but part of her had wished it had lingered, so in that same movement she transferred it to her bare, bronze thigh instead. It felt even better there.
“We can. It’s just me and my hermano now,” Marco said. “We have nothing left for us in the south, so we go north together. Brothers together.”
“And sisters together for us,” Amarissa said, smiling gently. “Okay, let’s talk together then. It’s not like it isn’t going to be a long, long ride.”
The two men smiled, Miguel especially. He had the natural charm of a showman, and Amarissa was increasingly drawn to his presence as the four chatted together, even as the remaining members of the truck were more silent, or talked in their own private whispers. The brothers had obviously experienced gang violence and wanted nothing of it, but there was also an ambition to the pair of them: Miguel wanted to start his own business once he had found a way to attain citizenship in America, but Marco was more soft spoken. The younger brother, he was quite thoughtful and slow to speak, though not without confidence himself. He lacked his brother’s facial hair, but wore his hair longer so that it was nearly at his shoulders. He could have been mistaken for a young philosopher from the way he carried himself. It took quite a bit of conversation to coax out of him that his ultimate dream was to somehow attend an American university, something even Miguel thought might be impossible. His dream, interestingly enough, was to be an artist.
Somehow, this did things for Josefina, who found herself increasingly magnetised to him. Something about the notion of a struggling artist type, full of passion and life and colour, hidden beneath the surface, appealed to her party girl instincts. Her desire to express and revel in colour and vision and meaning. Not to mention, the ying-yang of it all also drew her in.
The same could be said of Amarissa. Miguel was quick witted, charming, borderline debonair. He was already making no secret of his interest in her, from the way his eyes roamed her body suggestively, without lingering too much to be creepy, to the little things he said about her to compliment. He didn’t mention body parts crudely, but occasionally mentioned how he liked the style of her hair and makeup, and enjoyed her laugh. It made her flush with a heat just like Josefina, and even curl her hair behind her ear by instinct, that universal gesture of a woman who was feeling flattered and interested. Without realising it, both women were thrusting out their chests a little, and pulling a little closer to the brothers.
And then it was broken up by the sound of the truck horn blaring quite loudly, something which startled both girls, making them give an embarrassing squeak. Miguel just laughed as Amarissa practically hurled herself into his arms, and Josefina did the same for Marco.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. That’s a good sign. That stop we had earlier? That was us making our way across the border.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Josefina snapped, suddenly fiery once more.
Marco answered. “Didn’t want to make you nervous. The horn is the driver telling us we’ve made it. We’re in America now.”
Both women grinned, exchanging a glance. The first hurdle had been passed, and no great obstacle had thrown itself up yet. Now was the hard part: getting all the way north and meeting a bruja who had lost contact with a now dead woman.
And, of course, figuring out what to do with their two admirers, once the truck stopped for good. Somehow the last part seemed a lot more daunting at that moment.
To Be Continued . . .