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THE ENDING!!! I did not expect the episode with the subterranean creatures to hit so hard in its connection with the broader story. It’s all I can do to not binge the rest of the season right now. 😭

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/WPr0qe1y2pk

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I’ve never quite been able to embrace this story for what I fully acknowledge is an extremely petty reason that most people probably won’t care about: the persistent use of the word “dissection,” when it should be “vivisection” since the subjects are still alive. I could let it go in Part 1 since the guy was just a layman who I could buy wouldn’t know, but then Part 2 has everyone keep saying it so that it’s clear Chibnall really didn’t know the difference. And honestly, how hard is that to look up?


Ending: Lovely (in a horrible way). Visuals: Pretty impressive for series 5. Main story: Not a huge fan (although I don't find it as terrible as some seem to). Like you say, Ambrose didn't really know she'd be killing Alaya. But that doesn't really matter, because every action of hers in both episodes makes her utterly unlikable. On the other side of the conflict, Alaya and Restac are stereotype villains. To me, that makes the story not about negotiations failing due to differences or disputes between Silurians and humans - but about negotiations failing due to a few complete morons without any properly written motivation. But that's honestly how it often (though not always) goes with Chibnall. 😐 "42" was much the same in terms of characters. So thank god for Meera Syal as Nasreen. She's just absolutely lovely. The actual negotiations are also good. I just wish a bit more time were spent on them. Somehow they appear as if the three spent 5 minutes talking, with Amy managing to almost fall asleep in that time. 😂 To me, this story just shows its hand way too much - drawing my attention how, for a two-parter, very little actually happens. Outside of that ending, of course. 🙂 Music-wise, other than the Silurians theme, I think most of the music here is brought in from other episodes in the series. But for that theme, for once, it seems like Murray might have taken a bit of a page out of the music for their first appearance (by Carey Blyton). Both of them bring the contrabassoon to the foreground. 🙂


The End of this Episode had me freaking out on my first watch! :D Next Episode though is one of the best of Doctor Who in my Opinion, looking forward to that and lots more Episodes to come!

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

(rot13) V guvax Ivaprag naq gur Qbpgbe vf n zvqqyvat rcvfbqr (pbhyqa'g rire ernyyl trg gbb jbexrq hc nobhg gur Xensnlvf naq vg sbyybjvat ba vzzrqvngryl nsgre Ebel'f "qrngu" znxrf guvatf n yvggyr jrveq), ohg gur zhfrhz fprar ng gur raq vf cbffvoyl gur orfg fprar Qbpgbe Jub unf rire unq. Vg'f pregnvayl zl snibevgr fprar bs gur frevrf ol n jvqr znetva.


(rot13) Lrf v nterr jvgu lbh gur "Ovt Onq" bs gur Rcvfbqr vfa'g ernyyl zl snibevgr, ohg v ybir gur vagrenpgvbaf orgjrra Ivaprag naq Nzl. Gur Raqvat vf gur yvgreny orfg naq v pel rirel gvzr v frr vg ntnva :Q

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

(rot13) V jvyy arire abg pel ng gung fprar, vg frrzf, naq V'ir frra vg va bar sbez be nabgure n gubhfnaq gvzrf. Whfg nofbyhgryl uvgf gur bar arheba va lbhe oenva gung qbrf Gung Rzbgvba.


That ending! Quite frankly enough to overshadow the entire story, which is saying something when it's a 2-parter! Shout out to Karen Gillan though, those heartfealt screams of desperation. Ooph. 😭


haha fair! On Miracle Day they explain the difference! Which is sort of funny to me since Chris Chibnal was the showrunner for Torchwood previously.